Fantasy Friendship

“And a cherry on each of the custard creams, as well as a sprig of mint on the lime tarts!” I nodded as my assistant, Sadira, ran around me with a clipboard full of notes for my desserts. I went to the pantry and pulled out the tub of cherries and mint, and walked around the dozens of trays that were displaying my creations for the ball tonight. The kingdom was hosting a ball to celebrate the coming of age of Princess Velora. At 24, I was the kingdom’s best and youngest baker, and I was invited to create all sorts of desserts for the ball. And as the other daughter of King Maxim and Queen Nehara, my parents were counting on me to make my younger sister feel special.

For her ball, my baby sister had requested all her favorite desserts, the ones I would make for her when we would sneak into the kitchens after everyone thought we were asleep. Custard creams with candied cherries, lime mint tarts, and apple pies covered in powdered sugar and cinnamon were just the beginning. Then came the cakes. The first was a stunning ombré rosette cake with layers of red velvet sponge and then sprinkled with pink sugar dust. That was then succeeded by an absolutely dreamy and sophisticated coconut cake, iced with coconut frosting, generously covered with a handful or two of coconut shavings, and finally embellished with a champagne-colored satin bow at the base. Next up was a cinnamon-spiced apple cake drizzled on top with luscious caramel sauce, as bourbon-laced brown sugar buttercream oozed in between the layers. And last but not least, the cream of the coup, the dessert that I was most proud of, a double tier vanilla and almond cake with the bottom tier enclosed in edible silver leaf and adorned with a single sugar magnolia to honor the name of our beloved kingdom.

I must say, I was very proud of my desserts and couldn’t wait to see the look on Velora’s face once she saw all that I had prepared for her ball.

“Natilee!!” I was jolted out of my trance by Sadira’s voice. I craned my neck to find her amidst the towering cakes, studying her clipboard frantically. I walked over to her, dusting my hands on my apron.

“What is it?” I asked. She was running through the guest list.

“Did you know that Morgan was invited?” She arched an eyebrow at me. My face suddenly grew hot, something that the open oven next to us had nothing to do with. I grabbed the list from her and scanned the names. Sure enough, Morgan Serril (1) was right at the bottom of the guests.

“Are you seriously cracking my eggs right now?” I asked indignantly. My brain raced, trying to think of possible outcomes of tonight. I blinked and forced a smile on my face as I turned to Sadira, who totally didn’t believe me but nodded anyway.

“Well, at least he has the sense to come alone.” I practically snarled at her as I turned back to my cakes. Crapsticks. And here I thought nothing could go wrong. I scowled up at the ceiling, cursing the gods who were probably laughing above me. I turned back to my cakes and attacked the lemon tarts with the almond buttercream icing that would pair nicely with the tartness of the….well, tart.

Morgan Serril was the bread to my butter, the jam to my toast, the sugar to my…honey? I don’t know that exact analogy, but he was basically my best friend. He and I had first met when I had wandered into the kitchen, seeking something to do when my sister was born, and all the attention was on her. He was working the ovens, trying to support his family, and we had instantly clicked over chocolate chip cookies and a flour fight. We were friends for over a decade, always together, and always on each other’s sides. As we’d grown older, our feelings toward each other had changed, and we fell in love. It was the happiest time of my life. And just when it couldn’t get better, Morgan had proposed, and I’d accepted. We were to be married the following spring. But one day, I’d gone down to the kitchen and found out from our cook, Urgann, that he’d resigned the night before and left the castle. I was devastated. I hadn’t heard anything about him or from him since. So, I vowed never to trust a guy with my heart anymore.

Sadira had been my lady-in-waiting, and she had spent many nights comforting me with hot tea and desserts. She was my best friend during all that. After I left the castle, I’d taken her with me to be my business partner, but she’d declined, saying that she didn’t like baking but loved numbers. So, I’d made her my financial assistant with the salary of a partner.

I knew what I was going to do tonight. My desserts were my cover. I was going to pretend that I didn’t know him. I was going to humiliate him. And I was going to make him regret everything. I finished icing the tarts and straightened, looking over them all. I stared in shock, then burst out laughing. I hadn’t realized it while I was icing, but I’d iced the silhouette of a pile of poop on each tart. Everyone would be scandalized, but I knew Velora would love them.

“Alright, Sadira, I’m done.” She was going to handle the shipping of the desserts from my bakery, Natilee’s Cakes Cookies and Confections, to the castle. She came over and snickered when she saw the icing and marked stuff down on her clipboard.

“So, you’re heading home to get ready for tonight?” I nodded, untying my apron and hanging it on the hook.

“Yeah, I was going to head up the castle with my dress, so Vel and I can get ready together.”

“Aww, that’s sweet!!” Sadira said, smiling at me, before turning back to her clipboard and running out to the front of the shop. I grabbed my coat and hat and walked out the back door. Fall was slowly turning into winter in the Kingdom of Magnolia, and there was a nip in the air that smelled of upcoming snow. I grinned at the thought of all the snowflake cookies and cakes I could make and was too busy imagining the look of delight on my customer’s faces to watch where I was going.

