Inspirational Kids Friendship

“Like a bird, she wakes up,

Early in the morn,

When the Sun reaches with it rays,

To caress her gentle face.

She never grumbles,

She never complains,

Of how her back aches and pains,

She finds her way in people’s hearts,

Like, water making its way through cracks and crevices.

In the rocks

She will help you when you’re sad,

And celebrate when you’re happy,

She will be there when you need her.

You might have guessed who she is,

Cause there is only one,

Like her in the whole world.

She is her and,

Her is she,

Just kidding, she’s Marmee!!” Jane bowed, and thanked everyone, her cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkling with the success of her poem. But the ultimate success was that her mother was shedding a few quiet tears of happiness as she clapped along with John, Abraham, Wanda and father.

Born on May’s eve, they were a sweet triplet, they were. They often tried to be good, often tried to be happy, and that was all Mary needed to be happy. And the kids taking care of her, was the icing on that cake.

It had been a difficult journey to where they were now, a ride through which Mary; their mother had protectively shielded them from the hail, and snow, yet showing them the rain and drizzle.

Once, Mary remembered fondly how little Abraham had gotten himself in trouble, even with the face of an angel. And when John had fallen in the pothole, and broke his leg, and got in trouble in school many-a-times, they were a difficult lot, they were, yet Mary thanked her stars for them.

Jane had been the most difficult, but she wasn’t made of the sour curd, she had a heart of gold, she did, yet...sometimes.

“Mama! Where are you? Why do you always disappear, JUST WHEN I NEED YOU?!” Jane was screaming loudly, right in the middle of the night. 

Apparently, she couldn’t find her slippers to go to the bathroom.

And Mary? She had been tired after a long day of work, and as she was just removing her shoes, a high-pitched shriek sailed down from the stairs. It was surprising, for it was a first, but then, it wasn’t the last.

Incidents such as this happened all the time, it had become a regular practice, and Mary? She obviously had a soft spot for her children. She worked day and night, to keep the beams of their house strong, and returned home, to work again, to keep her children comfortable. Luxurious objects made their way into their house, as Jane’s demands continued to become more and more preposterous and to top that, their father was gone for military duty.

Those were hard times.

“Abraham, be a dear and bring your siblings down here, I have something to tell you.”

“Yes mother,” and the kid obediently trotted off.

Few minutes later, the room was filled with two pairs of eager eyes belonging to John and Abraham, a sulky mouth, belonging to Jane, and a sad smile, belonging to Mary.

“But mom! I invited Gwennie to our house, how could I possibly make her come to that-that, PIGSTY!?”

“Now, now dear, you haven’t even seen the house,”

“I haven’t but I’ve seen Wanda, she lives in that block, and I KNOW THAT PLACE IS DEFINITELY A PIGSTY,” Jane shrieked.

“Well, then go tell the landlord that, Jane, we don’t have the money to even AFFORD this place anymore,” John retorted sharply.

“Yes, you should listen to mother,” Abraham added as Jane stomped off to her room, deciding her family was very mean.


Mary had tried every way, but Jane was not improving, she kept on squandering money, and demanding a personal star or the moon.

She had prayed, earnestly, hoping she would change. But patience, the wait was long and patient.


It came on one summer day, two years later. Jane was walking across to school from their ‘pigsty’ as she called it.

She was walking past the 9th house, Wanda’s as she recalled. A small kid ran out of the house, bawling loudly as he crashed straight into Jane.

“Hey! Hey! Watch where you’re going, kid.”

Wanda hurried out of the chipped yellow house, muttering apologies as she took the kid she was baby-sitting that day away. Jane looked at her in distaste.

As Jane continued in the direction of the school, ignoring whatever Wanda was saying. In her opinion, it was better for her reputation if she stayed away from her.

“You know, you have no right to go looking all high and mighty like that, you’re the one who’s causing trouble for your family, you waste all your mother’s money on useless things.”

Jane whirled around as she confronted Wanda, “Who told you that?”

“My mother said so, and she is the wisest person in the world, so there,” Wanda looked back at her defiantly.

“Your mother? Do you even HAVE a mother?” Jane laughed cruelly.

Wanda’s eyes filled with tears,  as she turned away and ran into her house.

While Jane’s mother was watching from afar, she felt sad. And once for all, she decided to set matters to the right. She visited Wanda that day, and they had a long talk together.

“Jane! Meet your new sister, she’s Wanda.”

“Wanda? Not Wanda Petronski?”

“Wanda Alcott now,” Wanda said, smiling shyly.


“I don’t understand, what?” Jane asked her mother, when they were alone.

