#196 In Another Life
Recently, I’ve been reflecting on the way making a single decision, big or small, can cause your life to fork off in an entirely new direction. There are the obvious crossroads, the big life choices, and then there are the tiny ones; ones we fail to notice are taking place every single day. Waiting at the crosswalk instead of jaywalking, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, spending an extra 10 minutes scrolling through social media — even these non-events can make the difference between a life-altering incident happening, or not happening.
But what if we could access those paths we didn’t take? Would we go back and choose a different route for our lives? What if we could sense those “sliding doors” moments as they happened? This week's prompts are inspired by this classic sci-fi dilemma, and by the coulda, shoulda, woulda’s we all live with every day.
This week's prompts
Write a story that includes the phrase “Maybe in another life.”
74 stories
Write a story involving a portal into a parallel universe.
Science Fiction
61 stories
Election Fever: Leftie Lucy Vs Rye T Tie Tee
Submitted to Contest #196
Folding Clothes in the Baby Department
Shortlisted for Contest #196 ⭐️