Fiction Funny

“Good morning my friend! Up, up, up. Now!”


“I do beg your pardon, but it’s morning and I’m hungry. And I’m hungry now and it’s morning!” 

“Phdtts. Stop it you mangy mongrel, get off my face!”

“Mongrel? Indeed! I’m no cur, no slavering, slavish mutt. ‘We are not impressed, We are not amused,’ now get up you lazy piece of no good human.”



“Get off!”

“My God, you don’t need to be rude about it, and throwing me off the bed is just spiteful. Now hurry up, I’m waiting… the longer you take, the louder I wait… I’m WAITING! DYING OF HUNGER HERE, THIS IS CAT ABUSE!”

“Shut up you good-for-nothing feline.”

“Hurry up you good-for-nothing human! Sheeze it’s been whole night and I’ve been trapped inside this room with you. The least you could do is feed me.”

“I have no idea how I ended up with a cat. I have a great mind, I’ve pondered Physics and Philosophy yet I’m answering to a feral fluff ball who stomps on my face every morning.”

“Yeah, like I lucked out in the owner department. You know Misty next door brags that her owner always remembers to feed her on time, in fact Misty says that sometimes her owner forgets she has already fed her and she gets two breakfasts. Imagine that! Two! Count ‘em. One, two.”

“Here you go, Kitty. Now shut up and let me work today, won’t you.”

“Oh, ho, ho! Tuna. Life’s looking up! Omm, nom, nom.”

“You are disgusting, slow down before you choke yourself to death. Oh, on second thoughts, knock yourself out! Hope there’s bones in it!”

“Oh, I’m in heaven, gastronomical heaven, so good! I think it’s time for a postprandial nap, this looks like the perrrrfectspot. I’ll just crunch it up a bit.”

“Kitty! Get off! Don’t you dare… oh you little shit, that’s my research paper. Get down! Hissst!”

“Rude much!”

“Bloody cat, for God’s sake this is three years of research you cretin.”

“Oh dear, Schrödinger, I don’t feel so good…”

“No! Oh no you don’t you bloody feral feline. Don’t you dare…”

“I think I’m gonna puke…”

“Not on my mat…”

“Heck, heck, hack!” 


“Hmm, that’s certainly not as appealing the second time around…”

“Dear God, why do I keep you?”

“You can have it, Schrody, my friend, I don’t think I like tuna anymore. I’ll just find a little warm patch in the sun.”

“Just stay out of my way.”

”I’m just gonna curl up here and catch me some sunshine.”


“Schrody, Schrody, I’m hungry again! Schrödinger?”

“Get out.”

“Schrody, Schrody Schrody! How lovely does your leg feel? Oh so nice to rub against.”

“Shut up, I’m thinking. Quantum physics won’t just think itself.”

“Shrody, Schrödinger. I’m here, pay attention to meeee!”

“You are quite the noisiest cat.”

“Well my dear Schrödinger, you are quite the most boring human that I have ever met.”

“If ‘quantum particles can exist in a superposition of states at the same time and collapse down to a single state upon interaction with other particles’ then…”

“You are saying words human, scratch my back, come on, you know you want to.”

“The Copenhagen Interpretation is ridiculous, in reality. Until you observe it, a particle is both there and not there…”

“I’m here, you’re here, pat me, pat me, pat me…”

“You are one annoying animal, I’m trying to think.”

“Oh, but the butt scratches are divine, I need to kneed your knee…”

“Ow! Claws!”

“Well that’s rude, I thought we were having a moment.”

“Just stay over there and let me think! You are a menace.”

“I’m just going to stay over here and ignore you. Bloody cranky old bastard.”


“Um, Schrödinger? Still hungry.”

“Get lost.”

“Um, no really. I’m hungry. I puked up all the fish, now I’m empty from the inside out.”

“Go away.”

“A cat’s gotta eat.”

“By mathematical equation, a sub atomic partial can be in two places at one time. A fifty-fifty probability. But by the laws of physics that’s not possible-”

“It’s possible that I’m hungry, right now.”

“-Until it’s observed there is not a chance of one hundred percent certainty.”

“Well I’m one hundred percent starving here. Come on! Have pity on me.”



“Oh, for heaven’s sake, shut your caterwauling!”

“I’m a cat, that’s what we do.”