“Oof.” I gasped as I collided with someone walking the other way.

“Oh, I’m so sorry-” I broke off as I looked up at the person I’d run into. With wavy dark brown and reddish hair, piercing hazel eyes, and the chiseled face that still had its dimples, Morgan Serril had aged handsomely. I realized I was gaping, so I closed my mouth and moved around him, praying he hadn’t recognized me. Of course, the fates couldn’t allow me a single break, and he reached out an arm to stop me. Muttering curses at the fates I shoved at his arm.

“Let go of me!” I growled.

“Natilee, wait.” Gods, even his voice changed. His arm tightened around me, so I did the only thing I could think of. In my defense, I was a baker and a princess at that. I didn’t know much about defending myself. I elbowed him in the side and bit down hard on his arm. Surprised, he yelped and let me go. I took off down the cobbled street and down to the market. Surely he’d lose me there. Amidst the stall selling fruits and vegetables, I ducked under the booth and watched as Morgan’s shoes ran past me. I held my breath, peering through the wooden boards to make sure he was gone, before popping back out. I pressed a coin into the startled merchant’s hand, gratefully smiling at him, and ran the opposite direction to my house. Thank…not the gods, they weren’t on my side anymore, but thank toast I’d lost him.

My home was situated on the edge of town, a small apartment that the owner had tried to give to me for free since I was the princess, but I’d refused, wanting to pay for it with my hard-earned money. It was small, one bedroom, bathroom, closet, kitchen, and I loved it. I let myself in and walked into my bedroom, opening my closet up. I had a lot of other dresses and fancy-schmancy stuff up in my room at the castle, but the dress I was planning on wearing tonight was a greenish-blue gown made of soft, satiny fabric, long and loose. A semicircular, high collar made of silk-like materials headed the ankle-length robe. The color matched my eyes and was the perfect complement to my dark brown hair. I grabbed the dress and gently placed it in my bag before heading back out of my apartment. I started back through town and up the long walk to the castle.

Feidelm Castle was situated on the top of the plateau, overlooking the town that was in the shadow of the castle. It was a bit of a walk to get there, but I enjoyed the hike. I finally arrived at the front gates, and the bellboy let me in. I ran up through the servent passageways that I had memorized a long time ago and reached my sister’s room. I knocked on the door, and her hand-maiden, Frione, smiled as she opened the door and let me in.

“Natilee!!!!” Velora squealed as I came up behind her. I kissed her cheek and gave her a small hug, as much as I could do while she was getting her hair pinned up. I laid my dress on her bed and went over to help Frione put the finishing touches of makeup on Vel’s face. She looked radiant, ready to make her formal appearance to the town, and I was so proud of her.

At every coming-of-age ball, each princess or prince must present to the guests their preferred talent. Mine was baking, and I’d charmed my way into the hearts, and stomachs, of the people with my scrumptious tarts and lavish cakes. Velora loved painting, and earlier, all the pieces that she had wanted to present had been hung up in the ballroom on full display to the court and the townspeople. She was super excited for the guests to discover what she was most proud of.

“Nat, will you put on my tiara?” I smiled at her in the mirror and nodded, getting the tiara from her jewelry box. Passed down from mother to daughter, I’d worn the same one when I was presented at my ball. It was a small silver tiara, threaded with sapphires and rubies that glinted in the glow that Vel radiated. I carefully placed it on the crown of braids that Frione had painstakingly put up and stepped back to admire my sister. With beautiful big blue eyes, caramel skin, glossy brown hair, and a bold purple dress that hugged her curves, she was every inch the princess she was about to be presented as. “Ok, now your turn.” Vel clapped her hands with glee, and I laughed at the eager expression on her face.

After about an hour, we were ready. I was wearing my dress, and Friona had put my hair up in a simple braided crown with the rest of my hair brushed out and falling to my bare shoulders. Vel had given me a couple of pairs of earrings to choose from, and I'd picked small diamond tear-shaped ones, as well as a short sapphire necklace with a pendant that rested in the hollow of my throat. We both looked amazing, and I couldn't wait for Morgan to see me now.

There was a knock on our door, and Frione went to answer it. She came back with a big smile.

"The ball is in full swing, and everybody's waiting for you." I grinned at Velora and held out my arm for her to take. We walked out of her rooms, and the guards fell in position behind us. Down the grand staircase, we went, and the few people milling outside the ballroom smiled at the sight of us. We finally walked up to the steward, who smiled at us before turning to the full room and announcing her. 

"Princess Velora Keia Iyanna Saena and Princess Natilee Mavena Krisia Saena!" A hush fell over the guests as everyone turned to watch my sister gracefully enter the ballroom. Parting ways for her, everyone bowed as she passed, making her way to the two thrones at the far end of the ballroom where our proud parents sat. I walked a few steps behind her and merged with the crowd, walking over to the long table on the far end where my desserts were displayed. 

