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Last updated on Dec 10, 2024

60 Gifts for Writers That Your Creative Friends Will Love

Finding gifts for writers sounds easy — but to find the perfect present can be an incredible challenge. To help you out on this exciting endeavor, we’ve put together a list of 60 gifts at multiple price points for you to browse and find the ideal gifts for your writer friends, or even for yourself!

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Budget-friendly options ($5-$15)

1. MUJI gel pens ($2)

Photo showing the gel pen tip of Muji pens, in black and 0.5mm thickness

Known for their smooth gliding on the page, these Japanese gel pens are favorites among bullet journalers and notebook enthusiasts — and they make for an affordable gift that directly adds to a writer’s craft supplies. Choose a few different colors you think your friend will find useful (red pen for proofreading marks, anyone?), and you’ll have a great stocking filler or Secret Santa gift. Your environmentally-minded friends will love the fact that MUJI also sells refills, helping save plastic when you run out of ink!

2. Writerly stickers ($3-4)

Hand holding up a sticker of a tarot card showing a typewriter and titled 'The Writer'

If you’re looking for an inexpensive but fun gift that shows your loved one you believe in their writing abilities, writerly stickers are a great choice. Our sticker selection above can help the writers in your life publicly claim their writer identity, even if it’s in a small way. There are as many sticker types as there are human personalities, so choose what you think is best suited to your friend — if you don’t love the options here, there’s plenty more to browse on Redbubble and Etsy. 

3. Leuchtturm Pen Loop ($6)

Gifts for Writers | pen loopsKnow a writer who always carries a notebook? Perhaps you can help them upgrade it a little with this handy attachable pen(cil) loop.

4. Lady Macbeth's guest soap ($6)

lady macbeth's guest soap

Out, damned spot! An affordable (yet rather amusing) trinket, this pretty-yet-practical soap bar will take care of all your filth-eradicating needs — morally and otherwise.

5. The Emotion Thesaurus and others ($7 per ebook)

the emotion thesaurus books

There are only so many times people can read, “Larry was sad,” without getting sick of Larry and whatever he’s sad about. Luckily, The Emotion Thesaurus can help: it contains pages and pages of detailed body signals, facial expressions, and mental responses to use in description — all for $7 (if you buy it on Kindle). Might as well pick up its sequels while you’re at it!

6. ‘Writer at work’ door sign ($9)

A door sign over a door handle, reading 'Do not disturb: Writer at work'

Know a writer who can’t get a moment’s peace? It’s a well-established fact that having a room of one’s own to work in is crucial to a writer’s productivity and sense of welfare — and you can help your friend draw a boundary with this door sign. Like an “on air” sign for TV studios, it tells your friend’s beloved family members to be quiet, or at the very least, avoid that room for a little while. 

7. Out of Print’s Book Socks ($12)

Gifts for writers | Margaret Atwood quote socks

As Albus Dumbledore said, “One can never have enough socks.” We’re right there with him! You can find plenty of bookish socks at Out of Print — for writer friends who need a motivational boost, this pair quoting Margaret Atwood is perfect. 

8. A writing motivation poster ($14)

A framed poster over a desk that reads "You are a writer. Your words hold immense power to touch heart, transform minds, and change the course of history. Ignite the world with the magic of your words." Many writers, especially those at the start of their careers, suffer from low self-esteem or a lack of faith in their own abilities. A poster that sits in front of their desk and reminds them that they can do this can give them a much-needed boost for those times when they get stuck and stare at the wall. As a gift from a friend, this poster is a vote of confidence saying you believe in them.

9. Stress balls ($15)

When the mental anguish of writing gets to be too much — or when one’s tired fingers could use a break — there’s nothing like a stress ball to take the edge off. This colorful three-pack is just $14, so your writer friend can keep them in multiple locations for creative stress-mergencies.

