Submitted to: Contest #89

Rock-Solid Heart (My Hero Academia Fanfic, Part Four)

Written in response to: "Write about someone who is always looking toward the future."

Gay Teens & Young Adult Friendship

"Alright, queens," Mina announces. "We're here. And it looks Like Jiro and Katsuki already arrived."

"Cat..." I struggle with the name on my tongue. Kiri just positions my head, smiling.

"Katz," he begins. "Key. Katsuki. Yeah... took me a little while too."

"Do you think he'll hate me?" I ask, pushing the diner's door open. I have to admit; Mina's got taste. The smell of nearly burnt tater tots and hot sauce wafts in from the red leather seats. It's like we've walked into the mid-1950s. Only a few teenagers occupy the other seats, and a smattering of chefs take up the kitchen. It's comforting.

"Nah," Kiri assures. "I mean, you're both pretty similar, I think. You're just softer and in your head a little more."

"And by softer you mean..."

"Bakugou looks like he could kill someone," Kirishima points to the back of the spiky blonde's head. "And he absolutely could."

I swallow. "Noted." Mina greets the two first, smiling as she slides into the massive booth seat. I notice that everyone's split up into pairs, from Kyoka and Katsuki to Kiri and I. Mina and Denki sit in the middle, fidgeting with straws.

I'm sitting opposite Jiro, sort of watching her from the other side of the crescent-shaped seat. "Hey," she waves, looking a little awkward. 

"Mina told me you play bass," I smile, watching as a light envelops in her eye. 

"Of course," she smiles proudly. "I mean, I'm well versed in all sorts of instruments; I've got perfect pitch."

"Woah," I smile back politely, trying to break down the barrier between us. Bakugou just stares angrily, looking almost possessive of her. Or maybe he's just being protective? "My music teacher told me that once. But... I don't think I have it."

Kyoka whips out her phone, playing with her headphones before ripping them out. It's only just now that I notice her jet black hair, cut choppily so that it lays askew across her forehead. Tiny paperclip earrings accompany her soft, pale ears. She catches me staring, holding her hand up to her ear. 

"I got her those," Bakugou proclaims proudly. "Guess some people wear the gifts I get them."

And just like that, all conversation dies down. Kaminari, Mina, and Kirishima all look toward each other; I guess they're the group's obvious extroverts. I can tell they must be using their secret extrovert powers, trying to find out how we can get back on track.

Jiro taps her phone, causing a dissonant chord to strike out from the tinny speaker. 

"F Minor-Major chord," I spew out immediately. "7th."

"I like him," Jiro shrugs. "So don't you fucking say anything, Katsuki."

"I wasn't gonna!" Bakugou crosses his arms, biting his lip. "So don't say anything."

"You have anger issues, dude," Kaminari waves a waitress over. "And that's your ex's new boyfriend."

"I said shut the hell up!" the blonde boy explodes. A group of freshmen a few booths over shiver from the outburst, only to break out into laughter. Katsuki just fumes quietly as the waitress runs over.

"What can I get ya'll?" she adjusts her big, curly hair, working through a pad of paper.

"Big tray of tater tots," Mina exclaims. "For the table."

"That should be $12.59. We'll get it up soon."

"Shit," Kaminari mumbles. "Forgot my wallet."

"Oh," I pull out a few bills. "I could pay for it all."

"No," Kirishima blushes. "You don't have to do that."

"Think of it as a thank you," I shrug. "Without you guys, I'd probably be dead right now."

"Wait," Jiro yanks out her headphones again. "What?"

"Nothing," I shrink into the seat. "I just..."

"The damn fool was gonna kill himself," Bakugou explains. "But I caught his notebook."

"So," Kyoka pokes his nose. "You're saying you helped someone?"

"He's not always the devil," Mina laughs. "I think, deep down, Bakugou can be nice."

"Just shut the hell up!" Bakugou roars. "Where is our order?"

"It's only been like half a minute," Kiri says, looking at his phone's time. 

Katsuki smirks. "Longer than you could last when we-"

"Woah!" Denki puts his hand on Kiri's chest before he can stand up. I can't tell if it's anger or tears in Kiri's eyes, but Bakugou looks proud of himself. Kyoka just shares my confusion. 

Mina claps her hands together, pronouncing each word. "Not. At. The. Fucking. Table!"

"Whatever," Bakugou blows hair out his eyes. "It's still true. And Nico ought to know, right?"

"I don't really care if um..." I stare back at Kiri, trying to comfort him before his anger rises again. "If you can't last long or something."

"Yeah," Denki teases. "Because you'd rather him bit-"

"Okay," Jiro slaps him. "Let's fucking stop, okay? We're not gonna talk about what we did last night, and no one's gonna talk about sex for the next hour, okay?"

Katsuki just keeps his smug smirk. I guess he wanted to date someone who could exert as much power as he could. In truth, when I look at Jiro, I don't see someone able to control a room. Yet, there's something deep in her eyes, filled with control.

"Oh my god," Mina cranes her ear up to the speakers. "Guys, they're playing something actually good."

I stare back at where they're all looking; an ancient-looking jukebox lays in the corner, cherry red and somehow beautiful. A modern screen lies over it, evident of a free Spotify account. "Little Talks," Kyoka identifies the horns almost immediately. "By Monsters and Men. Released... 2011? When we were all kids."

The six of us all pour out of the seat, cramming around the machine. "We all get one song," Mina compromises. "Everyone pays for their own song."

"But I ran out of money!" Kaminari whines. Mina just pulls out another quarter.

"Then you get Dancing Queen," she says. "I'm sure you'd pick something worse anyway."

"I'm fine with that," Kaminari smiles. "Just gay enough, but also straight. Perfect."

"I think that describes him well," Kiri looks down at me. "What do you think I should pick?"

"Something that feels... red. Maybe orange," I respond, trying to think of what I'm going to choose. Mina plugs in Doja Cat's Freak before I can get ahead. "I'll go last."

