Coming of Age Fiction Inspirational

Gerald is an actor. Gerald is an avid reader of countless novels. Gerald has an excellent memory, so he can recite pages from a book without looking at it. Gerald has been told many times how he can be famous for his talents. Gerald can be a rich man with his talents. What does Gerald say to these people?

             “I can care less about being famous or rich. The talent given used to put a smile on someone’s face. To give someone hope for the future. To make their day a little brighter. That is all I need to feel like I have done what I have been called to do.”

             It matters not if they scoff and walk away. It is their loss for many of them to think of themselves only. What can they gain from it? Their way of thinking is that their talents are used to better themselves and no one else. Not in Gerald’s mind. His talent is to better as many lives as possible. It does not matter how he felt any particular day. He set forth to entertain others. It gave him a warm feeling to see so many souls feel better. It might be for just a moment, but he hopes it expands to the rest of their day and beyond. In this dreary environment everyone is bombarded by negativity; he set forth to bring a positive moment.

             Gerald walks on the sidewalk to his first destination for the day. He has two books in his hand. One book to read to ones closer to his age. The other for ones who are just entering their teenage years. Both books are full of adventure and how to triumph through life’s troubles.

             “Do you ever read a book with a sad ending?” he was asked a while back.

             “I have read ones with a disappointing end,” he replied. “But never to a group of people. They come to listen to me to take them away on an adventure. Take them off into the sunset to forever enjoy their lives. Take their minds off the stressful life they live. To take them from the ones who strive to create misery. Take them from an event that causes them pain. A loss. Comfort unexpectedly lost. I am here to give them a bit of comfort.”

             “Sounds like you are an angel,” he has been told frequently. That brings out a chuckle from Gerald.

             “No, no,” he tells them. “I am no angel. Just one of flesh and blood who wants to use his talent to spread cheer. A talent we all have. Some use it for their own gains. Others do not see it at all. If everyone used their talents like they were supposed to, this planet would be a far better place.”

             Gerald continued his walk, knowing he will arrive at his destination in ten minutes. Today, he will start a new book for the older adults he was sure they would all love. Once done with the adults, he will go to the library and finish reading the book to the teenagers. A tough group to keep their attention but told that he is much better than many of the teachers trying to keep their attention while they taught.

             “What got you into this?” a young mother asked him a few years back.

             “I have always loved to read. So many worlds taken to. So many times, that it was tough to close that book. It was a thrill I wanted to spread to others.

             It was a day I was at the library looking for my next book that the opportunity came. A young boy sat at a table with a sour look. He truly despised this place, but his older brother had to research, so he had to come.

             “May I read a story to him?” I asked his older brother, who gave me a queer look. “I know. It sounds strange, but I believe it will cheer him up.”

             “I guess, but no funny stuff.”

             “No indeed. You can monitor us.”

             He nodded his head, which I went over to the young boy and asked him if he would like to hear a story.

             “Huh?” was his response, which he looked over at his brother, then at me. “I guess.”

             I then started reading, putting in my acting skills, and it did not take long for him to be enthralled by the story. Of course, I had to keep it down, so I was not kicked out, even though I was good friends with the librarian.

             Others heard my reading, and soon I had more onlookers. I saw their smiles and laughs as I read on that day and realized my talent had come forth.

             I soon received permission to read to others as the group grew larger and larger until I had to break up my readings by age group, and for some groups, reading two or three times a week.

             Of course, Gerald was asked frequently if he was paid for what he did.

             “I get paid by seeing the looks on people’s faces.”

             Over and over, he answered the ones that asked. Some thought he was crazy. Others just shook their heads, and others said he was a kind soul.

             As Gerald neared the center, he grew excited about the big event. Even though he has been doing this day after day, every day felt like a new day.

             Gerald rounded the corner and there is the center. There are also people outside that start clapping as he approaches. A beaming smile appears on his face as he gets closer and closer. Soon he is shaking hands as he goes up the steps. He enters the building and there is more clapping.

             “Wow!” he thought. Never had he received such a reception.

             He enters the room he will read from. He stops in shock when he sees a packed room full of people of all ages. They all stand up and start clapping. Gerald did all he could to keep the tears from flowing.

             “Gerald!” a voice calls out from the front of the room. “Please come forth to the stage.”

             Gerald sees his good friend, Linda, on the stage beckoning to him. So, he goes to the stage, wondering what is going on. Once he is on the stage, Linda shakes his hand, then gives him a hug.