“Well you see, Wanda doesn’t have a parent or legal guardian, so I talked with her father’s lawyer, and it took time and effort but here we are.” Mary smiled.

“But why her?!?”

“Jane, you should learn to be kind,” her mother said sternly and then proceeded to tell Jane a story….

God knows what the story was, but when Jane went to sleep, she had a smile, a kind smile on her face that reached her eyes.

“Like a bird, she wakes up,

Early in the morn,

When the Sun reaches with it rays,

To caress her gentle face.

She never grumbles,

She never complains,

Of how her back aches and pains,

She finds her way in people’s hearts,

Like, water making its way through cracks and crevices.

In the rocks

She will help you when you’re sad,

And celebrate when you’re happy,

She will be there when you need her.

You might have guessed who she is,

Cause there is only one,

Liker her in the whole world.

She is her and,

Her is she,

Just kidding, she’s Marmee!!

May 08, 2021 11:12

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Philia S
11:14 May 08, 2021

HEYOOOO!!!! I know this story isn't exactly related to the prompt, but then it is since, mother is the star of the story...But I felt like posting it here cause MOTHER'S DAY IS TOMORROWWWW, so HERE GOES.. And I bet you'll cringe a lot while reading this story, but I hope you will also point the lines which are cringe so I can edit!!! AND WITH THAT: SUE OUT!!!


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TJ Squared
19:42 May 23, 2021

this one was cool. It was special and heartfelt. The poem was sweet and meaningful :)


Philia S
19:43 May 23, 2021

Thank you!!! Yeah, it really means a lot to me cause like its not every day we're able to show our appreciation to mom by actually celebrating....Like of course, small acts can also make her happy, but the big ones make memories, that's what I say :D


TJ Squared
23:13 May 23, 2021

mhm yesh exactly :)


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Juno Y.
00:17 May 18, 2021

I love it! (Also, on your bio, you said to call you a creative nickname, so how about Soapie? Pronounced: So-pie-E. It's a nickname from school)


Philia S
03:46 May 18, 2021

Thanks!! Yes! I like it! I'll add it to my bio right away!! Well, do you mind telling me like why you came up with that?(pardon my curiosity-)


Juno Y.
13:08 May 18, 2021

I actually didn't. My friend made it up for herself.


Philia S
15:29 May 18, 2021

Ah! I see, what does it mean, though?


Juno Y.
16:52 May 18, 2021

Not exactly sure, I think it was just quirky.


Philia S
11:15 May 19, 2021



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Roj Zangana
22:26 May 17, 2021

Very Impressive. Thank you


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Charlie Murphy
16:52 May 16, 2021

Great story! I loved her poem!


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Kay (:
18:59 May 15, 2021

This is a wonderful story!! Well written! Although it doesn't really fit the prompt. I wrote a story in the same prompt and would appreciate some feedback as well!


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hiiiiii!!! nice story :D


Philia S
04:57 May 15, 2021

Thank you!!! Btw, happy 30th!! (you've got 30 stories so- :D)


No problem! Haha, thank you!


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Sia S
14:01 May 13, 2021

Part.......7 XD


Philia S
14:13 May 13, 2021

Oh my gosh!!! asdfghjkl #SpeedWritersForevah Heading over!!!


Sia S
15:57 May 13, 2021

Bxbsjeje Yassss :D


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14:27 May 12, 2021

Okay this gonna be a totally lame comment compared to the bootiful feedback Saph did but this is awesomeee!!!!!! (I think you asked me to read this but if not, welp, I’m here anyways.) Sweet and short and you conveyed the emotion well. And omg the poem is beautiful and fresh and, idk, pOeTiC, so great job on that :D


Philia S
14:47 May 12, 2021

Nah, I always appreciate feedback, be it short n sweet or long n descriptive!!! (Yas, I did!! And I anyway gladly welcome your feedback!!!) Thank you!!! That's a relief!! I thought it was quite cringe-


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Sia S
11:53 May 12, 2021

Pt. 6!


Philia S
14:45 May 12, 2021

Yay!!! Heading over right now!!!


Sia S
14:49 May 12, 2021



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Sapphire 🌼
16:52 May 10, 2021

Woah To start this off I want to say that the poem was so beautifully crafted, and started off the story in a wonderful way. Starting the story with it set the tone of the story, and ending it off with the poem was such a great idea- it was a beautiful way to finish it off. I love how the character is reflecting on the past and reliving those moments. The descriptions of each scene were so good! I also just realised that Marmee is Mommy XD What a great story for mother's day! The character development is spectacular in this. Especiall...


