
Authors Note: This isn't really an authors not but it sort of is. So I was gonna submit this submission to one of the "lights out" prompts and was copying it from google docs to paste it in reedsy aaaaand the contest ended. I was so frustrated. Anyways, I really liked it and thought it sort of fit with this prompt, so thats the story!!

Hope you enjoy!!


I sat in the chair, Mr. Dane’s hands flying around furiously translating Ms. Holson. Ms. Holson’s lips moving faster than I could handle. I tried to concentrate on just her mouth but quickly gave up and turned back to Mr. Dane. Ms. Holson wrote on the board in messy handwriting the homework assignment, finishing right before everyone jumped up and scrambled out of class.

I grabbed my history binder and slid my computer off my desk. I unlocked my locker which was thankfully right next to the history class room, and grabbed my backpack out of it. I shoved my supplies into it, then shutting my locker door sighing of relief that it was the weekend. I saw Mr. Dane out of the corner of my eye,and signed, 


He smiled, ”you have a good rest of your day.” 

I nodded, and watched him leave, towering over the rest of the students. I started to get lost, trying to work through the maze in my head. My thoughts started to collide. I rubbed my eyes, my head pounding. I wanted something to distract me from my thoughts. Some sort of music, anything, the silence was taunting me.

I swung my backpack over my shoulder, and ran to the choir room two halls down. I knocked on the door before running to the speaker. 

Mrs. Wright was the choir teacher, and always let me come in and use her speaker. I searched on YouTube looking for the right song, wishing I could hear the clicking of the keys as I typed in a song name. I found what I wanted and set the speaker on the floor. I kicked off my socks and shoes, and stood there the vibrations of the song causing everything else to fall away. I closed my eyes and tried to guess the next song that came on. On the 5th song I opened my eyes and checked my watch. 4:44. I had missed the bus. Again. Thankfully I only lived about a half mile from the school so I could walk.

Later that night during dinner, tried to pay attention to what dad was saying about his day but my mind wasn't interested. It would start to wander every couple of minutes. I snapped to attention when my sister pinched my shoulder. 

What was that for?!” I asked

Just trying to get your attention.” 

I glanced at dad, who looked like he had been trying to talk to me for a while.

Sorry Alissa.” 

“You alright Celeste?” He asked me, I shrugged then quickly tried to cover it up with an “I’m fine.” I knew he didn't believe me, but he also knew when I wanted to be by myself. He started talking to my sister signing as he went so I could follow along, not that I was going to. I tried to stay with the conversation but after a few minutes my mind felt like a whirl pool, spinning in circles, the stress weighing down my shoulders. My heart skipped a beat when I remembered I had an English paper due the next day. I straightened in my chair and watched closely until there was a break in mom and dads conversation.

Mom glanced my way and said something to dad then signed, “You're good to go Celeste, I have some work to do and daddy is going over to uncle Todd’s house to watch the game.” 

“Ok. I have some homework so I’ll be in my room.” 

I started to get out of my chair when mom added, “ask Alissa if you need any help ok?”

 I nodded, and darted up the stairs. 

No way was I asking Alissa, my 16 year old sister for help with my English paper. No chance she would agree to anyways. 

I sighed a breath of relief as I wrote the last few words of my paper 2 hours later. My shoulders sagged a little less as a little bit of the stress had been resolved. I climbed into bed too tired to change.

My mind raced not ever stopping for a break. I rubbed my temples trying to push my thoughts away.

I pulled the covers over my head and scooted all the way to the end of the bed so that my feet were almost hanging off the edge. I gripped on to a scrap of my old blanket, the only salvageable part of my old blanket. I felt my stomach churn, my thoughts getting deeper, and my eyes grow heavy begging for me to fall asleep, but I couldn't. It felt too quiet, no music, no sounds of cars driving through the night, or the rain pattering on the roof, the rhythm there to lull you to sleep.

When I was younger I loved the nightly storms we had. They would put me to sleep every time. I missed the sounds of the lullabies mom sang to me, or the stories dad would told. And still I was left to my own thoughts, feeling so alone. It felt like it was me against the whole world. I felt so small as I tried to sink into my mattress. I forced my eyes shut and focused on my breathing and eventually I think I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes and the world was loud. My ears felt like they were being ripped apart. Who ever was shouting or blowing that whistle needed to stop. I was about to yell when I closed and opened my eyes again and I put the pieces together that I could hear. I held back tears trying to take in everything. I had forgotten how beautiful sounds were. Some sort of bird chirping off in the distance, a stick cracking under my shoe. A big smile spread across my face. This is what I had been waiting for, for three and a half years. A break from that horrible reality. For three and a half years I had been having the same nightmare. Trapped in a box, helpless, powerless, stuck

An Icy cold hand grabbed me and I flinched as their long fingernails dug into me launching my mind back to the present. I tried to shake the hand off, but it was no use, whoever had me was stronger than I was. I stopped moving to show that I had given up, but I could clearly tell that they didn't understand since they threw me to the ground and threw a cloth over my head. The person started to drag me up the dirt path, mumbling things I couldn't make out.

