Submitted to: Contest #90

Felicia's Fortune Chapter 14: The Sound of Silent Secrets

Written in response to: "Write a story that weaves together multiple lives through their connection to a particular tree."

Fantasy Fiction Friendship

This story is inspired by Percy Jackson and the OlympiansMagnus Chase and the gods of Asgard, and my siblings. 


Author's note: The tree in this story refers to Felicia's family tree, along with everyone else's. Once again, enjoy! 


I woke to the sound of music outside. (No, Bronte, not THAT Sound of Music!) When I looked out the window, I saw a band playing while thousands of people danced and mingled. I must’ve been either off my chump or dreaming, because there were NOT this many people living on Calf of Man. I heard the door behind me open. 

β€œOh, good! You’re awake! Mom sent me to come get you. The festival just began an hour ago.” Max was standing in the doorway with a tray of pastries. I decided this was enough of an invitation. 

I grabbed a few biscuits filled with jelly and walked with Max down the stairs. 

β€œSo, about last night...” I began.  

β€œWhat about last night?” Max asked, but his eyes were pleading with me not to ask. 

I sighed, but soon forgot about it when I saw Cascade making a mess in the kitchen. I rushed to help her.  

β€œOh! I can never get this recipe right! Every year!” She said while bending over a stiff piece of old paper. The letters were scrawled all over the paper, almost illegible, but I studied at the recipe and immediately knew what to do.  

I grabbed the sugar and butter and mixed them quickly in a bowl. Next, I threw a few eggs in, and mixed the dry ingredients in a bowl. I whipped up some frosting while it was in the oven. While it cooled, I grabbed decorations from 15 million different cabinets which seemed to not have any specific order. Throwing it all together, I had 48 cupcakes in forty minutes.  

β€œOh, thank you so much honey!” Cascade said, giving me a slobbery kiss on the cheek.  

Max laughed up his sleeve and turned away to try to hide it as I wiped off the slobber.  

β€œNo problem,” I muttered, a bit embarrassed and rather annoyed that Cascade was treating me like a child. She rushed the tray outside and left Max and I to clean up the messy kitchen. 

You must push  


Those who lied  

For your trial  

Will put you in denial 

 The words would not leave my head, taunting me with their evasiveness. Demeter had told me I would have to push my friends away, and I couldn’t bear to think that one of them would lie to me. I needed to keep my friends out of this prophecy for their own safety, and that meant it was up to me to keep my friends honest. 

β€œSo... Max... About last night. What was that?” I asked, β€œRemember, no more hiding things from me!” I added, trying to make him talk. 

β€œLook, it’s a long story, and I should go and entertain the guests. I’ll see you outside!” He ran out the door before I could stop him. 


After cleaning the kitchen, I walked outside into the early spring sun. I walked past all the hastily put-up stalls and tried to focus on the lovely spring air, trying not to think. Of course, my thoughts came to haunt me anyway.  

I finally gave up on enjoying myself and sat down on a nearby stool to think it over. The part in between my two dreams... The mysterious sunlight-filled void that felt so oddly familiar. Well, I didn’t have an explanation for that. Also, the dream with Demeter. Ugh, the lady just bloody annoyed the kerfuffle out of me. First, she wanted me to go on a dangerous quest to stop a goddess from doing only the gods know what without my friends. Second, I had to NOT save my dad in the process after I saw him hanging suspended in a cage, all bruised and bloody! (No, Bronte! Not that kind of bloody!) Just don’t forget the part where I needed to completely ditch one of my mates! Yeah right, like I would ever do that. Even Ali had become close to me, a mere stranger I had met a few days ago. We had been through so much, and I was just supposed to leave one of them here!? Alone and abandoned, with no purpose? 

I snapped out of it. I was at a Spring Festival! I figured I should at least pretend to have fun. I owed it to my friends and my dad. The number of people at the festival was overwhelming, and everyone stood out in their own unique way. Not knowing where to start, I turned to the person next to me, who was playing a song on their flute. She looked at me with their hazel eyes that reflected the green lights of the Spring Festival and gestured to the seat next to them. 

As I sat down next to them, she grinned. β€œHi, I’m Vrinda!” She said as their fingers fiddled on the flute she was holding. Their outfit consisted of a t-shirt with a puppy on it and deep-bottomed denims. The flute case next to them held all different types of currency, leading me to wonder where she was from. Vrinda’s smile was bright, and her music was almost magical. 