10. Are You There God? It's Me, Margarita ($11)

The follow-up to the perennial writer's gift fave Tequila Mockingbird, author Tim Federle takes you on another bender with cocktails inspired by classic books. As well as the title twist on a Mexican favorite, you can find pun-tastic recipes like Fifty Shades of Grey Goose, Little Soused on the Prairie, and A Room With Vermouth. Chin chin!

11. Books about writing ($10-$15)

books about writing

The only thing better than moaning about writing is reading other authors moan about it instead. Here are a few of our favorite essay collections about the writing craft: Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, The Writing Life by Annie Dillard, and On Writing by Stephen King.

Elevated casual gifts ($15-$30)

12. AquaNotes ($15)


If you loved Singin' In the Rain, get ready for its even-better sequel: Writin' In The Rain! The AquaNotes waterproof pad allows you to capture those elusive #showerthoughts right away. Just don’t blame us when you (or your friend) end up tripling the water bill.

Q: What physical items should every writer always have with them?

Suggested answer

As an editor and a writer, the physical items I’ve carried with me have changed over the years. Back when I was a 90s teen, I always had a small notebook and pen in my car, purse, or backpack to jot down lines. I also almost always carried a physical book with me—what I was reading in school or for fun at home. Whether it was Great Expectations or The Mirror of Her Dreams, a book on the go filled the void and loneliness of the pauses in my teen life. The book I carried with me also gave me joy and energized me to do my own writing later when I was at home alone, listening to Spin Doctors or Jewel on my clunky CD-tape player.

Nowadays, a smartphone can do a lot for you and me if we let it. The Notes app on iPhones or other writing apps on Androids are great for taking down any poetic lines or other plot aha moments you might have while out with friends or coworkers or running around town getting errands done. As a mom, I often have to wait for my kids to get out of school or classes, so I read a book I’ve downloaded or an article on Substack on my phone to pass the time. (I also just scroll endlessly sometimes. Both things are totally fine!) The same can be done if you’re working nine-to-five and biding your time for a meeting to start.

If inspiration strikes, jot down what you’re thinking to get it out of your head before the bell rings or the meeting starts and life revs up again, the precious idea lost to cleaning out lunchboxes or putting out fires at your job.

If you’re having trouble using your phone as a writer’s tool, delete all your social media apps for a week, and see if it goes better. Do you find yourself writing more and scrolling less? Did you already try that and it not work? Then try to follow more writers on social media for inspiration. Even seeing writers’ day-to-day lives can be inspiring. What did they do yesterday? What shoes did they just buy? Sometimes even little things can motivate you to be in writer-mode.

Also, snacks. Never forget the snacks.

Sandra is available to hire on Reedsy

I'm a huge proponent of staying hydrated, so I will always recommend water. It's a great tool to give your brain space to think, too. Stuck? Take a sip of water. Finished a difficult line? Take a sip of water. Feeling achy after sitting too long? Take a sip of water.

Samantha is available to hire on Reedsy

A pocket notebook and pen or pencil. You never know when an idea will come around, or you suddenly figure out a solution to a writing problem. I keep one on me all the time, even if I'm sitting at my computer, because sometimes in the time it takes to decide what app/document to open, the thought will just vanish. It also gives me a chance to think visually, which is how I often work through things: mind-maps, doodles, sketches, and other ways of expressing myself that are not always easy to pull off with a keyboard.

And they're handy for impromptu to-do or shopping lists to boot!

Marisa is available to hire on Reedsy

Answers provided by professionals available on

13. Jane Austen Finery Color Changing Mug ($20)

Cole Porter once reminded us that in olden days "a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking". Well, prepare to clutch your pearls with this color-changing mug. With the addition of hot water, watch your favorite Austen heroines change from their demure walking attire into husband-catching eveningwear. Scandalous!

14. Literary jigsaw puzzle ($13)

Another excellent way to break from writing (while keeping the creative side of your brain engaged) is to piece together puzzles. As such, this 1,000-piece puzzle inspired by the covers of classic children's books from the Bodleian Library should be the perfect gift for writers.

