Contemporary Drama Crime

What time do you call this, Maggie?

I know. I’m sorry. The traffic—

Don’t give me that. You’re never late. 

I had things to do.

Things? Like what?

Jimmy, don’t start.

What’s with the sunglasses?

They’re just sunglasses.

Take them off.

Jimmy, please.

Take. Them. Off.


What the hell happened?

It’s nothing.

Damn it, who gave you the shiner?

Jimmy, leave it alone.

Was it Neal?


Terry, then.


It was, wasn’t it?

Fine. Yes. It was Terry.

That son of a— Why?

Jenkins! Keep your voice down. 

You don’t know about my problems, Sir.

We don’t want to hear about your private life, Jenkins.

I didn’t come here to fight, Jimmy.

Then why did you come?

Because we need to talk.

Talk about what?


Us? There is no “us” while I’m stuck in here.

You’re wrong. There’s still an “us”.

Doesn’t feel like it. You’ve been different lately.

How would you even know that?

I see it. The way you look at me, or don’t. The way you talk, or don’t.

I’m tired, Jimmy.

I bet you are, love.

It’s not easy by myself.

But you manage.


What are you saying?

I’m saying I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.

Keep what up?

This… life. Alone.

You’re not alone.

That’s what it feels like.

You’ve got the kids.

They’re not you.

Then wait for me.

Wait? Jimmy, you’ve four more years.

So? You knew that when I got sentenced.

I didn’t know it would feel like this.

Feel like what?

Like I’m drowning inside.

You’re stronger than this, Maggie.

Maybe I’m not.

Don’t say that.

It’s the truth.

You’re just having a bad day.

It’s not just a day. It’s every day.

You want me to feel sorry for you?

Jimmy, don’t make this worse.

I’m not the one making it worse. Why did Terry hit you?

He thought… he thought I was cheating on you.

Cheating? With Neal?

That’s what he said.

Are you kidding me?

I didn’t do anything, Jimmy.

And Terry thought it was okay to hit you over a rumour?

It’s not just that.

Then what is it?

I don’t know. Maybe he thinks I owe him.

Owe him? For what?

For keeping an eye out for me and the kids.

That’s rich, coming from that piece of---.

Jenkins! I’m warning you---

Stay out of this, Sir!

I see your sort every day, Jenkins and hear how doing time affects families. 

You don’t know nothing about me and my brood, Boss.

Yes, but I know how kids drift with absent fathers.

When I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it.

Touch a nerve did I, Jenkins? 

Jimmy, stop! He’s not wrong.


Bernie’s angry. Linda’s angry. They’re lost, Jimmy. 

It’s not like I abandoned them.

Maybe not, but you’re the one who took the fall.

I didn’t want you and the kids dragged into it.

I can’t do this on my own anymore.

Maggie don’t.

Don’t what? Tell you the truth?

Neal and Terry were supposed to have my back. Instead, they’re wrecking my family.

You wrecked it, Jimmy. When you got caught. Again.

You think I wanted that Post Office job to go sideways?

It didn’t just go sideways. It exploded.

I was the one who got burned, Maggie.

And the rest of us didn’t?

I did it for you.

You always say that.

I mean it.

And what about Linda?

What about her?

She’s in trouble at school, Jimmy.


She got caught smoking.

Not Linda?

Yes, Jimmy. Linda.

At least it wasn’t weed…

What makes you think that?

God damn it. Why didn’t you tell me?

And say what? That I can’t handle my own daughter?

Maybe I could’ve talked to her and told her---

From inside? How do you reckon that’d work out?

Linda listens to me.

She misses you, Jimmy.

I miss her too.

She’s angry. At me, at the world. Linda feels abandoned.

But I haven’t forgotten about her.

She doesn’t see it that way.

What am I supposed to do, Maggie?

Maybe you should’ve thought about that before taking on another job.

I didn’t plan for things to go wrong.

But they always do.

This was supposed to be my last job.

That’s what you said last time.

I mean it this time.

Linda doesn’t believe in you anymore.

Don’t say that.

It’s true. She was a Daddy’s girl and now…

She’s street-smart and---

And now she’s fallen in with a bad crowd.

I hate missing her grow up.

Then why do you keep ending up in here?

I don’t know.

Yes, you do.

It’s the life, Maggie.

Then change it.

You know it’s not easy.

It’s easier than losing your family.

You make it sound so simple, Maggie.

I’m serious, Jimmy. It’s your choice.

You’re giving up on “us”?

I’ll survive.

Without me?

Without Neal. Without Terry. Without all of this.

Give me a chance. I’ll fix it.