“Don’t be sick again or you’ll be outside you ungrateful heap of flea ridden fur.”

“Hey! I bathe hourly. I’m cleaner than you! When was the last time you had a bath?”

“I wonder if I could pack you in a box and send you to my mother, you irritating animal.”

“A box! You sir, are inhumane.”

“Look, if you don’t shut your meowing this instant, I’m putting you in that packing box and sealing it up, so help me if I don’t.”

“Ooooh a box! If it fits, I sits! Comfy, comfy, comfy. Thanks Schrody old pal, this is just super, look at me, this is my own place.”

“Good, now stay there and be quiet, I’m working.”

”Just going to close my eyes for a while and enjoy my space.”


“Um, Schrody?”



“Oh for the love of God, what now?”

“You don’t believe in God.”

“You are a pain in my arse! Come on, eat that, shut up and let me work.”

“Kibble! Really, what do I look like? I don’t see you eating kibble.”

“If you turn your nose up at that, then don’t come meowing to me that you’re hungry, or I will really shut you into the box next time. Now let me finish my work.”

“I do like the box.”

“Perhaps I’ll sleep here.”

“Or maybe… just maybe… PSYCHO TIME!”

“Would you stop that! Stop it! You will knock something over.”

“Look at me go, faster than lightning, yeah, yeah. A kitty on a mission. Get that tail! Zoom zoom!”


“Um, Schrödinger? Did the lights go out. A little help please.”

“I said I’d put you in a box if you didn’t stop being a pain.”

“Ah, Schrody, I’m in a box. I’m trapped. I can’t get out.”

“Now if this were a steel container, and it was secured so the cat couldn’t interfere…”

“I need to get out now Schrody, feeling a little claustrophobic!”

“… and I were to add a little bit, just a tiny little bit mind you, of radioactive substance, so that in the course of one hour only one of the atoms would decay…”


“…but it’s equally probable that none would…”

“Ah, Schrödinger?”

“…and I set it up, with a Geiger counter, and if the reaction breaks a flask of something, I don’t know, maybe hydrocyanicacid?”

“Schrödinger, old buddy, old pal. You’re scaring me.”

“There is an equal probability that the reaction did, or did not occur. We do not see it. The cat is both alive and dead.”

“What the hell? Are you a psychopath?”

“That’s preposterous. Quite ridiculous. It proves that wavefunction collapses are not driven by conscious observers.”

“Thank God, you had me worried.”

“Thanks Kitty, you really helped me to think things through.”

“That’s great. It’s a relief to know I’m appreciated. Will you let me out now?”

February 25, 2023 06:29

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Kevin V
16:08 Feb 25, 2023

This is ingenious, Michelle. I suppose someone not familiar with Shrödinger's Cat, in this case a cat in a box is neither alive nor dead until the box is opened so the cat may be observed, might not get it, but still enjoy it. At least, I think I have that right. Been awhile. I love that it is entirely in dialogue and yet never gets murky. It's not only worthy of this prompt, but would've been great in the previous set of prompts. And funny. I smiled all through this. The interaction between human and cat was hilarious even without the tie...


Michelle Oliver
22:21 Feb 25, 2023

Thanks KV. I usually shy away from all dialogue stories because I found them intimidating to write…I mean challenging to create believable distinct characters. After reading some of last week stories in response to the dialogue prompt, I promised myself I’d give it a go. Thanks for reading it and I am glad you enjoyed it. I had fun writing it and I actually learned a little about quantum physics.


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Wendy Kaminski
16:05 Feb 25, 2023

Fantastic kitty voice here, Michelle! Also that of the plagued owner, hah. You know, this does point out the VERY clear error in the famous Schrody assumption: you will KNOW for a fact, if a boxed cat is alive. In fact, you won't be able to engage in physics, the noise will be so loud. So obvious, staring me in the face all the time like a cat at 6 am! hah Favorites: - “Rude much!” - The cheek! hehe - “A cat’s gotta eat.” - I first read this as "A cat's gotta cat," which is also applicable. - “Or maybe… just maybe… PSYCHO TIME!” - LOL!! ...


