Romance Funny Happy

I threw the flour in. I didn't toss it, dump it, or put it in, I simply threw it. I was angry baking again, I had done it every time one of my four stressful, heartbreaking breakups occurred, I had done it when I found out that my political candidate hadn't won, and I was doing it again. 

Why, you ask? Well...it had to do with one of the members of the male gender, but doesn't it always? And he wasn't any boy, no, he was a romantic-handsome-eyesore-of-a-guy. He had dark wavy hair that was never too long, oh no, it was just right and ah, those dark and dreamy eyes were perfect: prove. me. wrong. 

His name was Antonio Caspian. Is there a more perfect name? Is there a more perfect guy? 

Well, what did my angry baking session have to do with him? 

Get this, I invited him the man of my dreams, to go to the Christmas Party of the year. He had the nerve to turn me down. I wasn’t a laughingstock I was the laughingstock at the office when my best friend told everyone. Yikes. So, there I was, angry baking.

So, what was my plan of action? It was pretend to be someone else, plan a party, and discreetly invite him, of course. What else could I do? But before inviting people I had to come up with a cover or a reason for the party. I already had about three-hundred cookies from a result of my angry-baking, so why not a simple Christmas Party, or better yet, a Cookie-Exchange? 

So, taking on the identity of a famous author named Zilla Babbitt, I invited over ten friends and Antonio. Each were to bring one dozen cookies and a small gift of the elephant exchange. The party was to take place the next day. Everyone was enamored with being invited to the home of an author, so they all quickly accepted, including Antonio. What would he do when he found out that I wasn’t Zilla? Ehh, who cared, I would have him on my turf then, he wouldn’t be rude and leave, and I would make him get to know me. Believe me, I have my ways. 

The morning of the party I cleaned and dressed and redressed and redressed and redressed until I had the perfect outfit, cute, home-y, and it made me look as if I were smart. If I actually was, we shall find out later, when we see if Antonio liked me or not. 

My best friend came first with a disgusted expression that conveyed she either was mad I was stealing any chance of her being with Antonio or that she disagreed with my way of getting Antonio. I like to believe it was the first reason. Then came a couple of my co-workers, another few close friends, and lastly…my knight, my cutie, my Antonio. 

He had the most adorable outfit and the most adorable confused face with a tint of annoyance. A dawn of realization came over him, making him more handsome. But what couldn’t make my Antonio more handsome? 

“So, you’re Zilla Babbitt?” He laughed. A dimple making its way into the list of things to love about him. He knew that Zilla was a real author, and that I definitely wasn’t her. 

“Mhm.” I couldn’t say anything else. 

“Here are my cookies.” He held a Ziplock bag up with some slightly burnt chocolate chip cookies. 

“Mhm.” I replied, staring into his eyes as I reached out and took them. 


 We passed the cookies around, each taking more than a dozen, but the party wasn’t something to brag about. People politely chatted but just looked around the room confusedly. Everyone knew there was an ulterior motive to the cookie exchanged, and most people (except clued out Antonio) found it out when I couldn’t be pulled apart from him. I shadowed him, giggling at all of his jokes, taking on a serious air when he did, and picking out my wedding dress, picturing his hunky figure at the alter waiting for me, his eyes graced with love, love for me. Tears spring to his eyes as-

“Kristin? Kristin!” My best friend called. 

I quickly wiped the drool off of my lip and put on a scholarly face, hoping that he assumed I was daydreaming of smart-people things and not him. But oh, my Antonio would one day be only mine! 

“Kristin, you need to calm down. About everyone knows you are in love with him and I wouldn’t be surprised if he will be scared away sooner than later,” She said. 

“Am I coming on too strong?” I asked, oblivious. 

“No, but you are insane.” She scoffed and walked away. 


At the end everyone had left except for Antonio and my best friend. I nudged her out the door with a smile and an angered kick. I walked back into the living room where my Antonio sat, looking a bit confused and slightly scared. But aren’t they all? 

“You know why I invited you, don’t you?” I said with an endearing smile. 

“I am assuming you are in love with me?” He said with a smirk. 

“Yes.” I uttered, excited that he knew the cause of the party. 

“I was…joking.” He looked adorably confused.  

Embarrassed yet intrigued, I sat across from him and stared him in the eyes. I must admit, I wouldn’t want to be in his position. A love-hungry woman trying to vie for his attention and openly expressing a life-long gratitude to his handsome face…yeah, it was a bit odd. 

“But I do think you are sort of cute…” He said trailing off. 

 .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. .................. 

I either wanted to live forever or die in a grave of roses. 

“Cute enough to go on a date with?” I asked sweetly. Ok, I know now I was too forward. But what could I do?

“Sure.” He said as if he was trying to crack a joke, but realized I was taking it seriously. At that moment, he realized how deep my pool of love for him was and how he was just about to dive in. 

December 05, 2020 02:21

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Such a beautiful story! :)


Elaina Goodnough
03:54 Dec 05, 2020

Oh, thanks! I just whipped it up today!


You did an amazing job! :)


Elaina Goodnough
15:22 Dec 05, 2020

Awww, thanks!!