             “We have a surprise for you tonight,” she says into the microphone. “You have blessed us with your readings. Today, we want to give back by having many of your fans read to you.”

             Gerald is speechless for the first time on stage. Last time he was read to was when he was a young child.

             “There is a nice, comfy chair in the front row for you,” she says. “Relax and enjoy.”

             “Thank you,” he finally said.

             He walks off the stage and sits down.

             For the next couple of hours, he listens to people of all ages read to him and the audience. Many of them did a wonderful job of acting as they read. Using different voices was superb. Gerald clapped profusely as each of them ended.

             Soon it ends, and Gerald brought to the stage once again. He is applauded once again as he bows to the crowd. This time, tears come.

             “Thank you for such a wonderful gift,” he mutters.

Posted Dec 09, 2022

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38 likes 26 comments

Mary Lehnert
03:01 Dec 10, 2022

I also enjoy writing uplifting stories. Fully applaud your feeling we have enough negativity. So happy to meet you Corey


Corey Melin
15:00 Dec 10, 2022

Thank you for your comments!


Shirley Medhurst
09:35 Dec 09, 2022

What a lovely “feel good” story


Corey Melin
14:23 Dec 09, 2022

Thank you for the comment. I believe we need more of this type of stuff instead of being bombarded with negativity


Shirley Medhurst
15:32 Dec 09, 2022

Agree…. A touch of humour &/or positivity gives a welcome boost to everyone’s morale 😉


Jordan Bassett
06:09 Dec 09, 2022

By way I write poems or stories or short very short songs out of my golden heart so I know what you mean exactly amazingly said and also if people are sick I love writing to


Corey Melin
14:21 Dec 09, 2022

It is a great blessing to hear that. I believe we are created to help one another so nice to hear such a beautiful soul


Jordan Bassett
21:12 Dec 09, 2022

So welcome someday I'll win gotta have faith can't always win keep smiling shine on so loyal smiles to all


Jordan Bassett
05:45 Dec 09, 2022

Marvoulse epic keep smiling


Corey Melin
14:19 Dec 09, 2022

Thank you for the comment!


Graham Kinross
08:17 Dec 10, 2022

After the nightmare of the news, this is a breath of fresh air and positivity.

“ Gerald told many times he can be famous for his talents,” Gerald has been told many times he can be famous for his talents?

I think the big positive thing here is the gratitude shown by people which can so often be lacking in the world. That can let down people who try and make them jaded. Every little thank you makes struggle worth it.


Corey Melin
15:01 Dec 10, 2022

Thank you for the comments!


Graham Kinross
00:10 Dec 11, 2022

You’re welcome.


14:43 Sep 14, 2023

I love this story. I really love it. What a nice gift, and what a nice man. It couldn't have gone to anyone better.


Corey Melin
20:38 Sep 14, 2023

Greatly appreciate your comments!


MJ Simons
22:54 Mar 13, 2023

What a wonderful story. "If everyone used their talents like they were supposed to, this planet would be a far better place." This is so true. You captured the beauty that can be found in random acts of kindness. Nicely done!


Corey Melin
00:52 Mar 14, 2023

Greatly appreciate your comments


Tommy Goround
20:53 Jan 19, 2023



John Del Rio
17:25 Dec 19, 2022

I would like to hear Gerald read/act a few nooks that I can think of. I always enjoy your stories.
Happy holidays to you.


Starry Skies
15:59 Dec 16, 2022

I love this, especially the line, "His talent is to better as many lives as possible." I think that all talents should be used in the way Gerald uses his here, and I agree that the world would be a better place if we all did that.

Just some constructive criticism, your verb tense tends to change sometimes with different paragraphs, which is slightly confusing.

Otherwise amazing job! This story is really inspiring and uplifting.


Corey Melin
22:12 Dec 16, 2022

Thank you for your comments!

Tend to have issues with my verb tense. I need more time to proofread


Starry Skies
01:46 Dec 24, 2022

I totally get that... A week isn't enough time to write a whole story and proofread fully, haha.


Wally Schmidt
16:29 Dec 13, 2022

What a wonderful story-we need more Geralds! I especially liked the ending with the 'gift you give is the one you would want to receive' wrap up. Very moving


Corey Melin
13:04 Dec 14, 2022

Thank you for your comments!


Wendy Kaminski
00:19 Dec 12, 2022

This was lovely and heartfelt, Corey!


Corey Melin
00:41 Dec 12, 2022

Thank you very much


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