Funny Friendship Fiction

“Tom, has it been snowin?”

“Not quite, Eric?”

“First day of Winter brings the first snow of the season. Result!”

“It’s not snowing, Eric.”

“I must ‘ave slept through it.”

“You were passed out, Eric. There’s a difference.”

“Was I? That bleedin’ Jägermeister is strong stuff, innit.”

“You’re not supposed to drink the whole bottle all at once, Eric.”

“Yeah, well, I got a taste for it in Budapest at the dentist’s office, didn’t I. They give you shots of it while you’re waiting to see the tooth puller.”

“Instead of anaesthetic?”

“Nah, they give you that too!”

“In the waiting room?”

“In the waiting room, in the chair.”


“Don’t half warm you up. Could do with some, now. It’s bloody freezin’ in ‘ere.”

“That’s coz we’ve been buried, Eric.”

“…How’d that happen?”

“Because you rented a chalet right in the path of the biggest snow shelf that fell down on us last night.”

“Really? Never ‘eard a thing!”

“That’s coz you were passed out.”

“Sleeping, Tom. There’s a difference.”

“Well, you were dead weight, mate. And I couldn’t lift you.”

“Got freshly baked bread, as well.”


“At the dentist in Budapest. The dentist’s mum used to bake bread every day and bring them in to the surgery, and the receptionists would give out loaves to everyone waiting. Probably to soak up the Jägermeister, I reckon.”

“Wait… Why were you in Budapest, again?”

“I needed crowns and bridges, and it was sixty percent cheaper than getting them in England.”

“Haven’t you heard the saying, you get what you pay for?”

“They were all US-schooled, Tom. Top of their class. Never felt a thing – apart from the first needle that went straight into a nerve and made me face blow up like a balloon. They had to wait for the swelling to go down, before continuing. Ploughed me with Jägermeister while I waited. It’s like drinking mouthwash, that stuff.”

“So, why drink it?”

“Coz, it warms me up on a cold night. Also, reduces pain.”

“Well, there’s only a trickle left in the bottle, so you must not be feeling a thing.”

“Tell that to my headache. You been outside, yet?”

“Have I what!? No.”

“Why is it still dark out?”

“That would be because half a mountain of snow is covering the chalet, Eric.”

“How long’s it been snowin?”

“Once again, Eric. It’s not snowing. We’re trapped inside an avalanche.”

“Right. That must be why the radio was goin’ mental last night. I thought I was dreaming of that high-pitched siren.”

“That’s because the radio was warning us of a potential avalanche. Has that mouthwash fogged your brain?”

“Where was I, when all this was happening?”

Unconscious. Look, there are more serious issues to be dealing with right now – other than your waking state of Jägermeister confusion.”

“Like what?”

“Like, how we are going to get out of here.”

“We could dig our way out. Where’s the snow shovels?”

“Outside the door.”

“So, let’s get ‘em.”

“There’s a thick blanket of snow blocking the doorway. At least one broom handle deep.”

“Oh, so that’s why there’s a broom brush pushing against the door window.”

“It got stuck and we’re trapped, Eric.”

“Then, we should go up, Tom. Get a better view of things.”

“There is no up, Eric. This is a bungalow.”

“Oh. You know what, Tom? I think we’re..”

“..Trapped, Eric.”

“My conclusion, too… I know. What if we lit the gas heater and melted the snow.”

“The snow is on the outside, Eric.”

“Oh yeah. How come you’re being so calm about this, Tom? You’re normally bollockin’ me at this point in crisis.”

“There’s no point.”


“Coz, you’re a fucking idiot and nothing I say will register with you.”

“Why is it my fault?”

“Coz, you rented this icy tomb.”

“Then, why didn’t you leg it down the hill to safety, when the siren sounded?”

“Foolish sense of loyalty, Eric. I didn’t want to leave you on your own.”

“Well, this puts a damper on our ski trip, dunnit.”

“You know, I knew not to come here. Let’s go skiing, you said. We can get pissed on the piste, you said. Never mind that we’ve never been skiing before.

There’ll be bunnies on the Bunny Run, you said. They’ll be only too happy to assist.

We’ll pull easily. I’ve got us a bargain on the chalet. A bit out of the way, but a bargain, all the same.

So, where’s all the bunnies now, Eric?”

“Probably down at the ski lodge in town.”

“You just had to go cheap, didn’t you?”

“It wasn’t cheap. Anyways, I didn’t hear you complaining about the price, mate.”

“No. Probably because I was too busy staring up in trepidation at that huge ice shelf above us.”

“I must ‘ave been six sheets to the wind, Tom. Could’ve been an earthquake last night and I wouldn’t ‘ave woken up.”

“There was an earthquake, Eric. Or at least that’s what it felt like.”

“There was? What happened?”

“We got buried by an avalanche! Didn’t you read the warning label on the door?”

“What label?”

“The one that says H.R. Cabin.”

“What, for High Rollers?”

