Friendship Sad

   Authors note: Hello everyone. Just so you know this has nothing to do with the prompt. This is a eulogy to my four-legged best friend who recently passed away. The diary entries were ones I actually wrote and took from my journal. Also, the words in italics are from the song ”See You Again” by Carrie Underwood. I hope Reedsy doesn't take it down, but we'll see.

Said goodbye, turned around and you were gone, gone, gone.

     My best friend died last month. She was black and white and had a dark mane and tail that shone ever so brilliantly in the sun. Her brown eyes looked through you and whispered words of love and devotion. She was every little girl's favorite horse. 

Faded into the setting sun, you slipped away.

Diary entry one,

January 10, 2018

AHHHHH. I. Got. A. Horse!!!! Finally! I've been wanting one forever!!! She's PERFECT. She's a black and white paint and she has the kindest eye! Well I gotta go see my horse! 

I won't cry cause I know I'll never be lonely.

Diary entry two,

January 20, 2018

I rode Mia today! Oh yeah, I decided to name her Mia. My trainer said Apache was too ’generic’. I like her name. Anyway, Mia did GREAT. I loooovveee her!

For you are the stars to me.l

Diary entry three

March 6, 2018

I fell off Jake today. Mia walked over like she was concerned for me. I laughed. Mia’s the best.

You are the light I follow.

Diary entry four

You know those movies where all of a sudden the girl connects to the horse and they're inseparable? I felt that today. It sounds stupid but I DID. She followed me around everywhere like a dog. When I had to leave, she stood by the gate and watched me go. I have the best horse in the WORLD.

I will see you again. This is not where it ends.

Diary entry five

March 20, 2018

Mia stepped on my foot and broke my toe. I yelled at her. I felt bad later and gave her lots of treats to make up for it. She didn't mean to, and I shouldn't have been wearing open-toed shoes.

I will carry you with me, till I see you again.

Diary entry six

April 1, 2018

She's lame! No, not boring or lazy. She hurt her foot and I can never ride her again. I was mad at her, mad at myself, but it's neither of our faults. At least I still have her. Now she can just be my friend.

I can hear those echoes in the wind at night, calling me back in time, back to you.

Diary entry seven

December 20, 2018

Sorry, I haven't written in a while, It’s been busy and my brother stole my diary. Something bad happened today and Mia let me cry in her mane for an hour about it. I probably would've kicked someone if they did that to me.

In a place far away where the water meets the sky.

Diary entry eight

January 10, 2019

It's been a year since I've had Mia!! I gave her extra treats and hay because she's been amazing. She's a little fat, but it's better than being skinny I suppose.

The thought of it makes me smile.

Diary entry nine

July 23, 2019

I know I've said this a gazillion times, but I LOVE my horse. She just made a little girl's day today. My parents had friends over and their daughter is 9. She wanted to ride Mia but I told her she was hurt, but instead, she would love a hug. As soon as the girl wrapped her arms around mia’s neck, Mia reached her long neck around her and seemed to squeeze her back. Thrilled, the girl ran and told her parents that ”she got a horse hug”

You are my tomorrow 

Diary entry ten

November 27, 2019

I tried riding Mia again today. I promise I didn't hurt her. My trainer said it was OK to walk. She didn't like being ridden, and I felt really bad when I got up. I think she forgave me though. I think it's back to retirement for her.

I will carry you with me till I see you again.

Diary entry eleven

January 3, 2020

Whoop whoop! It's my birthday! I mostly sat in the pasture and watched Mia chomp blades of grass until my mom made me go eat dumb dinner.

Sometimes I feel my heart is breaking but I stay strong and hold on cause I know…

Diary entry twelve

January 10, 2020

I can't believe it's been two whole years!! Mia and I have had the BEST times. The other day, we thought she was PREGNANT. But, false alarm, she was just too fat. DARN IT.

I will see you again.

Diary entry thirteen

August 11, 2020

Everything is CRAZY. First, there's covid, then the Black Lives Matter riots. Ughhh I hate 2020. If I didn't have Mia I don't know WHAT I would do.

