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Posted on Sep 02, 2014

Press Release: September 2nd 2014 – Launch of Freelancer Profiles

LONDON - 2/9/2014

Self-publishing startup Reedsy officially launches today! Reedsy is excited to release to the public the first version of its website, progressively inviting editors and designers to join their marketplace over the course of the next 48 hours.

Increasingly, authors are realising that publishing professionals don’t just work at the big publishing houses. This is what is making quality self-publishing possible. But where can authors find them? How do they know who they’re working with?

That’s where Reedsy comes in. It helps authors collaborate with expert editors, book designers, marketers and translators to take their books to another level. Reedsy will only work with certified, industry-experienced freelancers so authors can find the best partners for their project.

Reedsy will start by opening its marketplace to editors and book designers, the services no author can go without. Freelancers who are invited to the beta can sign up and create beautiful profile pages. They can display the books they’ve worked on, the professional associations they belong to, and talk about the types of projects they’re looking to take on. Reedsy will be the first curated marketplace for publishing freelancers of its kind.

But Reedsy’s founders’ vision is even more ambitious. “Reedsy will be an author’s secret weapon,” said Ricardo Fayet, one of the company’s co-founders. “Authors, whether they’re self-published or traditionally published, are only as good as the people they work with. Being a great writer is just one part of succeeding as an independent,” Ricardo said. “In a few weeks, we will be opening to authors, and letting them connect with our network of freelancers.”

In time, authors will be able to use Reedsy as one place from which to manage every step of the publishing process. “We are working on a purpose-built eBook editor to make author-editor collaboration easier than ever,” says Emmanuel Nataf.

“It’s time to shake things up in the publishing industry. We want to combine the high standards of traditional publishing and the freedom and author-driven creativity of self-publishing. We want to take the ‘self’ out of self-publishing” concluded Emmanuel.

Reedsy was founded by Emmanuel Nataf, Ricardo Fayet, Matthew Cobb, and Vincent Durant in 2014. They work from IDEALondon in Shoreditch, London. In May they joined Seedcamp, Europe’s top accelerator, and are financially backed by Seedcamp and Scottish publisher DC Thomson. They have previously been covered by Techcrunch and ShakeupTV.

For more information contact Ricardo Fayet at ricardo@reedsy.com, or on +447957074543

2 responses

MartinArcher says:

29/11/2015 – 17:16

Your website needs work. I just signed up to hire one of your editors and found no way to make contact with her (or you). Your email notifying me was a "noreply" email. Are you real??

↪️ Ricardo Fayet replied:

29/11/2015 – 17:20

Hi Martin, what First Name/Surname did you sign up with? I'd be happy to help if I can identify you in our system.

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