I smiled back. Maybe enjoying myself wouldn’t be as hard as I thought. 

 β€œI’m Felicia. Nice to-” I paused when I heard something crunch in the bushes. 

The sound filled me with fear and uncertainty, which unleashed thoughts of everything that could go wrong. The prophecy, Demeter, monsters. Pretty much anything could go wrong, and I would be willing to bet twenty biscuits the mysterious noise I had heard had something to do with it. 

As I turned, I heard yelling from somewhere near the food stalls, confirming my suspicions that this was more than an ordinary crunch. (Stop laughing, Bronte! There’s nothing funny about an unordinary crunch! I give up...) I unsheathed my daggers and ran, afraid someone innocent was hurt or in trouble. When I got to the stall, it was eerily quiet and empty, as if everyone had fled. Something felt off, so I looked Inside the tarp to find that something red and slightly chunky was smudged on the blue wall. These goopy red splotches on the floor stuck to my shoes as I checked the rest of the stall. I could only hope it was just paint or berries. 

I was convinced the stall was empty until something from behind me made a noise, like a snake. When I turned, there was a mysterious stranger in dark clothing standing there. 

β€œWhere’s everyone else?” I asked cautiously, not sure he could hear me, as he was giving me the cold shoulder. 

As I slowly approached him, he suddenly turned. His face was covered in horrific scars mostly on the right side, and he looked at me with calculating, dark eyes and a friendly smile that clashed with his menacing figure. 

His mouth twitched into a crooked smile, and he threw his head back and laughed a laugh that I could have sworn I had heard before, but before I could react, he vanished, leaving nothing but the smell of reptiles and a small snake. This was what I had sensed earlier, I was sure of it. I raced after the snake, chasing it into the woods.  

By the time I got there, the bloody nutter of a snake was out of sight! I stumbled back and forth, hoping to pace my anger away. Not noticing the snake had slithered back over, I tripped on it and fell into a dark void, screaming all the way down. 


 In a shimmer of black light, a lady appeared at an altar. I recognized her from my first dream at Camp. 

β€œYou? Why are you here?” I asked quizzically. Nyx laughed. 

β€œI have something you want. Something you would sacrifice a quest for. I’m here to make a deal.” She responded. 

β€œAnd why would I trust you? Your obviously evil... You look evil, sound evil, and even breathe like you’re evil!” It was true. She was even dressed like some cheesy cartoon villain. 

She sighed exasperatedly and snapped her fingers. A cage made of bones emerged from the ground in front of me, suspended by a now-visible chain that stretched into the dark, ash-filled sky. 

β€œDad!” I yelled, hoping this was a nightmare. 

β€œOh, poor dear!” Nyx said sarcastically. β€œIt would be such a shame to drop him into... say, a pit of lava!” 

I pulled out my daggers, readying myself for a fight. I needed to get my dad out of there, and fast. 

She noticed my fighting stance and laughed. β€œI’ll let you take him easy, but you have to give up on your quest.” 

β€œWhat?! No!” 

β€œThen, I’ll just...” She trailed off, gazing at my dad. I got the meaning – she was going to drop him. 

β€œW-wait! Okay, so you want me to quit this quest, betray my friends, and let a bunch of innocent people die just because you have my dad?” I blurted out. 

β€œQuite right! But, if you don’t, it’ll cost you the lives of your dad, stepmom, and your sisters. And I’ll take all your friends as my hostages. They’ll make lovely toys!” She had a hint of warning in her voice. 

I stared her straight in the eyes. I had never felt so much hate in my life before. This lady had the nerve to threaten my friends and kill my family! I raised my daggers, about to attack, but then paused right before slicing her throat, remembering her threat and what that meant for the people I cared about. Was I willing to sacrifice that much for what it was worth? 

 β€œMade up your mind yet?” she taunted. I looked at my dad, suspended above lava, his face slack with worry. I thought about my little sisters and what might happen to them. I sheathed my daggers and made the bloody worst decision of my life. 


Posted Apr 22, 2021

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25 likes 98 comments

AntMan 🐜
00:08 Apr 23, 2021

NYX: But... But... The lava is so pretty! All bubbly and black! Looks like a hot tub!


Take it from me, mortals can not withstand the heat of lava, unless they are a child of Posiedon or Hephaestus...He is neither.

