You are [Fill in the blank]

Submitted into Contest #73 in response to: Write about someone who gets proposed to five times on Christmas Eve.... view prompt


Romance Inspirational

You know how sometimes, your parents tell you a story about when you did something as a baby? You might be a little embarrassed, but you usually just end up shrugging it off. It feels like they are talking about another person, not you.

That is how I feel when people tell me how I used to be.

Because I can’t remember who I am.

You may say, Surely we’re all different people than we used to be. Sometimes you forget that.

No. Just no.

Yes, sure, you will be a different person then you were when you were in kindergarten, fifth grade, middle school, and so on. 

But not remembering anything, that's called amnesia.

And let me tell you, it sucks.

The only things I’ve had to remember who I am are Facebook and Instagram bios and pictures, and of course stories.

You used to be funny! Tell jokes all the time!

You used to play on the basketball team, and you were the star player!

You used to have a boyfriend!! He was the football star, but now he’s at NYU on a full scholarship, but visiting for the holidays!

Used to, used to, used to. My life is composed of used tos.

I am tall. I am blonde. I have freckles and green eyes. This is what I know for sure about myself.

It was Christmas Eve, and I was out, just getting some last minute Christmas shopping done. Shopping for people I didn’t know.

Jason, my boyfriend (or so I’m told) ran into me at Ross.

β€œHey, Calli.”

β€œHey, Jase. What’s up?”

β€œThe sea level, COVID-19 positive tests, and the rate in which our president is tweeting.”

I laughed, cold and clear. β€œTrue true.”

I had missed the entirety of the pandemic, and I woke up in time to vote in the election. 

β€œActually, I’m glad I ran into you. I had something to ask you.”

β€œYes?” I said.

He reached into his pocket and took a deep breath.

β€œCalliope Roberts, will you marry me?”

The ring was simple and I liked it. It had one stone in the middle, a piece of jagged amethyst. It was beautiful, but…

β€œJase…” I looked down. β€œI’m sorry, but I don’t remember anyone. I can’t make a commitment like that right now.”

β€œOh.” He said, disappointment deep in his eyes.

β€œI’m sorry…” I called, but he was already gone.

Next I was at Walmart, and I ran into Norman Green, a longtime β€œfriend” of mine.

β€œHey, Calli! It’s good to see you out and about!” He said.

β€œYeah, I guess I’m happy to be out.”

He grinned. β€œHey, while you’re you want to go out to dinner later?”

I rubbed the back of my neck. β€œI’m meeting Greenie and Lobster later for dinner, do you just want to grab lunch real quick?”


So we made our way to Valentina’s Cafe. Val was a friend of ours, so she usually gave us a discount when we ate there.

We ordered and sat down. β€œSo, the reason I wanted to take you out to lunch was to ask you a question…”

No no no areyoukiddingmereally?

β€œI was wondering if…”


β€œYou would be my wife?”

Why is this the second marriage proposal I’ve gotten today?

I stood. β€œI’m sorry, but I can’t. Not with my amnesia. Not when I can’t remember anyone.”

And I left.

Now, you’d think I’d go home and sleep off my headache for the rest of the day.

But noooooo.

I still had to get some presents and groceries, and I was going out with my friends Greenie and Lobster. (Nicknames, I think. I hope.)

I got the presents, and to make a long story short, I was proposed to twice more. Was it my perfume? Did I do my makeup or hair special today?

I rolled up to Mirino’s Italian restaurant. 

β€œHey, guys.” I said.

Greenie was one of my β€œbest friends since kindergarten”. She and I β€œhave been friends forever”.  Lobster was an awkward guy, always blushing red. I guessed that was why we called him β€˜Lobster’.

β€œHey,” He said then blushed. Lobster was really blind, and he needed these thick glasses to see. But today he wasn’t wearing them.

β€œWhy aren’t you wearing your glasses?” I asked.

β€œBecause I lost them. I thought I already told you that, Green.”

β€œHa, this is Calli.”

He blushed. β€œOh.”

β€œLets sit.” Greenie interjected, before things got awkward.

