A post-apocalyptic love story

Submitted into Contest #81 in response to: Write about a first date that surprises both people, but in different ways.... view prompt


Romance Funny

        When I first met Grant, he was very nearly naked. I was on my daily run around my new home, bored out of my mind, and almost asleep. He was tall, well-muscled, and lean. I thought, for a moment, that I was seeing some sort of hallucination, and I was quite pleased with myself for imagining such a perfect male specimen.

“Well done, Emily,” I said.

       My Greek god smiled. “Well, now, what do we have here?” he said. His eyes lingered on my chest, and I realized that I had thrown on an old sports bra that showed my nipples, and a pair of white underwear that were extremely unflattering to my midsection. (There was no point in bothering with running shorts, or well-made sports bras, when there was no one around to admire them.)

“You’re real,” I said, and wrapping my arms around my chest.

       “I suppose I am,” said Grant. I watched a bead of sweat run down his forehead, and down the side of his neck.

        Involuntarily, I licked my lips.

        “Are you thirsty?” said Grant. “I think I have a bottle of water in my backpack.” He knelt down and opened a green rucksack that was resting on a pile of rubble. I noticed that he was wearing a pair of cut-off jeans that clung to his legs like a second skin.

       “Here you go,” he said, ambling toward me. “I got this from a reservoir not too far from here, and I think it’s pretty clean.”

       I hated to say it, but I blurted, “I have a knife.”

        “What?” said my new friend.

        I sighed. “I’m sorry, but I’m not altogether sure you’re safe.”

       Grant grinned. “Ma’am, my mother would come out of the grave to get me, if she thought I was even thinking of harming a female. Scout’s honor.”

He pressed two fingers together in salute. “You can trust me.”

       I looked into his eyes, and saw that there were smile lines around the corners. Beaming, I reached forward for the relatively clean bottle of water.

       “My grandmother always said that you can trust a man with a good sense of humor." I took a long gulp of water, and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. "What’s your name?”

      “Grant,” he said, and laughed.

       “What’s so funny?” I said.

       “You’ve got dirt around your top lip,” he said. “You look a little like Hitler, truth be told.”

      Just then, the incongruity of the situation struck me, and I began to giggle. I stepped backward, but tripped over a rock and landed right on my behind. Grant grinned, and reached out a hand.

      “Thanks,” I said. As he lifted me to my feet, I noticed that he had a strong grip and nice hands.

       “You’re welcome,” said my hero. “What’s your name?”

       “Emily,” I said. “Emily Brewster.”

       “Well, Emily,” he said, “I’d help you with the dust on your backside, but seeing that we’ve just met, I don’t think that would be appropriate.”

Touch me everywhere, please, I thought. Leave no spot untouched. I swallowed and noticed that Grant was studying my throat.“ I’ve been told I have a rather nice neck,” I said.

        “You do,” nodded Grant. “However, I see you’ve got a couple of red spots, there. Have you had the virus?”

        “Yes,” I said, shivering. I felt blood rush to my cheeks and forehead. "That being said, I don’t feel very well."

        “Shit,” he said. “You don’t see any black spots, do you?”

        By this time, I was breathing very rapidly. “Umm...it appears that I do. I'm having trouble seeing your face. It’s a very nice face, by the way.”

       Grant ran a hand through his hair. “Uh-oh,” he said. “Do you feel weak?”

       “A little,” I said, as I collapsed to the ground.

        I awoke to an enormous headache, and winced. The chatter of birds was incessant. I felt something soft underneath me, and realized I was resting on an old army blanket.

       “I’m completely naked,” I said, to no one in particular. I got up too quickly, and hit my head on a metal pole at the top of a tent.

       “Ow!” I said.

        “Well look who’s up?” said Grant.

        I saw Grant’s arm appear through the front of the tent, and dove for cover beneath the blanket. Before I knew what was happening, he was peering into my eyes with a flashlight.

       “Where the devil are my clothes?” I said. “Why did you take them off?”

        “Looks like you definitely have heat exhaustion,” said Grant. He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand. “Quickest way to fight heat exhaustion is to get the patient as cool as possible. Put this in your mouth,” he said, taking a small thermometer from his backpack. “Let’s see if your temperature’s gone down.”