(also, Mr. Quackenbush is giving me huge Tristan Mclean vibes)


AntMan 🐜
12:43 Apr 23, 2021

NYX: Yes, this is true. I guess I can't put him back in once I take him out πŸ€”

(πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚OMB I didn't think of thatπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚)


13:50 Apr 29, 2021

{here comes the general}
{Here comes the general}
{here comes the general}
{here comes the general}
WHAT are you doing?!
[Singing, Loki, its Hamilton!]
I heard enough of that in the car on the way here!
((btw, started a new thread))


AntMan 🐜
14:51 Apr 29, 2021

QUACKENBUSH: Geoooorrrrgggeeee Washington!



21:41 May 03, 2021

{we are outgunned!}
[outmanned! out numbered, out planned]
{we gotta make an all out stand}
[ayo i'm gonna need a right hand man]


AntMan 🐜
00:30 Apr 23, 2021

Hi Reeders!!! REALLY sorry this came out late, but it's out now! Chapter 15 is going to hook you all right in, so be prepared! It will be posted soon on Felicia's account! The link is in my bio twice, so you all should be able to find it! If not, comment on this thread!
Don't forget to check out Felicia's account for a new discovery!
(If you haven't seen the bio updates, it's called, 'Uncovering Ambitions' and I think it'll be fun!)
Thanks! Stay tuned for all of you who still read this series!

Also, thanks to the maker(s) of:
Vrinda Matthews!


AntMan 🐜
12:47 May 03, 2021

OMB OMB OMB!!! I'll check it out after class!!!!!


AntMan 🐜
13:46 May 03, 2021

OMB yep! that was an amazing way to explain! :DDDD
I just read that after class, and that was just an AMAZING way, to start my day! [see what I did there πŸ€“]


AntMan 🐜
13:59 May 03, 2021

:D {I got you to #92 on the leaderboard!!! 😱}
Also, don't forget to add chapter 6 to your bio! πŸ˜… I was just reading through it...😁


oh my gods, Katelyn, thank you!!
I did see that :]
oooooh yeah i need to do that.


AntMan 🐜
14:43 May 03, 2021



Hey! Since Whisper . had to leave Reedsy, she asked me to continue the Project Ignite series, but I've realized that I don't have all the characters. Whisper . gave me a list of Reedsy people who submitted characters, and I have a form here for you to fill out (If you still want to have a character in this series):


Izzie P.
14:30 Apr 26, 2021




AntMan 🐜
14:42 Apr 26, 2021

OMBBBBB Thank u soooo much!!! That just made my day!!! Uncle Rick is my FAVORITE author of. all. time. Thanks soo much!!!


Izzie P.
14:43 Apr 26, 2021

SAME! Which series is ur fave?


AntMan 🐜
14:45 Apr 26, 2021

That's really hard.... but...
Magnus chase bc of the humor and sarcasm!!!
second would be Heroes of Olympus!
and u?


Izzie P.
14:50 Apr 26, 2021

Pretty much the same. Dang, I was wishing that you wouldn't ask that. I honestly can't decide, they're all GREAT!


AntMan 🐜
16:22 Apr 27, 2021

OMB Izzy!!! I just reread your bio!!! Thank u!!! πŸ€©πŸ’–


Izzie P.
14:50 Apr 26, 2021

Pretty much the same. Dang, I was wishing that you wouldn't ask that. I honestly can't decide, they're all GREAT!


AntMan 🐜
14:52 Apr 26, 2021

Yes!! Rick writes really well! {try saying that 3 times fast, it's pretty fun πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…}
I aspire to write like him, with all the detail!
Are you excited for chapter 15?!


Izzie P.
14:45 Apr 26, 2021

Oh, congrats on addign to the Felicia series! It's grown SO much. I love the character Cascade... So relatable.


AntMan 🐜
14:47 Apr 26, 2021

Thank u! Yes, I try to make most of my characters relatable, so I'm really glad u liked Cascade!πŸ’–


Izzie P.
14:48 Apr 26, 2021

In your story:
"I sighed, but soon forgot about it when I saw Cascade making a mess in the kitchen. I rushed to help her.

β€œOh! I can never get this recipe right! Every year!” She said while bending over a stiff piece of old paper. The letters were scrawled all over the paper, almost illegible, but I studied at the recipe and immediately knew what to do."

In MY story:
I sighed, but soon forgot about it when I saw Izzie making a mess in the kitchen. I rushed to help her.

