Perfecting your craft

Struggling to master the art of writing? Reedsy shares top tips from industry giants on perfecting your craft. Read to find actionable advice on plot, character, storytelling and more!

What is the Proust Questionnaire? 22 Questions to Write Better Characters

Dec 08, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

Inspired by Marcel Proust, check out the questionnaire that will help your characters remember things past. Read more →

How To Craft a Book Hook (Tips from Editors)

Oct 20, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

We break down what a book hook is, why it matters for authors, and how to craft a successful one. Read more →

What is Pathos? Definition and Examples in Literature

Sep 29, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

Pathos is a literary device that uses language to evoke an emotional response, typically to connect readers with the characters in a story. Read more →

How to Start a Children’s Book: Coming Up with Your Big Idea

Aug 18, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

If you've ever dreamed of writing a children's book but aren't sure where to start, check out this post to learn more about how you can create the perfect story for kids. Read more →

How to Become a Travel Writer in 5 Steps: A Guide for Travel Bugs

Jul 03, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

If you want to get paid to share your adventures, learn how to become a travel writer with these five tips. Read more →

How to Write a Biography: A 7-Step Guide [+Template]

Jun 30, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

Portraying someone’s life on paper in a comprehensive and engaging way requires solid preparation. Here are 7 steps you can follow. Read more →

When to Use Semicolons: 4 Rules and Examples

May 26, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

Confused about when to use a semicolon and how it's different from other punctuations? Here's a breakdown, with plenty of examples. Read more →

Alright vs All Right: What is the Difference? [+ Examples]

Apr 17, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

Wondering what the difference is between alright and all right? Or which spelling is correct? This posts breaks it down using plenty of examples. Read more →

How to Set Effective Writing Goals (That Will Help You Grow)

Apr 04, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

How can you set writing goals that are realistic, useful, and lead you “confidently in the direction of your dreams”? This post can help you set writing resolutions tailored to your individual needs. Read more →

How to Write a Prologue Readers Won't Skip (with Examples)

Mar 27, 2023 – Perfecting your Craft

Learn how to write a great prologue which will add to your story — and not just delay its beginning. Read more →

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