15. The 3 A.M. Epiphany ($18)

the 3 a.m. epiphany

If 1 a.m. is for being unable to write and 2 a.m. is for pure panic, 3 a.m. is when this book comes to the rescue. With 200 carefully crafted exercises, this is a saving grace for writers everywhere. (If you want to make it a double whammy, pair it with its sequel, The 4 A.M. Breakthrough.)

16. Shakespearean insults mug ($20)

shakespearean insults mug

This “insults mug” is perfect for Shakespeare nerds and anyone craving a steaming hot cup of joe with a side of slander.

17. Writing dice ($20)

A colorful set of dice for writers. Those visible read "Man," "fantasy setting," "future," "protagonist," "omniscient narrator"This set of writing dice functions much like a plot generator — by rolling the dice, your friend will get a random combination of elements that can jumpstart a new story idea. Alternatively, for anyone stuck with their draft and looking for divine intervention, the dice can suggest a new event, character, or idea to help progress the writing. Fun, right?

18. NovelTea Tins ($22)

Gifts for Writers | NovelTea Tins

Nothing beats a warm beverage to keep writers cozy in the cold season — and NovelTea’s range offers just that, along with some literary puns and bookmarks. From Pippi Oolongstocking to Sense and Senchability, you can feast your eyes on the intricate tins or buy the tea blend only.

19. Writer’s Market 100th Edition ($21 for ebook)

Gifts for Writers ? Writers Market BookPublishing is a grand undertaking, and this massive guide is a testament to that: at over 900 pages, it contains over 7,500 entries for book publishers, magazines, contests, and agents. It could be the missing link in your friend’s publishing resource repertoire, which means that you’d be giving them the best thing of all: the gift of getting published.

20. Papercuts ($22)

Photo of the box for Papercuts, designed in red and black.This super fun card game for writers and readers is created by our friends over at Electric Literature, a nonprofit dedicated to championing exciting and diverse writing. If you’ve ever played Cards Against Humanity or Apples to Apples, you already pretty much know how it works: it’s about making the strangest, funniest, rudest, or most ridiculous pairing of questions and answers possible — except it’s all got a literary twist.

Q: What was the last gift you bought for a writer or someone who loves books?

Suggested answer

I bought a sculpture of a hand with a place in it's hand to hold a book.

Robert is available to hire on Reedsy

A gift card to a book store.

Melody is available to hire on Reedsy

The most meaningful gift I recently gave to an author client was a complete translation of their book into my native language. As both an illustrator and a published author myself (with five books published), I understand deeply how powerful it is to see your work reach new audiences. After working closely with the author on their book's illustrations, I felt inspired to help their story cross cultural boundaries.

This gift represented more than just a translation; it was a celebration of our creative collaboration and my genuine appreciation for their storytelling. As someone who navigates both the visual and literary aspects of book creation, I could appreciate the nuances of both the story's language and its visual elements, ensuring that both remained authentic in translation.

I believe that gifts like these highlight the unique perspective I bring to projects as both an illustrator and writer. Working on both sides of book creation – as an author and as a visual artist – helps me understand deeply what makes a book resonate with readers across different cultures and languages. This dual experience continues to inform how I approach each new illustration project, whether it's creating book covers or interior artwork.

Sergey is available to hire on Reedsy

Stephen King's On Writing. Such an excellent book for writers of any stripe.

Brett is available to hire on Reedsy

Answers provided by professionals available on

21. Strand Books NY beanie ($22)

A beanie by Strand Books, in light purple.

Every booknerd and their cousin has a totebag from Strand Books. The cool kids these days are showing their love for NYC's largest indie bookstore by putting the logo right on their forehead. All kidding aside, these beanies are perfect for keeping one's brainbox warm on a cold Manhattan evening.

22. Typewriter coasters ($23)

Gifts for Writers | Typewriter CoasterGiven all the tea and mugs we've suggested, it’s only fair that we recommend a nice set of coasters to go with everything — and these might just be the right “type”! 