“H.R, you pillock, stands for High Risk! It’s a Ski-In-Ski-Out chalet, meaning it’s on the slope with the potential of burial during an avalanche.”

“Well, I thought it’d be easier to get down the hill, grab a chair lift to the top, then ski right back into our living room – Jägermeister awaiting, bunnies on arms.”

“We need a plan to get out of here.”

“Did you try calling emergency services?”

“No mobile signal.”

“What about the courtesy phone?”

“The line’s dead.”

“What about that big skylight right above us.”

“What about it?”

“We could open it and escape through it.”

“There’s a ton of snow on top of it, Eric.”

“Then, Tom. Let’s just wait until we’re rescued.”

“We don’t have that many supplies – apart from some bottled water.”

“But I ordered a grocery delivery online for today.”

“You’d better go outside and greet them, then, Eric.”



“We still have a gas supply, yes?”

“We do.”

“Then, put the kettle on, Tom! There’s a few chocolate digestives in my backpack and some butter and a loaf of bread in the fridge. We can hold out for a while.”

“Did you bring tea bags?”

“In the bottom of my backpack.”

“I found them. There’s a Swiss Roll in here, as well.”

“Yeah, forgot about that. I brought it to eat as a symbolic gesture of being in the Alps.”

“We’re in France, Eric.”

“Yeah, but not that far from the Yodellers.”

“We’re closer to Italy than Switzerland.”

“Well, you’ll see that I brought pasta as another symbolic gesture.”

“Symbolic gesture? So, what happens when you go to somewhere like India?”

“I’ve not been to India. But if I did, then I’d bring toilet paper, coz it’s a shithole.”

“Well, at least here we can stock up on carbs, then. What’s the humbugs for?”

“To eat, mate. I love sucking on a humbug. Try not to bite down on one, though. That’s what led me to Budapest… Kettle’s boiled.”

“They’ll know we’re trapped in here, won’t they?”

“Avalanche beacons, Tom. There’s one for each of us on the kitchen counter. Here, let me turn them on. There, I reckon we’ve just lit up someone’s switchboard, somewhere.”

“How much air do you think is left in here?”

“I dunno. When did we get covered?”

“Around 2:00AM.”

“Well, it’s what, 7:15 now? We still appear to be breathing.”

“All the same, Eric. We should keep chitchat to a minimum. Save our breath.”

“Here, have a humbug. More sucking, less talking. Innit funny how we always seem to get trapped somewhere together. First, it was that bank vault, then that walk-in cooler at the meat factory with those guard dogs. We’ve certainly had a few misadventures together, ‘aven’t we.”

“All caused by your stupidity and bad planning.”

“Miscalculations, Tom. There’s a difference.”

“Like the difference between sleeping and unconscious?”

“They’re the same, aren’t they?”

“Six P’s, Eric.”

“Whassat, then?”

Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance.”

“I did my prior planning on those jobs.”

“Your prior planning is like looking up at the sky and guessing if it will rain.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“Because, it’s already raining.”

“Have I ever been wrong…?”

“The question should be, have you ever been right?”

“Getting this chalet was good planning.”

“Yeah, but this is the first time we’re not doing something illegal.”

“About that. I never really paid for this place. I reversed the PayPal payment, last night. We were only going to be here for three days, so I thought we’d be in and out before anyone knew. I mean, who’s going to climb a mountain to collect the rent?”

“Shush, Eric! What’s that tapping noise?”

“It’s coming from the roof.”

“They’ve found us, Eric!”


“The skylight, Eric! I can see a red pole tapping on the glass.”

“Wait! I’ll open it for you!”

“Eric, stop! You can’t open the skylight.”

“It’s alright, Tom. It opens inwards… Whoa! Tom! Tom! In here, mate! He’s just been buried by a ton of snow. Tom! Tom! The rescuers are here, Tom! If you can hear me, try holding your breath by cupping your hands over your mouth. Help me dig him out, mate. Tom! Tom!”


“Tom! Thank goodness you’re okay.”

“The snow made me bite down on the humbug and I think I’ve broken a tooth.”

“It’s okay, Tom. You’re alive. That’s all that matters. What can I do for you?”

“…Get me the rest of that Jägermeister and tell me more about Budapest…”





Author's Note:

This is the fifth installment of these two hapless characters.

For those new to them, the other stories are as follows in order of creation.






Posted Dec 08, 2023

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30 likes 25 comments

Mary Bendickson
21:07 Dec 09, 2023

Is there anything these two can do right? Oh, yeah, make me laugh.


Chris Campbell
03:19 Dec 10, 2023

Thanks, Mary.
So glad these two are retaining their comedy.


A. Y. R
00:51 Dec 09, 2023

I love the dynamic you've created between these characters, you've perfectly reflected the relationships of friends who've known each other for far too long. And the dialogue was just hysterical!


Chris Campbell
03:20 Dec 10, 2023

Thanks, A.Y.R.
This is installment 5 of their antics. So glad to have made you laugh.