"Saving the best?" Jiro wonders aloud as Bakugou punches in some classic Green Day. "I still can't decide."

"That's it," Kiri pushes the keyboard, looking for a specific song. 

"She Looks So Perfect," I read. "5sos?"

"Yeah," Kiri beams. "Because you are."

"I mean," I point out. "I'm also not a girl."

"Don't take it personally," Kyoka adds, typing in "All I Wanted". Oh, how I yearn to once more hear Hayley Williams in her old band. "It's just a joke, I think."

"Sure," I say. "Well, I guess I'm last. Maybe... Conan Gray?"

"Whatever you want, Babe."

I punch the artist's name in, tapping on "Heather". 

"Remind me a little bit of you," I explain to Kiri. "Because..."

"Oh," Jiro nods. "Yeah...maybe not the best choice. Still a great song though."

"Why?" Kiri hugs me from behind, leaning closely in. The freshman girls watch us, smiling. Are we so heartwarming?

"Uh," I say, suddenly realizing exactly what the lyrics are saying. How could I choose a song clearly about a guy liking another guy who likes a girl? It's gonna make him think of Bakugou and Kyoka. "Nevermind. You'll see."

Kiri shrugs, swooping me back into the seat. "You know," Mina pokes Eijirou with her straw. "You don't need to act like Nico's a Disney princess."

"I don't mind," I say, staring up into his warm brown eyes. Bakugou turns red, facing Jiro. 

"Y'all are crazy," the waitress returns to our table. "I haven't seen anyone use the damn jukebox in forever. It's nice to hear something that's not corporate pop. Anyway, I got ya some other stuff. Mostly candy; no one ever buys it. On the house. I think they match you."

She places down everything, smiling softly. "Poprocks?" Jiro looks up from her black licorice twists. "That's Bakugou, I think."

"Sure," Katsuki brightens up a little, pouring an inhuman amount into his mouth. I can almost hear the mini-explosions; that boy is like a living firework. "At least I'm not like Denki and Mina; they're practically the same."

"Uh," Kaminari points out. "Skittles and Starbust are different, I'll have you know."

"Well," Kiri points out. "We almost got the same too."

I stare down at the candy laid before me; dark, thin Reese's, as opposed to Kiri's large, milk chocolate ones. "I guess it's a metaphor?"

"Oh no," Denki shakes his head. "We are not going through some deep philosophical shit this early."

"Says the person who claimed the earth was flat yesterday morning," Mina says in between bites of homefries. "You're just a walking contradiction."

I freeze up, only releasing the pressure when Kiri rubs my shoulders. "It's okay," he whispers. "You're fine."

"You two are just so cute," Jiro smiles, twisting her earbuds around her finger, bopping her head to American Idiot. "It's great."

"Yeah!" Kirishima pumps his fist. "I mean, we just have chemistry."

"Now that we all have dates," Mina says, eyeing Denki. "I mean, almost all of us... it's like the group is back together again."

"Oh," Katsuki throws his hands up into the air. "Like we weren't alright before?"

"That's not what she said," I mumble, defending Mina. Is this the first time I've stood up to Bakugou? His eyes have a murderous glint at their edges, but I try to swallow, ignoring the hate. "She just means that here's more harmony now, I think."

"Damn nerd," Katsuki flips me off, pushing against the table. Kirishima's song comes on next, interrupting his anger for a moment. Did Kirishima play that for him too? I can't see Bakugou taking that well, but what if it was an inside joke? Does Kiri not care if he causes discord so much? Or is he looking to poke fun at Katuski? "I was fine before you were here."

"I thought you said he would be fine with me," I nudge Kirishima. Mina and Kaminari just freeze up; clearly, they're pretty inept when situations take a turn for the worse. I guess someone can always try to direct attention away from violence, but when it comes to it, they're useless. 

"Well," Kiri blocks Bakugou from me. "I guess I was wrong."

"He's a fucking loser," Katsuki complains. "Like you, shitty hair."

Kiri puts his hands up to his hair. And while I never thought it was all that impressive, I can tell he's hurt; I know he puts a lot of time into making sure it looks wild, nearly standing straight up. "Take it back."

"I don't have to," Katsuki spreads his arms. "Kyoka, let's go."

"I haven't heard my song yet," she says, still adamant and stuck in her place. "I'm not leaving just because you want me to."

"I'm pissed off!"

She sighs, positioning her body around him. Kyoka holds his chin in her palm, staring into his beastly eyes. "You're always pissed off. And you know I usually love that... but it's not fucking funny right now."

"Whatever," Katuski shrugs her off a little. I notice that he's doing it gently, carefully placing her back down, as if she's frail. Almost like how Kiri holds me. "He doesn't belong; he needs a therapist, not a boyfriend."

"He's helping me," I refute. "Just like how you helped him."

"What?" Katsuki laughs. "No. We're not going through that. Kyoka, your song's playing; let's go!"

"You're not angry enough," Jiro eggs him on. "You're just showing it a little bit more than usual."

I can see the conflict in his eyes; he's used to having things go his way, for him to have the final say. But he's not willing to hurt her. Maybe Mina was right; somewhere deep, he has some good qualities.

Maybe he could show those qualities when he talks to me?

"I'm glad you seem so over us," Kiri shrugs. "But we still have a ton of home fries to eat. Maybe calm down a little?"

"Fuck off," Bakugou pushes him away. "F*ggot."

"What?" Mina screams. "Oh no... we are not going there!"

"Katsuki!" Jiro screams. "No, you did not just say that."

Bakugou turns red, darting eyes. he stares down, smile gone. "Shit. I didn't me-"

"What the hell is with you?" Kiri pleads with him. "You can't just... you can't say that."