 The black cloth smelled like musty books mixed with...garlic? Was I being kidnapped by a vampire? 

The scent burned my nose giving me chills all over. I didn't realize how tired I was until my arm was dropped and I slumped against some sort of stone wall. I opened my eyes wider, I had to stay awake. 

Why did it matter though, I was dreaming? I argued with myself for what felt like an eternity, but eventually someone ripped the cloth off my head, and as I opened my eyes I was blinded, bright light blurring everything else. I rubbed my eyes trying to clear the light away. When I opened them again my jaw dropped to the floor, the entire place glistened with diamonds and quartz and different jewels. 

I craned my neck to try to get a further look. The first floor was open and beautiful. Generations of paintings lined the walls. There was a grand staircase that led to an open second floor that looked over the first. The staircase was lined with gold railings that probably were made of real gold. There were at least 16 hallways on the second floor, and probably about 30 on the first. How could anyone need that many rooms. 

There were 2 men standing off to the side. One had long gray shimmering hair, and deep brown eyes that almost looked like they were staring into the other man. He was tall and towered over him. The second man's voice I recognized from when he pulled me down. He was small and round, his short brown hair barely reaching his ears. I glanced down at his nails, and my arm ached just looking at his long dirty nails.

 "That's the girl?" The taller man asked, glancing over at me. 

Shorty nodded, "was just standing in the middle of the road gawking at the grass."

Big dude studied me, and I gave him the biggest death stare I could. 

"Stupid girl. Why does the master want her? Filthy looking creature." He mumbled and looked away. 

I frowned and brushed some of the dirt off my black nike shorts and straightened out my tank top. 

I tried to capture each of the sounds the two made, and the sound the floor made when I rocked back and forth on my feet. 

I couldn't grasp the thought that I could hear. I could actually hear. 

It's a dream. I reminded myself. I couldn't let myself believe this utopia or else, when this all ended, I would be shattered. I never wanted to have to go back to that reality where I'm the helpless little girl who has no friends, no freedom and no power. But that was who I was, and no dream could change that. I bit my lip and my eyes burned as I tried to hold tears back. I would not cry. That would make it worse. 

I glanced over at Shorty and Big dude who were now talking to a third man. He looked younger than the other 2. I tried to get a better look at him but he was mostly blocked by Bid dudes large shoulders. 

Shorty and Big dude straightened up and did a quick bow before hurrying off into one of the hallways. The 3rd man stayed behind and walked slowly towards me, his eyes moving up and down, scanning. 

"Celeste is it?" 

I nodded, the man had broad shoulders and a stern expression but with everything he said I could hear a hint of curiosity.

 "Do you know who I am Celeste?" 

I shook my head, not breaking eye contact. I wasn't scared and I was going to make sure this man knew that. 

"Not much of a talker are you?"

"Would you talk much when you were kidnapped and dragged to a palace you didn't even know existed five minutes" I snapped. 

"Fair point." 

“Who are you?”

"I am Alexander. Prince of Drained. But you can call me Lex. And I shall soon be king" He said proudly.

 I raised an eyebrow, "king huh? Was I thrown into some kind of fairy tale?" 

Lex looked like he had just been slapped in the face. Boy was he in for a treat having me there. He straightened out his “Prince Uniform” and stared me straight in the eyes.

"Any guess as to why you are here?" He said sourly.

I opened my mouth ready to have a great come back, but I was left with no words. I had no idea why I was there. Why I could hear, and why I had this weird feeling that Lex wasn't saying the complete truth. 

Lex circled around me, keeping such poise with every step. He stopped in front of me, and stayed quiet giving me a turn to study him. He was tall and thin, with curly brown hair that covered most of his right eye. His one eye that I could see was a cloudy gray that made him look much older, and wise beyond his years. His skin was a smooth shade of Chestnut brown. I might have liked him if he hadn't kidnapped me 10 minutes ago. Neither one of us spoke, I suppose waiting for the other to go first. 

