Christmas Friendship Kids

Too-Cute Meet

The explosive excitement of Chrissy's fifth grade class was peaking as the much anticipated holiday party approached. The final afternoon before the traditional winter two-week break was officially kicked off with festivities pointing to Christmas Day. But, of course, no one could call it Christmas Vacation. It just happened to coincide with the religious reason for the season.

The coming of Jesus or the coming of Santa rivaled each other but if she was a betting person the ten-year-olds in her classroom were hyped-up on thoughts of what good St. Nick may leave under their trees more than the gift of the Christ child.

Still she sighed with relief when the room mothers arrived with their treats, decorations and planned activities. She could turn the bundles of energy over to them and start dreaming of her own plans for the down time.

Chrissy's own plans were minimalistic. She was looking forward to having two whole weeks to herself in quiet solitary confinement so she could focus on her soon to be completed novel in order to enter it into a prestigious contest by the end of the year and have a chance at publication by a renown publishing house. It only needed some polishing and the perfect ending. She already held it up longer than planned. Teaching this level of students was far more demanding than she anticipated. There was always grading homework for her to complete and lesson plans to perfect in the evenings. Their energy level throughout the day left her exhausted. By the time she was ready to work on her own dreams, she was falling asleep.

She was doing what she loved yet she wanted more. Expected more out of herself. Having been considered a nerdy bookworm growing up and even in her university years she wanted to prove to anyone bothering to pay attention that she would someday be a famous author. Chrissy Merriman would be a household name. Now, if she can survive the noise level of this party...

“Have a great Holiday, Miss Merriman. Hope you liked my present.”

“Thank you, I will. You, too. And yes, I like it.”

Twenty-five times and then packing up all the assortment of chocolates and tea mugs and 'Best Teacher' cards and pen sets and... With arms full she surveyed the wrecked room and vowed to get back early enough to make it right again as she locked it tight and headed for quieter realms of glory.

She had almost made it upstairs to her half of the house when her 'Nana' caught her.

“You'll want to come on back downstairs when you drop that stuff off. And wear something warm and Christmas-y. We are going to the tree lighting downtown.” Overly cheerful Nana explained.

“I was really hoping to relax and get into my novel. Those kids were so geared up today I nearly unraveled.”

“Nonsense. A bit of Christmas cheer is exactly what you need to calm down again. Focus on the true meaning. I'll treat you to dinner at the Harbor House afterwards.”

“That place will be packed.”

“Yes, 'tis the season. See you in ten.”

Christmas expert, Nana, always seemed to know exactly how to create the magic of the holiday. If not at her own ancestral Victorian house with the decked halls then borrowing from where ever necessary when ever needed.

And she was right. The beauty of the twinkling lights, silver bells and decorations around the small town, the friendly 'yoo-hoos' from all the folks you know did wonders to lighten and brighten Chrissy's rushed mood. The dinner was divine... but then...

“Anna Merriman! Is that truly you? You haven't aged since we were in knee highs. And who is this pretty young miss?” An aging gentleman clasped Nana's hands in his.

“Artie Tucker! Good to see you! This is my son Christopher's girl, Chrissy. It has been a while. Is this your little boy?”

“Grandson. Carlson. Getting to watch over him for a couple of weeks. May we sit and catch up a bit?”

“Be our guests.”

Anna and Artie started talking away like they had only seen each other yesterday. Carlson rolled his eyes a lot and kicked at the table leg repeatedly with his sturdy little boots. He showed no interest in any food offered to him. The seat must have been electrified the way he jiggled.

“Excuse me, Mr. Tucker. I heard the Northern Lights may be visible this evening. May I take a walk with Carlson and see if we can spy them?” Chrissy suggested. “That is if he will escort me?”

“What a delightful thought. Carlson?”

He slid off his chair and offered her his elbow like a proper gentleman. She reached down and wiggled her fingers into the hook.

They hadn't walked far when he squirmed away and ran.

“Carlson! Stop! It is slippery and if you fall into the brink no one will find you 'til the spring thaw.” She shouted.

He halted until she caught up with him.

“Please, don't do that again. I thought we were enjoying our walk. I'll have to return you to your Grandpa.”