"Wait," Kaminari points out. "But didn't Bakugou date Eijirou? Isn't that gay or-"

"Denki," Jiro holds Kaminari's hand, oozing with sarcasm and fake sincerity. "It's with a full heart that I'd like to ask you to please shut the fuck up."

He falls back down to his seat, looking dejected. 

"Sorry," Bakugou hangs his head. "I didn't mean to... fuck!"

Tears start rolling down his cheeks as he turns away from us, covering his face with his black hoodie. "Enjoy your food, I guess."

"Katsuki," Kiri holds out his hands, clearly not looking for retribution. "You don't have to go..."

"Jiro," Katsuki commands. "You can stay if you want. I need to be alone."

"I'll text you when we're done," Kyoka promises. "Take as long as you need."

He nods, exiting the diner. Everyone just looks at each other, suddenly quiet. 

"He's lost his impulse control," Kirishima confirms. "I shouldn't have-"

"No," I interrupt him, surprising everyone. I'm probably the most surprised. "You shouldn't have done anything. Why were you trying to egg him on?"

"I wasn't trying to-" he shakes his head, watching as red hair spills down. "I just wanted to get rid of all those things we had. And I wanted to heal with you."

"I'm sorry for lashing out," I cradle myself into his arms. "Shit... I just don't know why I did that."

"You're sorry for having emotions?"

Before he can continue, Heather's string line shuts him up. "Is this..."

"Yeah," I whisper. "Now shut up."

Everyone stays silent, listening closely to the lyrics. You know when you hear a song, and then you hear it a few more times, and the meaning completely changes? It's all I can hear. I catch Kiri taking glimpses at Kyoka during the song, nearly tearing up.

"Thanks," he sighs as the second chorus opens up. I nestle into his embrace. "You know... maybe we'll be alright."

And, at that moment, maybe we will.

Posted Apr 16, 2021

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31 likes 50 comments

16:24 Apr 16, 2021



Sunny 🌼
23:41 Apr 16, 2021

"It's with a full heart that I'd like to ask you to please shut the fuck up."
I'm gonna start saying that to people this is amazing
also Bakugo, buddy, not cool of you.
You're portraying these characters in a different way but still staying true to their roots, that takes skill.


11:13 Apr 17, 2021


Yeah... idk. I had to push it forward, and Bakugo kinda just... fell into place.


Sunny 🌼
12:42 Apr 17, 2021

OMG NO LMAO! I would never say that- that's hilarious


13:10 Apr 17, 2021



Nainika Gupta
01:22 Apr 21, 2021



16:59 May 20, 2021

Eh, the thread was too thin (probably, I've chrome set in desktop site mode, so I dunno)

OOH! I get the full rant?!, yep XD

k..., I'll read it to find out, well, I'm going to read it anyway Lol

oyi, very aRnGy XD

ok, That was... some ted talk, not kiddin' hm, I think 2 similarities are better… you've put some work into this, hm, cool, that's actually weirdly insightful… Lol Thank ya so much for the ted talk!

Just one prob, the starting seems to fishily say that this is not the first random thought you had while staring at the bedroom ceiling XD


17:29 May 20, 2021

Lol, it's sooo thin on my phone. Like, illegible.


Lol yeah, I had a lot of time at night bc I couldn't sleep, and then it was just a matter of writing it all down.

Yeah... hehe


12:06 May 21, 2021

I used my b r a i n s XD

Arh, I had to cut my sleep time to four hours to have any sleep time at all Lol

btw, I loved how you describe INTJ, I mean, what's more accurate than "chess games"? Lol

AS A SIDE NOTE :Have you read station eleven? I read it, like two chapterS, some long time ago and is CoNtEmPlAtInG whether or not to complete it...Lol I mean, a multi storyline novel about a pandemic stricken world does sound stygian?

It's common for you to delve into the peculiarities of personalities? (that wording sounds so weird XD)

and, randomest and weirdest question ever, which SoUnDs better? Inattentive ADHD or Hyperactive ADHD? Lol


14:20 May 25, 2021

Hyperactive. It sounds more interesting
So... wow this is basically going to be the last thing I send to you. That is... nostalgic? And I guess it's, weird. I haven't read the book you mentioned... and I guess I don't want to sound annoying, but I'm just going to spend the time here explaining why I'm leaving. Maybe even in the form of a list.
1: I've finished what I came here for. I wrote some great stories, I changed some people's lives, and maybe I can even believe that I shook the world, even if it was a small tremble. Because I know I can do more. I can't contain myself here. I want to burn even more brightly. And this was like my trial, to see if I could handle it, to see if I could handle people's criticism and all the ways they might destroy me or bring me up. And maybe I succeeded.
2: I don't want to just say downvoting BUT... I mean, I hate points as a whole.
3: Homophobia/ Racism/ Sexism. I know that I'll find that anywhere, but I might as well try to limit the amount I see, especially when directed at me, wrongly or not. It hurt to see it, and I don't want any more of it
4: Honestly? Some of the people who were my friends. I don't want to blame you for my own mistake, but falling in love with a you that wasn't real after I had made the same mistake with someone else was horrid. Like, indescribably bad. And I couldn't stand that it felt like I couldn't find anyone... I mean, it's weird to say; did I come here to find love or something? Of course not. But then it just felt like I had all these people stalking me and stuff and being shipped with people in reedsy casts that I didn't love back and all these things that sort of kept bubbling up until it all spilled. To love someone in your own mind, but you know that just by doing that you're breaking someone's heart. It hurts. It hurts so much, and I knew that I was ruining lives, which is the opposite reason that I started writing. I can break someone down with words or build them up, and I was toxic and destroying people.

There are more reasons, but those are the ones I care about. Maybe this doesn't have to end; then again, when I put all those stories into files for my portfolio, I think I'm gone forever. Sorry?


14:54 May 22, 2021

How's yur day going?


