Ross Dyter

Author on Reedsy Prompts since Sep, 2022

10 Stories

213 karma pts


Author bio

I've done many things in life from marine engineering, to building houses, but I have always wanted to write. At school I had the fantastic opportunity to meet Sir Terry Pratchett, he came to our worn down rural secondary school and ran a writing workshop for about 15 of us. How the school managed to pay for him when they could barely afford paper or to keep the lights on I will never know. But he was truly inspiring, his main writing advice was to go and see the world, meet people and experience life before you start writing. That way your characters and places will be so much richer and diverse. So I did, I left school and joined the Navy and like the advert said, "I saw the world...differently". Now, years later, I finally have the time and opportunity to put words down on the page. I'm here to learn and develop to hopefully publish my YA urban fantasy trilogy, any comments things you liked or felt didn't work well would be greatly appreciated. After moving around I now live not far from where I grew up, in Cornwall, England with my wife and teenage daughters.