23. Personal library kit ($24)

A personal library kit, comprised of a stamp, borrow log, and neat box to hold it all.For friends who often loan out their books to others, this fun personal library kit will allow them to keep track of what’s loaned where. Bonus points for the utterly enjoyable vintage look of this kit — and you can buy it for your friend from the online shop of the New York Public Library (linked above), to support a library while you’re at it!

24. Zebra Sarasa color pens ($17)

Every self-respecting writer needs a decent pen, and these Zebra Sarasa ones are the crème de la crème (pen de la pen?). Smooth and crisp in their strokes, they also come in a pack of 12 colors and make for a fun treat for authors who enjoy color-coding when they're outlining their novel on paper. 

25. “100 Essential Novels” scratch-off chart ($25)

100 books chart

This chart features 100 of the most famous English-language novels, from Don Quixote to Tree of Smoke. Not only is it a fun wall decoration, it’s also as addictive as real lottery scratchers — only this way, you'll be gaining knowledge, not losing cash.

26. Dragon fidget ring ($25)

Photo of a pair of rings, one gold and one silver, with ornate dragon details, one laying on top of the other.

Do you have a fantasy-writing friend? They’ll likely know all about powerful rings and their lords, and will appreciate slipping on this ornate dragon ring when it’s time to conjure some magic and make some progress with their writing. This cool ring is also spinnable, so fidgeters can spin it while thinking about the turn their story will take next.

27. Dramatic bookends ($26)

dramatic bookends

What happens when bookshelves get jealous of the books for stealing the spotlight? Why do books get all the glory, anyway? Add ✨drama✨ to any shelf with these bookends that are sure to stop guests in their tracks.

28. A Game of Storytelling ($16)

From the hit podcast/live event The Moth comes this interactive card deck that you can use to host your own at-home storytelling jams. With over 100 themes and 300 prompts, you and your guests will be inspired to create stories, compete with one another, and reveal things about yourself that will make everyone laugh and cry.

Solid mid-range options ($25-$50)

29. Donation to a writing organization ($30 or custom)

The logo for PEN America, which reads "Freedom to Write"

For activist-minded friends, minimalists, or those who insist they have everything they need, you can make a donation to a writing organization. We’re listing this at the $30 mark to get your attention, but the truth is that most organizations allow you to donate as little or as much as you like. Some of our faves include the Lambda Literary Review, which champions LGBTQ+ writers, and of course PEN America, which defends writers’ rights to free expression and ceaselessly fights against book bans. There are also Room to Read, which supports literacy among low-income communities and young girls, or the National Book Foundation, which celebrates literature published in the United States.

30. Literary tote bags ($32)

Woman in a yellow dress holding a blue Le Petit Prince tote bag.Well Read has all-around fantastic fare for book nerds, but their literary tote bags might take the cake — after all, they allow the owner to take their favorite story with them wherever they go. Not to mention how useful these bags are for everything from grocery shopping to bookstore hauls!

31. The Story Engine ($37)

The Story Engine card deck boxAnother game aimed to help writers defeat writer’s block, The Story Engine is a deck of cards that function as creative writing prompts. In isolation or combined, these cards can help your writer friends overcome creative paralysis or revive a story they were struggling with. Plus, if they also happen to play Dungeons and Dragons, the deck can be used to take the game to the next level.

For those who already have The Story Engine, you now can supplement it with Deck of Worlds or Lore Master's Deck, their world-building and lore-creation add-ons.

32. Paddywax Library Candles ($30) 

Gifts for Writers | CandlesNothing sets the mood of a room better than a scent, and Paddywax has just the candles to inspire writers. Their Library collection pays homage to literary giants while setting the tone for your writing sessions — a popular one is the Edgar Allan Poe candle, which proports to give off a mysterious air. 

33. Mini zen garden ($47)

Writers don’t tend to be the most “zen” people in the world; they’re often either stressed about writing, or not having enough time to write. Luckily, this zen garden is just the thing to bring them a bit of inner peace — for their sake as well as yours.