This is not where it ends.

Diary entry fourteen

October 25, 2020

I don't know where to start. Mia is sick. She was fine yesterday, but today she started laying down a lot. My trainer said it's colic. That's bad. The vet came out and said she wasn't drinking enough water so she couldn't go to the bathroom. I feel like I killed her. I shouldve made sure she was drinking water. We have a day to say goodbye.

I will carry you with me till I see you again

Diary entry fifteen 

October 26, 2020

Mia is gone. The vet put her to sleep. I prayed all night, but she still died. My life is empty. I don't want to do anything. What's the point? Everything I did before, I did for Mia. When she went she took a part of my heart with her. There was still so much I wanted to do. Everyone told me that ”she's not really gone” and ”as long as you believe she's there she will live in your heart” well, it sure felt like she was gone. At least I know she won't have any pain… I guess. I didn't even have that much time to say goodbye. I love you, Mia. May your memory live forever in our hearts.

Said goodbye turned around and you were gone, gone, gone.

December 15, 2020 22:04

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Raquel Rodriguez
22:48 Dec 17, 2020

Hey Abby, I think I know why it was so hard to get you out of having 0 karma points only!


✨Abby ✨
23:14 Dec 17, 2020

Really?!? What's your theory??


Raquel Rodriguez
23:35 Dec 17, 2020

I think that the downvoters downvoted you so much that it got to the negatives, but the karma balance can't show that, so instead they just show a 0


✨Abby ✨
23:40 Dec 17, 2020

Ohhhh! That makes sense!


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Raquel Rodriguez
00:43 Jan 05, 2021

Abby Abby Abby, I'M TALKING TO MY CRUSHHHH WHAT SHOULD I DOOOO? Idk, I was thinking of sending him a link to my reedsy page, but he's gonna see this now ahhhhhhh


✨Abby ✨
22:45 Jan 05, 2021

Sorry if this is late! Ahhhh congrats you got courage lol. Okay send your link then you can delete this comment I think


Raquel Rodriguez
14:40 Jan 06, 2021

Lol, it's fine. I don't think he likes me (just as a best friend) he only comes on once in a while, so this was one of those times. He's in Florida rn, and we spoke for a while about church class and stuff, and then he left. I dunno... I feel like he has a bit too much going on in his life right now, and I don't wanna add to that, so I don't think I would want us to be a 'thing' even if we could be one.


✨Abby ✨
16:55 Jan 06, 2021

ah, ok. Well if it's meant to be, It'll be.


Raquel Rodriguez
17:18 Jan 06, 2021

Yeah, very true. Thank you! Anyway, what's up? :)


✨Abby ✨
18:09 Jan 06, 2021

Np! Umm nothing much. Been super busy :/. You?


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Radhika Diksha
10:31 Dec 23, 2020

I'm so sorry for your loss Abby, going through the story was tough for me. I have two pets and I couldn't stand it if anything happens to them. She is immortal in our memories. She is with us and will always be in our memories.


✨Abby ✨
17:34 Dec 23, 2020

Oh, thank you. At least I know she is in a better place now.


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Maya -
22:24 Dec 17, 2020

This is such a touching story!!! I'm so sorry your horse passed away, but it seems like you had some really great memories with her. It's so sweet of you to write this for her. Amazing job!!! Btw I saw people were downvoting you so I upvoted you to 430 points.


✨Abby ✨
23:18 Dec 17, 2020

Oh, thank you! And omg you are amazing!!!🤗🤗🤗


Maya -
23:26 Dec 17, 2020

You're totally welcome!!! :)


✨Abby ✨
23:34 Dec 17, 2020



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Amaya .
03:07 Dec 16, 2020

Oh Abby, I'm so sorry for your loss. Mia sounds wonderful.


✨Abby ✨
03:10 Dec 16, 2020

Oh, thank you. She really was.


