Good Friends Are Important

Submitted into Contest #54 in response to: Write a story about someone looking to make amends for a mistake.... view prompt


Drama Kids

Present day.

I messed up. I messed up so badly.

Alexandra Maffindale was locked in her room. She was sitting on her bed, desperately trying to figure out her life. I can’t go back. She thought. I’ve made too many mistakes.

A knock on her door made her start up quickly.

“Alex?” A voice asked. “You there?” There was silence for a moment.

“Yeah.” Alex whispered. Then she said louder. “Yeah. I’m here.”

“Olivia is on the phone. You wanna talk to her?”

“No!” Alex yelled.

“Whoa, okay. Dinner’s in 10 minutes.”

Alex heard footsteps walking down the stairs. I can’t talk to Olivia. Never again. She trusted me. And I ditched her.


Alex had been friends with Olivia ever since they were in kindergarten. Both had bonded when their moms had taken them to a kids playground. They were sitting at the top of the slide, not wanting to slide down. Finally, they both got on it together. They slid all the way down, giggling, and their friendship was born.

They had gone through ups and downs together. When Alex had missed a word on a Spelling Bee, Olivia had calmed her down. When Olivia had lost her gymnastics meet, Alex had been there for her. They were like salt and pepper. Peas and Carrots. They were inseparable. 

Until, of course, middle school. People change. True colors were shown. Lunch tables mattered, and you sat with the people who defined you. For example, Alex gained entry to the smart kids table at the beginning of the year, while Olivia sat with the jocks. Both of them had always sat with each other in elementary school, often trading food or chatting.

They always sat next to each other in their classes in middle school. They still talked to each other, but it felt like an invisible line was between them. They stopped hanging out. Eventually, they even stopped calling each other. Finally, Alex did something that she would regret for the rest of her life.


For now, the best friends weren't talking. They had gone their own separate ways. Alex, through one of her other friends, had become popular. Olivia could see that she was influenced by them. She started to become meaner. Her attitude started acting up, and she would talk back to the teachers. Her grades slipped from A’s to B’s.

Finally, she cracked. She called Mr. Hembrick, the math teacher, in a poem that she wrote, a fat annoying gnat. She got detention. Ms. Herison, the principal, called her parents and told them about the incident. Then, she asked if Alex was getting enough sleep. Alex’s parents sounded surprised.

“Of course. She always goes to bed at 10 o’clock.”

“Well, make sure. She was definitely acting up today. ” 


Alex had gotten into huge trouble. She was grounded, until she apologized. But Alex was too proud to ask for forgiveness. She stayed in her room, coming out for meals or to go outside, either to check the mailbox or sit.

Olivia had come a few times, to check up on Alex. But Alex always ignored her. It seemed like Alex was in her own world. She would always stay by her phone, even though she wasn’t allowed to use it all the time. She would get calls, and she would immediately pick it up. It was usually one of her “popular” friends. She would never call Olivia.


Olivia was feeling down. Her best friend wouldn’t even talk to her. It was all because of that Clarissa. Clarissa had influenced her friend. In middle school, all that mattered to some kids was being “popular”.

Olivia knew that was wrong. She had tried convincing Alex the same. But Alex wanted this whole new world. The world where all the kids were scared of her but wanted to be her friend.

But Olivia missed Alex. Olivia had always been a shy girl. Until, of course, she met Alex. Alex was a talker, and that had replaced Olivia’s shyness. Alex had gotten Olivia to open up a bit more.

But Alex was Olivia’s only friend.

When Alex started drifting away, Olivia got depressed. She still excelled at gymnastics, but her heart wasn’t in it. Her coach had noticed, had asked her parents if she was okay. Her parents responded, “We will ask her.”

When Olivia’s family had the conversation, they quickly realized that she needed a social life. She needed friends.


Alex always got phone calls from Clarissa. Clarissa was the one who had gotten Alex into her group. 

When Alex got the invitation into the group, she was surprised. She knew that the other girls despised her. But, she went along with it. I can’t pass up this opportunity. She thought. She knew that it would mean to leave Olivia, but she could always hang out with her on the weekends. Or so she thought. It turned out, Clarissa had a pool. Every Saturday and maybe Sunday they would swim.

