Love; the biggest spell ever

Submitted into Contest #65 in response to: Write about a group of witches meeting up on Halloween night.... view prompt


Lesbian LGBTQ+ Teens & Young Adult

This is my first same-sex romance story. And I have dedicated this story to my friend Yolanda Wu, when I was new in reedsy she used to give me a lot of feedback and encouraged me to write more. And she's the queen of same-sex stories. After reading her stories I got inspired, to write one.

And a few days ago, it was her birthday. So it's a tiny gift for her, from my side. Hope you all love it, and please don't forget to give your feedback. And please check Yolanda's stories as well, she's an awesome writer.

Loving someone is not a crime. Love is the most unique and beautiful feeling in our lives. And I love her intensely no matter what. Today is Halloween, and all the witches of my community have gathered in the Venus monastery. Venus is the god of love, war, and beauty. Today these witches are going to use all the cosmic power of this day, to put a spell on me, that would bind my heart and rip me of my identity. Look at their hypocrisy and dual nature, they have brought me to the goddess of love so that I would forget about love. I'm tied to a chair by strings of fire and thorns, and which is exactly situated in the center of rose chakra. Rose chakra is made up of stars, galaxies, constellations, and the magnificent sun. The pain of strings is intensifying and piercing my body and the soul, but with each intensity of the pain, a fire is rising within me. My fellow senior witches are sitting in a semilunar pattern around me, reciting the "Broken verses".

Now, you must be thinking of what crime I may have done?.

For what I'm getting punished for?.

I'm getting punished for loving someone, who I shouldn't have loved in the first place. My crime is that I loved Yolanda with all my blood and tears. My marriage was fixed with Edward Lawrence, but I ended loving his sister, LILY. She is the most beautiful person I have ever met. Her eyes have a sparkle in them, her smile puts me in a spell, and her touch is intoxicating. So when my community got to know about our affair, the first thing they could do was separate us. So now they are preparing a spell and a potion for me so that I would forget Lily forever. Everything was getting arranged, the potion, the wands, and the sacrifice of 1000 white swans. It's not a spell, it's a curse.

Whatever the spell be, I had trust in the power and innocence of our love. I had faith, that our love would overpower this spell.

Before arriving here, I had sent a secret message to Lily. I knew the plans of senior witches. So forehand I had contacted her. But the whole place was bounded in spells.

How will Lily come to my rescue?.

Madame Jane poured some potion into the cup of "misery", and came towards me. Her next action would be to shove the potion forcefully down my throat. In fear I closed my eyes, now only the time would come to help us.

Bang! Bang! BANG!

The door flung open and dressed in a violet rob stood Lily. With the Sirus wand in her hand. The Sirus wand was her family legacy.

With a stern voice, she said "Madame Jane I request you for the last time to leave my, Yolanda alone".

I couldn't believe my eyes, the nectar of hope flooded my body.

Madame Jane replied, "You have made a big mistake Lily, now you both will have to be put under a spell."

She replied "The biggest spell in the whole universe, is the spell of love. And I and Yolanda are already under that spell, so your amateur spell won't work on us."

Madame Jane took her wand and cast a curse towards the Lily,

and instead of causing her harm, the curse bounced back.

Everyone was in shock because Madame Jane was the most powerful witch in our community, no one to date has ever dodged her curse.

Lily said "Madame Jane you have never seen the power of love, I request you to give me my Yolanda.''

I have never seen lily so fiesty and powerful. I see a strange power channeling her.

Madame Jane replies "You may be stronger enough to dodge my curse. But can you fight us all" and she motions other witches to stand by her side.

"Madame Jane, please leave us alone. We truly love each other" I shout.

She turns her head towards me, and the ropes grasp me tighter. I scream in pain.

"Stop it, please stop it" I hear it in Lily's voice.

"If you want Yolanda to free and alive. Hand over the Sirus wand to me."

I shake my head, motioning lily to not listen to her.

Lily juggles the wand, flips it onto her finger, and points it towards the floor.

And In seconds the floor jerks and a strange fog comes out of it.

All the witches fall on the floor and couldn't sense what's happening around them.

Lily shouts "I may be weaker than you, but I carry the power of love. Which is the greatest spell of all times."

And suddenly I see Lily multiply herself. The room fills up with many clones of Lily. Each one is similar to lily.

Madame Jane stands up and she is astonished.

"Let's all of us solve this puzzle first." and shouts.

"Marema Suikji" [its a witch war cry]

And all the witches are casting their spell on Lily's clones.

Now there's an intense fight going on between them. There's only the sound of crackling of wands and shouting of spells.

All of the witches are trying their best to find the real Lily, and the fog is turning into a hue of blue, slowly curtaining everybody's eyes.

"Hi precious" and I turn to see Lily stand beside me.

"I knew you would come," I say.

"I had to because you carry my heart with you" and I see tears making their way towards her cheek.

She kneels beside me and says, "If something would have happened to you, I would have never forgiven myself."

And touches my wrist to assure me of her presence, but I squeal in pain. The ropes have bruised my skin.

"Let me open it," She says.

"No, you can't Lily, it requires strong magic."

She smiles at me and twirls her wand, and in a moment all of the ropes vanish.

I cup Lily's face and kiss her gently on the lips.

She say's "Yolanda it's better if we escape from here."

"No, we won't."

"But why" I sense the tension in her voice.

"You trust me right". She nods

"Then come with me."

I catch her hand and guide her to the Statue of Venus.

The other witches are busy fighting the clones, we both are in front of the statute.

"Lily let's get married."

I see her forehead wrinkle, "now?"

I nod my head.

"But I haven't proposed to you yet...."