Nainika Gupta
01:21 Apr 21, 2021

all my stars part 2 is out :)


11:33 Apr 21, 2021



13:16 Apr 19, 2021

Wow, you didn’t rush it OR drag it (two common problems with fan fic) that just needs skill, actually there is something about your writing that screams “Hey! Look! This author is unbearably astute!, and writes so awesome!” how do you do that? Lol

This was like a chaotic mix of fun and plot and tension and chaos and confusion and fun and witty phrases; it’s like you brew all those up and added a bit of madness, eh..., that does not make sense. Em..., that meant that it was ASTOUNDINGLY ASTOUNDING!

Eh, when you used the first and last names of characters identically it was a little bit confusing for me (ONLY for me I guess, like, a very stupid person here!)

Eh.... I didn’t put a separate comment for each, I was so glued I kinda read it together, sorry! And sorry for being such a late reader, my brains were on a vacation, sorry.

Happy Today!


13:35 Apr 19, 2021

How incredibly ASTUTE of you to notice my astuteness. Truly a marvel.
Well, I think when you read a lot of fan fic, you just finally learn... hey this ones good, and this one sucks! Hm... let’s not suck, lol.
Yeah... the last names and first names... I’ll give you everyone’s full name (bc if u knew the anime, you’d know everyone’s full name)
Kyoka Jiro
Katsuki Bakugou
Eijiro Kirishima
Mina Ashido
Denki Kaminari
... nico.
Nico is um... he’s a y/n character... sorta self insert. There was a different character I was gonna do... but then it’d mess up a lot of stuff.

No... ur not a late reader; it’s been like two days.


18:33 Apr 19, 2021

well, Ethanks, lol

eh, I knew the names but it was a bit confusing anyway, well, it's just me wimpy brain

Nico is.... not exactly y/n?

ya! TWO Whole, Entire, Days! Lol


22:06 Apr 19, 2021

Well... no, Nico is not entirely y/n. But he’s a made up character. I was going to make him the main character of Mha, Midoriya. But... Katsuki and him have a past, so it’d be very weird to have them not really know each other... (coincidentally, Mina and Kirishima came from the same school)


10:37 Apr 20, 2021

Ya, that makes sense and you woulda had to change the personality a bit too I guess? (idk why, the name katsuki reminds me of... catfish, eh, weird...)

Eh, well they do know each other


11:37 Apr 20, 2021

Catfish? CATFISH
Lol... I can't get it out of my mind; move away, LORD EXPLOSION MURDER... my new name for Katsuki is Catfish.
Lol yeah... they do know each other... but even in the anime/manga... it's kinda just like "Oh yeah, I guess we maybe knew each other or something, sure" which is like, a total missed opportunity


15:57 Apr 20, 2021

(eh the other thread is becoming too tangled)

0▪ YAA! It only has four characters.... well I’m still collecting, and twenty... would kill me, like twenty! Lol


But... if it’s dead, reincarnate it! TEACHER WITH PIRATE TALK YESSSSS ya, I like cringy, and cheery teachers, but idk, good teachers have a way of disappearing...

1▪ the thing with hearing problems is that they are not that gloomy but really REALLY annoying Lol

I have..., A lot of cousins, some of them are ‘disappearing’ but anyway it’s crazy!, but actually it’s not JUST cousins, when I say that sometimes I also include people like...., aunts younger than me and nephews older than me? Anyway me family is crazy big that I get scared.

Eh..., I try not to measure trouble..., measuring trouble just makes more trouble. I dunno if I was lucky or unlucky in life, and I dunno what would change if I did.

2▪ Yaaa! It is annoying! I don’t think that most of my friends even know my ice cream ethics! Lol but seriously!

Gender IS a sociocultural concept, more like a bundle of stereotypes and norms, and that’s kinda irritating? Maybe not for cisgender people? But what if someone is cisgender but is not straight? Huh...

3▪ shant is not correct, shan’t is! Bha-HA-ha-Ha-hA Lol

4▪ You have to read it ‘cause in the movie the full thing is changed, like the movie is just ‘inspired’ from the book, and they made everything more roman-tique BLEH, Lol, I think the books better.

Nice rich guy? You mean the one with shoulder length blonde/black hair? That’s Howl, well Howl IS my comfort character, but not THAT Howl! In the movie Howl is TOO nice.

The original Howl is: vain, cocky, stupid, a sorcerer from earth (the story happens in another dimension), is ‘honest’ but is also a ‘slither-outer’ (ie. Oranges become carrots), is slapdash and has a good dose of bad luck, has an awfully messy room (I guess you see where I’m going with this but the common traits stop here, the next three are put here to show how much of a jerk he is). he spends HOURS grooming himself and his hair, he courts (fancy word for ‘flirts with’) girls and leaves them when they say that they love him and HE LOVES SPIDERS! W-T-F! (he is also an awesome spendthrift who would buy cloths and then starve to death if his apprentice and fire demon wasn’t there) he’s also 27 but he is famous for throwing slime-tantrums with SICKLY green slime Lol

Do you really think that I’ll have an s tier comfort character? They made him terribly nice and ‘good’ in the movie! I can’t bear it! LoL

He he, you already told me smthin’ like 9999 times Lol

5▪ I am really me-ly, I like it Lol but I am like judged from four directions, Arh, I don’t have that luxury, Lol

Wise words indeed

6▪ Yeet is like one of those words I know the meaning of but can’t explain with words without sounding like a rocket scientist

How do you ‘yeet in some swears’? like I know how to swear, I guess, but I am not like going to translate before I swear or anything! Swearing is instinctive! Lol

7▪ HOW DARE YOU TEST ME WITH A STUPID CHARACTER!!!??? No, I won’t believe you!, Never! Lol

And Percy is like stupid, but won’t admit it Lol

8▪ YES!, wait, forgot to ask, how’s the eye I drew (me profile pic) I have this stupid addiction to drawing eyes, eyebrows are like second only to eyes in personality and that’s so cool!

