You know that they are home even before the jangling keys can be heard. When your children look at you in wonder when you inevitably predict their appearance to the second, you just chuckle and run to kiss them.
When your lips meet theirs, it is just like the first day you awkwardly locked lips, behind that big wall in the school ground. You didn’t know what to do with your hands, so you just left them hanging from your sides while they held your face with their hands and tried to kiss you on the mouth. You couldn’t talk to them for the rest of the day because every time you saw them, you remembered their sweet mouth.
It certainly didn’t help the disastrous situation when a teacher saw your kiss and considered it a first-degree offence. No, it didn’t help at all when your parents were called to the school and you had to apologize for your misconduct in the morning assembly while the audience members were tasting each other with no repercussions.
Your big fight with them ends with them storming off with puffs of smoke coming out of their ears, and you sitting at the muddy stone steps of your house, head in your knees, wetting your favourite clothes with salty heartbreak.
Of course, since you are not one to give up, you pursue them for over a week before they break and commit to you for life. This time around, you both take various precautions with your relationship and make sure not to be suspiciously affectionate in the school corridors. For backup, you both come clean to your parents and hold each other’s slippery hands while they come to terms with the two of you.
They work harder at schoolwork so that they can get into the same university as you. They stay up at night, poring over their books so that your affair doesn’t become long-distance or non-existent due to ‘unforeseen circumstances’.
No one screams louder than you when their acceptance letter comes in and takes on the brief role of matchmaker in your union.
Everybody gapes at your hands still entwined with theirs after the three years spent in university. Money is exchanged in secret when they lose the bets made at your fresher year. You and they chuckle to yourselves to this day when you think about those people who thought that the two of you wouldn’t last.
It is definitely not a surprise when both of you get on your knees at the same time and try to propose to each other without bursting into tears. All the confetti and fireworks have finished when you finally are only a few inches away from each other, still on your knees.
You put their ring on first with a shaky hand and let them slide your ring into place with a ketchup-stained hand. All the plans that you had made had not gone exactly to plan, and neither had theirs. People had tripped and fallen on your expensive food, champagne had drenched you both, and the fireworks and music had started early.
But you both knew that none of it mattered when you kissed. The magic that shone from the two of you when you touched each other that night made up for all the mishaps that had occurred earlier that day.
Your wedding wasn’t the fairytale you had hoped for. There had been disagreements among your families, and sulking people with grey hair lined the photographs like ink splatters. But you both were happy. And somehow, your smiling faces spread enough light to blot out their frowns.
It is hard for you two. When your children ask you why their friends visit their grandparents and they don’t, you look at each other with pursed lips. You make up your excuses and convince them. Those are the hardest nights. You both talk to each other in whispered breaths and make shapes with your fingers to lull yourselves to sleep.
Your parents call at times, and so do theirs. They always hope that you both change your mind and get rid of each other. You try to explain to them that you both are partners for life the first time they interrogate you. The calls following this only consist of nods and convincing them that the children are fine. The gap between each call widens and you soon adjust to the fact that you are estranged from your family.
But you have each other. Somehow, in some strange way, having each other makes it better. It makes those feverish nights calmer and it makes those questions easier. Their hand in yours slows down your heart to an acceptable pace. Their lips in yours ignites a fire that can’t be extinguished by the rest of the world. Every second spent with each other is a blessing that can’t be taken back.
When you meet people from your past, they comment on the features that have changed. Their looks of shock are always worthwhile when you confess that your relationship still remains as strong as before. They take you aside and try to pull out your better half’s shortcomings, and they succeed. But their faces pull into frowns when you tell them that their shortcomings make them even more worth being with. They try and catch you in a compromising position but fail every time.
When the children are asleep, sometimes you tiptoe down the staircase and sit in the wooden chair on the porch, looking up at the star dotted sky and shedding tears until the lights around you become stringy.
They come behind you and place their hands on your shoulders, and you coat their hands with your weaknesses, and they don’t flinch at them because they have their own.
The years pass by without much difficulty, and you still have each other. The world is on fire, embers and dark fog. Bloodshot eyes and gaping cracks between the dysfunctional residents of a household. But your lives are still as whole as before. The fights and disagreements make your bond stronger. They make it harder to leave each other.
