Don't trust party food

Submitted into Contest #93 in response to: Set your story at a party that has gone horribly wrong.... view prompt


American Funny Contemporary

She never trusted mayonnaise, especially in Party Food. 

She was right to distrust the emulsification as while her impromptu party friends nursed other injuries, the boy she liked was puking into a bucket.

Sophia was just a girl, standing in an emergency room waiting to be seen. It had been the worst party she’d ever had the displeasure of attending.

And she was ready to call a lawyer.

Being a sensible person, Sophia wanted to get her story straight.

She couldn’t tell where she’d started really, as she walked back from that moment.

She couldn’t help thinking about the last leg of the night, cramped in a tiny car, trying to keep Henry awake on the way to the hospital, with a decade of colloquial medical knowledge to fall back on.

Sophia was terrified.

Just the moment of it had left her traumatized, she didn’t know if Max would ever carpool again given the smell afterward.

She hoped the acrid memory wouldn’t dissuade her from going farther back, as she conferred with Max about his recollection. Surely, he would remember more before that.

Max wasn’t one for flourish so he put it as plainly as he could, before realizing that this was a pretty big fish story of a party and he could in fact have any fun at all.

As he saw it by the dip, Henry and her were necking on one of Olivia’s foldable deck chairs for over an hour before two party goers he hadn't recognised started up a brawl.

This was inaccurate, he knew one of the men in question, Kevin, but knowing someone and wanting to acknowledge you know them were two very different things.

Though considering Max, he didn’t put all that much work into remembering the unrepentant Hams that pick fights at house parties.

He needed a moment, before recalling the damaging result of one couple's late attendance to the closet regarding their hangups.

They had somehow managed to injure themselves during their shenanigans, and were currently getting treated for what seemed to be lacerations.

They were still overly handsy though.

Sophia left him to his recount of events.

Once Henry managed to calm his stomach, she asked him what was and wasn’t a blur, he of course told her a guy barfing on the lawn, and how she managed to miss it for their snogging.

Potential botulism seemed to do wonders for his sense of humor.

He also brought up something he’d seen before she got there which was Olivia the hostess sinking her entire arm into the punch bowl in order to stir it.

Which is why he was dehydrated, Sophia took it as a request for reparations regarding her involvement with his predicament.

She went ahead and found the vending machine, hoping to fetch him what she thought was a sprite.

What she thought was a redesign, was in fact Doctor POP.

She gave him the bottle dubbing it Dr.Spite, in the same breath hoping it had the same magical properties.

He looked like death warmed over, and he didn’t recognize her wit.

She hoped you couldn’t get botulism from kissing, she didn’t want to ask the doctors though.

It was good to know that he understood food safety, at least knowing that deodorant wasn’t a flavor you want in punch.

Too bad he didn’t feel the same about mayonnaise.

Sophia didn’t want to brag, when she ate the pigs in a blanket she found a penny and still kept going.

Henry still looked like trash, which on him wasn’t all that bad.

All things considered, they were doing great and no one has died as a result of their injuries.

Though John was apparently going in for surgery for his perforated retina, his girlfriend was taking it in stride though, Sophia didn’t want to know how the sexy little pirate was doing.

Sophia might have bad taste, but pigs and a blanket were the only sausage she went after, at least at this party.

At least she wasn’t playing footsie with a guy she half-blinded.

Sophia went ahead and bothered John’s girlfriend about her experience, to wit she said, go away you weirdo.

She wanted to go bother John, but the sexy little pirate really wasn’t all that interested.

She decided to make some calls, since not everyone ended up at the same location, different insurance providers made sure of that. She made a call to Kevin and his Battle Buddy, in that order.

Kevin had ended up in the altercation because his Battle Buddy was looking at him wrong, his Battle Buddy swiftly agreed to the fight because men who don’t accept apologies for offences like that need to learn what grass tastes like.

Sophia likes B.B. she agreed with the sentiment.

She talked with B.B. about the fight and how things went, he said that while the base argument was crap, the fight was really rather fun, there was a lot of yelling but no one seemed to notice their altercation until it was over.

Kevin apparently keeled over with an unexpected belly ache, B.B. managed to leave the fight with only a split lip.

B.B. being a bit more charitable than Kevin, helped him up, and they mellowed out.

All in all, the entire incident was rather small in comparison to the other strange injuries.

Someone had managed to get alcohol poisoning at the party.

Mind you, Olivia only offered Milwaukee’s best and P.B.R. so they were either lightweight or they were nursing a buzz from before the party.

Sophia couldn’t judge them for that.

Sophia hadn’t known what she was doing going to a Party that Olivia would host, never having been friends and only now on speaking terms, Sophia was at a loss as to why she was invited.

It was really no matter to her, when she knocked on the door.

Long story short or maybe the moral of the story, botulism isn’t a food additive, but with cooks like Olivia it may as well be.

May 15, 2021 02:46

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Jessica Chaos
13:21 May 16, 2021

One question... What had mayonnaise in it that everyone ate? Tell me it's potato salad... It's always potato salad!


Kathleen `Woods
15:21 May 16, 2021

Yeah probably, I can't believe I managed to underwrite with the option of potato salad. I coulda pulled 20-40 words outta that.


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Chloe McLellan
11:41 May 17, 2021

That was really good. At first I was confused but by the end it all made sense.


Kathleen `Woods
11:47 May 17, 2021

thanks I was trying to double prompt, and sometimes you end up with gaps, even if it's a 'goodish' buffer against underwriting.


Chloe McLellan
12:12 May 17, 2021

Yeah I get that. Your writing is great, I love how you use words that some people might not understand. Keep up the great work!


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Chloe McLellan
12:12 May 17, 2021

Yeah I get that. Your writing is great, I love how you use words that some people might not understand. Keep up the great work!


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Chloe McLellan
12:12 May 17, 2021

Yeah I get that. Your writing is great, I love how you use words that some people might not understand. Keep up the great work!


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