Huh?... (Wait, why are we ‘huh’ing?)


21:13 Apr 20, 2021

Yeah, the other thread is way too thin for me to see on my phone, lol.
0: hm... maybe when I have time. But for now, I have a few other ideas...

1: YES literally. Like, people think that you’re not death, so you’re fine... well, sure I’m fine, but it doesn’t mean I have the best hearing. And so then, people think I’m rude. No... I have a short attention span!
THEY ARE DISAPPEARING, WHAT? Lol... not suspicious at all...
My family is not big at all... we’re not entirely connected... I mean, the two sides don’t even interact. They don’t even know each other exist, basically. It’s kinda weird when I see other people with massive, interconnected families. I guess I’ve never felt that. Most don’t even live that near to me... and when I eventually move away, I’ll be free. But what is true freedom?
Measuring trouble just makes more trouble? Yeah... I can see it

2: if someone is cisgender... but not straight? I mean, that’s me. I think gender... and anyone stalking my comments can hate on me for this... is a way we identify ourselves. So people like me with a weird identity are always confused, and it gets hazy. As a bi boy, I don’t know how to feel a lot of the times. Like, I’m either too manly or too womanly... why can’t I just be both or neither? Or why can’t we make a new word? Just like... personly.
Idk.... that even was lit up with the red underline of death. Guess that’s a no...

3: I shan’t care if shant is correct or not (my phone is only just now showing that it’s correct, lol). I think the worlds inside our words come from emotion and deep meaning, not grammar and rules. Maybe that’s just my heart talking...

4: wait... by book do you mean a manga, or an entire book? Wait... imma look it up
It is a book! Wow... that’s weird. And it’s only from 1986. Is it odd that I basically can’t name a single book from that time period? Maybe some Neil gaiman... but not many others.
Wait... howl’s not nice in the book? Wow... I mean, I could see it. So yours is a bit more rude, right? I can see it; you melt their heart...
Well, that still sounds like a good comfort character; keep in mind that draco is a popular one. They don’t have to be nice at first...

5: here, I will point out that I am 90% sure u changed ur pfp

6: don’t use translate for swears; it just messes it up. Honestly, I think not swearing is part of ur charm. Would you believe me if I told you that I don’t swear in real life? Like, almost never. Then online and in writing, I swear all the time. It’s more that I keep the swears in my head, lol

7: Percy is stupid, but he’s cute stupid, lol


Huh... why are huhing? Mayhaps... no lol idk


12:19 Apr 21, 2021

⓿Cool, that’s k, wait weren’t you going to take a break in May for writing? (which is like in ten days)

❶lol, but seriously, how do you say ‘can you speak up?’ (or ‘what?’ three times in a row) without sounding rude?

THEY ARE BEING FETCHED BY EXTRATERRESTRIALS! (idk for what, but if it was extraterrestrials then they would’ve returned me cousins in two days, they are that unbearable, lol) Eh ya, me family is humongous, but not interconnected, most of my cousins I’ve only seen once (eh, that’s enough) and rather than being ‘family-like’ most of me relatives are judging, and it’s just like being in a big competition. In close to home matters, I only have a brother who is really younger than me, that means that sometimes I get to act seven years younger, and sometimes I have to act four years older, it’s insane (A sample of daily life:
“Mom! He stole my papers!” (this is my brother)
“Shut up, mom will only laugh it off.” (me)
“Give me my papers!”
“NO! Arh! You stole them from me at first, so they are my papers!”
“I need papers!”
“For WHAT? Cutting out triangles? You are not wasting paper!”
*battle cries*)

True freedom... ? I guess, when we have the wits to know that we are not free, and get the grit to make plans for change. Then build goals and daydreams, and get tiered and rest. While listening to three momentous songs one after another, making us pour everything out into a paper or the person or thin air; for the moment the questions disappear because for once we don’t care, however the statistics and reality seem, our thoughts are liberated, our heart is unbound and so we are free when we are still constrained.

(Eh, I was just gonna say that we will be truly free when blue leopards fly, seriously, but I got interrupted by the lame idealistic (and stupidly poetic?) part of me brain, sorry)

❷ Wait, why would anyone hate you for saying that? That’s exactly what gender identity is! I don’t think that I’m that manly or womanly, I’m just... me-ly? I... seriously don’t care much..., which makes me NB? I don’t think that anyone is EXACTLY one gender anyway. Em, maybe humanly? Everyone is humanly

❸Do you really mean ‘worlds inside our words’ or do you mean ‘words inside our worlds’? Eh, that’s weird, both works.

❹I... don’t even know time periods of books... (feeling lame). Howl’s not exactly rude, but he is not the typical accidental-love-interest-of-the-protag either, I think it’s my vanity shining through ‘cause his personality matches with mine Lol

Ya it’s a book, it has this really-formal-Rick-Riordan-ish style, I kinda like it.

Draco? You mean Draco Malfoy? Seriously? Lol

❺What Happened To The Ten Percentage?

❻Here, I would state that I have no charm at all, so that sentence needs a correction, maybe... vibe?

Hm, it’s like you write what you think, not what you would say.

Eh, I think I don’t swear at all or smthin’, maybe sarcastically, but... I think I snap pens when I’m really angry?... I think I am a total mess in ‘emotional control’ TOTAL MESS

❼ lol, cute stupid... He is also smart, so basically he acts stupid?

SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY, and sorry for saying sorry late? uh...

❽THANKS! Eyes speak! Wait, yur eye colour is? (green? that's me wild guess)

Huh? Mayhaps what? (he, he I’m gonna continue huhing)


13:08 Apr 21, 2021

Wow, I was just gonna use those numbers... hmmm

𝟘: Well, not in mayyy... It's may 28th when I go on a little bit of a "break". I mean, you can't really call it a break, because I'm going to continue to write. You'll see me post every so often, but mostly, I'm going to be cram-writing "The Day The Clock Stopped" bc it doesn't represent my best writing abilities AT ALL. So most likely, I'm not gonna post stuff on reedsy unless the prompts are great or I already finished my at least one chapter per week rule. I'll still be responding to people and stuff like that, but I might not be able to write as much stuff here.