We took our seat. Greenie and Lobster were cute together, they had been dating for three years and counting.

β€œWait, isn’t today your guy’s anniversary?”

Lobster blushed. β€œYes…”

Greenie smiled, then said, β€œCallie is over there, Lobster.”

He blushed, and looked in my general direction. β€œYes…”

β€œWell, happy anniversary.”

β€œThank you, Cal.” Greenie smiled.

Greenie was always smiling. I wish I remembered her.

The food eventually came, after we had been seated for about an hour.

β€œFinally,” Greenie muttered under her breath.

We dug in, and before we knew it we were all done.

β€œI…” Lobster started to say.

β€œYes, Lob?” Greenie said.

He turned to me.

He turned.

He got on one knee.

β€œWill you marry me?”

β€œLobster? This is Calli.”

β€œOh my-” He blushed the hardest I’ve ever seen him blush, which is saying a lot.

β€œI- I meant-”

β€œStand up, Lobster.” Greenie said.

He stood, and Greenie wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. 

β€œI assumed that was meant for me?”

β€œYes yes yes yes.”

β€œThen yes. Of course I will.”

So you see, sometimes who we are changes. Not because of amnesia, but because of people we love. People who love us. Experiences we’ve weathered, places we’ve been.

Love is complicated. It can leave you thinking up is down and left is right, yes, but it can change you for the better. It can make you come out of your quiet shell.

I don’t know if I will ever be just as I was before amnesia again. But I do know that I will have good friends and loved ones to guide me and support me on whatever I choose to become. 

You may not be the same.

You are different.

And that's okay.

No matter who you are.

Hear me.

And know it’s okay.

December 22, 2020 02:48

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You are you. You are supported. You are loved. You aren't alone. β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œπŸ€ŽπŸ–€


Maya -
03:08 Dec 22, 2020

Yes, well said. :)


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Nainika Gupta
15:20 Dec 22, 2020

TouchΓ©, TouchΓ© :)


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. .
13:13 Dec 22, 2020



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Maya -
03:09 Dec 22, 2020

Amazing story! It's short, beautiful, and a very unique take on the prompt. Nice job, and keep writing!


Maya -
03:13 Dec 22, 2020

Of course!!! I really enjoyed reading this. :)


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. .
13:13 Dec 22, 2020

Great job!!!! I loved the amnesia twist, made the rejections much more believable. I would love for her to continue a romantic relationship with one of them, to give some hope.


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I loved the tone here! The main character's voice sounds so cynical, yet they're really so hopeful inside. Amazing!


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Hi! so I read your story and took a look at your bio and let me just say, you have a great taste in books. Magnus chase is one of my favourites. (I also like taylor swift. and a lot of the movies you put in there.) your teaser for your story is a little confusing, but definitely intriguing. I think I'll read it when it comes out. also, can you predict the future? because this story is about amnesia, and one of the prompts for this week is about not remembering your life and not wanting to. ;) also, I'm relatively new and don't know what t...


Hi! Thanks, I really like books. THEY ARE MY LIFEEEEEE and taylor swift is a total queeeen lol idk! its is really weird that i wrote about this and one of the prompts is amnesia related um, id say what you like! Books, movies, what you stand for (if you want lol), i have a waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too long bio but still its fun to create.


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Unknown User
22:22 Dec 29, 2020

<removed by user>


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Nainika Gupta
15:21 Dec 22, 2020

What a simple, beautiful, emotional story about being who you are and embracing your differences! It brought a tear to my eyes, and I'm not ashamed to admit it :) Well done, Carolina!!


Nainika Gupta
15:43 Dec 22, 2020



Nainika Gupta
15:27 Dec 24, 2020

awwww Carolina!!! my story is your story of the week???? I'm so happy :):):):):)


Nainika Gupta
14:55 Jan 02, 2021

Haha no problem!!!


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Nainika Gupta
14:55 Jan 02, 2021

Haha no problem!!!


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Coco Longstaff
01:46 Jan 03, 2021

Oh I loved this story! I cant rly explain, I love all the parts! Well done!


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