Horrible night, Unforgettable night.

Submitted into Contest #58 in response to: Write about a character who’s stuck in an elevator when the power goes out.... view prompt


Adventure Thriller

I am Meghma, I am always a tomboy like girl I always like fighting out through problems than running away from it. I am 24 and I can still handle my own life smoothly. So I am still single. I have been in a relationship with a boss of another cosmetics company. As usual as everyday I went to my office and as the boss of LS company I always have to run here and there, up and down, from this meeting to that, life is a bit hectic being a boss of your own company. I don't have a little bit of time to enjoy myself with a cup of coffee. I am only free at midnight when I drive back home with my eyelashes heavy with sleep and eyes fully red with stress. But tonight the sleep in my eyes was exchanged with illusion type terror. As I was going out of the office using the elevator suddenly the lights went out, the air conditioner stopped working, inside the elevator a decrease of oxygen in every second was making me feel sick every now and then. I checked my phone and fell down in my knees in vague terror. I become horribly scared, I had never ever been so scared in my whole life than in my present condition. There was no network in my phone and only 3% of battery left. I thought that this type of things only happens in novels and story books, but i couldn't understand it would happen with me. I took off my coat and bag, kept it aside and suddenly I started to breathe heavily in fear. There was no one in the office except the security guards at the main entrance, ground and first floor and they didn't knew I was still at the office. If they knew I wouldn't have been stuck here in the middle of 26th and 27th floor of a skyscraper type building with 47 floors. If I shout my shouting will be all in vain because no one was nearby. I just wanted to kill off my luck then, because why did such a bad thing happen in the middle of my night when I was going set off for home in my new white ferrari, I just wanted to enjoy my ride because I had just bought it 2 days ago. I don't believe in ghosts but I think I just hallucinated a type of presence of someone near me. I became a little nervous, but I didn't made any move or I didn't shout. Approximately 3 to 4 minutes later I think I heard someone whispering in my ears "YOU'RE DEAD", this time I truly became very much scared. That day morning my left eyebrow was jumping up and down I thought it was nothing but I called my mother to ask for how to stop this problem, my mother said to be very cautious because it is a religious belief that something bad happens if your left eyebrow jumps for hindus, I just hung up the phone saying that nothing will happen to me. But now I just couldn't stop thinking of the warning of my mother. Since then there were many heart calming messages coming in my mind like "Meghma why are you scared you are a brave girl, No one can do anything to you, Give it one kick and it will be in a state of coma, you are a national champion but why are you now scared, who will try to scare you in your own office, who will come to you in a locked elevator. The good thoughts were over and I started panicking even more at the thoughts of ghosts I had seen in the horror movies. What if they come here? If they come to kill me what will happen to my family, my office. I started to think of the detective novels I had read, will the detectives come here to save me or will they take an interview of my experience being locked in an empty building on a elevator or they have planned to lock me here forever. I heard footsteps outside on the upper floor but it was not very clear so I couldn't shout, I only thought that if it was not the security then why would that person listen to my call even if he listened he could have even killed me. I wanted to see the time but the elevator was so dark I couldn't even see my body. I was again getting panicked, the seconds sound in my watch was giving me goosebumps every time. Seconds were like minutes, minutes were like hours and hours were like days. I felt that there is no end of this period, I thought that I may have to suffer forever in this idiotic metal can like elevator. I felt my body was trembling, like a old patient going to die. Suddenly I felt so weak and banging my head on the elevator wall I fell down on the ground; unconscious. 4 hours later I saw some familiar faces beside me, I being surprised got up quickly. The familiar faces were of my assistant, my manager, the editor in chief and graphics analyser. My assistant screamed "Meghma thank god you are alright". Then he handed me a cup of hot milk and explained what happened last night after I was unconscious. 2 hours later the power of the whole office had came back. I was found out by my assistant when he came to the office for work. I was still lying in the elevator when he found me and took me to my office room, and after 2 hours my consciousness came back to me. After I became fresh I said everything to them, they couldn't believe what I said. The manager said to my assistant to drive me back home and she came over to stay with me for that night. I was so tired I really don't know what happened to me after she came and sat beside me petting my forehead. It was the most horrible night I will never forget.

September 11, 2020 12:25

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Karolina Firman
08:22 Sep 17, 2020

I think your story might benefit from spacing out the words into paragraphs, as that would make it easier to read.


Meghma Ghosh
16:03 Sep 18, 2020

I will make sure to remember this when I write my next story.....


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