Your welcome!


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Nainika Gupta
17:36 Dec 09, 2020

Hey Rose!!! Wow, amazing story - I was scrolling through Reedsy and this popped up. You literally hooked me in with the first sentence :D It was adorable...there really is no other words :) I loved every sentence!!! One thing that jumped out at me was "I wasn’t a laughingstock I was the laughingstock at the office when my best friend told everyone." Is there supposed to be some sort of punctuation between "I wasn't a laughingstock" and "I was the laughingstock at the...." But other than that teensy detail, well done!!!


Elaina Goodnough
18:06 Dec 09, 2020

Hello, Nainika! Thank you SO much for looking at this story, and for the feedback! That was an error, part of that wasn’t supposed to be there. Oops! Thanks for pointing it out! Thank you so much!


Nainika Gupta
18:08 Dec 09, 2020

Of course!!! And if you wouldn't mind, could you check out some of my stories?? :)


Elaina Goodnough
18:32 Dec 09, 2020

Of course! I don’t have time right now, but I definitely will later!


Nainika Gupta
18:40 Dec 09, 2020

Thanks so much :)))


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18:35 Dec 07, 2020

Wow! I simply adore the beautiful structure of this wonderfully written piece! I usually don't like many romance stories, but this one was an exception :) This had a lot of character and potential. Loved it, and welcome to reedsy if i haven't said that already :)


Elaina Goodnough
18:45 Dec 07, 2020

Oh wow, Amber. Thank you! That is a high praise coming out of your computer! I've seen you all over Reedsy and I feel honored for the welcome and for you reading my story. This really made my morning, I can't get over this! Thank you!


19:11 Dec 07, 2020

Aw thanks so much!! I'm surprised you think I'm popular on reedsy...I'm not that big yet, but I'm flattered. Thanks so much...this story truly was awesome


Elaina Goodnough
19:37 Dec 07, 2020

Aww, of course! Thank YOU! Thanks so much! -Rose


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F. A.
21:27 Dec 06, 2020

Hi Rose! This was very well-written. One of my favorite romance stories yet! I am trying to find names to put in one of my stories. Is it okay if you appear in my story? If yes, then you're the second main character, in a mysterious break-in at the bakery. I hope you have a great day :)


Elaina Goodnough
21:37 Dec 06, 2020

Oh thank you so much! And of course! I would be completely honored. I hope your day is good as well!


F. A.
21:50 Dec 06, 2020

Great! You've made my day! 😎


Elaina Goodnough
22:15 Dec 06, 2020

Aww, thank YOU!


F. A.
11:05 Dec 14, 2020

Hi Rose! Just to inform you, I finished the story I asked you to be in! Would you mind checking out, "Bakers of Busch Avenue"? Have a wonderful time!


Elaina Goodnough
19:09 Dec 14, 2020

Oh wow, thank you so much! I’ll read it right now!


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Zilla Babbitt
21:48 Dec 05, 2020

I raised my eyebrows and then laughed when I saw my name. I love the charm he displays, and her complete anger. She's completely taken in by him, which is never a good sign. A few things. One, I think the title doesn't quite fit the rest of the story. The baking part is only the beginning. I suggest a play on that "die in a grave of roses" line. That was a lovely line. Or something that involves the event itself a little more. Second there are a couple instances of things like this: sooner than later.” She said. This should be: ...


Elaina Goodnough
23:40 Dec 05, 2020

Thanks Zilla! I hope you are OK with your name in there, if not I can change it. :) Thanks for the tips! I’ll change it when I get home. Thanks a ton! -Rose


Elaina Goodnough
23:41 Dec 05, 2020

Sorry I accidentally sent that comment a couple times, I deleted them.


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03:47 Dec 07, 2020

Ouuu this was fancy!! I have never seen your name on reedsy so your name kinda drew me in. Anyways I liked this!! I don't know it was sorta ended on a mysterious note at the end cause I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. But this was so interesting to read. I just love romance stories, and yours just brought a unique one up to my tastes! AhHH it was just so interesting! Your stories have an airy feeling to them it its just soooooo good! I loved it Roseee! Great jobbb! Keep writing!!


Elaina Goodnough
03:54 Dec 07, 2020

This made my evening! I love getting comments, especially when they are such lovely compliments! Thank you so much! I will most definitely check out your profile, I haven't seen you either! Thank you, and Thank you again!


04:51 Dec 07, 2020

Aw I am so happy that made your night! Of course!! Aw thank youuu!! Ah new friend😊😊


Elaina Goodnough
15:23 Dec 07, 2020

You welcome and thank YOU!! I’m so excited to have a new friend! ❤️❤️💕💕


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Elaina Goodnough
03:06 Dec 06, 2020

Hello, if you are reading this story, THANK YOU! I love getting comments and likes, and I don't get that many. I *try* not to ask people to read them (unless you are Reedsy Famous, then I can't help myself!) I need help thinking of a title, so please read it and suggest. It was first called "Angry Baking", then I got the line wrong and called it, "A Bed of Roses" and when I'm writing this comment it's, "A Grave of Roses". SO PLEASE HELP!!


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