Fiction Teens & Young Adult

I'd only been with this human for not much longer than twenty-four hours, though let me tell you I already hate it so much. She kept grabbing me really tightly, and not to mention she kept me in this small cage.

The morning had not arrived yet and it was still the middle of the night, though the human continued to wake up several times during it. The last time was about twenty minutes ago, I assume she'll do it again.

Each time she woke up, she continued to grab me tightly like I stated earlier. Does she not understand that's not what you're supposed to do? That already hurts, though what if this human manages to kill me?

If I may add something else real quick, what's up with this cage? It's really cramped and not that big, it feels like I'm being held in prison. Is this what actual prison feels like? I feel bad for those people.

There wasn't really anything else for me to do besides at least try and escape, though that seemed a bit impossible. I'd probably just have to wait until the human finally opened up the cage door again.

After about what seemed to be like two more hours (I'm not exactly sure though, maybe it was just a few minutes?) this loud and annoying beeping noise started to play. In a way, it sounded like a jingle to a song.

What exactly was this terrible noise though? Did the human have to regularly hear this? How were they even fine with this or at least used to it?

Well, it must have been something that could wake the human up, because after a few more minutes of hearing that dreadful noise the human yawned. They must have been annoyed by it as well, as they hit the thing aggressively a few times and it stopped.

They looked around the room before spotting me in the cage, a weird smile grew on the human's face when they did. "Oh, good morning Blueberry!" the human called out cheerfully.

Ugh, did you hear that? What kind of name is Blueberry? That's a terrible name, I'd rather have been named Turbo or something else similar. Really anything that wasn't BlueBerry or similar to that stupid name.

I kind of wish that I could actually talk and not make regular bird noises, I have a lot to say to this human. Maybe she would even let me out of this prison, no bird or other animal should be in one of these. At least not a really cramped one, but I don't like any cages.

She finally got out of the bed though and walked over to the cage, was she going to do it again? Maybe this time I'll be luckier and manage to escape this dump. I just probably need to be a bit quicker.

"Come on out Blue," The human told me as she started to unlock the cage, was that supposed to be her nickname for me or something? Eh, I guess it's a little bit better than BlueBerry.

Once I heard the small clicking noise and saw the cage door open up, I went for it. This might be my last chance or at least the last one for a long time.

I started flying around the room a bit crazily, I knew that there was glass and I didn't want to run into it. That would make me look like a fool, and she'd just capture me again. Though was the window open or closed? That I could not tell.

"Blueberry!" I hear the human shout as she watched this happen, then I wasn't really lucky this time. She had somehow managed to grab me while I was above her head, she was squeezing me again.

It felt a bit tight and it was starting to hurt a little bit, I tried to get out but I had no luck anymore. "Calm down Blueberry! Can you please stop doing this??" The human asked me while putting me back into the cage.

I at least wasn't in that terrible grip of that human anymore, but I was back in the cramped cage. There had to be something else that I could try. This place was just plain horrible and cramped, basically everywhere and not just the cage.

"Lucky, breakfast is ready!" I assume that must have been the human's mother or caretaker. "Lucky" or as I call her the human, quickly rushed downstairs.

Her caretaker and the human would probably be down there eating breakfast for a long time, humans seem to do everything really slowly. Maybe while they were both doing that, I could manage to find a way to escape.

Did any bird or any other animal that existed in this world even enjoy this? What was there even to enjoy if someone did? They'd be living in a small cramped cage and possibly everything else that my human had done so far.

As I started to look around for a way to break out, that's when I realized something. The door to my cage wasn't locked and it hadn't even been closed all the way. The human must have forgotten to close and lock it.

There were faint footsteps coming up the stairs, she must have finished eating already. I had to do this now and really quickly, I wasn't a pet. I wasn't a prisoner either.

I then spread my wings and start flying around the room again, there had to be something I could use to get out. Maybe the window? I had a little feeling that it was open and not closed.

While I started to fly towards the window to escape that's when I heard the human shout, "Blueberry, no! what are you doing?!"

There were footsteps which I could only assume was her trying to catch me, but it was too late for her. I managed to fly out of the window and got outside, the wind was hitting my face. It felt really nice.

Her voice was already growing faint, the last thing that I could manage to hear her say was, "Blueberry, come back! Please I need you!"

She didn't matter, the caretaker didn't matter and neither did the house. I'm not a bird that likes to be a prisoner or a pet, that might be what others like, but I don't. I want to be free.

December 21, 2020 20:34

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B. W.
20:35 Dec 21, 2020

You all should check out Abby, she was the one who made the first part to this story


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Hello B! Really enjoyed this story you wrote! I loved the way you wrote this story in Blueberry's point of view! :)


B. W.
21:09 Dec 21, 2020

thanks ^^ what did ya think of Blueberry and the human/Lucky?


