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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Nov, 2019
This was it. The night he would dream his way back inside the forgotten land. It's been weeks since his last visit. He tried but failed. Philip rushed to the door and swung it open. It caught his neighbor by surprise who dropped his keys. "Hey, move your fucking car. It's blocking my spot." "I'm sorry I didn't -" "Go fuck yourself." The man froze as Philip stared him down. He jumped when the door slammed shut. Philip poured a few drops of heavy-sherry whisky and let it rest on the table. He didn't use ice. The bottle was one of his mos...
"I understand. Thank you. Have a nice day." She tossed her phone on the sofa. The teapot rattled, steam gushed out. This was the final contact on her list. The answer was no. The freeze-dried coffee tasted like mud even after she drowned it with half a milk carton. She browsed Bing. All articles old and new lacked the information she discovered. Getting in touch with those PhDs, edDs, DrPH, FuKS was a handful. They all said the same thing: without a controlled environment and the possibility of others to achieve similar results it's no...
The blinker played in the background as Sam waited for an answer. He'd asked if the man needed a ride into town. "I said, are you heading to Pleasantville…" "Yes, that's right." He kept his distance from the car. Sam got a good look at him: dirty boots, worn jeans, and no wristwatch. "Hop in. Put your bag in the backseat." "I don't have any money." "That's ok," Sam said, "it's just for a few miles anyway." The guy smiled and opened the passenger door. A stale smell drifted in the air. He cracked the window open discreetly. Sam checked his mi...
Submitted to Contest #62
"I'm not the champion our people need," the young fighter said while pouring another cup. He struggled to stay seated. "Why are you like this?" She smacked his cheek. "Why won't you fight?" "I have my reasons." He filled the empty cup again, draining the last droplets of wine from the clay pitcher. With tears in her eyes she said "What about your son? Will you not fight for him, for our family?" "He's not like me, I can feel it. He takes after you." His voice lacked all emotions, his gray-blue eyes stared into the wine filled cup. "You s...
Submitted to Contest #59
"That dude's fucking crazy, dog…""I know, did you see the way he flipped that desk? I thought Jimmy was a goner. He shouldn't been talking shit… ""Haha, yeah, that motherfucker's strong as fuck. He works out at my gym.""No way… Teacher lifts, bro?""I'm telling you this guy's something else." He puffed, puffed then passed it. "One time, dude was working out minding his business when Rico, the ugliest meatbag you ever saw steps up to him and demands his weights. My man was eyeballing this cunt like it was nothing; screaming in his face and shi...
Submitted to Contest #57
"Just nudge it a little…""It won't fit.""Turn it to your left.""That's it, maxed out. Try lowering it on your end.""Oh fuck stop, stop…"The breather was a welcomed change of pace. They carried the desk all the way to the ground floor but here the hallway narrowed a bit. It jammed."We nicked that wall. ""Yeah, I know. It's fine, tomorrow I'll paint the shit. Let's just get this over with.""Ok, I'll start lifting my end. Let's try and push it over the railing.""Oh, fucking stairwell. Why does it dip right fucking here? What asshole designed th...
Submitted to Contest #54
"And that's how you write a novel. Ok guys, as always, I love you. Please click that bell and subscribe for more videos. I'm your host, Jailbait15, thanks for watching. XOXO…"He placed the half-eaten drumstick on the armrest and licked his fingers clean. The word "foreshadowing" was added to a list titled "novel things.""Hey guys, it's Nerdgasm, coming at you with another writing tutorial. Today I want to talk about social media presence."After a few minutes, he opened a new Facebook account, with the "author" tagline next to his name."Insta...
Submitted to Contest #52
Oh, fuck me, where's that chocolate milk? Come on, shit. Whole, organic, soy, two percent, skimmed, raw...What the fuck is rice milk?!<Hey, where do you keep the chocolate milk? Hey, is someone in this section? Hello, where you at?>Goddammit the one time I need a zit faced punk to talk to me… These fucking kids don't give a shit anymore. If you can't be good at this job you might as well stay on your computer all day; no people skills whatsoever.<Hey, come on now. I require some fucking assistance, please.>…Candyass motherfuckers...