I don’t think you can.

I can. I will.


Maggie, I swear to you. I’ll get out, and I’ll make it right.


I’ll get out of the life. For you. For Linda.

I’ve heard it all before.

This time I mean it.

You better, Jimmy.

Maggie, there’s something else, isn’t there?

What do you mean?

The bruise, the sunglasses… you’ve been crying. There’s more.

It’s Bernie.

Bernie’s tough. He’ll be fine.

He wasn’t fine last night when he crashed his motorbike.

What hap---?

He’s in the West-Middlesex.

Why didn’t you tell me sooner?

You’ve enough to worry about.

But he’s my son, Maggie!

Your son? He barely talks about you.

What do you mean he---?

You two never got along.

That’s not true.

It is, Jimmy. He’s angry, just like Linda.

Is he going to be all right?

The doctors think so.

What happened?

He saw the bruise. He got angry. Went out on his bike to blow off steam and lost control.

Because of Terry?

Because of everything, Jimmy.

Maggie, I—

Don’t. Just stop.

I’ll make it right.

You keep saying that.

I mean it.

Then prove it.

Time’s up, people. Let’s be having you.

Maggie, please. Don’t give up on “us”.

You know I can’t promise that.

You can’t leave me now.

Goodbye, Jimmy.

I’ll change. 

We’ll see.

The End

Posted Dec 14, 2024

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61 likes 65 comments

Marty B
05:59 Dec 16, 2024

Sounds like Maggie is living in her own version of 'jail' with few options, and no support. The kids are making their own bad choices 'Because of everything, Jimmy.'

This line seemed to sum up both their situations-
'Time’s up, people. Let’s be having you.'
Good luck in the contest!


Howard Halsall
10:59 Dec 16, 2024

Hey Marty,
Thanks for reading my story and sharing your thoughts.
HH :)


Ross Dyter
09:54 Jan 16, 2025

Great writing again. That was a tough prompt to deal with, I've tried a few times with those dialogue only ones and never finished because I couldn't really tell a story. But that was great, there was a whole world outside painted with those short clipped lines of conversation, giving family, backstory, and showing the complicated relationship between the two main characters.


Howard Halsall
18:59 Jan 16, 2025

Hey Ross,
Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts and experience. Regarding ‘dialogue only’ prompts, I think the key is to be mindful of context and containment, and the advice about start late and finish early works too. I’m not sure if that’s useful, however it works for me and allows enough space to let rip and give the characters some life….
HH :)


07:03 Jan 04, 2025

Nice, that prompt was a tough challenge. The short sentences had a great tempo to them, and it took me a while to figure out what was going on. Nice twist.


Howard Halsall
13:18 Jan 04, 2025

Hey Scott,
Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. Yes, it was a tricky prompt, but it’s interesting how much detail a writer can strip back from a story and it still makes sense. It just goes to show how much work readers do to fill in the gaps when they’re required to use their imagination. A lesson to us all, I guess….?
BTW - I trust you’ll enjoy a great new year in 2025. Let’s hope we all experience some success in all our endeavours :)


Graham Kinross
10:37 Jan 02, 2025

Rough for both of them and perhaps to a certain extent they’re suffering for the choices they’ve made but it seems like suffering snowballs beyond the point anyone deserves. Misery loves company.


Howard Halsall
17:20 Jan 03, 2025

Hey Graham,
Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; your analysis is sound as ever. Some people are forever victims of their own actions and can’t change what’s obvious to everyone else and yet the answer is seldom straightforward and takes faith and sheer determination to execute successfully.
However, I trust you enjoyed a fab festive break and hope 2025 brings you all you desire….


Graham Kinross
20:29 Jan 03, 2025

The same to you. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Howard Halsall
13:19 Jan 04, 2025

Yep :)


Ken Cartisano
09:48 Dec 26, 2024

I did not understand these two lines: This line seemed to sum up both their situations-
'Time’s up, people. Let’s be having you.'

I thought the dialogue was great (except for the last two lines), compelling, realistic and yet full of cleverly couched information.

But 'Times up, people. Let's be having you.' I just don't get it. It made me wonder if I understood the story. But I can't blame you for my stupidity either.


Howard Halsall
17:34 Dec 27, 2024

Hey Ken,
Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. I’m pleased you enjoyed it and apologise if the lines of dialogue you mentioned spoiled the experience. However, let me clarify the meaning and hopefully all will make sense. It’s the prison guard speaking both lines - the visiting hour has concluded and he wants to return Jimmy to his cell.
I hope that helps….?
Take care


02:48 Dec 20, 2024

Naturally, speech is clipped and short. You pulled it off well. Poor family.


