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GuidesReedsy News

Posted on Apr 01, 2023

Happy April Fool's Day!

It’s with a heavy heart that we have to tell you…

It's the first of April again!

If you’re grieving the illusion of ReedsyMatch, we get it. But you’re a writer — you know every story has a few disappointments along the road!

If you like the idea of this app, why not share it with your friends on TPFKAT (The Platform Formerly Known as Twitter)

And while we’re sorry we can’t help you find a life partner, our marketplace can help you find the perfect collaborators to join you on your writing journey. Our professionals won’t literally hold your hand, but our book coaches can talk you through your book’s second act, our editors can guide you through the publishing process, and our designers can create stunning book covers.

Maybe we’ll actually get our developers to work on ReedsyMatch one day — but until then, our professionals are here to help make your literary dreams come true.

Sign up for a free account and meet them today!



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