Submitted to Contest #47
You looked out the window and, not for the first time, thought about how wrong the weather forecast had been. It said sunny but it's fucking raining blood, boy! You cleave the gargoyle in half with the help of a mighty blade. Look at that thing; it's fucking huge! It hums in your hands, delighted by the life you keep feeding it. As you slit the throat of an imp, its head rolls beneath your muscular feet. A motherfucking champion, that's what you are! Kicking that stupid face sends it flying in the arms of its youngest. Oh man, you've done it...
Submitted to Contest #44
"Sup bruh!" "Hey, hey what's up my fellow hedonist?"The men chest-bumped each other. "Look at you, wearing those sick priest robes… You off to the temple?" "Damn straight, brother! I'm gonna have me a good-old sacrifice." The other bit his fist, smiled, and slapped his thigh. "Hot damn! Boy, you on a roll! Didn't I see you sacrifice shit a few days back?""Hey, don't hate on me now! You know how I do. Gotta thank the Lord for all he bestowed upon me, know what I mean?" The man pinched his fancy robe with both han...
Submitted to Contest #39
He blew smoke and opened his eyes"No stars tonight. You see any?""No, there must be clouds. I can't even see the moon.""God, what a party!""Haha yeah, it was awesome dude!""Where's Freddie?""Passed out on the living room sofa. He had a lot to drink.""Should we wake him?""Nah, let him sleep it off. His folks come home tomorrow night.""Dude we should clean this up before they get here…"They looked around the backyard. Empty beer cans, wine bottles, flipped chairs were scattered all over."Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much. His parents are stoked ...
Submitted to Contest #38
"A what now?" "Yes sir, a portal. A doorway if you will; from my house to this place. I stepped through it and ended up here.""You will pay a fine of 500 euros and be processed at the station for leaving your home during martial law without the proper papers or motives.""No please wait I know how this looks but I swear it's the truth.""Sir you're only digging a deeper hole for yourself. Lying to an officer of the law will land you-""No no, please. Listen...I was home watching a rerun of Ferris Bueller Gets Off when I got the munchies an...
Submitted to Contest #35
Before bed, I put my clock ahead one hour for daylight saving time. When I woke up, I realized I've gone forward a lot more than one hour. The amount of dust that covered my blanket was fucking insane. I checked my phone, dead; checked the clock on the radio, dead. The power must have gone out. Good old Casio soldiered along no matter what, displaying midnight 1st November 2020.I got up, didn't feel anything weird or out of place. The dust really scraped my throat. Fresh crisp air poured inside through the bedroom window. A pitch-black night...
Submitted to Contest #31
"Hey buddy, got a light?":( "Shut up and let's do business!":) "Sorry, I don't smoke.":)Just as he turned to walk away the other man said"Yeah, this shit isn't good for me. I should quit.""It's tough! Boy, I remember when I quit seven years ago." He made a gesture with his hand, slapping the air in a downward motion. "Well, good night." "Hang on man. You live in 5C right?" "Um, yeah…" "I'm in 9C, next to the Dickissers.""Oh really? Sorry I didn't recognize you. Yeah, I know Mr. Dickisser. Such a nice guy.""He is, and so i...
Submitted to Contest #29
His phone buzzed on the glass coffee table, flashing a number Alec didn't recognize. It wasn't in his contact list. He answered with restraint, trying to hide his anxiety. "Yes." "Mr Black?" "Who is this?" "Mr Black, it's Sonya Borger. Are you still employed at KXT Industrial?" "Ah, hello Mrs Borger. No, I'm currently not collaborating with them anymore. Is there a problem with the equipment?" "No, no problem. My friend wants to instal the system as well, and I thought I would recommend you for the job." "Ah, thank you, but I'm no longer pro...
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