"So tell me Prince Lex, soon to be king. Why am I here?" 

Lex smiled. "Finally you ask a smart question. Come with me." He says and walks towards one of the hallways.

 "Like I have a choice. Dumb prince." I mumbled as I sped up.

"Heard that!"

Like I was hoping he didn't hear that. I stopped for a second Trying to savor how I felt at that moment. I felt normal. I felt powerful, like I had a purpose. Lex clearly wanted me here for a reason, and I was making it hard for him. I felt like myself again. 

"Coming?" I nodded and ran to where Lex was standing in front of a large door. The hallways were just like the main floor glistening in the afternoon sun covered in jewels. Lex grabbed a key from his back pocket, and unlocked the wooden door. Unlike the other doors in the hallway this one looked old and ornate.It had intricate carvings all throughout the dark wood. Lex pushed the door open and walked inside a giant study, I walked in behind him gawking at all the books. That was all I was focused on. There were bookshelves that lined the study walls, reaching from the floor all the way to the ceiling. The study was different from what I had seen so far. It had dark wood for the walls and floor instead of glass, and had that old book smell that every bookworm adores. It felt much cozier. There was a fireplace which had a small fire going, with two armchairs in front of it. It was the best reading nook, with the chairs, the fuzzy rug and the warm lamp. On the opposite side of the reading area was a large wooden desk with carvings that looked identical to the ones on the door. Behind the desk the walls had at least 10 portraits which I assumed were Lex's ancestors. 

"Like it?" Lex asked grinning. 

"If these books have something to do with why I'm here, I'm all ears." I said not taking my eyes off the shelves. 

Lex laughed, filling me up with warmth. I hadn't heard someone laugh in years. A smile spread across my face as I inched towards the bookcase closest to the desk. I glanced at Lex and he gave a slight nod. I then went into super nerd mode, scanning the spines, looking for something that looked fantasy-ish. 

After only the first shelf I had a large stack of books in my arms, ready to curl up in one of those arm chairs and read through every fantasy book that this palace had. As I started to haul the books over to the chair Lex stopped me. 

"Now wait. If you use my study, you have to agree to my part of the deal. And if you do, the entire study is yours." 

I looked up and dropped the vampire book I had been holding. "What? The entire study? But I don't even live here!"

 Lex stopped me and walked closer. 

"Hear me out. When I become king I will need a queen."

My eyes widened. "Let me stop you right there, I will not be your queen. I barely even know you, you have to know someone before you even thing about dating!"

 I was ready to rant to my heart's content or at least until Lex stopped me. 

"Celeste please just listen to me." 

I scowled but stopped talking.

 "I heard your call, your call for a companion, for power, for freedom. And this is my answer." 

I waited until I knew he was finished and then in my calmest voice possible said,

 "what do you know about wanting power? You are a prince soon to be king, you've always had way more power than most people." 

"See that's where you've got it all wrong princess-"

 "Don't call me that." 

"Being the king's son isn't all fun and games. He had all the power, and he always has. When I was a child I had no freedom to mess around like most children should. I was supposed to set an example for the people, my people. Father took all the power with him when he died, and what was I left with? A bunch of untrusting citizens and big mess, his mess to clean up." 

I didn't know what to say. It wasn't until then that I realized how wrapped up with myself I had been. 

For months, maybe even years, I had felt this loss of power. This loss of freedom. When really I had lost my self esteem, and my purpose.

 I looked into Lex’s troubled gray eyes and he looked back into mine. We were inches apart. He tucked a strand of my curly jet black hair behind my ear. Lex put his hand on my cheek and got a little closer. I could feel his breath on my cheek. Our lips almost touching, Shorty burst through the door. I whipped my head around and we both took a step back.

 “Sir, there's been an attack.” 

Lex glanced at me, his whole expression pressed with worry. I gave him a nod and he ran out the door. I took a deep breath, and ran out the door mumbling, “this is not a dream.”

September 12, 2020 04:17

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13:38 Dec 01, 2020

Hi Skylar, Sythe here!


Skylar Rose
15:19 Dec 01, 2020



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19:25 Oct 15, 2020

Amazing work, Skyler! You are a great author, and I can't wait to see more of your work someday! :) (Haha, we both have roses in our profile pics!)


Skylar Rose
18:21 Oct 16, 2020

Aww thanks! And fyi, love your pfp!!