𝟙: You absolutely can't. Like, people always think I'm being rude and can't hear them... just bc I can hear a specific note doesn't mean I can hear you speak, lol
Okay... so how has it been this long before I told you that I'm um... a multiple. Like... triplet. Wow... it's weird how irl, everyone knows that, but then online, no one does. Maybe it's not online; it's just new friends as a whole. Most people think I'm just a twin, or just a single child. And then online, everyone thinks I'm insanely gay, lol. Irl... nope! Not at all.
Then Blue Leopards Shall Fly
Lol... that sounds like a good album name...

𝟚: We're all different genders? Or more than one... hm, interesting.
A lot of people find it weird that I'm not pan, but I find it odd that they even think that. Like, I don't even know why I'm bi instead of pan. Just for the vibes? Possibly... like, I hate the whole "Super Straight" trend... but isn't me being bi sort of part of it? I mean, I'd date a trans person... but then isn't that pan?
Labels are dumb.

𝟛: Both. Literally, there are entire worlds inside the words we speak, but then those words come from the worlds. Is it obvious that I have a space aesthetic? Like... a very heavy space aesthetic.

𝟜: Wait... rick riordan is formal? Are you sure.... lol?
Yeah, I get what you're saying. Like, Howl isn't completely rude, but he's not entirely nice. He's a normal, complicated person.

𝟝: Wait... what did happen to the other ten percent? I can literally see that ur pfp changed! Why am I being unsure?

𝟞: I think you have some charm, but it's probably just biased, lol.
well... yeah. I never write what i would say in real life, unless I was alone or with friends. Like, I am very much in my head. However, I can explode sometimes.

𝟟: Cute and stupid? Okay, so I found a chart once.

People always try to say that they like himbos, but that's not true. Bc of this;
If they're Stronk and Stupid, they're a Jock.
If they're Strong and Nice, they're a Hunk
If they're Stupid and Nice, they're just a decent man!
Percy is probably more just a decent man, lol.

𝟠: My eye color? Green is pretty close. More Green-ish gold. Or sometimes like a mucky swamp green. Or just hazel. it changes a lot, depending on how I feel, or the angle/ lighting.

Huh? Mayhaps...
wait, let's go back a little bit to see where this started...

you described yourself as a tiger cub, which I obviously had to say was like adorable bc I am sort of a cat person and literally tigers are amazing, lol. But then I described myself as a bird,but that bird is also robert patinson...


11:14 Apr 23, 2021


0) Lol, which are your other two roles?

Eight... would be half eighth and the rest ninth here, like half of the day will be over here before it starts there, so weird

Eh, like you only have two weeks to advertise now, right?

Ya, with the covid and all I guess everything is going haywire

I hope that you would be able to, anyway you do write pretty fast, like what do you do? Build a cocoon?

Ya, it does look like an anime plot, like most of my longer works does, I don’t think that I can come up with typically novel-y plots, arh, I suck at this

1) he he, you became WHATson again?

Hm..., would you care if I mentioned that yur character (reedsy cast) was a triplet/twin but never actually explain it, like I know I’m no great author, but just to prove you wrong Lol

Wait, PJO reminds me of smthin’, what you say is not entirely true, some twins can be like, a background character in stories of their twin. I mean, this is Greek mythology and I am totally not a geek, I might get details wrong, but I know somethin’ which is quite unheard of.... *mystery effects*

(well, unheard of to most of the population, you usually surprise me with yur astuteness (or weirdness, how do you know most of the things I know!?), so let’s see Lol)

Iphicles was a human, like pure human, but was a half-twin-brother to a hero, like he was one day younger. Iphicles was really strong for mortal standards and helped his twin in his journey of the hero. He even died in a fight that was fought with his twin, I guess.

Now, this is the question, who do you know more, Iphicles or his hero-half-twin Hercules? Like did you even know that Hercules had a twin?

I guess all of us has that time when we become what others want us to be just for peace, like I was sane and ‘good’ at first for so long I guess, just because I ‘had’ to be, but now I can’t even imagine being sane. Lol?

Oh my.... XD

Lol I’ll be honoured... (even if it was you who came up with it Lol) Maybe I’ll come across it accidentally and be like “oh, this is written by that really astute person in reedsy...” XD but Aw, you seriously sound like a little boy with big eyes Lol

I’m gonna make it another one of my mottos!, it takes a bit of time but then I’ll stick to it always, like rn I only have one I guess, you probably know it. like, ‘happy today’, I’ve been using it for almost four years now, and the weird thing is, it has a really weird meaning, ‘happy today’ actually means ‘true friends might exist’ and now I sound like someone from a Disney movie Lol

Wait, now I have to decide on the ‘inner meaning’ of ‘blue leopards shall fly’, hm... ‘Nothing is impossible’? ‘We are all free’? ‘I am insane’? hm... Nothing?

2) ooh, I get it like...,I’m kinda like that and the rational part of me brain is like “but then can’t you just stop making plans?” and I’m like Noooooooo

And as a side note, you should say if I’m being a botheration

3) I’m like the ginger in... a wild garden filled with everything from roses to pineapples? I think you can be... the emblica tree Lol Those are cool

4) Well, I’m too afraid TO hide myself now, because every time I’ve done than, nobody actually asks, guess I’m too boring Lol

Well,......... what is behind the irony and mystery?