“Just thought we could see them quicker out here. Sorry.” His eyes widened in delight and awe as he gazed over her head. “It's raining rainbows!”

“Oh! Let's watch from this bench.” Bright colors streamed, undulated and blended beyond the restaurant. It was an awesome sight no matter how many times one witnessed them.

Suddenly, breaking the stillness of the moment, sirens were heard headed toward them. An ambulance halted directly in front of the entry to the restaurant. When the stretcher was wheeled back out Chrissy was stunned to realize Artie Tucker was wrapped up on it. Nana accompanied him. Carlson's grandpa weakly reached out to her, ”Watch over the little lad 'til I get back, Chrissy, Dear.” Then the EMTs whisked him into the back of the truck.

Nana said, “I am going to the hospital with him. He is all alone. Get what you'll need for the boy for a couple of days. I'll work on finding out where his folks are. Sorry to put you in this spot but what else can we do?” She thrust some bills and the car keys into Chrissy's gloved hand and climbed into the ambulance.

Chrissy searched the eyes of the five-year-old and saw they were filling with tears the same as hers. She had to be strong for him. “Looks like we need to take care of each other until they come back.” She said as she hugged him. He took a beat but hugged her back.

“We'll be alright. I'll watch over you.” He assured as he patted her back. She muffled her near giggle in the scarf at his neck. Well, if that's what it will take for him to be strong I'll be the one needing support!

They stopped at the all night Walmart to find some essentials. She let him pick out some jammies, underwear, an extra shirt and a toothbrush. She got him a back-pack to carry it all in even though he told her he had one.

“Do you know where it is?”

“At Grandpa's right now. But when I go to my Dad's I take it there with me, too.”

“Do you know where those places are? Or your Mom's place?”

“No. But I know what they look like if I saw them.”

“That's encouraging. This is only gonna be for a little while. If we need to find them then you will be helpful. So what will you want to eat?” Chrissy sure hoped she spoke the truth.

He was so tired by the time they got upstairs at Nana's she had no problem settling him into the spare room in his new Spidy-man jammies. He was asleep before she closed the door.

He looks so helpless. Now what!” Was all she could think before she drifted off, too.

Nana wasn't home and there were no messages from her as Chrissy prepared a breakfast tray to take upstairs.

“What happened to this room?” One tow-headed little guy asked as he rubbed the sleepy dust from his eyes.

“What do you mean? Nothing happened to it.” One befuddled blonde answered as she offered a tray full of Captain Crunch with real slices of strawberries, orange juice and milk. She swiped her mug of tea off the tray and sat at the tea party table next to him, her knees around her chin.

“Looks like someone threw up pink cotton candy all over it.”

“I'll have you know this was once my room and I was going through a Barbie phase. Coming back in style these days.”

“Just saying not gonna work long-term for this Spidy-man.”

“Not that I am not enjoying our adventure but with any luck this will not be long term, Spidy-Man. If it does we will see what we can do to neutralize the pink factor.”

“How's Grandpa?”

“I haven't heard yet so we will have to do some detective work to find the answer.”

Once they had their detective gear on they headed for the hospital and were able to track down Nana. She guided them to a family area with activities for Carlson and conspired with Chrissy. “Things don't look promising for Artie and I haven't been able to talk to him to find out information about the boy's parents or other family members.”

“Any help from the hospital staff records at all?”

“His medical records aren't here. The address on his ID isn't current. He recently moved back to the region. But I found out very little else in our chat last night.”

“He is precious yet how long are we to be responsible for a virtual stranger's child? Do you even know his address so we can get Carlson's belongings? From what he told me he spends time at his Dad's and his Mom's so they must be separated. How do we locate them?”

“Do some computer searches, I guess. Trouble is, he's his daughter's child so her last name is probably different. Carlson's last name is not the same as Artie's. Need to ask him if he knows it. I had you learn your name and address and your parents' name by the time you were his age so maybe...”

“Say, there Mr. Carlson. Let's go see if they will let us in to see Mr. Tucker yet.” Chrissy suggested.

“I am not 'Mr. Carlson' only 'Carlson'.

“What would I call you if I want to say 'Mister'? Are you Mr. Tucker, too?”

“No, that's Grandpa. That would be silly.”