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Charles Stucker
02:41 Sep 18, 2020

“Your good to go Celeste, " You are becomes You're. You are driving your car. Easy way to remember. "I sighed a breath of relief " I liked this variation on the cliche "breathed a sigh of relief" so much, I had to comment on it specifically. "When I was younger I would love the nightly storms we would have. They would put me to sleep every time. " easy recall- Too much would sounds wooden. Try this instead, "When I was younger I loved the nightly storms we would had. They would put me to sleep every time." That last would give a bit of...


Skylar Rose
16:31 Sep 18, 2020

Wow, this comment made my day!! Thank you so much for all the edits and helpful feedback!! What you said at the end made my entire weekend!! Thank you so much!! I'll make sure to fix those edits! Thanks for taking the time to read my story!! -Skylar Rose


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Avery G.
02:17 Sep 18, 2020

Wow, this was amazing! I loved it! You have an amazing writing skill. Great job!


Skylar Rose
02:24 Sep 18, 2020

Thank you so much!! It means so much that you took the time to read it!!


Avery G.
03:01 Sep 18, 2020

You're welcome!


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Skylar Rose
13:07 Sep 12, 2020

So I don't especially like the title, any other ideas?


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13:57 Nov 10, 2020

Hii, Skylar Sorry to intervene, in this brutal manner, I have a request for you would be kind to give a single glance over the vehicle which my team had been working over months. https://www.instagram.com/p/CHX5VUPBJOp/?igshid=5f72nb3cgg30 Sorry to take your time and If possible like the post.Because this would help team to win


Skylar Rose
19:46 Nov 10, 2020

I just checked it out, and wow, that is amazing and crazy that you guys made that! I would love to give it a like and share it but I, unfortunately dont have an Insta account:( So sorry, but really nice work!!


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Charles Stucker
01:11 Oct 03, 2020

I could help with editing your novella if you want. You can send it to charmichael@earthlink.net FYI- Anything sent over the internet establishes copyright and IP ownership if you have concerns along those line. Further, analysis of writing can prove authorship beyond any doubt. So you don't need to worry that anyone can steal your stuff and profit from it.


Skylar Rose
01:50 Oct 03, 2020

Thank you so much for the offer!! I am in the process of finishing rewriting and revising, but once I’m done I will send it to you. Your feedback that I’ve gotten on my reedsy submissions really helps, and I can’t stress how kind you are for offering to edit my novella. Thank you so much!! I will try to get it to you as soon as possible!! My email is Skylarrose1501@gmail.com in case you need it! -Skylar


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06:10 Sep 25, 2020

Hey, Skylar would you be kind to watch the first video it's on Harry potter. https://youtu.be/KxfnREWgN14 Sorry for asking your time, This my first time to edit video


Skylar Rose
12:38 Sep 25, 2020

Of course, no need to apologize!! I love Harry Potter so I’m excited for it!! Thanks for reading my submission!! -Skylar Rose


14:11 Sep 25, 2020



Skylar Rose
16:35 Sep 25, 2020

I watched your video, and wow!! It was so good!! It brought back a lot of Harry Potter child good memories😊


13:37 Sep 27, 2020

Thank that was made possible to bring your memories back, thank you once again


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Ola Hotchpotch
21:02 Sep 18, 2020

Wow.It is a wonderful story. I enjoyed thoroughly.


Skylar Rose
23:33 Sep 18, 2020

Thank you so much!!


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Ola Hotchpotch
21:02 Sep 18, 2020

Wow.It is a wonderful story. I enjoyed thoroughly.


Skylar Rose
01:49 Oct 01, 2020

Thank you!


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B. W.
01:57 Sep 18, 2020

i liked this and you did a great job with it ^^ 10/10


Skylar Rose
02:01 Sep 18, 2020

aw, thank you!! thanks for reading!!


B. W.
02:08 Sep 18, 2020

No prob ^^


Skylar Rose
02:08 Sep 18, 2020



B. W.
02:14 Sep 18, 2020



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Elliot Thomas
16:48 Sep 12, 2020

When I can't think of a good title, I look through my playlist for a song that evokes the same feelings in me as the story does. You could try to imagine what song she was feeling at the beginning and use that. Sometimes overlong titles work As for the story itself, you write well for your youth. This is an interesting story and I can't wait to read more. Grammar needs a tad bit of work, but that can be fixed easily. You develop her feelings of loneliness and being trapped within herself well. This was a fun read. Thank you and keep writ...


Skylar Rose
22:16 Sep 12, 2020

Thank you so much for your feed back. I'll make sure to read it over a few more times and check the grammar. Love the idea of using songs as inspiration, I'll definitely try that!!! Thanks so much for reading!! -Skylar


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