34. Art print of an epic poetry classic ($30)

Art print of the Iliad by British illustrator Flaroh.What do you know of your writer friend’s writing space? If they’ve got room for an inspirational poster, you could gift them a beautiful, illustrated art print of an ancient epic to add some color to their space. Needless to say this will be extra fun for classicists, or those writing fantasy or stories influenced by mythology. Check out British illustrator Flaroh’s 12 x 17 inch art prints of The Iliad, The Odyssey, and The Aeneid.

35. Storymatic ($35)


This box has six trillion (yes, you read that right) story ideas on cards that you can mix and match. Where else would you be able to find a prompt about a hypochondriac at a class reunion talking about broken promises while looking at unflattering portraits of themselves in their yearbooks? Perfect for long road trips, or an inspiring game night for creatives.

36. New York Public Library vintage-inspired tee ($30)

Woman wearing a blue NYPL t-shirt that shows a vintage lion design

Writers are some of the most ardent believers in libraries — so buying them merch from their favorite library is a) cool, and b) a gift that supports their library of choice. Win-win-win for your friend, their library, and your status as a gift-giver.

The example above is a vintage-inspired tee from the New York Public Library’s online store. Cool, no?

37. MOFT laptop stand ($25)

Side view of a laptop stand by MOFT, in silver color

MOFT’s origami-inspired laptop stand might not be the world’s most fun gift, but it’ll certainly appeal to those who like functional presents — or those obstinate writers still hunching over a laptop screen and suffering from neck pain. Ideally paired with an external keyboard for good writing posture, this lightweight stand is a small gift that can make a great impact on your friend’s writing sessions.

38. Paris Review t-shirt ($35)

A person wearing a black Paris Review t-shirt with a circular logo.

As with the library merch, literary magazine merch works on two levels, getting your friend some literary swag and supporting the magazine in question. Here, we have a tee that says “I have impeccable literary taste” — for your well-read friends who might be hoping to place their writing in the famed Paris Review. Bonus points if they already have!

39. Immersive desk mat ($28)

For your writer friends who write about fantastic planets and undiscovered worlds, a full-width illustrated desk mat can contribute to the immersive experience of their writing space.

40. Back cushion pillow ($39)

Cushion attached to a chairWhat’s worse than writing-induced carpal tunnel? Writing-induced back aches that wreck your whole body. Help a writer avoid this fate with a memory foam back cushion — perfect for the many hours spent hashing out that manuscript!

41. ‘The Writer’ tarot card sweatshirt ($38)

Woman wearing a beige sweatshirt with a 'writer' tarot card desingTarot cards hold a sense of mystique for many writers, but even for those who don’t necessarily believe in their power, they’re a fun way to signal your identity as a writer. This cozy sweatshirt can be your friend’s writer’s uniform when they sit down to do some writing. This is especially powerful for those with low self-esteem, since just seeing yourself labeled as a writer can give you that extra self-belief to give your draft another go.

42. Dixit ($40)


Wordsmiths, here’s the game to practice your writing craft with! In Dixit, each player gets a set of illustrations, from which they have to choose one to describe when it comes their turn to be the “storyteller”. Other players then put down a card from their own deck that best matches this description, and then they have to guess which image the “storyteller” actually played. You can watch a demonstration of the gane here and see for yourself: once you start, it’s hard to stop. 

43. Luxury bath caddy ($43)

gifts for writers bath caddyReading and relaxing in a bath sounds like just what writers need to untangle from their own thoughts sometimes — but nobody wants their book to get soaked. Enter this luxury bamboo caddy, which features not just a precisely positioned stand for your book, but also slots for your wine glass and phone so that you never have to cut your at-home spa day short.

44. Personalized sundial compass ($38)

An ornate vintage-style compass on a green background.

If you were writing about an epic hero’s journey or an adventure across a fantastical world, wouldn’t you love to have an ornate compass on your desk? Fans of Philip Pullman’s The Northern Lights trilogy will especially appreciate this sundial compass’ mystique, as they’ll be reminded of the famous aletheiometer from the novels. For writers who need to remember not to lose their way in the challenging lands of a first draft, a compass can help point them back to shelter.