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Serena Blanton
06:16 Apr 04, 2023

Hi I'm only thirteen and i really loved this journal entry type thing you did it was sad and I'm sorry for your horse dyeing but if you were to turn this whole thing into a book it would be a really good book


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23:36 Nov 27, 2021

I’m sorry, Mia sounded like such a good horse


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Kristin Neubauer
03:18 Dec 31, 2020

Oh my gosh, Abby - I am so sorry for your loss of Mia. She sounds like she was such a special horse who had such an impact on your life. The horse in my Reedsy profile picture was Bear....he was to me what Mia was to you. My time with him was far too short also. He had survived a terrible accident when he was 18 and I met him about a year later. He couldn't be ridden again, but I spent everyday with him - grooming, grazing, TTouch, essential oils and just hanging out with him. He died of peacefully and on his own terms three years later...


✨Abby ✨
06:06 Dec 31, 2020

Thank you. And I am so so so sorry for your loss. Bear sounds like he was so wonderful.


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22:34 Dec 26, 2020

I'm so sorry about Mia! May she live in your heart forever. We now have this submission to remember her by, even though I never met her. She was a great horse.


✨Abby ✨
23:03 Dec 27, 2020



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C.j 🤍
01:34 Dec 18, 2020

Aww...this was a good story


✨Abby ✨
01:37 Dec 18, 2020

Thanks ☺️


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Raquel Rodriguez
20:07 Dec 16, 2020

Abby, I dunno if you're one of those people who doesn't like others saying 'sorry for your loss' when they can't do anything, so I'll provide you with two- like- I don't know how to explain it lol. You'll see what I mean. So, (pick whichever... uh... mourning phrase? you want) 1.) I'm so sorry for your loss. Mia is in a wonderful place now, so don't worry. 2.) :( It'll be okay, Abby. I'm praying for Mia.


✨Abby ✨
20:10 Dec 16, 2020

Oh thank you so much.😕 Honestly, I don't mind either way. Thank you so much again.


Raquel Rodriguez
20:13 Dec 16, 2020

You're welcome. I hope you're doing okay *hands roses* Oh, about the LGBTQ+ thing, I want you to know that I fully accept your opinion and respect it. :)


✨Abby ✨
20:15 Dec 16, 2020

(I know I've said thank you like a billion times but thank you again) and thank you. I wish more people were like you and just accepted other peoples opinions lol.


Amaya .
23:28 Dec 16, 2020

oh, btw...I'm truly sorry if it seemed like I didn't respect your opinion. Reading back on what I wrote, it definitely sounds like I thought i was right and you were wrong, but that's not at all what it was. I loved the conversation and respect you 100%


✨Abby ✨
23:52 Dec 16, 2020

Oh no, it doesn't sound like that at all! And I wasn't gearing this toward you! I.dint think you were rude at all. I was just saying some other ppl are like that not you.


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Raquel Rodriguez
20:22 Dec 16, 2020

No problem! Don't worry, I say thank you a lot too, lol. Is it okay if we talk about that a bit more? I don't mean to take up your time, and if I am, you can tell me. Sorry, I just need experience, because I like to talk to all kinds of people and get different views for my books and characters. Just know that I totally accept your opinion and understand, not everyone has the same views. :)


✨Abby ✨
20:25 Dec 16, 2020

Lol. And I would live that. I can tell you're an amazing person already 😉 (oof that was cheesy.) And I'm so glad. I accept your opinion and understand where you are coming from as well.


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Lilah Blackburn
03:56 Dec 16, 2020

Mia truly was an amazing soul.


✨Abby ✨
03:59 Dec 16, 2020

She sure was 😕


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Amany Sayed
00:06 Dec 16, 2020

:( I'm so sorry Abby.


✨Abby ✨
01:27 Dec 16, 2020

Oh, thank you.☹️


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Ayesha Bibi
00:23 Dec 19, 2020

Oh my heart! I cried for this. It broke my heart. I am so sorry for your loss. Mia is in a good place. She is in heaven. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


✨Abby ✨
00:31 Dec 19, 2020

Oh, thank you!


Ayesha Bibi
07:37 Dec 19, 2020



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