β€œOh! I can never get this recipe right! Every year!” She said while banging her head on the table, spraying bits of flour on the floor.

"Izzie," my voice went low. "Don't move."

And that's when the entire cabinet of sugar fell on top of me and Izzie and crushed us both.


AntMan 🐜
14:50 Apr 26, 2021

Oh!!! Shoot! I didn't realize I did that! πŸ˜³πŸ˜²πŸ˜… sorry....
[Plz don't be mad... I don't do plagiarism...]


Izzie P.
14:51 Apr 26, 2021

No, that was my version. I didn't plagerize, it was just a bit of the story I trasnformed to fit my lifestyle. Lol.


Izzie P.
14:51 Apr 26, 2021

YOURS was the original, don't panic.


AntMan 🐜
14:53 Apr 26, 2021

OopsπŸ˜… I already panicked! Sorry, I thought I was plagiarizing for a second there!
That's awesome that you could fit it into your story! 😁


Angel {Readsy}
06:33 Apr 23, 2021

Wow so cute, the end was nice! Keep writing


AntMan 🐜
12:43 Apr 23, 2021

Thank you so much for reading my stories, Bia!


Angel {Readsy}
19:47 Apr 26, 2021

Why I am getting following text. This site can’t be reached is unreachable.


AntMan 🐜
22:24 Apr 26, 2021

πŸ€” good question... I am not sure exactly why you're getting that message. Maybe sign out and back in again?πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


Angel {Readsy}
01:12 Apr 27, 2021

I am sorry I bother ; I need online urgent job ; I have no parents. No relatives, no friends


AntMan 🐜
12:20 Apr 27, 2021

It's okay πŸ˜…πŸ˜Š


Angel {Readsy}
18:31 May 03, 2021

New avatar is cool, you are a star bro


AntMan 🐜
19:14 May 03, 2021



Palak Shah
16:06 May 03, 2021

You are an amazing writer and I loved reading your story. Well done :))
Also, Antman is such an underrated marvel hero and he is one of my favorite heroes. I am currently rewatching the Marvel series and seriously I cant get enough of it lol :))


AntMan 🐜
16:19 May 03, 2021

Thank you so much!!! :))
OMB I agreee!!! He's one of the most humorous characters, too! (did you know they're coming out with an AntMan 3? It won't be for a while though.) OMB Marvel is so amazing!!! Yes!!! One of my favorite scenes is when he's under house arrest XDDDD


Palak Shah
15:47 May 04, 2021

Yh I heard that there was an AntMan 3 coming out and I am sooooooooo excited for it :))
I don't know why but I really like Iron Man but all my friends dislike him.
Anyway, do you have any other favorite characters in Marvel?


AntMan 🐜
16:03 May 04, 2021

Yess!!! me too!!!
Iron Man is a really good character, so I agree!
Another favorite is SpiderMan (also because of humor), Hawkeye (because he's cool and has a family), and Doctor Strange (because of Infinity War drama) And you?


Palak Shah
14:10 May 05, 2021

Spider-Man is amazing and one of the reasons I like Captain America the civil war is because they introduce Iron Man and who doesn't like Hawkeye, he is so amazing, I also like Captain America, mainly because he is a good person and Black Widow because she is iconic. To be honest I love all the Marvel cast lol :))


AntMan 🐜
18:20 May 05, 2021

Yes!!! Civil War was AWESOME!!! yes, the Marvel superheroes all have great qualities, especially when all put together! they made a really great team in Infinity War and Endgame 😁


The Cold Ice
14:30 May 03, 2021

Wonderful story. Keep writing. It was very nice. Well written.
Would you mind reading my story
β€œThe book reader”


AntMan 🐜
14:49 May 03, 2021

Thank you!!! πŸ€— Of course! I'll check it out rn!


The Cold Ice
04:28 May 04, 2021



Izzie P.
14:30 Apr 26, 2021

Hey, there, writers! Are you a fan of The False Prince? Have you ever wished that the False Prince would come out as screenplay? Well, here's your chance to pitch in and help us!

It sounds complicated, but it really isn't. All you need to do is go here:

Did you sign it? Reply to this comment and we'll take a look at whether you signed it or not.
Then we'll follow you, like five of your stories, and share it on our profiles so your underrated works of art have their time to shine!

Don't wait! Please sign our petition NOW!
If you could share the petition, it would be greatly appreciated.


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