Adventure Horror Inspirational

Revolving doors.


Doggy doors.(🙂)

Slammed doors.

Knocked on doors.

Open doors.

On this day of Thanksgiving.🦃

We should all take a minute and be thankful.

For the food trucks!🙏🏻

Life can be a dicey world, unfair world even. Take a moment to ponder life’s great difficulties. A wonder of its own. Why is it cats are allowed to roam free, hunting for another’s food supply. Any way possible. Any way “do able.”

Flirtatiously leading on another in an attempt to grab their cookies and run.☺️ Yum. Yum.

Ya coulda just asked.

what gets in the way?

The turnstile of pride.

The revolving doors of confusion.

The slammed doors of anger.

The timidity of the knocked on door.

Acts of terror, horror intended to become etched in the libraries of our mind for “future reference.”

Handle it.

Take care of it.

All those trite phrases of getting the job done……whatever it takes.

Acts of desperation can be, can become acts of:



Frighteningly scary.

Most of all,


Have-a-go at the alternative.

An alternative to the audacity of hope.

Be brave.

Don’t buy into the hype that this is as good as it gets. The world, at this time, seems almost as if it may be on fire.

Rest assured. There are pockets of goodness and they abound around. Not, perhaps at the stairs, going up and down, the escalators with an “Out of Order” sign. The moving walk ways supposedly designed to get us moving faster from there to here.


Stop it. (lk)


Really look at the persons in your orbit.

Life is designed in such a way that in the best of circumstances and the worst of circumstance meet up and try to navigate forward the cracked and crackling moments of indecision.

Never give up.

On one another.

On each other.


What that may look like to and for you is personal to you.

And. it is plain and simply:

None of my business.

Other than on paper, I only wish you well. Your well being to stay in tact.

Hearts tested find this out. Unflinchingly, unshrinkingly, boldly, dynamically, indomitably, stoutheartedly, lionheartedly.


On a fateful day, when happening upon the gate. Stop. Look. Listen. Open doors can create a havoc. Turnstiles can be configured and re-configured in the most insidious of ways— with pretty people dressed all nicey-nice talking and taking the credit while looking all nicey nice when in reality—

they caused the problem in the first place.

Causing rushing persons to slam into the locked turnstile. And begin begging for their life. The nicey-nice don’t care, yet from you they seek forgiveness.

Seeking, from you, an empty forgiveness to call the slate “even.”

A horror show.

Of persons traveling far and wide to put their safety at risk to seek safety. While the persons who claim to have their back are laughing at them behind their backs. Sad. But. In some of the revolving doors of life, are horror-ibly true.

Paid access. Whoa. We are there. And being bluntly stopped at the turnstiles can hurt like hell. For more reasons that one. Why? It can restrict passage only to people who insert a coin, ticket, or pass or other method of payment or verification.(wk)

Empty pockets along for the ride.




It never had to be this way.


But in many ways it is.

Thankful for the stouthearted today, aren’t you.

Who will not give up the fight because it does not affect their world.

Each individual creature and their own civil liberties are equal.





Makes no difference the differences.

We are all made equal in God’s eyes.





Be perspicacious.

Even if it causes you. To sweat.😳

Be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Perspicacious implies unusual power to see through and understand what is puzzling or hidden. See through the baloney.

Take the time.

Make the effort.

To get it right.

Set it straight.

Stay alert.




On your toes.

If the platform you swore your life over is no longer working for you, perhaps it never really was…..working for you. “It” was keeping its eye on someone or something else entirely. Not fair. Life seldom is. But discrimination can e fought against. Proven to be a cracked mirror of desperate talking points..

Feels, rather, crummy.

Some folks DO skate through life.

Good for them.

Others must beg.

Not good for them.

Life is not over at the finish line.

That is when it really begins.

Are you fit for the task? The tasks?

The Intrepid Intransigent never takes “no” for the answer.

Too much work to do.

Too much equality to prove the existence of.

Let’s be honest.

Really honest.

Who would want a house of mirrors wherein the only reflection is our own? Our own “mug”

Not me.

Looking beyond our own wants and needs is a lifelong lesson in people management.


The Intrepid Intransigent.

To ruffle the feathers.

The bull in the China shop.

The street fighter.

Knocking on doors.

Kicking them down.

In an effort to boldly come in and pronounce

“You matter.”

On this day.

And. Everyday.

Come out of your own head.

Your own head of limited possibilities.

Break the mirrors.

Cause them to crash down.


I do not want seven years of bad luck.


No way.

No how.

Yes. there exists a superstition that broken mirrors bring seven years of bad luck.


Now you tell me.

As my bloodied feet walked among the wreckage.

When a mirror falls off the wall by itself? Creepy, yes. but not considered automatic bad luck… If the mirror breaks, someone will dies. If it does not break, someone will have good luck! (wk) Life is full of surprises.

Some folks will not live in a house where a mirror has been broken. Bad luck. In other houses, upon death the mirrors are covered up as the soul leaves.

Leave it to the Romans to start the superstition of the bad-luck-broken mirror.

Mirrors used to be designed to tell the future, to also perform magic tricks (ahh, that explains the magical trick of Botox— now I understand the connection!)

The mirror.

A window to our soul.

Ward off evil spirits, too.

The magical magician of the magical mirror.

Bringing down the house as we speak!

November 23, 2023 15:00

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