“Ahahahahaha! Hmhm...phew. I've been doing this evil laugh thing for 200 years yet I still go into a coughing fit when I try...no matter! Because after all these years...I’ve been freed! Thank you human, for giving me a body to possess, and a way to wreak havoc on this plane-”
“Hey wait for a second! Host gems aren’t supposed to be like this! From what I read in my textbook mom gave me...there’s simply supposed to be some blast of light or something before I gain powers from the gem!”
“You’re more ignorant than I thought. This gem, it’s a prison, not some kind of storage. I am a beast. A beast of fire, hatred, and jealousy. I am Ravagog, the beast that tore through the ancient cities 400 years ago. I killed millions through my burning rage. I took over the souls of the jealous and hateful; using them to burn and kill. Unfortunately, my chaos caused the people of the cities to band together and fight. Ugh, you have no idea how disgusting it is when people put aside their differences and work together”
“Yeah sorry, I’m forgetting the part where I’m supposed to care? I only stole this gem because I was looking for some kind of power, specifically fire but I would’ve been fine with anything. Now, I can simply just find a way to shut you up and find a different gem to- OW!”
“You teenagers are rude. And for your information, I don’t plan on being ‘shut up’. In fact, your heart is so full of jealousy I think I can use you for big things. I’m sorry for this burning sensation you’re experiencing. It’s a minor side effect to me invading your soul. Now how about we strike a deal?”
“I-i don’t wanna strike a deal with an sc-scumbag like you…”
“Oh but maybe you will. For you see, I can help you get the recognition you’ve always wanted. I’ve only been in your mind for a few moments but I basically have your life story down June. You’re jealous of Eden-no- jealous of everyone because they’re all so naturally gifted at science. So how about this, you let me in, and I can help you end those kids. In return, I get a body to do evil deeds.”
“You’re crazy you know that? I may hate those kids with a passion but I would never kill them! I only wanted this power so I could show everyone at Crysis Labs the amazing discovery I made. For all they knew, host gems and magic were an entirely new concept! It was gonna be legendary! And- wait why am I telling you this? Is this some kinda mind control?!”
“Get out of my head you little- AAAH! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT!”
“Forgive me June, but it seems you aren’t willing to work with me on your own terms. Which means I’ll just have to force you to. I’m really sorry to do this. Well actually, I’m not too sorry, this doesn’t concern me in the slightest. But it sounds better if I do. Anyway, I’m getting off-topic. You’ll wake up when the job is done.”
“What are you talking about-”
“What happened to the lights! It’s so dark...I don’t like it!”
“Alex! Let. Go. Of. My. Arm!”
“Sorry, sorry! Sheesh so rude…”
“What was that?!”
“London calm down...please?”
“You can hold my arm if you want Alex.”
“Dang Sam, you’re smooth. Alex’s beet red right now, ha!”
“Oh shut up! Both of you! Our top concern is to get out of here!”
“And how are we supposed to do that? The building’s on Lockdown remember?”
“Yea I know that, I’m trying to think of a plan”
“You and your plans…”
“You got something wanna say to my face tough guy?”
“No...nothing at all”
“Hey guys, let’s focus on the task at hand ok? Don’t we have to hack the Lockdown system if we’re gonna get out of here?”
“Yea that’s what Eden said”
“Ok then. How do we do that?”
“Well, you can leave the hacking to me. I just need to know where they are”
“Got it. Our best bet is to go to the computer lab. There might be a computer we can use to access the Lockdown system from there”
“Good idea! I think I know the way. Everyone follow me!”
“You got it, Alex”
“Here we are!”
“Great, now I just have to find a computer. You guys stand guard please!”
“Why do we need to stand guard?”
“Because we don’t know why the building is on Lockdown in the first place! There might be something dangerous we need to be on the lookout for!”
“Oh, that makes sense Sam. Me and London will stand guard outside. Alex can stay here with Sam if she needs help”
“Sure just go ahead and pass out orders”
“I’m sorry did you say something?”
“Nope. Nothing”
“Ugh, just know I’ve got my eye on you. Now let’s go”
“Yes! I made it past the system’s defenses. There was a lot, I guess whoever programmed the Lockdown system really didn’t want anyone hacking into it!”
“Wow, Sam! It’s only been 5 minutes and you’ve already done this much! You’re so cool!”
