
TW: Su1c1de, Death, Abuse, and Substance Abuse

She took out the knife.

Although many people consider her to be- in a sense- the perfect girl, she never really thought about that for herself.

She took out her phone.

Her fingers, controlled by the inner her, pressed numbers.

โ€œHello? ______? Are you there? Where have you been? Weโ€™re worried sick about you!โ€

The girl didnโ€™t even attempt to answer-she knew the connection was way too bad for the other person to hear her voice.

โ€œ______! Answer! Are you kidnapped? Are you safe? Hello?โ€

The girl turned over the knife.


The call ended.

The girl laughed, a shaky one. The laugh somehow twisted into a wail of sorrow and hurt. Her friend couldnโ€™t understand her! No one will ever! Ever!

Her fingers pressed the numbers again.

โ€œ___! Hey, are you okay? Youโ€™ve been missing for a while, so Iโ€™m surprised that you called me! But do ya wanna come to my friendโ€™s birthday party? There will be a lot of-โ€

The call disconnected.

The girl threw a glass bottle across the room.

It hit the wall, exploding with the force of a ton of bricks stamping the ground. The girlโ€™s anger also intensified at the exact same moment.

Curse Robin, curse her! She only cared about herself, the damned moron! Always inviting people to her stupid friends parties, sleepovers, hangouts! At least Megara cared about her safety, Robin didnโ€™t even bother asking if she was fine! 

She wasnโ€™t fine! SHE WASNโ€™T FINE!

Calm down, she told herself. At least the call disconnected on its own.

Her blasted fingers slammed the buttons on the phone for the third time.

โ€œWhere HAVE you been, __________________? Escaping your house and home to leave and get another boyfriend? Or are you buying drugs? Or wasting our hard-earned money again, foolish girl? You sneaky fool! Come back home immediately!โ€

This time, the call didnโ€™t disconnect on itโ€™s own.

The girl brought down the knife on the phone in fury, stabbing it and breaking the case, throwing it on the floor, and smashing it with her foot. Then she snapped the phone in half and threw it out the window.

Animosity and disgust gripped her already damaged and fragile brain. How dare her stepmother! The ugly woman never even loved her anyway! And accusing her of all those things- How dare she? When sheโ€™s the one that was drunk everyday, she was the one that ignored the girlโ€™s begs and pleads for mercy when her stupid husband whipped the girl for- nothing at all! NOTHING!


She sneaked in her stepfatherโ€™s house, praying that her step-parents wouldnโ€™t catch her. She thought, โ€œReturning only one hour late isnโ€™t that bad!โ€ but really, that was just herself hoping.

โ€œSo...Thought you could get away, eh?โ€

The girl flinched.

The man was sitting in his rocking chair, with his feet facing the fireplace.

โ€œYou, girl, thought you could be so late, huh?โ€

At that moment the manโ€™s wife, whom he had only married because of her money, stumbled in with a bottle of white wine in her hand. Her face, once pretty, now was disfigured and awful to look at.

โ€œGive her what she deserves! G-g-give her ALL OF IT! THAT FILTHY, STUPID BRAT!โ€

The woman had worked herself into a rage, and the man stepped out of his chair. 

The girl backed up.

โ€œP-Please, sir, I-I- I wasnโ€™t planning to be late! I was held up, and-โ€

โ€œEXCUSES!โ€ Belted the man, his disgusting face stained with beer and scars, his balding head smeared with white hair. 


He took out a dull butcher knife.

The neighbors were way too drunk to hear the screams and sobs.

The girl missed two months of school.


No one cried at his funeral.

The girl stood there, unfeeling to the world.

Her bandaged hands were tightly clenched together. 

No one put anything memorable on his headstone.

The girl stared at her always drunk stepmother's face.

She didnโ€™t look depressed- She didnโ€™t even look remotely sad. 

โ€œThis woman is probably happy her damned husband died. Hell, she probably already took- stole all of his money already.โ€

No one gave a speech.

Her stepfather was shot.

Shot by the police after driving to a store, pulling out a gun, and shooting ten people and indirectly harming thirty-seven people by knocking down shelves.

Fifteen people died.

Her stepfather stole only money and beer. The police caught up to him after nine minutes.

He died in two.

