Posted on Apr 02, 2015
New: Author Profiles on the Reedsy Network
About the author
Reedsy's editorial team is a diverse group of industry experts devoted to helping authors write and publish beautiful books.
More about the Reedsy Editorial Team →A few months ago, we gave editors and designers the tools to create a beautiful profile on Reedsy. Today, we’re proud to be unveiling author profiles!
Marketing matters — grow your followers and build up a mailing list
Your readers can follow your profile by subscribing to your updates with their email address. An exportable list of fans can then be created and used for your marketing campaigns. Mailing lists are a powerful tool for writers seeking early traction; there is no better time than now to start growing yours!
An author profile synced with your networks
Your Reedsy profile comes with some great integrations. A dynamic profile can be created in minutes by syncing the latest posts and books from your blog, Goodreads and Amazon or Google Play portfolios.

Bestselling author C.J. Lyons, sci-fi author Chele Cooke, and YA author Sara Raasch have already created their Reedsy profiles. We look forward to seeing yours, share it with us over on @ReedsyHQ!
And if you want to help us spread the word among the author community about this awesome opportunity, here’s a simple pre-made tweet:
– The Reedsy Team