        “I’m not putting anything in my mouth,” I said, trying to control the blush that was spreading from my collarbone to the top of my forehead. “How do I know I can trust anything you say, and that you aren’t some kind of sex pervert who gets his jollies from removing ladies’ clothes?”

         Grant sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Honestly, I don’t know how to unpack all of that, but I’ll start with the fact that I’m not a sex pervert. If I wanted sex, I’d just ask. I don’t think there’s any reason to be creepy about it.”

          “Okay,” I said. "Go ahead and take my temperature.”

          Grant placed the thermometer under my tongue, and smiled.

          “Hey," he said, "how do I know you’re not a pervert?”

          I raised my eyebrows, and began to protest.

          “Now, now,” he said. “No need to talk until I can read that temperature."

          I crossed my arms in front of my chest and rolled my eyes.

          "I think the lady doth protest a bit too much, he said. “You were the one who was just staring at me like a snow cone on a hot day.”

          “What?” I said. “I wasn’t doing anything of the sort. To be honest, you’re not the sort of man I’m attracted to.”

           Grant laughed. “Fair enough. What kind of man are you attracted to?”

          I thought for a moment. “The Daniel Craig type,” I said, crossing my fingers behind my back. Unfortunately, I moved my arm too quickly and the blanket dropped to my waist.

          “Don’t look!” I said, as I wrapped the blanket tightly around myself.

           “Damn it,” said Grant, “I dropped the thermometer. Don’t move.”

           I sighed. “Why don’t you just feel my forehead?” I said. “I’m feeling much better.”

          “Fine,” said Grant. “That’s just fine and dandy. You want me to be a medical professional, but you also want me to take your temperature with the back of my dirty hand?”

           "Yes,” I said, feeling as confused as he was.

           Our eyes met for a moment, and I saw that there were golden flecks of color in his pupils.

           “Did you know that your eyes are the color of root beer candy?” he said.

           “No,” I said, studying the contour of his lips, and the tiny bit of stubble on his chin.

          Grant swallowed, and I watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down. “I think I should take a closer look," he said. "Medically speaking, your eyes are an interesting color.”

          “I guess a closer look wouldn’t really hurt,” I said. “It would be very professional of you.”’

           Grant took off his shirt, and began to unbutton the fly of his shorts. He grinned, sheepishly. “I don’t want to drive your temperature up. I think it’s best if I keep myself as cool as possible.”

          “Safety first,” I said.

          “Always,” he replied, as he slid off his shorts, and kissed one of my shoulders. “Why don’t we start the examination with your thoracic region, and then work our way down?”

          “I think,” I said, as I realized that he definitely wasn't wearing any underwear, “that is an excellent idea.”

          As I ran my fingers down Grant’s chest and stomach, I asked, “Why aren’t you wearing any knickers?”

          Grant laughed, and I felt his lips brush mine. “No one around to admire them,” he said. “Satisfied?”

          “Indeed,” I said. “Most satisfied.”

February 18, 2021 09:19

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Michael Boquet
20:43 Feb 19, 2021

Gotta love a 'meet-cute' where someone references Hitler. Very humorous. You created great banter and chemistry between the two characters as well. One suggestion, maybe don't call the guy 'Grant' before he introduces himself, especially since you're writing in 1st person. P.S. I wish they'd fix things so that proper indentation didn't look so weird on this site.


Ruth Porritt
07:18 Feb 21, 2021

Thanks Michael! 🙂 P.S. I just spent a long time fixing format problems, and making other edits. However, the page reloaded and I lost all of my work. Ah well, such is life.🙂 Have a great one, Ruth


Michael Boquet
14:12 Feb 21, 2021

Ugh, I hate it when that happens. I wasn't trying to be critical. You're using proper formatting, if this were any other word processor. Instead the Reedsy version is more like a sticky note app, lol


Ruth Porritt
07:03 Feb 22, 2021

Hello Michael, No, I didn't think you were being critical. I figured you understood my frustration with typing something into the prompt box, and having it come out somewhat randomly, (in format) like a William Carlos Williams poem. (with no offense meant to Williams, as his poetry is beautiful) 🙂 Have a great day, Ruth


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Elle S
05:14 Aug 10, 2021

Beautiful story, Ruth! I love how you describe the mutual attraction between two strangers. Unexpected ending, too. Always appreciate the humor. I'm glad that the Greek god (lol) ended up being safe. As a natural romantic, I love where this story took me. Well done.