The gun was recovered and given back to his widow, the girlโ€™s stepmother.

No one cared. No one even really wanted to go to the funeral.

They went anyway, to get drunk.

The girl hated every single one of them. Every single one. They all were spoiled, stupid, simple adults. They didnโ€™t care about her! 

No one cared, after all.

The sky didnโ€™t even care about the death! It was bright and sunny!

When they went home, the first thing her stepmother did was slap her, very hard.

โ€œYou. Girl. Go to your room. I have stuff to do.โ€

The girl silently went up the stairs.

โ€œMore like getting drunk on wine again and coming up to beat the crap outta me.โ€

She went to-not her room- but her step parents room.

And took out the gun that her step father used.

And also grabbed the knife.


The girl touched her finger on the knife.

Before she did anything, she decided on one last call.

She pressed the numbers on her emergency phone.

โ€œ... โ€ฆ โ€ฆโ€

The call disconnected.

She slammed the phone on the creaky table. Of course they wouldnโ€™t pick up. OF COURSE! Sheโ€™s a half-baked idiot if she thinks her โ€œFriend groupโ€ thatโ€™s โ€œalways there for herโ€ would ACTUALLY help.

She picked up the knife, and in one smooth motion, sliced her neck open. Blood started flowing from the cut.

A single tear rolled down the girlโ€™s face and dripped on the floor.

She died with a smile on her face, though.

Because she was finally free.


October, 28.

Hello, person who is reading this.

If you are reading this, you have found my body.

I did this because my life was torture. It was like a dream that I could never wake up from. 

I wanted to live a better life, get a better dream to live in.

Please, take my last wish with you, the person that found my note, and live a better life than me, and give your kids a better life too.

Donโ€™t end up like me.


Cecilia Desdemonda Akuji

Posted Oct 09, 2021

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46 likes 141 comments

21:52 Nov 13, 2021

it was a good attempt. i liked it, but- and no offense- did you do any research on victims of abuse and people who attempt suicide?


yep, i read quite a few. sorry if this seems inaccurate, as i've never been depressed or sad so it might not feel very accurate. then again, if you don't like it, you don't have to read :]


23:08 Nov 14, 2021

well, at any rate, i'm glad you've never been depressed. or abused. a bit of friendly advice, though- i'd try other sites (or books, or movies) if i were you.


20:50 Nov 02, 2021

um... DAM GIRL.

so many things to say.... that was so good! I totally could feel how the girl felt that everybody misunderstood her... life was pain... and how everybody was shallow...and not even her parents loved her...

really powerful.

-your friend from like a year ago


19:32 Nov 03, 2021

i'll probably start writing again so yaaa


18:57 Oct 19, 2021

This is AMAZING! The story had me hooked the entire time. You have great way with weaving this story, from the beginning to end. Great job! :)


Jasey Lovegood
05:25 Oct 17, 2021

Dang Celeste- Cecilia really went brr...

I can't believe this is your first time writing something in this style bc it's so well written! Amazing work, friendo :)

Also love the Squid Game bio addition to ur bio


Poor Cecilia- and her name means "Born blind" too ;-;

Thank uuuuuu! I'm so happy with the way this turned out, :D



Jasey Lovegood
18:26 Oct 17, 2021

Rip- I don't know any Cecilias but that's sad :(

Yes, as you should, it was so good!



Svara Narasiah
03:39 Oct 17, 2021

This was very intense, thrilling and gripping. WELL DONE. I continuously struggle to write things like this and I can definitely learn from this story. Love your style too!


THANK YOU! It was my first time writing like this so I am extremely glad for the positive words! <33333


Svara Narasiah
04:06 Oct 17, 2021

Wow, first time?! Now I'm even more impressed! I did try writing something with similar style but it turned into a 30-page story, haha. Sometimes a story just has a mind of its own.