Howard Halsall
03:08 Dec 20, 2024

Hey Kaitlyn,
Thank you for reading my latest and sharing your thoughts and positive feedback. It’s a sad tale and yet there’s a glimmer of hope… just about.


Jay McCoy
04:54 Dec 19, 2024

Good dialogue that paints a clear picture of what's happened/happening in their lives. Good pace. It was easy to follow who was speaking and when, though I didn't realize they were in a prison setting until the guard interrupts the conversation.
Since this was a dialogue only challenge and there isn't the luxury of actions and tags, I would have loved to see elements built into the conversation that give more details about their environment, actions and tone/emotion.
Overall, nicely done.


Howard Halsall
05:37 Dec 19, 2024

Hi Jay,
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and share your thoughts; they’re much appreciated.


Lily Finch
21:26 Dec 18, 2024

Howard, such a poignant tale of a family whose male adult partner and father are involved in crime as his way of life and, as a result, put crime before his family.
Well, he's not too good at either since crimewise he's in the joint, and familywise his family is a disaster.
He's lost everything because of a choice he made, choosing crime over family.
Nice job, Howard.


Howard Halsall
00:11 Dec 19, 2024

Hey Lily,
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and leave your positive feedback. With regards to choosing crime; I would say that crime sometimes chooses people. To be clear, I’m not saying one doesn’t have a choice… It’s just that some people have limited choices and it’s a risk they’ll take to survive. After all, if life was easy, we’d all be good at it, don’t you think??
HH :)


Lily Finch
03:35 Dec 19, 2024

Well, life being easy should be about choices. But I also believe that circumstance plays into that risk you speak of to survive that makes people turn to alternative ways of living life than others because it just may be easier for them.
But what do I know?
I'm writing to you from a 6'by8' cell with a bed, toilet, and sink. Chewin' my tobacco and giving out tattoos for cigs and phone cards. I'm not a druggie or a drinker, but talking on the phone now—that's my jam. Peace. Out. HH
LF6 D)


Susan Catucci
21:11 Dec 18, 2024

Hi Howard -
This is a powerhouse piece. I was hooked and carried from the first word to the last - and I actually teared up at the end and read faster so I could get to what was going to happen. It's a very real life scenario that plays itself out again and again, I'm sure. It's exhausting, heartbreaking and the stuff many lives are made of.

It's all there - the words are just tiny icebergs to a ton of baggage beneath them. I thought it was great. :)


Howard Halsall
00:05 Dec 19, 2024

Hi Susan,
I love your line about words being tiny icebergs with tons of baggage beneath them… So, thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. It sounds like it had a powerful effect on you and I hope it provides food for thought or further conversation.
Take care


06:32 Dec 18, 2024

I felt a deep connection to this piece of dialogue:
“It’s not easy by myself.”
“But you manage.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.”
“Keep what up?”
“This… life. Alone.”
“You’re not alone.”
“That’s what it feels like.”
“You’ve got the kids.”
“They’re not you.”
It resonated deeply with me because it mimics a conversation I had with someone recently. It reminded me of how simple yet profound words can be when shared between people experiencing a deep sense of longing or strain.

Good story that seems to resonate so much to many of my own personal conversations with others!

On a personal side note - After reading your bio, I noticed that you play piano. I play piano as well! For nearly 35 out of my 40 years I have played.


Howard Halsall
06:56 Dec 18, 2024

Hey LifeCycles,
Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; they’re much appreciated. I’m pleased the experience resonated so profoundly and had such a powerful impact. Life can be an awful struggle at times, however it’s a comfort to read a piece whose sentiments one recognises, if only to be assured that one is not alone and there’s always somebody out there who’s survived the ordeal…


Ellie F
20:47 Dec 17, 2024

Great story, I could really see the characters having this conversation despite there being only dialogue written!


Howard Halsall
22:25 Dec 17, 2024

Hey Ellie,
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and share your thoughts. I’m glad you enjoyed the dialogue and pleased you were drawn into the couple’s world for the duration of their exchange. Hopefully the experience will provide food for thought….
HH :)


Rohini Sunderam
19:47 Dec 17, 2024

Nicely done. It took me a while to get that he was in prison


Howard Halsall
22:21 Dec 17, 2024

Hey Rohini,
Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. I’m relieved it all made sense, eventually :)


Shirley Medhurst
22:15 Dec 16, 2024

Amazing, the way you evoke such strong emotions merely via dialogue here.
Well done!