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Maya -
15:29 Dec 24, 2020

Merry Christmas Eve!!! :D


B. W.
18:29 Dec 24, 2020

I'm kinda surprised that its already Christmas Eve tbh, time went by fast


Maya -
19:06 Dec 24, 2020

Yeah, this whole week/ month/ year was really weird, cause of Covid and all! :)


B. W.
19:15 Dec 24, 2020

I am however going to a little Christmas eve party thing later


Maya -
19:51 Dec 24, 2020

Fun! What kind of party?


B. W.
20:29 Dec 24, 2020

wait, do you see the new prompts as well?


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10:56 Dec 22, 2020

This bird surely complains a lot! Cool story though.


B. W.
17:16 Dec 22, 2020

Thanks, im glad that ya liked it ^^ did ya have a favorite part or anything like that?


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Maya -
20:45 Dec 21, 2020

I loved the perspective of the bird! You did a great job making the reader empathize with the bird and want it to be able to escape. My favorite part was probably when the bird flew out the window because the way you described its freedom was great. It was funny to see how ridiculous the bird thought the human was and how he hated his name. I feel like sometimes humans think of animals as kind of stupid (which I disagree on) so it was funny to see the bird as the smart character.


B. W.
21:07 Dec 21, 2020

Thanks, im glad that ya liked the story and all that ^^ What did ya ever think of the human/Lucky though? do ya like em or think something else about them?


Maya -
21:12 Dec 21, 2020

I don't exactly like the human. I think she is a good character but if I was the bird I wouldn't like her. I don't hate her though, because she just seems kind of ignorant, like she doesn't know that the bird isn't happy.


B. W.
22:27 Dec 21, 2020

have ya read Abby's part yet? she did the first part of it and stuff


Maya -
22:39 Dec 21, 2020

Not yet. I'll go read her part now though.


B. W.
22:51 Dec 21, 2020

anything else?


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Maya -
22:49 Dec 21, 2020

Aww. Now I like the girl, seeing it from her perspective makes her seem nicer. I kind of feel bad the bird escaped after reading abby's part. The stories fit together perfectly, though. :)


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Dhwani Jain
12:03 Jun 24, 2021

It was a nice addition to the first part by Abby... I agree with BlueBerry's POV that birds or any other animals aren't supposed to be caged. I have a question though, Where did Lucky get BlueBerry after all? I want to read more of your stories. Any recommendations? Where are you from?


B. W.
05:32 Jun 26, 2021

You can check out any of them tbh, though fair warning a lot of my older ones are terrible. Though I'd still like to see you give feedback, and maybe you could check out "Her strange but loving family" first or something? And, I honestly don't know where Lucky got Blueberry. I don't think either of us thought of that, but for a simple answer, maybe Lucky just got them from the pet store.


Dhwani Jain
06:16 Jun 26, 2021

Okay, yeah will try to read some more of yours soon. Where are you from?


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Dhwani Jain
11:39 Jun 26, 2021

I have decided to write a story with the characters introduced by you, yes, YOU. Fill this form to JOIN US!!! https://forms.gle/sH57gUnwx4a2rPtHA #new #DreamDJ #DhwaniJain #JoinUs #join #joinme #Google #Googleform


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Akshaya Sutrave
12:14 Dec 30, 2020

Hello B! It was a great idea to write it from the bird's perspective, and show readers how animals (pets) truly feel if they're trapped and caged. I liked the way the bird thought about humans throughout the story. I read the first part written by Abby as well, and it was amazing to read both because the story fits in so well! Keep it up!


B. W.
17:59 Dec 30, 2020

Thanks ^^ did ya maybe have a favorite part in the story or something?


Akshaya Sutrave
09:05 Dec 31, 2020

I liked all the places where the bird, BlueBerry thinks to himself about humans. Many of them were humorous and made me think in a different way and perspective.


B. W.
09:21 Dec 31, 2020

Herself? Blueberry is a male


Akshaya Sutrave
09:22 Dec 31, 2020

Oh okay sorry. I misunderstood that.


B. W.
09:22 Dec 31, 2020

Eh it's alright, would ya wanna see any other stories like this?


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Radhika Diksha
18:20 Dec 24, 2020

b have you upvoted me, recently? If you did thanks a lot.


B. W.
18:22 Dec 24, 2020

Yeah, i actually did ^^ It was a little before I talked to you after a while, and then I did it more recently like a bit yesterday and stuff, though I'm sure other people did it as well.