All the other girls were mean to her and to everybody else. But she stayed with them. She stayed with that group.

When the phone rang, Alex immediately picked it up.

“Hello?” Alex asked.

“Hey Alex.” It was Clarissa. Today was Saturday, so Clarissa was at the pool. 

“Hi.” Alex said.

“So, we’ve been thinking. Are your parents home right now?”

“Actually, no. It’s just my brother.” Alex said, confused.

“Cool! That just makes my plan easier.”


Oh. My. Gosh. Olivia had just heard something that made her gasp. Alex had escaped her house, to go to that pool she always went to every weekend. Her friends had helped her. Actually, it was Clarissa’s idea. 

Alex had stayed at the pool for a while. When Alex’s parents got home, they quickly realized she wasn’t there. They called all the neighbors. They asked Olivia if she knew where she was. She replied no.

Finally, they called Clarissa’s parents. They quickly said that she was in their backyard. 

Alex had gotten into huge trouble. From now on, no electronics except when her mom let her. She was still grounded. Olivia had gone a few more times, to try to visit her, but Alex’s mom said she was busy.


Back to Present day.

Olivia had called Alex at least 3 times. Her mom had picked up, saying Alex was in her room, doing homework. She would say she couldn’t talk right now. Olivia knew the truth. Alex didn’t want to talk to her. 

Olivia would find a way.


Alex knew she would have to call Olivia someday, but she just couldn't face her. That being said, Alex missed her.

A day later, Alex got a letter. It didn’t have a return address, but Alex recognized the handwriting.

Olivia had written to her.

It said:

Dear Alex,

I know you don’t want to talk to me, but I just wanted to contact you. I really miss you. Why did you go and ditch me? You knew that those girls were mean. You could have just, I don’t know, have some time to spend with me. Well, I really miss you. Please call or write back soon.



Alex read this letter six times. She knew in her heart that she missed Olivia. She wanted to see her. She wanted to actually talk to Olivia in person. But of course, she wasn’t allowed. 

Alex went downstairs and picked up the phone.

August 10, 2020 20:22

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Ruby 💫
17:24 Dec 23, 2020

Interesting good job!


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D. Shikha
12:31 Aug 15, 2020

Congrats, Avery, you are on #78 on the leaderboard.🎉🎉 Keep writing and stay safe:)


Avery G.
15:24 Aug 15, 2020

Yeah! Thank you so much!


D. Shikha
16:44 Aug 15, 2020



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D. Shikha
14:43 Aug 25, 2020

Hey Avery, I just submitted my first story. Would you mind checking it?


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Roshna Rusiniya
07:43 Aug 14, 2020

A very realistic story about friendship. Really enjoyed reading it. Good job Avery!


Avery G.
15:54 Aug 14, 2020

Thank you!


Roshna Rusiniya
19:14 Aug 14, 2020

You are welcome! If you have time, please have a look at mine too. Thanks! :)


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נιмму 🤎
02:21 Aug 13, 2020

Hey Avery! So first of all great sentence starter "I messed up. I messed up so badly." It caught my attention which is what the first sentence should do😎 Sad but great story about friendship! I would also appreciate if u could check out my new story "Sad, broken, little Annabelle Lee" and tell me what you think😋


Avery G.
15:22 Aug 13, 2020

Thank you! Of course!


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Lily Kingston
18:22 Aug 18, 2020

Nice hook. This is a wonderful story about friendship :) Keep up the good work and keep writing!!


Avery G.
23:04 Aug 18, 2020

Thank you!


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Doubra Akika
18:42 Aug 15, 2020

This story was so realistic! Especially because of the High School theme with the popularity and friendship. It’s always important to stay true to yourself and realize true friendship. You did an amazing job with this.


Avery G.
21:03 Aug 15, 2020

Thank you so much!


Doubra Akika
21:15 Aug 15, 2020

It was my pleasure honestly. Loved it! Would you mind checking out my recent story, if you’re not busy?


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Amogh Kasat
10:12 Aug 15, 2020

It's an amazing story P.S read my both story what is a Second Chance The Secret Mission Meeting


Avery G.
15:24 Aug 15, 2020

Thank you! Of course!