Howard Halsall
01:37 Dec 17, 2024

Hey Shirley,
Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. Concerning use of dialogue to tell a story; sometimes less is more. I find readers often join the dots and fill the blanks from own experience….
HH :)


Helen A Howard
14:45 Dec 16, 2024

Nicely written piece. Good pacing. Felt like I was inside a play. Sadly, doesn’t look like things will ever change.


Howard Halsall
18:53 Dec 16, 2024

Hey Helen,
Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts. Alas, Maggie’s life is stuck in a rut and I don’t suppose Jimmy will ever change. I hope the themes rang true and I painted an accurate of the life.
But I’ve said enough…
Exit stage right.
HH ;)


Helen A Howard
20:26 Dec 16, 2024

Hi Howard,
Interesting to write pure dialogue. It definitely worked.

If you have time, I’d value your opinion on my story Long Shadow. I thought it was one of my better stories but I may be too close. Does it work? Have you any ideas? Did I put it under the right categories?


Howard Halsall
02:45 Dec 17, 2024

Of course, Helen. I’m more than happy to offer opinions…
…so said, so done :)


Helen A Howard
07:49 Dec 17, 2024

Thank you Howard. Appreciate it.


Mary Bendickson
21:14 Dec 15, 2024

Got to be a hard situation to live with--or without.

Thanks for liking 'Thelma Faye'.


Howard Halsall
21:59 Dec 15, 2024

Quite so.,, “can’t live with or without you..”
Isn’t that the lyric?


Mary Bendickson
23:58 Dec 15, 2024

Thanks for taking the time to read mine. First time I hit all the prompts for the week.😁


Mary Bendickson
00:24 Jan 04, 2025

Thanks for liking 'Second Fair Chance' and 'Two-Cute Koolridges'.


Howard Halsall
12:06 Jan 05, 2025

Good work as ever and a belated happy new year greeting to you :)


Alexis Araneta
17:40 Dec 15, 2024

Howard, such an emotional piece. A very effective use of dialogue to showcase their relationship. Lovely work !


Howard Halsall
19:21 Dec 15, 2024

Hey Alexis,
Thank you for your positive comments. I’m pleased you enjoyed my latest story and glad it rang true….
HH :)


Viga Boland
17:28 Dec 15, 2024

Howard, you just proved, as I’ve often told my fellow writers in the real world, how dialogue only is a fantastic way to reveal character without slowing down a story. I just don’t know why others find it so hard. It’s my favourite writing technique…obvious from all the Banter dialogues I post on Reedsy. Just a pity more visitors to my page here aren’t interested in the ramblings of two old duffers.

But I digress. You did a great job on this prompt. Bravo. I hope the next time you check out one of my stories you can leave me a few words too. “Likes” are great but you never really know if the liker even read the story 😂😉


Howard Halsall
19:34 Dec 15, 2024

Hi Viga,
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and share your thoughts; they’re much appreciated. BTW, I like the rambling old duffers format - it’s great for making serious points through pithy dialogue exchanges. A combination of maturity and acerbic wit will always remain a redoubtable combination in a jaded world full of wannabes and upstarts :)


Viga Boland
19:46 Dec 15, 2024

Aw…thanks so much for those encouraging words. I’mfar from the most confident or successful write on here,so your words are sincerely appreciated.


Tommy Goround
14:47 Dec 15, 2024

Wow. Good use of the promt. The story was engaging.


Howard Halsall
16:04 Dec 15, 2024

Hey Tommy,
Thank you for taking the time to read my story and share your thoughts; they’re much appreciated :)


Mary Butler
00:15 Dec 15, 2024

Howard, your story is an emotional powerhouse, and one line that particularly stood out to me was "Like I’m drowning inside." It perfectly encapsulates Maggie's sense of isolation and emotional fatigue, a feeling that resonates deeply with anyone who has struggled to keep things together while feeling unseen or unsupported. Your dialogue is raw and authentic, pulling readers into the push-and-pull of Maggie and Jimmy's strained relationship.

This is a beautifully crafted piece that skillfully conveys complex emotions through sharp and poignant exchanges. Thank you for sharing such a compelling and well-written story!


Howard Halsall
09:36 Dec 15, 2024

Hey Mary,
Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; they’re much appreciated. I’m glad you enjoyed it and pleased it rang true. It’s quite a challenge to tell a succinct story without a narrative framework. so I’m relieved it worked and made sense….
HH :)


Glenna Mageau
13:04 Dec 14, 2024

Well told story with just dialogue. It was so easy to imagine the people and this conversation. Well done.


Howard Halsall
22:42 Dec 14, 2024

Hey Glenna,
Thank you for reading my story and sharing your thoughts; they’re much appreciated.
HH :)


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