Through it all, you still have each other.
That is all that matters.
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Second person!
I loved your tone in this story. While it does seem dark at times, what with their terrible luck, it just kind of makes it more romantic. I love the wedding scene; I think it would have been even better with rain. And those last lines feel really lyrical!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I'll consider the rain thing, I'm glad you liked it!
This. Now this, here, is what love feels like. I... I’m afraid I won’t be able to leave a really in-depth comment, because I can’t really see the screen through tears. It struck a nerve, and it’s beautifully written, as usual. Great work, truly.
Aww, thank you so much, that's so sweet of you to say! This piece left me emotionally exhausted after writing it, I can tell you that :) I'm so glad you liked it! I'll be waiting to know your in-depth thoughts when your vision clears again. Thanks a lot, this comment really made my day!
I loved this story so much. I loved the title. It was so compelling. It had a tone that stuck with you, never letting go until the end. It was relatable and above all truly romantic! Well done!
Thank you so much, I'm so glad you liked it!
This was amazing! The way you listed events everyone knows, and everyone feels nostalgic for, and I think you represented the prompt really well. This is such a sweet story, and I love your writing style! All the best with your future creations :)
Thank you so much, I really appreciate your comment!
Very touching story Mania!
I enjoyed the descriptive details, and it was a sorta different way of telling the story. What I mean is that you told a simple story in a unique way which made it all the more interesting!
Great job! And keep writing!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I got downvoted by 2000 points 😭😭
Lovely 💕🌸
Thank you, I appreciate it! I would also love some feedback on 'Remember that Night' :)
Amazing! Finally able to come in Reedsy, only to read your story XD. I loved the first para, i.e. how the children got surprised at the telepathy, lol. I also loved the last para - "The years.... matters.". So sweet journey, a clear evidence that love never end. Love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime ~ Celine Dion's song "My heart will go on". The line "The fights and disagreements make your bond stronger. They make it harder to leave each other." is so true. Lovers fight with each other and talk about dumping each other but most of the times they don't know that they are just going through an aspect of love. I apologize for commenting late but I am always there awaiting your stories.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! No need to apologise, I appreciate comments at any time :) I would love your feedback on my latest story 'Black and White'
And also on a story previous to this one called 'Remember that Night' :)
Kay :)) I'll read both soon.
Thanks :)
I really enjoyed reading this, it was just so precious. This is what true love should be like; when you're in a tough spot you can always count on your partner to lift you up again. You painted such a beautiful picture and your transitions flowed so smoothly from one memory to the next which is really hard to do (at least for me.) The title fits so well and the last lines are so simple yet so impactful. Your story stands as a testimony to the fact that the course of true love never did run smooth, but at the end of the day, love does indeed does find a way to prevail.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I'm so glad it conveyed the message that I wanted to convey :) I have a story called 'Not Worth It', which I feel like everyone should read because it's about an important issue that many people face these days, I would love your feedback on it :)
This was great! I love the last line-"That is all that matters." Honestly that just tied it up beautifully. It shows how much they or "us" love each other in a amazing way.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I would love your feedback on 'Remember that Night' and 'Not Worth It', two stories I'm really proud of :)
Bravo, bravo, andb bravo.
The story was so wonderful and realistic. Like you know the teachers and the parents. It looked like a classy Indian family saga but filled with true love. Nice story and the love factor was amazing. great work.
Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it!
any problem here?
This was really good. You somehow managed to get a lifetime in to the word count without it feeling rushed. The characters could have been anyone which gave a really personal feel to it. Another great piece. You really are talented.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! That is honestly what I was going for, and why I chose the second perspective, so that every reader could connect and interpret it in a way completely unique to them :) I would love your feedback on 'Not Worth It', another story which I find has emotionally connected with a large number of people :)
Alright. I am now composed. The description was very... motivating, as if both of them didn’t really care what others thought, and were too wrapped up in each other to dwell on it. They noticed though, certainly. The drive was strong and the emotion stronger, leading to a wonderfully persistent piece, that really managed to strike a chord with me. I can see why it would leave you exhausted- heartwork pieces often do that. And for your first piece in second person, it was extremely well pulled off, to the point where it felt completely natural. Amazingly well done, Mania.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I tried my best with it, so I'm glad it turned out alright :) Thanks again!