“Oh, it would be like your Dad's name, right? What would it be?” Chrissy prodded.

“Uh...uh. Mr. Daddy, I guess.”

“Okay. What if Mommy or Daddy or Grandpa were talking to you very sternly like you just did something you shouldn't have done. Would they call you by three names like my Nana used to do to me? She would say 'Christine Bella Merriman, you come here right now!'” Chrissy hoped she was hitting the mark.

“Um... OH! Carlson Douglas Conover, stop that right now!” Carlson beamed remembering what all those names were for he had heard many times.

They had arrived at the elder's room number but it was obvious a medical emergency was in progress so Nana led them back to the activities center explaining everyone was too busy to help them talk to Grandpa at the moment. Unfortunately, Chrissy and Nana knew what the commotion had meant. They were never gonna be able to talk to Grandpa again. They said a prayer asking God to help all the people in the hospital. Carlson caught on and added his own, “Please keep Miss Chrissy from being so sad.”

With the new found information Nana could lead the staff on a thorough search for family members while Chrissy kept Carlson distracted for the rest of the day.

She remembered all the sticky graham cracker gingerbread houses debris left smoldering in her classroom from the party and thought maybe Carlson would like to help get it under control.

They found extra unopened kits left behind by the room mothers so were able to build their own miniature gingerbread houses. Carlson delighted in gluing the edges together with icing then drawing doors, windows and shingles with the white piping. Red sprinkles sprinkled everywhere and green gum-drop bushes and a chimney topped it all off.

Surveying his handiwork, he suddenly grabbed Chrissy around her neck and planted a sticky kiss on her cheek! It took her a beat but she warmed to the affection. Soon they were both giggling as they finished cleaning up. So what seemed like a disastrous festive school party was saved by the magic of a just too-cute, elf-like mysterious mischievous Christmas visitor.

Fortunately, Carlson was reunited with his parents but found a lasting friend in Chrissy. And Chrissy did have time to polish her novel and find a happy ending.

December 21, 2023 21:33

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Myranda Marie
18:12 Dec 24, 2023

What a wonderful Christmas movie this would be ! Merry Christmas Mary !!!


Mary Bendickson
20:01 Dec 24, 2023

Thank you. You too. I did have a lot more in mind for this story but was running out of words to tell it all. Was wondering if I can work it into this week's prompts but...don't know yet.


Myranda Marie
21:29 Dec 24, 2023

Oh, maybe the "clarity" prompt this week would work? It would be cool if you could give us another "chapter."


Mary Bendickson
21:42 Dec 24, 2023

Working on it. But first making time for the Christ child's coming.


Myranda Marie
22:18 Dec 24, 2023

Enjoy the holiday, Mary.


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Aeris Walker
01:04 Dec 22, 2023

A warm, sweet story—perfect for Christmas. I loved the line, “it’s raining rainbows!”


Mary Bendickson
01:56 Dec 22, 2023

Thanks. I've been reading a lot of weird for Christmas ones so was going for charming.


09:05 Dec 22, 2023

I've got nothing original to say (darn you, overworked imagination 😆), so I'll just second that comment! Warm, sweet, perfect for Christmas. 💖❤️ And I loved that line too.


Mary Bendickson
16:12 Dec 22, 2023

I loved you loved it.


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Jack Kimball
01:04 Dec 25, 2023

Yes, Mary, a Christmas movie (or from a novel). So now Mary Bendrickson, you get to work!


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J. I. MumfoRD
16:46 Dec 23, 2023

This was fantastic! The only suggestion, and it is a rhythm thing—the sentence length in the first few paragraphs needs more variation, it was fine everywhere else.


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Webb Johnson
04:28 Dec 23, 2023

Too-cute meet is my favorite story, this Christmas. Excellent.


Mary Bendickson
06:54 Dec 23, 2023

Thanks. I laughed so hard at pheasant under glass I had to read it to my hubby to get him laughing ,too. Great entertainment.


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Daniel Rogers
03:46 Dec 23, 2023

I found myself wanting to build a gingerbread house. Lovely story, Mary.


Mary Bendickson
03:54 Dec 23, 2023

Thanks. Just read your equally charming one.