“Ha, thanks, Alex. I appreciate it. Now for the hard part, telling this thing to shut down…”
“And how you plan on doing that!”
“Aren’t you supposed to be keeping watch?! Let the pro hacker do her thing please!”
“Yeah sure, go ahead. Don’t let me stop you”
“Thanks, London, you’re a doll.”
“Sam, just ignore him. You’re almost there anyway right?”
“Yea you’re right. Ok, onto Phase 2!”
“Don’t even try to strike a conversation up with me”
“How rude. What’s a guy gotta do to have a chat around here?”
“London please don’t. And stop facing towards me... You’re on guard duty remember?”
“Yeah, yeah I remember. But there’s no rule saying we can’t talk while standing guard. Plus there’s nothing here.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes but I’m making a hypothesis based on the evidence at hand. The building’s probably on Lockdown because of some accident. I don’t get why we’re so afraid in the first place. We could just wait out the 35 minutes and then waltz outside when the protocol shuts down automatically.”
“Yes, we could do that. But we’re not gonna do that because the sooner we get out of the dark the better”
“Why are so anxious to get out of the dark anyway? Wait...don’t tell me...you’re scared of the dark?”
“No, I am not! I just think it’s...logical if we leave the building”
“What was that? I couldn’t hear you with all that nervous murmuring.”
“Oh shut up”
“Yeah, yeah ok. Back to ‘guard duty’ and whatever. Wait what’s that?”
“Are you seriously trying to prank me?”
“No no I’m serious. Look”
“Fine move out the way so I can see”
“Hmph, shortie”
“I thought something important was happening. You’re really gonna tease me about my height?”
“Right right ok. Just look. I think there’s someone in the hall.”
“Hmmm. You’re right! It’s a person! They’re coming this way...very slowly? It kinda looks like they’re in pain.”
“Hey, are they carrying something?”
“You’re right they are! It’s one of those sledgehammers from the garage! Wait...sledgehammer from the garage?”
“That sounds perfectly normal”
“The person’s around as tall as you. And they kinda look like...June?”
“What do you mean ‘June’?”
“I mean that person looks like June dumbass.”
“Is this the reason the building’s on Lockdown? June’s finally snapped?”
“Hey don’t say things like that. Maybe she’s here to help us”
“Yeah with that look on her face? I don’t think so”
“...is she glowing?”
“What do you mean is she glowing?”
“I mean, ‘is she glowing”!? There’s like a weird red light around her.”
“Yup, that’s it. We’re alerting Sam and Alex about this. Sam can hack the system elsewhere.”
“Hey, a good idea came out of your mouth!”
“Oh whatever, and didn’t you say ‘now wasn’t the time for sarcasm and jokes’?”
“I never said that”
“Sure you didn't. Whatever let’s go”
“Hey wait for me!”
“Why should I?”
“Because I said so!”
“A master of debate aren’t you?”
“Yes. Yes I am”
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eeeeh!! Your birthday's tomorrow!!!
:D 🎉
have you read part 6 yet??
Yes and it was really good!
any special plans for your b-day???
Not really. I still have a few classes today. But I'm probably gonna be spending my free time writing and talking to my friend's on Discord (they take birthdays VERY seriously)
:D 🎉
Not related to the story (even though it was amazing), the part in your bio about being a triple threat (Chef's kiss) especially the gay part. It's nice to have find some fellow gay authors.
How are you??
(I'm bored and I want to talk with someone lol)
I just posted a new story and would love it if you could read it and give me some feedback! (It's not great... lol I am horrible at fantasy)
WOW. THIS WAS THE PERFECT STORY TO THE SECOND PART!!!!!!!!!! Okay now I'm gonna attempt to give some feedback.
At the very beginning, where you added the evil laugh, maybe you could make it more sarcastic? Like a voice crack or something.
But it's honestly SO WELL WRITTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I'm curious, what exactly could I do to make the laugh sound "sarcastic"?
Like say something like "Evil laughs are so hard to perfect, I've been trying for the longest time, and yet my voice still cracks?!?!"
Oooooooh got it!
Ok I added a little something to it. What do you think?
I'm actually kind of proud of myself for writing this story. I think the dialogue was actually kinda good for a change. And I absolutely ADORE Eden and London's dynamic (I wanna write more of them in the future). Or maybe I only feel that way because I wrote the story and it's actually awful who knows.