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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Apr, 2020
The distant cackling of a kookaburra’s laugh. The muffled sound of a passing vehicle. The hushed conversations of the couple in the corner. This was Aria’s only company as she anxiously waited for her expected visitants. Who knew what the day would bring? A month ago, and the young woman would have loved a distraction from the mundane nature of her everyday life. All she seemed to do was to go to school, work part time as a lifeguard, and sit at awkward family dinners with several siblings uninterested in anything but their phones, and ...
Submitted to Contest #67
Terotha was the equivalent of finding a diamond in the middle of the woods...random,unexpected and makes you wonder how the hell it got there in the first place. The intergalatic planet was hardly bigger than most moons yet the docks were always jam packed with ships of various conditions and origins. Colloquiely known as the 'Hoarder's Heaven' across the 7 galaxies the tiny planet fell under intergalaxy law, meaning that the most bizzare and dangerous items across the realm...even those normally banned on most planets could most ...
Submitted to Contest #64
Just because Alexandra knew her little accident was self caused didn't make the reality of the situation any easier to swallow. I mean how much embarrassment could she handle in one day? In one week? It had been just over 7 days since she had been not so subtly forced into attending the training academy. 7 days of ridiculous amounts of physical activity, weird food and the unsettling feeling of being constantly watched and judged from every possible angle. What kind of mage was she if she couldn't even control her own power enough to protect...
Submitted to Contest #63
" Julia, you cannot have minors trialing the new drink series...whether they are your cousins or not it is simply not allowed. I refuse to have the council sniffing around my establishment for the second time this week! They are already suspicious because of that food poisoning case, a case that is your fault by the way." " My fault?! How is it my fault that you hired Andre? Just because I am related to him doesn't mean I am responsible for his horrendous cooking skills or dodgy certifications!" Ralph sighed in exasperation as he watched the...
Submitted to Contest #62
" Elaria, I refuse to have this discussion again. You know perfectly well why you must train and the fact that we are on this subject again for what seems like the hundredth time today only highlights this fact. Now, I will see you for supper promptly at not be late and you know why." Watching her mum walk down the hallway, her velvet train sweeping the freshly waved floor Elaria attempted not to screw up her face at the heavy floral fragance she left wafting in the air behind her. A sarcastic chuckle next to her had the young...
Submitted to Contest #61
The stifling humidity of the Italian spring engulfed Angie like a warm bath as she dawdled after her older sister. Behind her, her newly engaged brother-in-law was enthusiastically commentating on everything he seemed to lay eyes on which only further fueled Angie's irritation. What was meant to be a fun ' congratulations for finishing university' trip with her sister had turned into an awkward third wheel situation thanks to Alex's sudden proposal to her sister the night before. While her sibling was sharing the joyful news with her mother ...
Lena anxiously twirled her ginger braid as she listened to her friend chatter on about how ‘great’ high school reunions were and how they were going to have ‘ so much fun and reconnect with old friends’. It was at times like this that she somewhat regretted having an incredibly extroverted best friend who saw the best in everyone and every matter the circumstances. If Claire would take her birhgtly coloured optimistic glasses off for half a second she would remember how high school really was...the reality of it. Altho...
Being back in the international terminal of Glasgow’s small but bustling airport had long silent memories threatening to come rushing back and sweep her over, like the offshore rips that plagued Sydney beaches on the warmest of Summer days. 10 years later and she couldn’t help feel a little longing for simpler days...the days of when she was here last. Young, energetic and excited she had been ready for the trip of a lifetime...and what a gap year she had experienced. She had backpacked through Europe like every other high school graduate th...
Submitted to Contest #60
Jeremy watched the young woman's facial expressions change rapidly as she engaged in a clearly heated telepathic conversation with her guardian. Her pearly luminescent hair glowed softly in the ghostly moonlight, the starry sky above them reflecting off the nearby lake creating a peaceful image that juxtaposed the events of the evening. How could his life change so dramatically in just a few hours? Earlier that day his biggest concerns had been getting a job after university or friendship his main concern was where t...
Submitted to Contest #59
Dazed and confused, those two simple yet weighted words summed up how Amy was feeling at that very moment. She could almost hear her brother’s comments “ You’re a model sis, it comes with the job.” She smiled to herself as she imagined his smirk as he either rubbed her head affectionately or lightly punched her on the arm.What else were brothers for afterall? Despite being a couple of years younger than her the Summer before he had grown quicker than the cotton fields in monsoonal season and had easily left her modest 6ft in the dust.&nb...
“ I know it’s a little different, but that could be a good thing Em. We wanted a change afterall, to make a difference and escape the rat race...well here it is.” Tugging anxiously at her tightly drawn back hair the young woman, newly graduated with her Bachelor in IT majoring in sustainable technologies simply smiled...albeit a little grimly at her fiance as she studied her surroundings. The coolness of the underground dwelling was surprisingly soothing on her skin yet it did nothing for her claustrophobia. When Jake had suggested they tr...
Submitted to Contest #58
Hurrying into the elevator carriage she jammed the button for the penthouse as she hurriedly brushed the remnants of the Autumn rain off her dark dress coat. Who the hell wanted a May wedding in Sydney? Winter’s bite had just begun to nip at the air which did not work well for the incredibly short bridesmaid dress her sister had thrust upon her. She was freezing and the overly airconditioned fancy hotel where the reception was taking place wasn;t helping in the slightest. What was taking so long? At the cost of hiring a room in this place ...
Submitted to Contest #49
Despite the obviously overworked central heating, the chilly winter’s air still managed to elicit goosebumps in a spine tingling sensation down her back as the front doors seemed to continuously open and close...the waiting room becoming almost suffocatingly full. Hugging her handbag closer to her chest she chose to focus on the intricate tribal based pattern of the hippie style bag rather than attempting to stop the tears that pulsed at her raw eyes, it had been a long day. In fact, it had been another long day at the end of another...
Submitted to Contest #48
" You should be honoured to have received the gifts of the royals with your humble origins." " The gods have specially chosen you as one of their representatives, you should be grateful ." " It is a great gift normally bestowed to those higher than you in society, this is unheard of." Angelica had heard it all before...numerous times across the years from various people across many backgrounds and different walks of life. The nuns were the worst offenders though, both the ones she had known since she was a child...
Submitted to Contest #42
Pastel streaks blended into a darkening sky, a living watercolour painting for the world to see. Amber watched, her expression calm as her eyes tracked a few fishing and tourist boats chug slowly up the river after their long days. The dark silhouettes of the Great Dividing Range, where ‘ The rainforest met the reef’ breaking up the otherwise pristine sunset with their lumbering dark forms.The gentle pinging of her computer had her attention returning to the screen in front of her as she loaded the latest photos from her camera and pho...
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