Helen A Howard
13:41 Dec 17, 2023

What a hapless pair! Great fun reading about them. Enjoyed this crisp dialogue. Entertaining on a cold day. Look forward to reading more about their mishaps.


Chris Campbell
13:47 Dec 17, 2023

Thanks, Helen.
Tom and Eric will return.


Martin Ross
00:34 Dec 17, 2023

Funny AND suspenseful -- how you do it completely in dialogue boggles me! Great series!


Chris Campbell
01:47 Dec 17, 2023

Thank you, Martin.
The Jagermeister story is true. I find using some of my own experiences in life helps the dialogue flow.


Martin Ross
02:19 Dec 17, 2023

Woof, Jager. It hits me weird.😉


Michelle Oliver
11:40 Dec 13, 2023

Haha, so glad to see these characters back again. They’re certainly not getting any brighter.


Chris Campbell
14:32 Dec 13, 2023

Thanks, Michelle.
They will return. Stupid as ever.


02:59 Dec 13, 2023

Great dialogue! At the end, I was worried that because he had cancelled the reservation and didn't pay, they would be trapped there forever! And I was holding my breath when they were talking about lighting up the gas stove to make tea, while buried in an avalanche.


Chris Campbell
03:56 Dec 13, 2023

Thanks, Scott.
Yes, they're not the brightest in a bunch of idiots. Thank goodness they were rescued, because they're stupidity lives to bungle another day.
Thanks for your great feedback.


Murray Burns
01:54 Dec 13, 2023

Entertaining characters! Nice.


Chris Campbell
03:54 Dec 13, 2023

Thanks, Murray.


Malcolm Twigg
12:31 Dec 11, 2023

This pair of idiots put me in mind of the eponymous Peter Pook and his mate Honors, heroes (if you can call them that) of a series of books in the sixties.They first inspired me to write comic fiction and I actually took second and first places of the Peter Pook Humorous novel competition in successive years in the eighties. The banter is spot on but I can't help feeling that it would be lifted somewhat by a bit of what the luvvies call 'business'. Very entertaining. I must catch up with the others - thanks for tbe link.


Chris Campbell
12:40 Dec 11, 2023

Thanks, Malcolm.
These two are merely situation comedy idiots.
Looking back on their other adventures, they seem to have mellowed somewhat with familiarity. However, they seem to be popular with readers, so they will return in the near future.


Malcolm Twigg
12:23 Dec 11, 2023

These two put me in mind of the eponymous Peter Pook and his mate Honors, heroes (if you can call them that) of a series of books in the sixties that first inspired me to write comedy - closely followed by Tom Sharpe and Terry Pratchett. I don 't mind the to and fro of banter but can't help feeling it would benefit from what the luvvies call 'business'. Entertaining, though. Must catch up with the others.


Chris Campbell
12:35 Dec 11, 2023

Thanks, Malcolm.
These two are merely situation comedy idiots.
Looking back on their other adventures, they seem to have mellowed somewhat with familiarity. However, they seem to be popular with readers, so they will return in the near future.


Trudy Jas
19:58 Dec 10, 2023

Delicious. I was almost sorry they got rescued. Didn't want it to end. More, please.


Chris Campbell
00:41 Dec 11, 2023

Thanks for your great feedback. Tom and Eric will return.


Belladona Vulpa
10:13 Dec 10, 2023

Interesting characters and lively sparring/dialogue. At some point I will also read the previous stories, thank you for putting them at the end to find them easily. I recently read about the 6P Formula: "Proper Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance" (book: "Eat that Frog!", by Brian Tracy, Chapter 2), to me, it was the first time I read about it. A creative adaptation of the formula and humor all over the story made the story flow really effortlessly.

The dentist with the alcohol reminds me of old times' advice for tooth pain to be strong alcohol, and what a choice. Jäger often does not come with great memories- and to many people no memories whatsoever haha.

Enjoyable story, at some point I must check out the other ones!


Chris Campbell
17:35 Dec 10, 2023

Thanks, Belladona.
So glad you liked it. The Budapest dentist story is something I experienced some years back. Jägermeister and baked bread was indeed served.


Michał Przywara
21:46 Dec 08, 2023

I gotta look up this dentist, let me tell you :)

Another amusing continuation of the Tom and Eric saga. I'm digging the conversation that starts in media res, as a device, kind of right at the precipice of catastrophe. And seeing them in an (almost) non-criminal situation was refreshing too.

“Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance” - I could see this being in a management book.

I look forward to these Tom and Eric stories - thanks for sharing!


Chris Campbell
03:26 Dec 10, 2023

Thanks, Michal.

The dentist story is all true. I had bridges and crowns done in Budapest some years back, and my partner suffered a needle straight into a nerve that caused her to look like she had mumps. The Jägermeister indeed helped and the bread was a bonus to take back to our rented apartment.

The Six P's is something I learned a long time ago. Been saving it up for the right moment.

Tom and Eric are a couple of misguided adults, so I can see them tripping up again soon.

Thanks for the great feedback.


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