45. Gingko’s Smart Book Light ($49) 

Gifts for Writers | Book LampLeather-bound on the outside, glowing magic on the inside, this “book” is as enjoyable as any tome out there. Gingko’s creative and chargeable lamp will make a cozy addition to any author’s desk space, keeping them going through writing nights. 

46. Personalized Book Embosser ($45)

Embosser tool against a bright green and blue background

For writers growing their personal library, a personalized book embosser can be the perfect custom gift. No more lending books to people who “forget” the books were yours in the first place: just tell them to turn to page 2, it’s got your name on it. 

This is a gift that’s gone a little viral on TikTok, and it’s not surprising that the company offers you a deal for a bundle of two — it’s hard to buy one for someone else and not grab one for yourself! They have frequent offers, so do keep an eye out for discounts.

“Splurge” items ($50-$100)

47. George Saunders’ Story Club ($50)

Story club logo

Celebrated short story writer, novelist, and writing tutor George Saunders has run this newsletter and reading/writing online community since December 2021. A gift subscription can give your friend a year’s access to a master’s insights for just $50. The club reads through classic short stories, breaking down how they do what they do, extracting craft insights, and discussing the life of writers through weekly Q&As with one of America’s most successful writers.

48. Lochby Field Journal ($59)

Photo of the interior of the Lochby field journal, showing multiple pockets and refillable insertsIf your friend tends to carry their writing around with them to cafés, parks, writing retreats, or the great outdoors, the Lochby field journal will make a fantastic gift for them. This is a refillable waxed canvas case containing an infill of Lochby’s signature (fountain-pen-friendly) Tomoe River 68 gsm white paper, meaning that once these pages have been used, your friend can continue to use the case by swapping in a new booklet. There’s room for loose notes, writing tools, and the look of the field journal makes you want to write from a mountaintop. Besides, it is a truth universally acknowledged that writers can never have enough journals.

49. Banker’s lamp ($59)

banker lamps as gifts for writersFor those searching for a traditional library feel, perhaps while writing a dark academia novel, this lamp might just be the perfect present. We have suggested a fair share of lamps here (they are crucial to the eyes, after all), but this one stands out for the way it blends a timeless look with timely features like USB portals to charge mobile devices. 

50. Vintage book laptop cover ($73)

vintage book laptop cover

If the wordsmith in your life is a Mac user, consider treating them to this stylish, retro laptop case from BookBook. They’ll feel like an old-school literary luminary, but with modern tech right at their fingertips!

51. Leather journal ($74)

Photo of a leather journal with a rose quartz on the cover, held up in the light in front of trees.

Know someone who’s working on a huge fantasy epic? This 600-page leather-bound journal will be right up their street. It literally looks like a prop from a fantasy movie, and holds a rose quartz on the front cover — if this isn’t a journal to conjure a new world into, we don’t know what is.

52. Mechanical Bluetooth Keyboard ($89)

In the tech community, mechanical keyboards are all the rage, renowned for an extremely satisfying tactile experience for typists. Well, joke’s on them, because writers do more typing than anybody else, with the average novel being 70,000-100,000 words long, not including deleted chapters, revisions, or rewrites. With that in mind, we’ve gone with Wirecutter's pick for the best compact mechanical keyboard, the Epomaker TH80 Pro. With its smart retro look and LED backlit keyboard, it'll look great on your friend’s writing desk and make the typing a lot more enjoyable. You’ll be scoring some serious points.

53. Print subscription to The New Yorker ($78/year)

New yorker print version, alongside a device open on their website, alongside a new yorker tote.Reading and submitting to literary magazines is a great way for ambitious writers to gain street cred and build up their author platform. But such magazines can be pretty expensive sometimes, which is why a subscription to one makes a great gift! We’d suggest The New Yorker, though do look around and see what sort of publication(s) might interest your friend. If they write in a specific genre, you may consider a more specialist publication.