I loved the beginning when it said:
"No, it didn’t help at all when your parents were called to the school and you had to apologize for your misconduct in the morning assembly while the audience members were tasting each other with no repercussions."
That was so true.
But all in all, I loved it. Did I say that already?
Whatever :)
Love, Cass
Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it!
Once again, this was incredible!! The faith and trust these two people have in each other is so real it's tangible:) I know you mentioned this wasn't written in your typical style, but to me, it read super well! I loved that you wrote it in the second person - idk why but I think that might be my favorite perspective to read:) If this really isn't how you normally write, definitely consider playing around with it more!
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I loved writing it, and I think it might be my favourite perspective too, just because I can write it in a very general way and every reader will interpret it in a way specific to them, which is quite magical :) I wrote another one in the second perspective too, the one called 'Love is Enough', which was also very enjoyable to write :D
So cool! Maybe I'll take a look at that too - once I have time:)
No problem :)
There's not much more I can say that hasn't already been said in earlier comments. It was absolutely a beautiful story.
Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
Eee-second suggestion (but my suggestions don't count much.)
When you say (is it you say or the story says? I'll go with the story says.) When the story says: "You didn’t know what to do with your hands, so you just left them hanging from your sides while they held your face with their hands and tried to kiss you on the mouth. You couldn’t talk to them for the rest of the day because every time you saw them, you remembered their sweet mouth." It's a bit confusing. Or maybe my english just suckss. But, when you-I mean when the story says "tried to kiss you..." Aren't they already kissing...? Maybe try this...?
"You didn’t know what to do with your hands, so you just left them hanging from your sides while they held your face with their hands and kissed you on the lips. (Describe the kiss here maybe? I'm not good at describing.) You couldn’t talk to them for the rest of the day because every time you saw them, you remembered their sweet and soft mouth."
By 'tried to kiss you', I mean that they were not very experienced in the same and were trying to do it right. So they did kiss, and then afterwards, the main character couldn't look at their partner the same way :)
Awkwardly tried to kiss?
Yeah exactly
Perhaps add that..?
I've already mentioned it in a sentence before, "... the first day you awkwardly locked lips", so I don't want to repeat it again, it would look weird :)
Spell-Mistake (is that a word?)
When you said "They stay up at night, poring over their books..." Isn't it pouring? I'm not sure if this is better but maybe try this...?
"They'd stay up at night, pouring over books. Flipping pages one after another." My writing skills aren't great. If you don't like the suggestion it's okay.
I think you mean spelling mistake. And also, pouring means 'making a substance flow from a container' like 'pouring water'. Poring, however, means ' to read or study with steady attention or application' like in the sentence in the story. So I was going for poring itself, it's not a spelling mistake :)
Ahh, yes. See-my suggestions do suckkkkk. I'm so stupid lol.
Oh no, that's okay :)
There's one more suggestion above this comment-
Yeah I replied to that right now :)
I really like the way this story ended with a bold and eye-capturing way. Great job Mania!
Thank you so much Hari, really appreciate it!
Of course! <3
Can you spam? A lot? Or would you prefer not to...?
I'm sorry what?
Uh-Never mind.
I just meant to spam so I could upvote the comments and...Yeah.
Ohh alright, that's so sweet of you 💖💖
Holy Snalony (is that how you spell it?)
You were downvoted a lot...
What points were you at before?
I haven't been getting downvoted in a few days, but before this when I was at 3600, I woke up at my points being at 3300... Thank you so much for upvoting me!
Also, I would appreciate some feedback on my two latest stories, if you're up for it :)
Your welcome first of all, and I'm checking out your stories right now! (Though my feedback sucks.)
No one's feedback really sucks, just give it your best shot and tell me how you feel when you read it :)
That I can do-though-some stories make me cry :.)
Those are the best kind :)