From our authors
The Reedsy blog shares stories from some of your favorite authors. Find out first hand how Reedsy helps authors craft world class books, and stay tuned for exclusive writing and publishing advice only for our readers.
The Reedsy blog shares stories from some of your favorite authors. Find out first hand how Reedsy helps authors craft world class books, and stay tuned for exclusive writing and publishing advice only for our readers.
Feb 25, 2016 – From our Authors
Today, we're hosting a great story by Praveen Krishnan, a debut author who just published his first children's book to teach kids about science. Here's what motivated him to start writing it, and how he went about the publishing process. Read more →
Jan 13, 2016 – From our Authors
We had a chat with Michael Sanders following the success of his book Ayahuasca about his experience of using Reedsy and his advice for any self-publishing authors out there. Read more →
Jan 06, 2016 – From our Authors
Check out all the newest Reedsy success stories right here! ‘Punch Wedding Planning in the Face’ is what we are told to do by Stacey Dyer in one of the most outlandish books to have been seen on Reedsy. We thought it would be great to showcase the first gender-neutral, LGBTQ-wedding planning boo... Read more →
Jul 02, 2015 – From our Authors
We see so many amazing projects go through our platform that we sometimes feel bad about not bragging more about them. So that’s we’re doing today by letting Julia Laflin share her Reedsy experiences on our blog, and offer some invaluable pieces of advice for other authors out there. Our favourit... Read more →
May 15, 2015 – From our Authors
We launched Reedsy 6 months ago. Since, we’ve had an incredible amount of authors working on a daily basis with our fabulous editors, proofreaders, designers and illustrators. But we haven’t really followed up on their success. So when Matt Bieber dropped us a line to thank us and tell us about his book, we thought we’d give him a spot on our blog! Read more →
1 million debut and bestselling authors have made Reedsy their home to learn more about book publishing, marketing tips and all things
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