Deluxe gifts ($100+)

54. Kindle ($140)

Kindle in useAll writers are readers, so what better gift to give than something that makes reading so darn easy? Remember to keep an eye on Amazon — sometimes Kindles go on sale for under $80.

55. NYPL Hunt-Lenox Globe ($250)

The Hunt-Lenox globe replica set on a desk.

For dark academia decor enthusiasts, dragon lovers, or New York Public Library megafans, we’ve got a brilliant decor gift: a replica of the NYPL’s Hunt-Lenox globe. According to the NYPL website, the original globe, dating back to approximately 1510, “is one of only two known instances of a historical map using the phrase “HC SVNT DRACONES” (‘here be dragons’).” Set on your writer friend’s desk, this is an incredibly cool object to stare at while they plan the next steps of their writing project.

56. Jarvis bamboo standing desk ($985)

standing desk

If you really want to treat an awesome writer in your life, go all-out with this luxury bamboo standing desk from Jarvis. With smoothly adjustable legs and ample room for laptop, notes, and countless cups of tea, this desk is absolutely worth its price tag — both in terms of utility and health benefits. It may even have your friend dedicating their next book to you out of gratitude.

57. ‘How to Write a Novel,’ a writing course by Reedsy ($1,250)

A snapshot of the course dashboard, as well as a thumbnail from a video lesson by Tom Bromley.A writing class is truly the gift that keeps on giving, as the knowledge and experience gained from it can be priceless. This premium online course is taught by Tom Bromley, author, editor, and bestselling ghostwriter. With Tom’s expert guidance and a supportive community around them, students write the first draft of their novel in just 3 months. It's designed for writers of all levels, backgrounds, and genres. 

As students work through 101 days of daily lessons, they can use our members’ hub to meet other authors writing in their genre, exchange feedback, and discuss each lesson. Each week of the course brings a live webinar with Tom, writing coaches, and fellow students, as well as interviews with successful authors. 

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58. Mosby writing desk (from $1,700)

A sleek and modern wooden desk, next to an office chair and plantKnow any writers still at the start of their writing careers, or who have just moved house? They'll likely make the perfect recipients for the sleek, modern, and all-round beautiful Mosby writing desk. There's a degree of customizability on the Room&Board website, which is fun to explore: you can choose for a base of walnut or white oak wood, choose among five colors for the insert (here depicted in beige), plus add any additional cupboard or drawer components at an extra cost. 

This deluxe gift for a writer will remind them of you every time they sit down to write.

59. International Writers’ Retreat in the Himalayas (from $3,400)

View from the Himalayas Writing Retreat. It's beautiful countryside, with imposing snowy peaks toward the distance.If money is not a restricting factor, you could go all out and offer the writer in your life an incredible experience: a 10-day writing retreat in the Himalayas. The first couple of days involve some city exploration and a visit to the Taj Mahal, and the group then heads to the mountains, where a number of craft sessions are held and participants have the space and time to write in view of the Himalayas. Talk about a once-in-a-lifetime experience!

60. Paris Writing Workshop ($3,495)

The front of the Shakespeare and Co Parisian bookshopFor a European residential workshop, Paris is of course a favorite. This intensive week-long program is capped at 10 participants per genre and sees every writer submit two pieces of work, one of which is workshopped from writers of the same genre, and the other critiqued by the workshop’s tutor. If you can afford a gift of this magnitude, you can be sure the recipient will be over the moon.

These items have been chosen independently by the team at Reedsy, but if you buy something through our post, we may get a small share of the sale. We hope you found what you were looking for! If you're still on the hunt for the perfect literary gift, check out the 60 best gifts for book lovers.

2 responses

Viktor Stoynov says:

20/12/2018 – 11:50

43. Write a novel in no time with Instawriter - $49 It's an innovation, a break-through, a way for you to channel your creativity and write the book you've always wanted to write, all packed in a B5 sized (6,93 X 9,84 inches) , 220 pages, cotemporary designed hard-cover journal.

Brown Satg says:

14/05/2019 – 23:32

The best guide on gifts for writers ever!

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