LGBTQ+ Friendship Fiction

It was a fine day and everyone was doing the usual. Including Leopold, who was busy tending to his gardens and orchards at his dacha. However, he still couldn’t catch a break; after all, a certain pair of mischievous mice were always up to no good. Just like always.

This time, they were plotting the biggest prank that they could ever come up with. They decided that they were going to tar and then feather him into oblivion, so all they had to do was get two buckets, one of which they could fill up with tar while the other bucket could be filled with feathers; after that, they had to hang the tar-filled bucket above Leopold’s doorsteps first prior to eventually switching to the feather-filled bucket once the tar would pour onto him. The fun part? The mice had been plotting that prank their whole lives since the day they first came across Leopold.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Mitya asked.

“I think we should pull a huge prank on that cat,” Motya stated.

“True dat,” Mitya grinned from ear to ear. “What we’ll need are two buckets, some tar and feathers. One bucket should be filled with tar while another one can be filled with feathers. After that, we should hang the tar-filled bucket above his doorsteps and then when he’ll answer the door, we’ll pour the whole bucket of tar on him before pouring the whole other bucket with feathers on him. That’ll be pretty awesome!”

“You know it!” Motya grinned in agreement.

So the mice went out to the store together and bought two buckets in addition to a barrel of tar, a sack of feathers and a sturdy rope. When they came back to Leopold’s dacha, Mitya filled one bucket with tar while Motya filled the other bucket with feathers; after which they began to set up the trap that they had planned earlier. After all, Mitya tied one end of the rope to the doorknob of the outer side of the front door while Motya tied the other end to the handle of the tar-filled bucket, but not before the mice used the ladder to carefully hang the tar-filled bucket above the doorsteps, so as not to get any tar on themselves by mistake. When all was said and done, Mitya rapped the door with his fist prior to scurrying away in addition to climbing up the ladder to the rooftop with Motya in tow, after which Leopold opened the door, only to have tar pour on him, much to his own horror.

What is all this?” Leopold wondered.

“Now!” Mitya yelled, after which, as if on cue, Motya dumped the whole bucket of feathers on Leopold.

Leopold was really upset. This huge prank that the mice had spent their whole lives planning on him had just worked and the mice were truly successful this time. Poor Leopold had to run back into his dacha and take a shower in addition to washing his clothes in a laundry room.

Meanwhile, the mice were already celebrating their rare victory over that cat.

“We did it!” Mitya squealed triumphantly.

“Woohoo!” Motya shouted in agreement as he high-fived Mitya and vice-versa.

Afterwards, they went home to their mouse hole, where they ended up having some cheese. Eventually after they were done eating some cheese, they were about to head off to bed, during which they began to cuddle each other lovingly prior to drifting off to sleep in each other’s arms.

Then the next day, they were about to prank Leopold again when, all of a sudden, a familiar-looking cat came and cornered them.

“Well well well,” Leopold said with a grin on his muzzle, “if it ain’t these rodent rascals.”

“Leopold, what are you doing here?” Mitya gulped in surprise.

“I thought we should be playing a maze game of some kind,” Leopold answered. “Come with me.”

As if on cure, the mice anxiously followed him to the living room, thinking that it was going to be some innocent game. Little did they know that it was actually going to be a certain Scary Maze Game. After that, Leopold got out his laptop and turned it on prior to opening up said maze game. Motya was the first to play the game. After all, he was doing his best to successfully go through each maze and a few mazes later, he carefully did his best to get to the narrow part and yet when he bumped into one side of the narrowest path, the next thing he saw afterwards was the picture of the certain demonic girl from the Exorcist series, which was accompanied by a loud and shrill screaming noise. Motya then screamed in terror afterwards and ended up running away towards the mouse hole. Then it was Mitya’s turn, but not before he tried to run after Motya in an attempt to console him, only to be stopped by Leopold.

“You’ll still have to play,” Leopold insisted, “then you can comfort your boyfriend afterwards.”

Hearing this, Mitya sighed in defeat and reluctantly ended up playing the game. He successfully completed a few mazes and then all he had to do was try to get to the same narrow path that Motya did earlier.

I’d hate to do this, Mitya thought to himself prior to proceeding towards the extremely narrow path.

However, when he got towards said path, the next thing he saw was the image of the same girl, which was accompanied by the same loud screaming noise.

“I DON’T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE!!!” Mitya shrieked in terror prior to running back into the mouse hole with the traumatized and sobbing Motya in it. It turned out that Leopold was the one plotting an even bigger prank on the mice his whole life since the day they started harassing him and this time, he finally succeeded. And now the mice were regretting every moment of it.

“Are you alright, dear?” Motya asked tearfully.

“I’m so sorry!” Mitya sobbed as well. “I tried to comfort you, but Leopold wouldn’t let me because he wanted me to play and I had no other choice but to play.”

Then the traumatized mice began to hug each other in an attempt to console each other. Then a few hours later, they decided to come out of the mouse hole and apologize to Leopold for their tar and feather prank.

“We’re sorry, Leopold,” Mitya apologized.

“No more tricks,” Motya apologized in agreement. “It won’t happen again. We’ll be good. We promise!”

“I hope both of you had just learned something,” Leopold replied. “Now is the time to be friends.”

April 02, 2021 11:50

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12:46 Apr 02, 2021

You have such vibrant names, with vibrant personalities to match! Your tone is really developed here as well, I think :) Good story!


12:23 Apr 05, 2021

Thank you!


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Ace Quinnton
17:32 May 03, 2022

1. I like-NO-LOVE this story. 2. Bio is amazing and can relate to all of it. (Aro-Ace, Agender with ADHD)


12:22 May 31, 2022

Thank you!!!


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13:33 Aug 24, 2021

I LITERALLY LOVE UR BIO OMG i am too a bi trump-hater~ whoopee lol


11:40 Oct 02, 2021

NICE!!!! Thank you! 🥰


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05:43 Apr 09, 2021

What a wonderful story! You have a strong voice and great imagination. The only negative critique I have is that there is a typo. The word "cue" is written as "cure." Just letting you know in case you've missed it. I think I'm going to read this story to my granddaughter when she comes to visit. I truly enjoyed it.


12:12 Oct 02, 2021

Wow, really? I didn’t really know that. Thank you for reading my story and, really, thank you for telling me!


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Adam Little
16:03 Apr 06, 2021

This is a cute little story that includes more modern things, huh? I love the names and how Leopold handles the tar and feather situation. Nice job.


12:13 Oct 02, 2021

Thank you!


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