Ruth Porritt
05:45 Aug 10, 2021

Awww, thanks so much Leseka! :) I am a natural romantic as well. (Also, in this current world we live in, I love stories with humor in them.) As a romantic, do you like to receive flowers? I love to receive flowers, particularly roses or sunflowers. Also, I adore gardens, and I hope to be able to plant one of my own, outside, one day. (I live in an apartment, now, with an adorable cat who likes to eat/knock over flowers in pots, lol.) Thanks for the inspiration; I may go back to writing romance stories for a bit. (To much horror writing...


Elle S
12:40 Aug 10, 2021

Hello, Ruth Thank you for your enthusiastic response. I would absolutely love to receive flowers, but due to being in a "relationship" with an emotionally unavailable human for the last few years, I haven't been treated to such a delight in a while. You know what they say about like attracts like. I was self-hateful and attracted people who would treat me the way I saw myself. I have recently gotten out of that rut (thankfully) with the help of subliminal affirmations. I am at the beginning stages of truly knowing what self-love is and ...


Ruth Porritt
05:59 Aug 13, 2021

Hello Leseka, Yes, isn't it true that many authors, myself included, struggle with self hate and self loathing? (So true.) My favorite thing to do, with affirmations, is to leave them in places where I will find them, (like my desk drawer or make-up organization thingy) and I am also in therapy. I will have to check out Trudi Canavan. Yes, old Stevie (Stephen King) is one of my favorites. I was remembering a novella/long short story that he did about a librarian who was actually a spider from another universe, or something like that. A...


Elle S
18:12 Aug 15, 2021

Hello, Ruth! It is people like that, who are able to do that, I look up to :) It's a very good way to remind yourself about your values and goals, putting stickers where you know you'll see them often. I feel drawn to that idea, as I haven't been practicing it, so thanks for sharing. I have not gathered the guts to go to therapy yet. It takes guts. Kudos to you for having them <3 Bid my most heartfelt greetings to your lovely kitty, George


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Ruth Porritt
05:45 Aug 10, 2021

Also, who are some of your favorite authors? Ruth


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Theresa Bhowan
11:43 Jul 22, 2021

This story definitely drew a laugh out of me... More like a shy and girly giggle but no one needs to know that hahaha! Considering their circumstances, this is a really cute story. But I need to know, did she really have heat exhaustion or could it have been the water that made her faint? A brilliant read, Ruth!


Ruth Porritt
01:19 Jul 23, 2021

Hello Theresa, Lol, I believe she had heat exhaustion, and thanks so much for reading this story. Have a great one, and catch you later, Ruth


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10:02 Mar 22, 2021

This is a lot of fun! I enjoyed the humour both between the characters and in her own thoughts. I especially liked the line at the beginning "I thought, for a moment, that I was seeing some sort of hallucination, and I was quite pleased with myself for imagining such a perfect male specimen." That made me chuckle to myself. :)


Ruth Porritt
00:35 Mar 26, 2021

Thanks, Lizzy! :) You made my whole day. Have a great one, and catch you later, Ruth


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Ruth Porritt
00:35 Mar 26, 2021

Thanks, Lizzy! :) You made my whole day. Have a great one, and catch you later, Ruth


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06:07 Mar 05, 2021

Hey everyone, I’ve posted another incredible story called “Ghost Ship” to Reedsy. Brothers Charlie and David sail towards the Carribean on the adventure of a lifetime when a hurricane changes direction and heads up the coast. Their attempt to avoid certain destruction leads to the decision to seek shelter in the Bahamas. They soon find more danger than they realized among the waves. What will happen? Will they survive? Please feel free to leave honest feedback. I would like to read something of yours in return if you will accept honest f...


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