Svara Narasiah
04:08 Oct 17, 2021

Haha, I just read your bio :D it's funny


Svara Narasiah
05:33 Oct 17, 2021

XD what do you need help with


14:32 Oct 16, 2021

This story was really gripping--it had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. You hit me in the feels with this one. The way that Cecilia had to live, and the way she had to die, were heart-breaking. Great job, Leste!

the fourth Sanderson sister


Awwwww, thank you! I'm not a fan of dark stories, but after this I might just become one. Cecilia means "born blind" yIkEs



01:37 Oct 17, 2021

My pleasure! I think you did a great job, even if you aren't necessarily a fan of them. :)
DoUbLe YiKeS

4th Sanderson sis


Lilliane Wei
17:26 Oct 13, 2021

Hey Celeste! Long time no see!!
I loved this story, well not the part about her being abused of course. But I really liked the message at the end, especially. Overall, great story, can't wait to read another one!!

Livia (Lia)


Lilliane Wei
18:06 Oct 13, 2021

How are youuuuuu???


Lilliane Wei
22:48 Oct 13, 2021

but its like idek how to write anymore ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


.. .
18:40 Oct 12, 2021

oh. my. gosh. that. was. a.m.a.z.i.n.g


19:13 Oct 11, 2021

Akskajajjsjajsjshas hi


19:15 Oct 11, 2021

YEsSs iT wAs a lOvEly sKim (since Iโ€™m lazy and just popped on here to say hi to everyone)
alsksksjsjsjdjjajdjds indeed



21:55 Oct 12, 2021


Noice! Iโ€™m doing pretty well overallโ€”I didnโ€™t bomb my math test but it also turns out my cousin I spent three days with has COVID, so we think I have it too??? (Iโ€™ve yet to get results but I donโ€™t feel well sooooโ€ฆ) Which is lOvElY but anyways yeah. Lol you said โ€˜greatโ€™ and I have three lines aNYWAYS-

Listening to any good music lately?


Amazing + sad + emotionally = Amazadtionally

This was so good! (Well, not the abusing part.)
But the way you just wrote it just made me feel like I was feeling the pain/anger the girl felt. You didn't give TOO much away, but you gave just the correct amount. It's also very mysterious, but in a good way.

Loved it <3



Woah rly? AHMAGOD TY! <3
Poor Cecilia ;-;

<3 tysmmmm

(did u know her name means born blind eek)


Hehe iM bAcK-

This was such an amazing story! The descriptions and the plot was great! You built up the pain and the hurt Cecilia kept bottling up, great job!! :D



yw! :D
Ikr Cecilia deserved better T-T
Never knew that- yOu lEaRn sOmEtHinG nEw eVeRy dAy lmao-


Akshara P
05:39 Oct 10, 2021

This is so creative - I loved the mystery of it all and that sense of adventure. Really well done with the dialogue and description. How do you write so well? Seriously.


Omg-thank you so much! It was my first time writing like this, so I'm really glad you like it! Thank you so, so, so much for your kind words! :D


Akshara P
05:46 Oct 10, 2021

Thank you for writing this masterpiece, and spamming likes! ๐Ÿ’—


Awwww no problem<3
Ehe I have a routine of spamming likes to people who give me good reviews :D


Akshara P
06:05 Oct 10, 2021

Then I better remember to give you good reviews often. ๐Ÿ˜›


Crows_ Garden
12:46 Apr 01, 2022

This isn't hitting home for me
It's hitting home for you

Wonderful story Celeste, I love the way it was written.


Akshara P
12:18 Jan 03, 2022

Random but "Cecilia" was the name of my mean 7th grade teacher...


Kate Reynolds
17:00 Dec 04, 2021

Ohmygod this was powerful.
I really liked how you didn't show her name until the very end, it brings some sort of closure yet brings identity of some sorts. This was written so beautifully sad, and I loved how you included the flashbacks.

On a side note, how have you been Celeste???


Kate Reynolds
17:13 Dec 04, 2021

I'm doing alright, lots of ups and downs these past couple of weeks.
I posted a new poem and a part of a trilogy I'm currently working on if you wanna check it out :D


20:42 Nov 16, 2021

Oh look, Celeste has written a new story
I've got some free time, I should read it
It is good
it is good
it is
*Distant screaming*
*Oh right it's just a character*


20:22 Nov 02, 2021

celeste... its been so long


Akshara P
16:34 Oct 24, 2021

I accidentally deleted our conversation, lolz ๐Ÿ˜‚
Are you working on writing something?


It's been a while since I've been on here but I just wanted to say this is amazing!!!! The details are just so amazing. Great work :)


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