Fantasy Fiction Adventure

 “Do not be startled Tallfellow Halfling, you have come to wield two sentient weapons. I am Thrash, a short sword made of mithril, silver and gold empowered with a unique set of abilities. Accompanying me in your discovery is the poniard, Swagger.”

“My name is Tanixx, Tanixx Wildfire. What do you mean by sentient?”

“Both of your newfound weapons are able to empathize with you; feel and perceive your needs as well as form a mental bond. We can communicate with telepathy; it's what we are doing at this very moment.”

“This is amazing! I have never had weapons like you two before. I heard of such things being possible and traveled with a few people that possessed similar weapons, but never been fortunate enough to own any. Own...hmm...is it proper for me to address you that way?”

“Yes. We are honored to serve you in any way possible. Being all three of us are ethically, morally and spiritually aligned; we will make a fantastic team.”

“I concur, Thrash. Your keen blade has runes and sigils artfully inscribed upon it, what are their purpose?”

“Let me begin with my origin story and through this tale you will learn much about me. I was physically forged by a colossus. Then magically enchanted by the Archmage Karoth-Synn whose intent was to make artifacts that would help his party destroy the powerful lich prince, Abakiith Darkseid.”

“Incredible, Thrash! What you speak of is mythical. Stories of Karoth-Synn and his eventual conquest over Abakiith and the lands of Nightwyer are told by bards and storytellers throughout the land.”

“You are correct, Tanixx Wildfire. I was given to Dillon Longstrider, a Halfling with superior dexterity, much like yourself. Our appointed task was the destruction of any undead creatures that presented themselves as a threat while we penetrated the lands and lair of Abakiith. My ability to detect, deal formidable damage and provide a protective barrier against undead is some of the attributes Karoth-Synn imbued me with. I am also enchanted to give my wielder remarkable speed and quickness in battle. My razor-sharp edge can sever limbs and pierce or slice through all but the hardest of materials.”

“You are truly an impressive weapon. Is there anything else you can do?”

“Yes---I can dispel certain magics and cast a brilliant light in a radius around us. I can also provide invisibility against undead and speak with the dead. My rune covered, steel and silver scabbard will heal most of your wounds sustained in combat as long as it's in contact with your body.”

“That's awesome! You're awesome! How is it I had the good fortune to retrieve you and Swagger from beneath the capuchin monolith on Obsidian Island?”

“I have had several owners before you, Tanixx Wildfire. The last one, Maxum Dent, a human, who became lost along Alaadin's Cape while treasure hunting. Shipwrecked with a few others, they came across these monoliths and discovered each possessed a riddle which, when solved, revealed a command word allowing access to an underground labyrinth. For some unknown reason, Maxum concealed us in a wall compartment, wrapped in his cloak, beneath this very monolith base; he never returned. For many years we remained hidden, until you found us.”

“Well Thrash, I want an account of all your previous owners, in time, as we adventure together. I'm sure you'll have many stories to tell over campfires.”

“That I will, Tanixx Wildfire.” “Let me turn our communication over to Swagger.”


“It's a pleasure to be owned by you, I am Swagger, a poniard of piercing. My mithril steel construction was made by the same colossus that gilded Thrash. An important point Thrash failed to mention is how our sentient force is imbued from the plane of living energy then forged into precious metals by magic. Archmage Karoth-Synn summoned Thrash's energy from a complex living radiance that is dutiful and predominantly straightforward in its nature. I, on the other hand, am a bit more rambunctious than my short-sword counterpart. You will find me livelier and a bit more talkative.”

“Livelier is a matter of opinion, Swagger.”

“Ha! Ha! Hah! Do I note a touch of jealousy from you, Thrash? I am the more charismatic weapon you know.”

“Whoa! Both of you can argue and I hear it inside my head?”

“Yes, Tanixx Wildfire, but my sentient power supersedes Swagger's.”

“Got it, Thrash.” “Continue Swagger, you were telling me about your abilities.”

“Yes...the way I was forged, my blade has a very good chance of puncturing through all non-metal and most hard metal armors. Karoth-Synn inscribed my blade, hilt and pommel with runes allowing the possessor to decipher many languages, magical writings, riddles and most codes; you will find me very adept at finding patterns in words.”

“You can read and speak Ancient Drow? Ancient Elvish? Ancient Dwarvish...”

“Yes, and many others you will discover as we adventure together.”

“Is there more to know about you?”

“I have spell capabilities that allow me to imbue my possessor with detect magic, make powerful leaps and glide through the air. I can also produce light in a radius around us.”

“That's outstanding and most helpful to a champion thief and acrobat such as myself.”

“You will find my ability to adapt your body mass for adequate buoyant forces in the air or water are advantageous. Many times, I've helped my possessor float like a feather preventing death from a perilous fall or had them bob to the surface while swimming with a large sack of gold across a fast-moving river.”

“Fascinating, Swagger! Most impressive! Does your scabbard offer healing like Thrash's?”

“Not healing, but protection from poisons, venom's, toxins and the like. However, the scabbard must be touching your body to effectively work. Please understand, protection doesn't mean immunity. I have lost a couple of owners to creatures like the cobra naga and viper hydra.”

“Geez, looks like you have lots of stories to share as well, Swagger. I haven't heard of either of those monsters.”

“Absolutely---I tell my best tales during campfires.”