Radhika Diksha
18:37 Dec 24, 2020

Thank you so much. Even I will do the same. Merry Christmas.


B. W.
18:38 Dec 24, 2020

No prob ^^ I've basically been upvoting a lot of friends for the past few hours and stuff, because of the whole downvoting crap.


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Maya -
23:21 Dec 22, 2020

Hi :)


B. W.
00:42 Dec 23, 2020

hiya ^^ how are ya?


Maya -
00:44 Dec 23, 2020

Good :) Excited for Christmas. How are you?


B. W.
00:45 Dec 23, 2020

I'm fine, im on chapter 14 of the novel i told you that I'm working on.


Maya -
00:46 Dec 23, 2020

That's good. Wow- 14 chapters! How many chapters are you planning on having?


B. W.
01:11 Dec 23, 2020

30+ chapters


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. .
22:00 Dec 21, 2020

Great job!! This was a very interesting perspective!! I think that my fave part would have to be when the bird when out the window because of the way you showed his mind in that part.


B. W.
22:28 Dec 21, 2020

Thanks ^^ anything else?


. .
22:51 Dec 21, 2020

Nope :D


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Amany Sayed
21:39 Dec 21, 2020

This was such a fun and funny story, I loved it so much. The name of the bird is great, especially because I named one of my per birds after a food too, Mango. Gosh I hope she doesn't hate me lol. The ending is really great too. Would've been a funny twist if the window was closed. Keep writing!


B. W.
22:28 Dec 21, 2020

Thanks, im glad that ya liked the story ^^ what did ya think of the bird and what did ya think of the human/Lucky?


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✨Abby ✨
20:57 Dec 21, 2020

This was awesome!!! I was happy and sad. Happy because the bird finally got free, but sad because Lucky needed the bird (or so she said). Excellent job! 10000000000/10


B. W.
21:08 Dec 21, 2020

Thanks ^^ anything else?


✨Abby ✨
21:11 Dec 21, 2020

Yeah. Like Maya said, I really like all of the funny aspects of this. And how BlueBerry thinks the humans are dumb and slow. Also, do I have your permission to make a part 3 if the right prompt comes along?


B. W.
22:26 Dec 21, 2020

What would even happen in a part 3 though? I feel like it should end here


✨Abby ✨
01:36 Dec 22, 2020

I was thinking the bird could go back home cuz I feel bad for lucky. Lol. But it's up to you.


B. W.
02:53 Dec 22, 2020

eh, i think the bird should just not go back.


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. .
12:57 Dec 23, 2020



B. W.
16:46 Dec 23, 2020

How many points did i lose this time?


. .
16:56 Dec 23, 2020

Around 500-600


B. W.
17:00 Dec 23, 2020

dang it


. .
17:01 Dec 23, 2020

ITs horrible


B. W.
17:04 Dec 23, 2020

I don't know why its happening so much again


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16:27 Dec 22, 2020

This was a unique perspective! I liked it! It makes me think of other pets, and how they feel to be caged up. 10/10 ^^


B. W.
17:23 Dec 22, 2020

Thanks ^^ it gets a 10/10?? Oh gosh, thanks for that as well ^^ did ya maybe have a favorite part in it or anything like that?


04:15 Dec 23, 2020

Probably when the bird escaped


B. W.
04:25 Dec 23, 2020

anything else?


19:01 Dec 23, 2020

Mm, not really. It was an amazing story!


B. W.
19:19 Dec 23, 2020

Thanks ^^ I just kind of thought of something a bit interesting


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✨Abby ✨
06:12 Dec 22, 2020

New thread. Do u wanna play a game? So basically I saw someone else play it and it looked fun. So like you would guess a few things you think I look like and I tell u how many you got correct and vice versa. Sorry if that sounded sus 😆


B. W.
06:15 Dec 22, 2020

It's what Ive done with some other friends as well, so I don't see why not :/ do ya wanna guess what I look like first?


✨Abby ✨
06:19 Dec 22, 2020

Sure! So I think... Medium brown hair Dark brown eyes Glasses Maybe a tiny bit of freckles Average height for your age, maybe a little short U like to make quick decisions unless they are really big. Lots of friends. Sorry not all of those are like physical features.


B. W.
06:20 Dec 22, 2020

I do have the brown hair and eyes, along with the glasses.


✨Abby ✨
06:26 Dec 22, 2020

Oh cool! Your turn to guess me


B. W.
06:30 Dec 22, 2020

Hm, maybe you have black hair or maybe a bit of orange/redd type hair? while having green eyes and maybe some freckles? You'd obviously be getting braces soon, though maybe ya have some contacts?


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