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Coco Longstaff
00:13 Feb 07, 2021

Hi Avery!! I really love this story, and truly think friends are important. Who knows what might happen if you have no one to trust or talk to other than your parents? I loved this story!


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C.j 🤍
15:34 Oct 05, 2020

Awesome story good job 👏🏼 👍🏻🙂😊


Avery G.
18:46 Oct 05, 2020



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Wonderful story Avery! You did a really good job of hooking the reader right off the beginning. Your portrayal of the hardships of friendship was really well written. You should be proud:)


Avery G.
01:54 Aug 31, 2020

Wow, thank you so much!


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01:16 Aug 28, 2020

Wow. I have to say Avery, I really adore the suspense in your stories. It just lets the reader contemplate what will happen next in his or her own mind. This was very sweet. I love their friendship a lot🙃 Alex please reconcile with the lovely Olivia, I can tell you you won't have a friend as true as her any other day ☺️


Avery G.
03:00 Aug 28, 2020

Thank you so much!


23:22 Aug 28, 2020

You're welcome!


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Skyler Woods
21:28 Aug 19, 2020

A really heartwarming story. I could feel the tension between Alex and Olivia. I felt the strain on their close relationship. There were a few minor grammar errors. (Her coach had noticed, had asked her parents if she was okay.) Just rewrite the sentence this way - (Her coach noticed, and he asked her parents if she was okay.) That's just a minor grammar hiccup and the story was still magnificent. I loved your characters and I felt bad for Alex and Olivia. It touches the soul because most people can identify with not wanting to los...


Avery G.
22:13 Aug 19, 2020

Aww, thank you so much! I can't edit this story anymore, but I'll keep that in mind!


Skyler Woods
23:39 Aug 19, 2020

Oh I'm sorry, Sweetie. I forgot you can't edit it. But I loved the story. I think you did a good job at fleshing out your characters.


Avery G.
23:40 Aug 19, 2020

Aww, thank you again! You are so sweet!


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Miles Gatling
18:06 Aug 19, 2020

I like stories about friendship. Nicely done!


Avery G.
18:09 Aug 19, 2020

Thank you!


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Tariq Saeed
14:34 Aug 19, 2020

Avery G.Title is very good,has a deep thought .


Avery G.
15:25 Aug 19, 2020

Thank you!


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Jesna Anna S.
09:01 Aug 19, 2020

Nice story! Keep writing! I appreciate if you can take some time to read my stories and offer your comments!


Avery G.
15:22 Aug 19, 2020

Thank you! Of course!


Jesna Anna S.
15:24 Aug 19, 2020

Thank you Avery!


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Michele Duess
18:14 Aug 18, 2020

Cute story and realistic. I enjoyed the story.


Avery G.
23:04 Aug 18, 2020

Thank you!


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Charles Stucker
04:45 Aug 17, 2020

In "Here We Go Again" you keep yourself in show mode the whole way through. Here however you start with a good strong scene which shows a troubled teen, then shift to telling. The basic story is a tale as old as, well school if not time. It's a solid story about shifting friendships as you grow and how some can try to weather the changes. The underlying story structure is fine- flashbacks within the framing device of the opening and closing scenes being the only part set in the present. BUt you want to get the scenes to be active, with the c...


Avery G.
15:11 Aug 17, 2020

Thank you so much for all that feedback! I'll keep that in mind as I write more stories. Thank you again!


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Himanshu Shekhar
02:39 Aug 17, 2020

Sweet and loving story😇


Avery G.
02:42 Aug 17, 2020

Thank you!


Himanshu Shekhar
02:43 Aug 17, 2020

You are always welcome


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17:41 Aug 16, 2020

A very believable storyline, and realistic characters. You captured the way that both girls were feeling perfectly, and I could picture the entire story in my head. Outstanding job! Keep writing and stay healthy! -Brooke


Avery G.
17:49 Aug 16, 2020

Thank you so much!


01:49 Aug 17, 2020

My pleasure!


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The Daltons
01:13 Aug 16, 2020

YES! I love the different perspectives, I like the reality in this story, and I really like it! We all have to go through those times where you have to decide between close friendship and popularity.


Avery G.
01:21 Aug 16, 2020

Thank you!


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