Author of 7 books…the first earned a gold medal from Readers Favorite. Still wondering if that was because it was good or judges decided anyone who could write a memoir about incest deserved it 😂. Since leaving my first job as a high-school English teacher after 7 years, I’ve worn so many hats I need a new hat-rack. Now, in my retirement, I’ve coached memoir writers in live workshops but currently spend most of my time doing paid book reviews for 2 reputable online websites. I love encouraging other writers in their aspirations, and now, thanks to Reedsy Prompts, I am finally writing again after a 7-year hiatus. What is it about me and 7 year cycles? 🤔 About time I found the courage to do what I tell others to do i.e. just write! At 77 years of age, I hope I have 7 years left to do that plus rediscover a talent I’d forgotten I had: writing poetry. Speaking of poetry, I have just published a photography/poetry project that features my husband’s beautiful photography…yes he was professional…combined with my long-forgotten poems from the 70’s. The book, available as an ebook now on Amazon and FREE to those who subscribe to Kindle Unlimited, is titled WHERE SHADOWS DANCE, and it’s just received a 5-star review from Readers Favorite. Stoked!
By the way, though I am a book reviewer, I do not take on reviewing books by friends or writers I meet here. That’s an uncomfortable undertaking, plus it requires time I don’t have. So please don’t ask me to review your books. Let me just enjoy your wonderful short stories on Reedsy. Thanks for understanding 😉
Instagram: viga_boland