Kinda, the only reason why villainy doesn’t fit me: I’m too impatient... and lazy Lol

WOW, A WORTHY RIVAL! Lol This YA Book delves more on the soul-searching part I guess, or is too littered with conflict, but most of THAT is made up in my head, it’s plain confusing Lol

5) dabs?
*raises an eyebrow but falls over laughing*

6) Yes. Like, why does these ‘friends’ even be friends, sometimes I feel as if I could feel less lonely if some of my ‘friends’ would leave me alone. Sometimes it’s not the bullies or anythin’ that can make us feel like total failures I guess, it’s just these ‘friends’...

7) you have nerdy outfits? Lol

Oh me!, baby werewolves are just plain CUTE!

8) I know, right?, sometimes the only problems with math teachers are that they teach math.

Yep, close enough, Lol

WHAT lol

You are clue-less? Well do I look as if I’m clue-full? Hm... but this case needs some cracking! So, let’s start with motive, why would someone say huh? Because they found a caterpillar in their ice cream sandwich? Because they found a declaration of love in their math homework? Because they found a hard to crack Huh-case? Huh....... huh?


13:06 Apr 23, 2021

0~ My two other roles? It's Neighbor Tim and Jared, an alleged murderer. Neighbor Tim is.... he's just a nice guy who tries to give one of the main characters a casserole, and then gets yeeted out of existence, lol. Jared is very... bad. He's a stereotype of someone with depression, and I HATE playing him. So that's annoying.
yEp AnD wE hAvEn'T sTaRtEd AdVeRtIsInG
I think I write fast because I'm like "WOW YOU JUST AXE MURDERED MY EMOTIONS, LET'S POUR MY HEART OUT". So... yeah. Is it healthy? Probably not. But is it productive? Also... no. Not really. BUT it gets a lot done in a small amount of time without making it look rushed.

1~ Oh sure, let's just leave that out in the open, lol
Oh, you could absolutely say I'm a twin. Anything more might be a bit too much though.
OOh let's see this nerdiness, lollll
Okay, you just delivered that so perfectly. Like... wow.
Does everything have to have a deep inner meaning? Sometimes, I think we ruin things by thinking too much. Sometimes, it's best if the words we feel come out, and that's it. Explanations slow us down.

2~ Okay, let me just say that you are not AT ALL a botheration. Also... where did you learn that word? English isn't ur first language... but you know some words more than me. It's insane.
But back to that. You are not a bother... whatever the word is. I have fun talking to you, and I think I like you. Maybe really like you. idk... is this weird? Do I stop now? Or do I just yeet all sense of direction and planning? Because maybe that's when my true words come out.
How do I even say it to a random boy I think I know or not? Or do you already know what I'm saying?

3~ I don't even have words, lol

4~ You can't be a good villain bc you're not patient? I love villains who are sort of patient, but then aren't at all. It's so funny, lol.
Maybe we just share the ya book? I mean, have you ever thought of how if we all had a book or movie or whatever about us, it would all connect? We'd all be characters inside each other's books, and eventually, It could all be the same book? Huh....

5~ COntinues to burn up while laughing

6~ It feels like they aren't even there to be friends; they're there for quantity over quality. And that's... ugh.

7~ Nerdy outfits... sorta more indie? Like, I love how I have some "designer" clothing, and then I just pair it with the most random stuff like BRIGHT PURPLE PANTS. I really want to make it as an author and be really popular so I can match the eccentric parts of me, the one that kinda just has teenage immortality. But, instead of teenage immortality, it'd be like powerful person immortality, where I feel safe and insane and protected by myself. That's... admittedly a weird dream. It kinda sounds like I want to be an iconic villain, lol.
Baby werewolf. yeah. Or maybe I'm not dressing like a baby werewolf... but more like one that just turned back or something? Like... full on ripped flannel that's a bit too big for me. BUT I think my skinny jeans ruin it, lol.

8~ True true, lol

You look very clueful, lol...
This is just making less and less sense and it's derailed so much see 2 once more bc I can't feygudwiaojefubidwsdijebfh



16:06 Apr 24, 2021

SORRY FOR BEING LATE!, I’M BEING MURDERED BY CHEMISTRY! And my fever is coming back, but anyway, sorry!

0) So, eh, you have a monologue for Jared?, (which is, guessing that neighbor Tim don’t like casseroles so much that he has written an essay on them). So, like Jared is a, like, (very stupid) secondary character or smthin’?, like does he do anything for the plot?

Death and depression are the roles you get, and you actually have a cheery personality, Lol.

Wait, are you ever gonna advertise?

Axe murdered yur emotions? But, getting a lot done in a small amount of time IS productiveness!

1) Hum..., but I’m still stuck in writer’s block! I dunno when I’ll write me reedsy cast! I’m gonna be stuck in the planning whirlpool! Lol XD

I dunno why nobody actually knows that (maybe because nobody got bored enough to take that slab of dusty Greek mythology down and try to read the first three paragraphs of any one story? (I guarantee you, you’ll faint after the third para, translation to English appreciated, but.... I needed to use Google three times to get through one sentence.))

He he, you are just feeding my vanity! Lol

I... just can’t explain most of the things I do, but... others always need explanations, and... sometimes, I also need answers to ‘why’s, and sometimes, I’m too scared to hear the answers. Explanations are complicated...

2) Maybe reading a bit too much?, anyway botheration and horrendous are all kinda... old (fun fact, ‘Oh!, Botheration!’ could have been used instead of ‘Oh!, Shit!’ but that’s outdated now, Lol) and my vocabulary is not half as good as yours, it just has some weird additions.


Know what an emblica tree is?

4) He he, ya, they say they are patient, but usually at last the reason that everything turns out bad for them is that they rushed, Lol.

Hm..., but both books are a bit different too, don’t you think, and every time books are merged, the first thing that happens is that everything becomes a mess... Lol.

But, hm..., even if some plot elements are weird, what matters most are our choices, because, literally and figuratively, we are authors, and these are our books. So, ya, maybe all the books will become one?