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22:17 Dec 21, 2023

Nice Christmas tale Mary. Sweet and tragic in equal parts. Glad Chrissy was there to help Carlson through a difficult time. :)


Mary Bendickson
01:39 Dec 22, 2023

Thanks. Glad you liked the simplicity.


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Rebecca Lewis
00:52 Mar 18, 2024

This story captures the holiday spirit. It's got that mix of Christmas excitement and life's unexpected twists that just feels real. I love how Chrissy goes from feeling overwhelmed to stepping up and caring for Carlson. Their bond is so touching, and it's nice to see them find joy despite the challenges. And the ending, with Carlson reuniting with his parents and Chrissy finding success with her novel, it's like a feel-good movie. It's a heartwarming tale that reminds us of the magic of the holidays and the importance of kindness and connec...


Mary Bendickson
04:41 Mar 18, 2024

Exactly as I was hoping. Thanks for the feel good comment.


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Jarrel Jefferson
14:23 Jan 05, 2024

This is a very sweet story. Lines like “One tow-headed little guy,” and “One befuddled blonde,” and “Once they had their detective gear on,” made the story feel like it didn’t take itself seriously, which made it more fun to read. The way Chrissy finds out Carlson’s last name is brilliant. The only downer is that Artie’s in critical condition, and it’s not certain he’ll make it. Good stuff, Mary.


Mary Bendickson
17:08 Jan 05, 2024

Glad you liked this. Have two follow ups and maybe a third one coming.


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Olivia Lake
04:34 Jan 03, 2024

I'm glad there are more installments because these are the kinds of characters that I want to spend more time with!


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Chris Campbell
14:52 Dec 30, 2023

Mary, A warm story with a warm ending. We all take Christmas for granted, but in reality, it's just another day, and tragedies and mishaps don't take days off. We should always give a thought to those grieving at this time of year.


Mary Bendickson
15:10 Dec 30, 2023

My sister-in-law died two years ago on Christmas day. The night before the hospital staff said she would be going home that day. She did in a way. I am glad you like the story.


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19:18 Dec 29, 2023

Just back from my hols. Wanted to catch up and read your story first. I didn't have time to write for a few weeks but didn't like the prompts. Not a fan of Christmas. I loved your story! We all have things crop up when we have other things on our schedules! Chrissy made the most of her visitor even though she felt little-peopled-out after teaching her class for the year. Tragic the way Carlson's grandfather died. A great happy conclusion despite the tragedy. Impressed on me the need to teach children important facts about themselves, their f...


Mary Bendickson
21:02 Dec 29, 2023

Just posted two new extensions. One for today's contest and one for next week's. This story was not approved until Thursday so I actually had high hopes it may take a prize but no go. Had so many nice compliments thought I should follow up on it. Thanks for your comments. You have been the only one that mentioned exactly what I was hoping would stand out. The importance of kids knowing some facts. The child was mysterious to these guardians because they knew nothing about him. I appreciate you taking the time for such deep thought on this one.


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AnneMarie Miles
07:50 Dec 29, 2023

Another happy ending, and what a Christmas miracle it was! Loved your take on this prompt, Mary!


Mary Bendickson
18:51 Dec 29, 2023

Thanks for the sweet comment. I have a couple of follow up parts to this for this week and next if can work in the prompt.


AnneMarie Miles
18:51 Dec 29, 2023

I can't wait to read them and see what happens next!


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Helen A Howard
06:46 Dec 29, 2023

Lovely Christmas story, Mary. You built up the characters well. I’m glad she got to finish her novel. Life often gets in the way and it goes on a back-burner.


Mary Bendickson
18:49 Dec 29, 2023

Thanks for the encouraging comment.


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Michelle Oliver
04:37 Dec 29, 2023

Just too cute. It’s like a chapter in a longer work, I would love to know where it goes.


Mary Bendickson
05:41 Dec 29, 2023

I think I have two installments to add tomorrow.


Michelle Oliver
06:15 Dec 29, 2023



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Michał Przywara
05:05 Dec 27, 2023

The opportunity to help someone else can change everything, can't it? A sweet tale, considering the bitter events that happen. Thanks for sharing!


Mary Bendickson
05:51 Dec 27, 2023

Thanks for liking and commenting. Maybe expanding it for this week's prompt.


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