Kings & Queens đź‘‘ part three

Submitted into Contest #62 in response to: Write about a character preparing to go into stasis for decades (or centuries).... view prompt


Fantasy Gay Funny

Aerin's POV:

"Aerin." The blond one says. "Are we supposed to know who you are?"

“Nope.” I say. “Should I know who you are?”

The shorter one looks shocked. “Yes. Well, not him, but how can you not know who I am?”

I don’t know, maybe because I was a book for a century. “Because.”

“I’m Prince Christopher Micheal. But you can call me Chris.” He says. 

 â€śNice to meet you, Chrissy.”

“What?” He cries. The blond one snorts.

“I’m Salver.” He says.

I smile sweetly at him. “Hello, Sally.”

“Excuse me?” 

Chris smiles, which makes Sal glare at him. Chris looks back at me. 

“Why are you here?” He asks.

I spin in the desk chair. “Just to tell you the world’s ending soon.”

“What?” Chris yells

I nod. “There was something else…”

“Hold on, the world is ending?” 

“Shh, I’m thinking.”

He’s about to say something else, but Sal shakes his head.

“Oh!” I say. “Yeah, you guys are the only people who can save everyone.”

“And you forgot that?” Sal asks. 

“No.” I huff. “I just told you.”

Somethings happening to Chris. His fingers are turning black, and furry. Sal grabs his hand, and speaks in a low voice, probably to keep me from hearing. Too bad elves have excellent hearing.

“It’s okay. Calm down.” He says.

Chris closes his eyes. “The world is about to end, and you want me to calm down?”

“Chris, it’ll be fine. Please calm down.” He whispers.

Chris nods, and his fingers slowly change back. “Okay.”

They turn back to me. 

“How did you get here?” Chris asks me.

I tug on one of my curls. “That book.”


“I was the book.”

“Please explain.”

I shrug. “Okay.”

One hundred years ago, I was sixteen. The world was ending, and everyone was freaking out.

Back then, elves, humans, fairies, mermaids, and other creatures all lived together in peace. 

The world was being destroyed by Warmonger, a half dragon, half human. He was upset about something, I’m not sure what. I think he hated elves. He had a huge army that-

“Wait,” Chris interrupts. “Elves, faires, and mermaids are real?”

I sigh. “Yes. They just hid.”

“Why haven’t we seen any?” He asks.

I look at him. “I just said they hid. You’d think you were as smart as you were cute.”

“Don’t flirt with my boyfriend.” Sal snaps.

Chris looks at him. “Boyfriend?”

“Yes. Shut up.” He replies.

“Are you done?” I ask them.

They nod. 

“Good. Now, where was I? Oh, yeah.”

He had a huge army that was made up of trolls, goblins, and other creatures that weren’t accepted. They all obeyed him, and did whatever he wanted. Except for a troll that managed to get to the castle before Warmonger did. He told the king his plans, and the one way to stop him. 

However, while he was explaining, Warmonger reached the castle. He flew into the throne room, and killed the troll. Then the king. Then the kings knights. Which included both of my parents, and older brother.

The king's younger brother, who was way smarter, managed to escape, and he went to the dungeon.

I had been in there to visit a friend of mine, and when he saw me, he told me to come with him. He was like a father to me, so I went with no question. We went through a secret hallway until we reached his potions room.

I knew he had one, but I had never seen it. 

He started flipping through books, looking for something. I stood by a tall table of potions. I was really curious, so I looked through them.

I accidentally spilled some on me, and I found out soon it was a truth potion. It wasn’t enough to make me tell the truth, it just made me speak my mind. 

“Here, drink this.” He said, shoving a bottle filled with something brown in my face.

I pushed it away. “Uh, no, that looks disgusting.”

He looked at me, then the table. He saw the truth potion, and nodded. 

“Don’t disrespect me, kid.” He said gruffly.

I bit my lip to keep from talking. But I had questions, so I asked them.

“What is it?”

He put it on the table and picked up paper and a pen. “It’s a transforming potion.”

“What will it do?” I asked.

He glanced up from the paper. “Transform you, genius.”

“Yeah, obviously.” I said. “Into what?"

I bit my lip as glared at me.

"Into a book." He said finally, going back to the paper.

I inched away from the bottle. "And that's supposed to make me want to drink it?"

"There's a reason I picked you to train." He told me. He dropped the paper in the bottle, and it disentagraetd.

He had beening training me since I was ten. Combat, magic, saftey skills. I never knew why he picked me, though.

"Your supposed to save the world." He said, mixing the now green liquid.

I frowned. "Why does the world need saving?"

"Warmonger killed the king. And the knights. And he will kill everyone else if you can't stop him."

My eyes widened. "All the guards?"

"I'm sorry, kid." He said sympathetically.

I sat on a stool, shocked. "My parents..."

"That's why he needs to be stopped. He'll kill everyone."

I nodded. "What do I do?"

"Drink the potion after I tell you what you need to do." He said.

He explained how I would be turned into a book that would one day be found by a prince whose help you I'd need. When he found love, I would change back to my old self. We'd have to find someone else, someone who would be a key part of saving everyone. Warmonger would be frozen in time when I was, and unfreeze when I did, too. I had to help destroy him so elves, faries, mermaid, and all of the creatures he hated would be safe. They would have to help us defet Warmonger.

When he was done, I just blinked at him. "I can't remember that."

"Yeah, I know. The potion will help you." He said.

I nodded and picked up the bottle. "What about you?"

"I'll help people hide. And I'll tell them to tell their childeren their savior is named..."

"Aerin." I said, using my fathers name.

He nodded. "Aerin."

I drank the potion, and immediately felt dizzy. I was shrinking, and I looked up at Charlie.

“Tell them about me.” I told him.

 He smiled. “I will.”

“And then I changed back, and here we are.” I finish.

While I was talking, Sal had turned into a cat, and was curled in Chris’s arms. He jumps up, and changes back.

“We need to stop him, right?” He says.

I nod. “If you guys will help.”

“Can we talk for a minute?” 

“Sure.” I’ll be able to hear everything anyway.

Sal pulls him away. “What do we do?”

“I don’t know.”

“I feel like we should help him.”

“I don’t know.”

“I mean, if we’re literally destined to do this, we can’t really say no, right?”

“I don’t know.”

“You’re not helping.”

“I know.”

“Chris, seriously.”

“Okay, okay. Yeah, let’s help him.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Sally.”

“Shut up, Chrissy.”

They come back over. 

“Okay. What do we do?” Sal asks.


 â€śNo, no, no, no, no.” Chris says. “I don’t do heights.”

Sal and I look at him. 

“Can’t you turn into a bird?” I ask.

We’re at the window. I just explained how we have to find the fourth person in the woods and look for other reinforcements.

“I can, but that’s not the point.” He huffs.

I groan. “We won’t be able to do anything, then. We have to get to the woods, and this is the best way.”

“Can you turn into a bird?” Sal asks me.

I nod, and turn into a sparrow. 

Chris sighs, and turns into an owl. Sal changes into a hummingbird. 

We all fly towards the thick trees. It’s getting dark, so nobody should see us.

We land towards the middle of the woods, and change back. Someone is waiting for us.

He’s tall, strong and very handsome, and looks a lot like Sal.

“Never mind.” I whisper. “I would date a human if they looked like him.”

Chris leans over. “So would I.”

I expect Sal to say something, but he just stares.


The boy smiles at us. “It’s about time you got here."

October 03, 2020 02:40

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