“Tonight, you can begin storytelling. For now, I need you to read this ancient Drow inscription in this labyrinth's alcove.”

“Sure. It's a riddle.” “What belongs to you, but other people use it more than you?”

“Get ready Thrash and Swagger, to adventure further inside the monolith with me, Tanixx Wildfire, because I know the riddle's answer; my name.”

February 24, 2023 07:04

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Graham Kinross
04:26 Jan 13, 2024

Is Darkseid a reference to the DC big bad? Longstrider sounds like Strider, Aragorn’s alias in Lord of the Rings. Talking weapons are cool. Do you read many books with enchanted weapons or sentient weapons? I know some in books by R A Salvatore but other than that I can’t think of any. The mention of liches and the magic sounds like D and D stuff. Good fun.


Roger Scypion
09:36 Jan 14, 2024

I thought my Darkseid was an original, I haven't look at a DC comic in years. I am a fan of the Elric of Melnibone series and got inspired by Elric's sword stormbringer. I was a player and DM in D&D for many years an its where I drew from my experiences playing for the Tanixx story. Where or are you a D&D fan?


Graham Kinross
22:13 Jan 14, 2024

I haven’t played D and D but I want to. I read the R A Salvatore books about Drizzt Do Urden set in the D and D realms. You’d probably enjoy them. What was your character in D and D?


Roger Scypion
19:12 Feb 03, 2024

My fav is an elf with fighter and mage combination. Mages are by far the most powerful D&D characters but their survival rate is slim at lower levels. Cleric-Mage combination is very good too, lots of spell potential, can wear armor, fight well and turn undead. My Grey Elf Cleric-Mage, Selenna Stargazer, became one of my most power characters.


Graham Kinross
23:37 Feb 03, 2024

Who did you play with? Friends from school or work? I wish I had that. It would be good to build with others using your imagination.


Roger Scypion
16:28 Feb 06, 2024

I have not played with my friends in over years now but D&D has been a big part of my life since my late teens. I still write stories based on it and develop modules for others to purchase and play with. I've been contemplating being an online DM (Dungeon Master) for any interested people or groups.


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Miles Gatling
17:57 Feb 27, 2023

I love the world within your story. The sentient weapons as sidekicks are in my opinion the best part. It brings out your main character's traits as a talent fighter and brave adventurer. It was a joy to read!


Roger Scypion
19:33 Feb 27, 2023

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it Miles. The weapons were my favorite part along with the ending with the riddle. Your compliments and insight are greatly appreciated. More Tanixx, Thrash and Swagger to come; stay tuned... -RS


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Miles Gatling
17:57 Feb 27, 2023

I love the world within your story. The sentient weapons as sidekicks are in my opinion the best part. It brings out your main character's traits as a talent fighter and brave adventurer. It was a joy to read!


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Russell Mickler
17:51 Feb 26, 2023

OMG my head reeled at the opening para ... more halflings! Magic weapons? A lich?! yay Tanixx! This reads like an origin story for the character? Do you write about him elsewhere? I have to admit, this magicked duo are a bit forthcoming! Perhaps _too_ forthcoming :) ... And to think Tanixx would be using 2/3 of his attuned weapon slots for it ... hmmm! Maybe Thrash and Swagger are going to take Tanixx over? hehehe I always love love love fantasy and material tied to RPG's. Fantastic! As always, I hope to read more. Now that you've introd...


Roger Scypion
18:40 Feb 26, 2023

I was inspired to write this based on the prompt criteria. The dialogue you read is part of a longer story that leads up to Tanixx finding Thrash and Swagger. Other parts about Tanixx are based on the novel I'm working on in case readers wanted to know how Tanixx and his friends came into possession of the magical weapons and items they use in the novel. I have a few, longer stories involving Tanixx, his sentient weapons and a party of adventurers. Several short stories and a novel I have do not fit the criteria for the prompts thus far. I...


Russell Mickler
18:42 Feb 26, 2023

Okay! Cool …!


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14:58 Feb 26, 2023

Roger, I really enjoyed this! I play lots of RPGs with my friends, and this made me think of a conversation we might have during a game night. The riddle at the end was delightful, and I love the narrator’s confidence. Well done 👏👏👏


Roger Scypion
15:39 Feb 26, 2023

Thanks for the nice compliments. They are greatly appreciated and inspiring. I play a lot of RPGs myself especially D&D where I'm a DM (Dungeon Master, but you probably already knew that acronym...) and have played as a character as well. Much of my inspiration for fantasy stories comes from decades of game play.


Russell Mickler
17:53 Feb 26, 2023

Grin - you and I have a lot in common. Nearly all of my stories come from 40 years of material I've produced from gaming. :)


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Wendy Kaminski
17:18 Feb 24, 2023

This was a very clever story and a unique address to the prompt, Roger! Having two secret weapons (haha) which are basically extensions of yourself but with their own special abilities sounds divine. Where do I get some of these wonderful toys?! This story seems ripe for the further adventures of Tanixx and the boys, too. I really enjoyed reading this very much!


Roger Scypion
17:47 Feb 24, 2023

Thanks for your compliments. It is part of a bigger story which leads Tanixx to the discovery of the two weapons. I took the dialogue excerpt to meet the prompt criteria. Tanixx is part of a group of adventurers that delve in everything from treasure hunting to dragon conquest. You will be seeing more of him, Thrash, Swagger and his friends in future stories. Stay tuned...


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