Adventure Fantasy Funny

Hi, I’m Steve. I was making breakfast and watching television one morning. Suddenly, a piece of breaking news popped up saying that there was a new pandemic called the buggy virus. That surprised me so much that I dropped my breakfast and the plate broke into hundreds of pieces. I sat down on the sofa while listening carefully to the news presenter. Apparently, there has been a new kind of virus that can be spread by any kind of insects called the buggy virus. It can be spread by any encounters with literally any kind of bugs. I was very anxious by the time the news ended because there were hundreds of bugs inside my house. Then a genius idea popped into my brain. I rushed out of my house and stopped at a supermarket. I picked up some anti-bug spray and bought them. The moment I opened my front door, a bunch of bugs piled up on me like a tsunami. It was very terrifying. So I took out my bottles of anti-bug spray and sprayed the foam all over myself and the bugs.

 After that, the chaos died down when all those crazy bugs collapsed. But the bugs might have bitten me too because I started shrinking into a bug! “Oh no!” I thought to myself. But that was no use, I shrunk into a beetle and crawled on my sofa. Now the remote control of the television is humongous! That got me wondering. Maybe, just maybe I can live here forever with an infinite amount of food since they’re so big now. But a bad thought came to my head: What if I had the same lifespan of a bug? That means I can only live for a few months or years. I had to find a way to turn back to a human. When I was a human, I could live so easily; but now I am just a lonely soul with a short and miserable life where I feast on fruits and sleep. That’s all I can do all day. But I found out a feature that humans can’t do. It’s that, I can FLY! When I was zooming across my room with incredible speed, I hit the window. 

I slammed headfirst onto it because bugs and birds can’t see glass. That is a downside of being a bug; we can have better smelling skills than those humans though. Now since I have mastered these skills, I changed my mind about bugs. They are not that miserable after all. I crawled to the window and surprisingly, it was snowing. So I decided to stay inside because I would freeze to death if I got outdoors. At least I could stay near the fireplace to get warmth and relax. I decided to go to sleep for now and wake up until the snow stops. During the next day, the snow stopped and all the ice melted away. So, that’s great news! “I can finally go out and fly!” 

One thing I have to be cautious about when outside, DON’T GET KILLED! The moment I flew out of my window, a very strong wind hit my wing and I hit the sidewalk with a thud. “Ouch,” said a shadow looming over me. “You have injured your wing very badly!” the shadow said with concern. When I opened my eyes again and looked at my self, there as a blinding light shining on me. Then saw my wings bent in a painful direction.

 I felt a force pushing me down on a bed as soft as clouds. “Lie down, or else you will injure yourself even more.” A soft voice said. “But I want to get out of here this instant” I protested. “And I caught a virus called buggy virus that turned me into this unpleasant form!” I whined. Then a bug in a nurse suit replied, “We all caught the buggy virus, okay? We are all suffering from it, so don’t complain!” She ended with a sigh. I could have said I felt bad for them, I have to care for myself first. “Can I get out now please?” I asked. “You can leave in one more day. Is that okay?”  One of the nurses said with a smile. “I guess that’s fine,” I replied. “Now you need to rest. We will leave the room so you can sleep without being disturbed. When they finished the sentence, all of them went out of my hospital room and walked along the corridor. Suddenly, a sense of sleepiness blackened me out and made me go back to sleep.

 A loud clunk woke me up from my sleep. The moment I opened my eyes, a blinding light danced across my room and flew straight out the window! “Arghh!” I screamed when a sharp pain hit me on my wing. The oak panel door flew open the moment I screamed. “What happened?” Said a worried-looking buggy nurse pursued by many buggy doctors. “I.. I... I saw a blinding light dancing across my room and flew out of the window and gave me a sharp pain!” I stammered. “Oh no! That legend is true!” Exclaimed a buggy doctor. “What legend?” I asked innocently. “This legend is very mythical.” One of the buggy doctors whispered. “But can we just get to the point, what was that light?” I asked. I was getting impatient. “Okay fine, that light is actually an incredibly fast creature. People call it, The Dancing Ghost. It is the one that spreads the buggy virus ” The buggy doctor said dramatically. “When people draw The Dancing Ghost, they draw it with a sinister smile.” Said the buggy doctor. Then with a flash of light, the doctor got swallowed by the blinding light. After all the other buggy doctor and nurses ran off, I got stuck to my bed.

 I can see the silhouette of a human! That surprised me because I thought this “Dancing Ghost” was a creature, not a human. And that reminded me again that I’m a bug and I can’t fight against human. Then without any hesitation, the silhouette spoke in a soft tone. “Hi, I’m Oliver, I know your name, no need to tell me. I am The Dancing Ghost, as people call me. I spread the buggy virus for a reason. I didn’t want to make a bug apocalypse. But I wanted people to feel how bugs feel when they are less powerful than humans and being hopeless.” He said with a deep voice. “ But since you already know how it feels to be a bug, I will turn you back into a human.” “Thanks,” I said with glee. The moment I said thanks, I teleported back to my house and I’m in a human form. I was so happy that I danced across my room and shouted, “Whoo-hoo!” Finally, I am human again. Never was so happy to be a human! The End.

Written by Evan Chen

March 11, 2021 12:48

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