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Author on Reedsy Prompts since Oct, 2021
Exercise this.(I think we could all use a 😹 laugh.)May I introduce you to my good friend, Argot.And.Sometimes the absurd is the only way to go.😜And.When the going gets tough, the tough get going.Whatever it takes.History has a way of repeating itself.The good.The bad.The ugly.The politics of identity and identities have gone off the rails…….And, No.It is not “funny.”Neither are the lies spun in the incessant webs of deception.In the interest of winning a valuable, valuable tool.Of voice.Well, at least here.In the us of the US.Voice=VoteVote=...
How are you?How have you been feeling?High on yourself.Low on yourself.Or somewhere in between.Waiting for a “buzz.”Of some kind anyway.In the land of the holding pattern, are you?Too afraid to changeToo tired to, too.Euphoric maybe.Feel as if you have been spending a little too much time in a purgatorial state of mind?Spending time in purgatory, till either the story changes. Or we do.Change.Decide to change.Our ways.Our means.Purging along side the river banks to see how much we can take it, stand it, out-mind and maneuver another.Can’t we...
Beyond a shadow of doubt.Not everything all the time, always, every time, constantly, assuredly, enduringly, determinately, eternally, everlastingly, assuredly, lastly, permanently, definitely is,open to interpretation.Life can, put very simply, be rather innumerable, incalculable.Now.I am not suggesting throwing away the “swear” jar. ☺️ Not at all.Nor. Am I recommending the penny jar is an invaluable piece of glass.🍷We spend countless hours. Countless. Hours. Counting. Or. Accounting for the ways and means. What do we mean?How do we mean. O...
Lines.Spoken.Written.On our hearts.On our faces☺️.Logic tells us one thing.Feelings may speak another.Hearts and minds are not always in sync.Wants and needs are not always in balance.How to bring life back to the middle becomes a daily battle sometimes. A push and pull, a back and forth, a this or that. The stories of truths and lies we tell ourselves to “make it” through the day..Spoken, verbalized to sway the other to our point of view.We never, no never, must admit when we are wrong, lest we be looked at as weak.Who has our back becomes...
Heebie, Jeebies!Eleven days from today.The ghosts, goblins and ghouls come out to play.Seeking “treats.”At the expense of others.(Unfortunately seems like daily life right now.🫤)Not one to be considered a fun-hater. Will join in the spirit of the spirits, and of the spirit of the Hallowed holiday of stuffing candy into bags and into our 😁faces. And contacting the dead to say “hey”,Wassup?How’s it going down there…Side fact:Did you know? The price of salads goes down to this time of year?🥗.Sugar highs.Sugar lows.Hyperactivity rise.Energies bl...
Once upon a time trust seemed so naive, so innocent.We knew one another before we could talk, before we could walk.The unspoken word became the glue, the bond that held our lives together in a bonded state of growth and friendship. Through our younger, through our formative years. Trust founded on trying to figure out a big world within the moldable and kind mind of a maturing body.Exactly.Then.One day.Trust is broken.Forever.There were signs, symptoms and circumstances that eked their way into daily interactions. On the playground, in the c...
I don’t know ‘bout you.But.I don’t know what to believe anymore.I look ahead.I look behind.It all looks the same.Vast.Endless.Dry.Cracked.A bit hard on the feet.I proceeded forward, anyway.With hope in my heart.More importantly.Reality in my head.Throughout my existence, I sought to handle reality with ease.Give me a stack of Bibles.And I will swear over them.About it.To it.With personal responsibility as my guide.With the respect of a tiny bug looking up at the bottom of a shoe working its way down swiftly to stomp on,Me.My numero nuo goal...
Theories.Stories.Fact based.Wish based.Hoped based.Doomed based.The spirit of the up and coming European originated holiday called: Halloween.The holiday was “deferred.”To another.In the interest of “affordability.”Possibly due to lack of funding.Spun.Not good.Spinning out of control.Not good, too.Usually, consistently, Oftenly. In times of hardship, in times of life or death decisions.Leadership is birthed.Will you be sleeping when it is?Are you hungry? Enough?To care for the long haul?…..May the ones who “like” blood on their hands step fo...
Too many cooks in the kitchen?Or.Many hands make light work?Success and failure are our oftentimes our most valuable teachers.What the cost is, is the difference between freedom and self-hostage behavior.The loss of meaning may just be the worst evil there is. Without meaning, so much is lost. We blame others. We blames ourselves. We blame God. We go no where. We become lost.Lost.To self.To others.We become so lost in the battle we forget the reason we fight.We want so much an invitation to the banquet, an invitation to the dance.We forget. ...
Guess again.😜Decisions.DECISIONS. decisions.Possibilities. POSSIBILITIES. possibilities.Endless. Abruptly ending.Running around in circles.Heading in a straight and forward direction.No more back sliding.The down pour made it near to impossible to see anything. Up ahead. Behind. Peripherally. Anyway. Kinda preferred, that day at least, to not be an early Halloween casualty and get struck by lightning. The thunder was booming. I had to be somewhere. Anywhere but out here.At the moment.Finding shelter from the rain is a street smart kind of th...
What happens in the dead of night.The images were stunning. The eyes could only track the misery from left to right, up and down. It was all too much. All there was to do was look. Watch. Images with a strong magnetic attraction. The inability to look away. Sticks in the mind forever.Worst of all.Not being able to make sense of the horror on the photographic loops broadcast on the screens. Stunning horror. Tears, screams. People running amok, smoke, murmurs and shouts. Gun shots. Looks of horrific fear.As I looked around, the rest of the bui...
Actions speak louder than words.Words can become a marbled mouthful of verbal gymnastics.Violence.Only adds to the heart of the matter.That.And. Agendas. Leadership laden with lack of it.And.Please.Can we keep the grandkids out of it?In the interest of fairness.Equality for all.Haven’t we exhausted the playing field of “equity” to the point ofDeath.The shift.Is here.Where will you stand when the ground cracks beneath you and you fall in the rabbit hole of the destructive.Atrocities.Wait.Just.A.Second.Becore you hop on the next plane “outta h...
True or false.Multiple choice.All of the above?Questions faced by persons, by families, persons, legal and illegal citizens.Walls up.Walls down.Prophetic either way.A new different.Let’s call it that.Death. And life.Life and death have a way of insidiously sorting through the remains of life.Sounds dreadfulAnd it can be.For example. One side suggests de-programming. Of a constitutional right. Of others. Especially a bonafide citizen. How can the suggestion and subsequent verbalization be taken seriously? Will give an ounce of recognition, bu...
Opportunity knocks.Will you answer.Won’t you answer.How will you answer.How may you answer.The Call.His Call.His call about the accountability of your actions.For good.For evil.For benefit.For competitive benefit.For points.Disclaimer: I am not afraid to die.No.No.No.No need to call the de-funded police about my claim.I really am fine.And to boot: I do not plan to leave here any time soon.No matter what comes my way, in any way, shape or form.Why?My skin is thicker than it looks.And.I like people.I know what I am up against.What we all are o...
Well.At least there was light.To guide me out of the way of where I was currently headed.And where I was headed was a place I had already been.So familiar.So rote.So used to the situation.So used to the same old circumstances.Did not know I had options.Didn’t know I could say,”No.”That was generally reserved for others to say to me.When I got in their way.Which seemed to be a lot.Often even.Not knowing where to turn to.Or which way to go from here.It was always so strangely familiar.The feelings of animosity. Pointed in my direction.On the o...
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