I cut her in mid-sentence " The courage you showed today, is enough for me to prove that you love me."

We intertwine our fingers and face each other.

''It's a very good idea"

We turn our heads to the source of the voice.

It's the goddess Venus herself. We immediately bow down to her.

''It's been centuries since I had seen true love, today you showed the world that love is the most powerful force. And I would be honored to conduct your marriage"

We couldn't control our happiness. We were crying, laughing, and kissing each other at the same time.

"We are ready" we both speak at the same time.

"Okay, let's dress you both for the wedding".

And she showers us with some glitter. And lo behold, we both were wearing magnificent wedding gowns.

"Now let's get the rings'', and hands out two azurite rings to us.

We recite our vows and say "I do" to each other.

"Now I announce to you both as a married couple, and my blessing will be always with you."

And after blessing us, she goes back to her original composture.

We kiss each other and take a long breath.

"I think we should announce our wedding to my family," I say.

Lily nods and makes the fog disappear.

I clap my hands to catch the attention of my fellow witches.

They turn towards us and are surprised.

We both intertwine our hands and raise it shown our rings.

The whole monastery goes silent, Madame Jane has gone completely pale. All of their expressions are frozen.

We look at each other and say at the same time.

"You all are invited to our wedding reception.''

October 29, 2020 11:12

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Lina Oz
15:44 Oct 30, 2020

This is such a sweet and captivating story! I love the direction you took with this; their love is so touching and beautiful, and the end result of a wedding (and that last line) is powerful and communal. The whole story made me feel warm and happy for this couple. My one tiny note is to remember to include punctuation with the dialogue. Every dialogue quotation should end with a comma, period, or other punctuation mark within the quotation marks. For example: Lily said "Madame Jane you have never seen the power of love, I request yo...


Radhika Diksha
09:00 Nov 03, 2020

Thank you so much for your feedback and grammar correction. Coming soon with new stories.


Lina Oz
03:41 Nov 05, 2020

Of course! Looking forward to it.


Radhika Diksha
04:00 Nov 05, 2020

I have written a new story, would love your comments on it


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13:14 Nov 01, 2020

What a sweet story! Romance with a touch of fantasy. I personal love LGBTQ+ stories because, I mean, it’s a good way of standing up for the community. Although there are some homophobic peeps on Reedsy that’ll have a hissyfit if they find these stories, but whatever, they can’t do anything. AHEM, AHEM, lol. Awesome job! Very well written, although you might want to run it through another time before posting as there were a couple punctuation and capitalization stories. All in all, terrific story!


Radhika Diksha
13:28 Nov 01, 2020

Thank you so much for your feedback. I even love your stories, will surely give my feedback soon.


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Radhika Diksha
09:53 Nov 02, 2020

Actually when you said that here on Reedsy there are some homophobic people. I was shocked because America is the country that shows a lot of support to the LGBTQ community. And then I saw some chats on a story, and really got a migraine. Some people really need to check their mentality,


20:05 Nov 02, 2020

Yeahhh...I know, right!


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. .
01:55 Oct 30, 2020

I love this so much! The way it's written and I also loved the depth and detail. I can tell the characters are really thought out and all in all, it was amazing


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AJ Hensley
18:36 Nov 03, 2020

It's clear that you put a lot of thought and care into this story - and your author's note at the top was very sweet and touching. I have no huge critique besides the usage of punctuation - I noticed just a few missing commas and periods, but overall the writing itself was very solid! Thanks for sharing!


Radhika Diksha
02:18 Nov 04, 2020

Thank you so much for your critique


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Yolanda Wu
20:39 Oct 29, 2020

Omg, this story was amazing! Thank you so much for dedicating this story to me, as well as naming a character after me, it was beyond sweet and endearing of you. Right from the beginning I was hooked on the story, and you managed to keep my attention the entire time. I love how you described the struggles the characters faced, and what they were sacrificing for their love. I really liked your inclusion of Venus, you included in your last story as well, and I'm not complaining. I loved the dialogue between Lily and Yolanda, and how their lo...


Radhika Diksha
01:35 Oct 30, 2020

Thank you so much. It was actually tough for me because for the first time I have written the same sex story. If you liked the story, then I think I have passed. See you soon with new stories.


Yolanda Wu
02:20 Oct 30, 2020

It was great for your first time! Really well done. :)


Radhika Diksha
02:24 Oct 30, 2020

Actually, it is inspired by your stories, I love the way you flawlessly write the romance. I have read your stories. and the gay or lesbian stories are so refined. I don't feel awkward reading it, because you focus on the characters rather than the scenes


Yolanda Wu
03:56 Oct 30, 2020

I'm so flattered by your compliments, Radhika! Thank you very much. I'm glad I inspired you. :)


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Echo Sundar
16:53 Nov 24, 2020

I love this story very sweet. I like how you made love the strongest spell it was a quick and fun read!


Radhika Diksha
17:00 Nov 24, 2020

Thank you so much, Do read my story "Human love". And give your feedback on it.


Echo Sundar
17:07 Nov 24, 2020

Human love was the first story of yours that I've read.


Radhika Diksha
17:14 Nov 24, 2020

I'm sorry I forgot. 😁😂 These days im a bit offtrack


Echo Sundar
17:14 Nov 24, 2020

I know right!


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Echo Sundar
16:53 Nov 24, 2020

I love this story very sweet. I like how you made love the strongest spell it was a quick and fun read!


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Ari Berri
18:41 Nov 12, 2020

This is awesome! Really sweet. Great job!


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Kate Reynolds
20:44 Dec 09, 2020

Wow fantastic story! I loved how you incorporated fantasy as well! It also fit the prompt well. There were a few grammatical errors, but other than that it was great!!!


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