Michelle Oliver
22:26 Feb 25, 2023

Thanks Wendy. I suppose you have a psycho cat too? They can go from zero to a hundred in the blink of an eye. Yes I always wondered about the cat in Schrody’s example. A cat is not just going to sit there waiting to die or not die. There would be no need to open the box to check because of the caterwauling!


Wendy Kaminski
00:59 Feb 26, 2023

Oh yes, I have an orange tabby that I swear is a bit tetched, but I'm sure it's just cat... right?? :D


Michelle Oliver
01:11 Feb 26, 2023

Tetched.. oh I love that word! So accurately describes the state of being “cat”.


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Zatoichi Mifune
13:12 Jul 17, 2023

'You sir, are inhumane.' Great! Funny and engaging. Ingenious. I did have to look up 'Schrödinger's cat' though.


Michelle Oliver
13:41 Jul 17, 2023

Funny, I wrote two stories for this weeks set of prompts. His one was my favourite, but the other story won. I think Schrödinger was a bit obscure for most people. Quantum physics is obviously not everyone’s cup of tea.


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Olive Silirus
22:42 May 21, 2023

I admit, I had to look up what Shrodinger's cat was, but after I did, I realized how fully GENIUS this story is. Bravo, bravo.


Michelle Oliver
22:59 May 21, 2023

Thanks Olive, it’s one of my favourite stories. Car perspective is fun


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Chris Campbell
04:14 Mar 08, 2023

Michelle, You took a theory and made it practical. Poor little kitty. All seriousness aside, this was very funny. Furballs/throw-up, constant hunger, eating noises, and attention seeking. Everything my cats do, as well. I don't think I could lock them away in a box; however, that's Schrödinger for you. Always thinking and theorising. Maybe he should have been the one to sit in a box... Having cats myself, you describe their very nature to a T. How me and my partner ever get a comfortable night's sleep with two cats hogging the bed, is a ...


Michelle Oliver
11:55 Mar 08, 2023

Hi Chris Thanks for reading it. This naughty kitty took hold of me while I was in the middle of writing another prompt so I had to drop everything and let the cat out. Will have to check out your story now.


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Stevie Burges
05:20 Mar 06, 2023

another great story. I knew little of Shrödinger's Cat experiment - except that it existed - but none of that stopped my enjoyment of the story. I noted you had filed it under 'funny' and was amazed how quickly I was either smiling or laughing. Well done. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


Michelle Oliver
05:21 Mar 06, 2023

Thanks, I had to google the specifics too, but it was fun to write.


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Bb B
22:48 Mar 04, 2023

Schrodinger's Kitty, indeed! Your answer to the prompt is brilliant. I've long cursed the professor who put that conundrum in my head! Well written, Michelle an did I catch that you satisfied another prompt, as well?


Michelle Oliver
23:00 Mar 04, 2023

Thanks for reading it. Glad you enjoyed it. This was my first attempt at an all dialogue story which was in the last set of prompts, so I thought to give it a try.


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Michał Przywara
21:45 Mar 01, 2023

Good cat voice, and a fun look at history. There's no malice here, it's just they have different priorities, and we get a fun clash from that. Animals don't understand why we work, and they probably think it's a silly way to spend our time :) "Or maybe… just maybe… PSYCHO TIME!" :D Stylistically, I actually forgot this was just dialogue as I read along. The action in the story was clear. And considering the subject matter, we also don't get bogged down in explanations or exposition, keeping things moving and accessible. Thanks for shari...


Michelle Oliver
22:20 Mar 01, 2023

Thanks for taking the time to read it. I had fun with this one as it was so out of my comfort zone with the all dialogue style. I’m glad it came across as readable and entertaining. If that line made you laugh, I suppose, like Wendy, you must have a psycho cat too?


Michał Przywara
23:12 Mar 01, 2023

I don't have a cat personally, but there's enough of them among my friends that I've gotten to know a few personalities :)


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Calm Shark
03:36 Feb 26, 2023

Hello Michelle. Loved the way you handled the prompt and the style of having dialogue all throughout the story. I have done a story of dialogue and let me tell you, I was struggling to try to reach the 1k word count! However, your story is smooth and I can easily tell what is going on. By the way, I love cats so this story really made me happy. Good job!


Michelle Oliver
04:01 Feb 26, 2023

Thank you so much. It’s a first time attempting all dialogue and I know what you mean about hitting the word limit. Glad you enjoyed it


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