Philia S
04:26 May 11, 2021

:D Lol, the original poem was WAY cringe-ier, it was just *shudders* cringe YASSS, I learnt that from Little Women, and have never stopped using the term ever since XD Thank you!!! Aha, I will edit that right away!!! Nah, I appreciate LONG comments. Like, whenever I receive one, I go like :0000; :DDDD; *crazy dancing*


Sapphire 🌼
20:43 May 11, 2021

Really? Lol! Hahaha I knew I recognised it from somewhere XD Of course!!!! Haha same XD


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Philia S
16:16 May 17, 2021

Starting a new thread since the other was getting slightly small(I'm using phone lol) Wow! No, from Indian languages I speak only Hindi and Punjabi, know a little Gujarati though :)) Wbu? Only Telugu or other languages (from India) too?


Sapphire 🌼
22:29 May 21, 2021

Lol!!! ooooh! cool! Only Telugu, but I'm pretty good with French and Spanish! I just can't decide on which one I want to finish learning fluently- so I'm doing both!


22:33 May 21, 2021



Philia S
10:15 May 22, 2021

IKR- I MEAN, DOING BOTH PROPERLY- asdfghjkl impossible fghjkl, I'd die from pressure-


19:24 May 22, 2021



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Philia S
05:03 Jun 04, 2021

Starting a new thread cause the other was getting smol XD Margaret? Wow, pretty! Reminds me of Meg from Little Women!! I sure love that name! I originally named me pigeon, Sparkle(I was going through the cute phase; don't ask) But I think my dream name would be Diana? or maybe Beth(Elizabeth) or perhaps I might settle for Sparkle; although it seems kinda stoopid now :p Well, in conclusion, I'll name the wolf, Wolfeita(Ask Lone Wolf; I love that name :p) and for a dog, it'll most probably be Beth/Sparkle/Diana(Although Diana and Beth seem...


23:08 Jun 04, 2021

yeah lol :) shanks ;) :DDD lolll a pigeon named Sparkle is cute tho <3 ooh yes! fAnTaStiQue choices! ooh yes I'll read it asap.


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Sapphire 🌼
18:59 May 26, 2021



00:26 May 27, 2021

XDD OKAY I was rly confused lol


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Philia S
07:11 May 22, 2021

Noice!!! I can speak Spanish ~slightly~ although no formal education lol, I just felt it was interesting, as for French....J'apprend le francais(Hope that was correct-) But like, WOW, learning both- that's impressive!!!


Sapphire 🌼
19:01 May 26, 2021

Oooh! cool! yassssssss C'est génial! haha I strive to impress XD I'm not learning them both at the same time though- just bouncing between both languages XD


Philia S
01:45 May 27, 2021

:D What do you think of this week's prompts?


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Arwen Dove
05:35 May 10, 2021

This is great!


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23:23 May 09, 2021

Hello :) I'll read this ASAP- just busy with a lot of things lol I'm sry~


Philia S
05:06 May 10, 2021

Hey Ami!!!!(Can I call you that?) Aww thank you!!! Lol, can relate- Take your time!!!! Hope you're doing well!


17:35 May 10, 2021

ofc! :)) you too! Do you like the new prompts?


Philia S
04:03 May 11, 2021

:))) They are very ~festive~ I must say!!! Oh and all of them contain some sort of disaster, lol


16:46 May 11, 2021

lol yeah XD very ~fEsTiVe~ XD


Philia S
04:57 May 12, 2021

XD How bout you? What's your opinion of them?!


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Angelina Jeong
18:37 May 09, 2021

I love this storyyyyyyy !!!!!!


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Like, water making its way through cracks and crevices, Like water making it's way through cracks and crevices. Liker her in the whole world, Like her in the whole world. Born on May’s eve, they were a sweet triplet, they were... I wouldn't use "they were" so often. In the other sentences, you quickly used the word "they were" in the next paragraph. Perhaps it's just the style of your writing, though. "Why do you always disappear?! JUST WHEN I NEED YOU?!” Jane was screaming loudly in the middle of the night. The only reason why I woul...


Philia S
15:37 May 08, 2021

Ah, I'll edit that right away!!! Yeshhh!!! I repeat sentences often, it just kinda looks appealing to me, lol. I'll delete them if they seem awkward or something... Alrighty!!! Yes putting exclamation and question mark would definitely seem better!! Thank you so much!!! Really appreciate it!!! And hope you're doing well!!!


Philia S
15:42 May 08, 2021



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Graham Kinross
22:55 Jul 01, 2022

Beautiful poetry.


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