5) *for now: smiling*

6)Yes, no one makes friends for no reason, and it’s sad when that reason is not ‘being a friend’

I think I’ve helped kinda a lot of people. But maybe they never needed MY help, they just needed someone to rant on, or whine on, or boast on. Mostly I did nothing other than listen, but still I hated being like an umbrella... you know, forgotten when the weather is dry...

Tho, I really won’t measure trouble.

7) BRIGHT PURPLE PANTS!? Lol, I’m pretty sure that it’s somethin’ sooooo off my style, but literally it’s cool Lol

I’m pretty sure that you can do that, but if you will is up to you Lol, maybe you do need eccentricity as an author.

Ya, it IS a weird dream, but what’s better than dreams being weird and unique? However, that doesn’t sound like an iconic villain, more like really cool Lol

Maybe half-baby-werewolf? Ya, that sounds cool. My style is really... idk, forgot the last time I checked, kinda plain and baggy, maybe I’m the ghost, but for exactly the five minutes after waking up, I’m the true medusa Lol

8) now... you are not making sense? Huh? I’m just declaring this huh-case unsolvable, that’s it, it’s closed unsolved. Lol


22:18 Apr 24, 2021

Oh my god no.


I was gonna tell you about my chem teacher, but let’s do the abbreviated version
- She was a chemist
- She retired at like 40
- She obviously ran out of money and decided to take up teaching
- She is a terrible teacher. She hates kids.
- She retired after two years! Yay!

Ugh that was so much better and funnier before.

0- Jared is a mess. Like, an absolute mess. He goes on about death and whatever and everyone is like, “Lol, K” and then he dies. BUT later on in the play, he has a massive amount of importance and stuff, because all the metaphors about death turned about to be 100% real. Which is weird and kinda... wizard of oz-ish. And I never liked the ending of wizard of Oz in the play or movie.
You think I have a cheery personality? Really? Mr... actually, you do know the happy me.
Wow. I haven’t actually shown you angry or depressed me. Maybe it’s because now, the happy part sort of outweighs the sad one. At least, I can put on a fake smile and pretend.
Wow, that was um...
Lol, we’re gonna advertise... if someone actually DOES IT. I’m technically the only head of production left (and the only member) so... it’s all gonna get blamed on me. Which is ANNOYING.
For me, productive goes hand in hand with self destruction for a stupid, stupid goal.

1- I can’t say anything about not writing the reedsy cast bc I am a MESS in regards to mine, lol. Hope you break out of it before you explode.
I don’t know why, but it seems like people think that I’m this intellectual that studies old books and whatever... nope! I don’t really like old books, I don’t like reading myths (except like tumblr versions) and even stuff from the late 1800s can be annoying. Lol, I actually got into the Pretty Little Liars series though, so I guess I don’t have any “Valid” judgement on what a good book is.


*accidentally remembers what I wrote*

Wow... I just
*slaps face and starts laughing*
Shit... wow, really? Would it be weird if I told you that this has happened like THREE TIMES in ONE year? Wow... I’m just kinda shocked. Not mad. Just... like what the fuck kind of luck do I have?
Wow... my list of boy crushes is pretty short.

1: Guy that everyone loved. They had to. He was trans and cool and hot and different and talented and I fell and I fell fucking hard, but I never let him know because I didn’t think I deserved him. It was before my sort of glow up, and I was a loser. And that was that.
2: A fake character.
3: A straight boy who said that it was “cool” and that he was “flattered” but he’d “wish me good luck” because he couldn’t love me. So fuck that.
4: A girl I thought was a boy.
5: And... you. Wow. I’m just...
It’s not your fault, but what? How does this happen?

3- WELL, AS SOMEONE WHO IS ENBY, you forgot to mention more than just men and women. That’s... weird though. And actually good? Like that’s something like I love and how’d I miss that?
They’re plants? What about all the weeds? Or the animals that dig it all up? The people we think won’t hurt us, but end up ripping it all out and leave you bare and destroyed? God my grammar sucks.

I looked it up, lol, but I can’t remember. Was it... an onion? No... that’s not right.

4- I’m hoping they’ll all merge better. Right now, it’s like I’m forcing a ton of cousins together, and they all hate each other. It’s weird that i can even talk about like... books plural. Last year me would have laughed, and the me two years ago would have just said “you wouldn’t even finish one”. The me’s before that wouldn’t believe any of it at all. I guess I have changed...

I am dead

6- ooh that reminds me of hey violet’s song “friends like this”, lol.
But yeah! I feel like I’ve lost so many friends!
Whenever I help someone, it’s usually because they’re hurting even more than me, and I don’t want to see that. I hate seeing someone doing worse than me. One of my villain identities is “The Martyr”. Most don’t see them as the villain, but they aren’t really helping anyone as they fucking destroy themselves to help other people. They don’t learn when the world destroys them, and they just run back. I mean, that’s among so many different identities though.

7- purple pants are hard to pull off... which is why I wear them. They just look so... interesting.
I can’t wear baggy clothing anymore. I still wear skinny jeans and tight jackets and all stuff like that. Maybe one billowing thing away from my body. But it’s all tied up close to me
Insert metaphor

8- Case closed! I’m stupid, you didn’t pick up on stuff, I didn’t pick up on what you were saying, and then we just EXPLODED :)
Case closed


Angel {Readsy}
11:26 Apr 18, 2021

A creative genius, indeed.
My Bro, you never fail to amaze


Ari Berri
16:55 Apr 16, 2021

I like this series so far. I'm not going to ask, but I HOPE there will be more. Great job!


17:35 Apr 16, 2021

Lol. I really want to write another one, but I wrote A LOT this week, and the reedsy cast is still um existent


Ari Berri
18:10 Apr 16, 2021

Ah, that makes sense. I hope you get another story out soon,


19:23 Apr 16, 2021

Lol, me too


Angel {Readsy}
11:26 Apr 18, 2021

Did you read my story


12:06 Apr 18, 2021

Um, no? I think this is the first time I've seen you on this site