"I must say, you really outdid yourself tonight, Nat," Sadira said as I walked up to her. She was dressed in a lilac dress, with her hair pulled up in a ponytail. She looked great. 

"Thanks, Sadira. I hope she likes it." 

"Princess Natilee." I stiffened as a deep voice said my name behind me. 

"Morgan," I said quietly, as I turned to face the man who had broken my heart all those years ago. 

Posted Dec 04, 2020

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78 likes 29 comments

. .
21:06 Dec 04, 2020

I love it!! The descriptions were so appetizing!!!


Nainika Gupta
21:07 Dec 04, 2020

I KNOWW!!! I have serious cravings right now :)


. .
21:09 Dec 04, 2020

Lol if there's one thing this contest is doing it's making me hungry!!


Nainika Gupta
21:10 Dec 04, 2020

Haha, every single prompt is giving me those holiday vibes, and I'm legit not complaining!!


. .
21:11 Dec 04, 2020



18:04 Dec 14, 2020

Wow! I am amazed and very impressed by the description of the desserts and everything.
I really really love this story. It's soooo Interesting.
I just can't wait to read a part 2 of it.


Nainika Gupta
18:05 Dec 14, 2020

thank you!!! yep part two is out!! very happy you enjoyed it <3


18:24 Dec 14, 2020

You're welcome!
Yup I read it. It was awesome. But I suggest you to make moragan a little nicer. I would love the story more. But overall it was totally outstanding.
You have done a great job.
When is part three going to come. Cause I can't wait to read it


Nainika Gupta
18:42 Dec 14, 2020

thank you!!
and yeah, Morgan's character development was a first for me as I normally never write the story from a villian's perspective, so I went a little deeper into his 'evilness' than I probably needed to.
Thanks again!!
and part 3 is on its way in the next few days!!!


18:54 Dec 14, 2020

My pleasure!
No problem! I understand. That happens to me sometimes.
I am not saying that it was bad or anything like that. Honestly I love his character and I think the description of his character was very interesting and good.
Happy to help!
Yay! Really eager to read it.


Nainika Gupta
18:59 Dec 14, 2020

Thank you so much!!
I'm super eager to submit it!!!


Sid The Sloth
21:12 Dec 04, 2020

Wow. I loved the imagery on this one!! Great job with the fantasy world you've built, and I honestly can't wait for the next part!!!


Nainika Gupta
21:14 Dec 04, 2020

Thank you so much!! Glad you enjoyed it, and can't wait to make part 2...too!!!


Lucas Zhou
00:35 Dec 15, 2020

love the ending


Nainika Gupta
00:39 Dec 15, 2020

thank you so much!!!!!!


Lucas Zhou
01:32 Dec 15, 2020



15:55 Dec 14, 2020

Made my mouth water! Imagery is amazing!


Nainika Gupta
16:12 Dec 14, 2020

Thank you so much!!!


Radhika Diksha
15:34 Dec 10, 2020

I hate you! I will tell you why.
The description of desserts and tarts, in the beginning, diluted my intentions for food. I'm supposed to be on a diet, but you corrupted my character.
I loved the story it was like a fairytale with a lover and kingdom.
It was a full paisa wasool story, and you generously exploited the prompt.
Keep writing.


Nainika Gupta
15:50 Dec 10, 2020

Oh. OHH. I got scared for a minute. :D I was like I'M SO SORRY FOR WHATEVER I DID WRONG-oh wait..hehe
And THANK YOU!!!!! I had fun writing this :)))))
Yeah, my mom was reading it over my shoulder and she immediately had to stop because she was going to start baking then and there!!!
Psst - diets suck - you look beautiful :)


Radhika Diksha
17:33 Dec 17, 2020

How come you manage to write each story for a prompt. Isn't it tiring? I will surely read all of your stories. I submitted a new story and I would love your feedback on it.


Nainika Gupta
17:47 Dec 17, 2020

Well, I just pop some music on and write when I've had a long day! I don't do all the prompts, there's always one I just don't connect with. And of course, I'll head right over :)


Unknown User
05:02 Dec 17, 2020


Nainika Gupta
13:25 Dec 17, 2020

Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
1) yeah, so the way I'd thought of it was that she had been planning to tell her family later, as he had secretly proposed to her, but didn't want to tell the king and queen yet.
2) Again, i wanted a different sort of, you could call it?? where only if the firstborn married or was engaged before her royal ball (like the whole kingdom knew she was engaged) then she was eligible for the throne - that's why she was allowed to become a baker, as she wasn't married or engaged yet!!

thank you so much - i hope that cleared it up :) glad you enjoyed it :D


Unknown User
03:28 Dec 18, 2020


Nainika Gupta
13:11 Dec 18, 2020

Thank you very much!!!


Sunny 🌼
18:04 Jan 03, 2021

The descriptions literally felt like candy (but with words). They were so vivid and colorful!!! Also, your worldbuilding was very well done. I felt really invested in the story and Natalee's life. So good job!


Nainika Gupta
18:36 Jan 03, 2021

Thank you so much!! That means a lot :)


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