Adventure Fantasy

Glory weaved her way around the crowds of sellers and shoppers, in the Sea Shine Port. She had just bought a floofy pirate hat for her little brother. The hat had a wide brim, but gigantic colorful feathers glued onto one side. Glory’s brother was a scruffy little boy, turning twelve that day. 

Glory had to stop short, there was a large, gigantic doberman sitting in the middle of the dusty market place road. His tongue was rolled out of his maw and drool hung from the hinges of his mouth. He whipped his head around, back and forth, like he was searching for something, but as he was doing so, he was flinging his slobber over the unlucky people that moved around him. 

One big drop splashed Glory in her face. She cringed and with her shaky hand she whipped the spit off of her face. Glory shook the droll off her hand as she searched for a way around the doberman. 

Then suddenly, he jumped up and let out a ear shattering bark. Several people around him dropped down or covered their ears. The dog leaped over the crowd and disappeared into the near by forest. Once he was gone, the crowd swarmed over the spot he was just a second ago. 

Glory got caught in a stream of people heading to the docks. She tried to sidestep and get out of the line of dock-hands, sailors, and captains returning to their boats, but there was people pressing in on each side of her so she had to continue to follow, or be trampled by the rushing throng. 

Once she reached the docks, the group of workers, split and went to their boats. Glory finally stepped to the side of the wood planks that made up the marina. “GLORY!” A shout made Glory look up and search the crowds of people for the one that called her name. 

Suddenly she was tackled into a hug. “Jasper!” She shouted in surprise. The little boy, had a fake eye patch covering his left eye and a stuffed parrot on his shoulder. “Where are we sailing today, Captain Jay?” Glory said lowering her voice. “It’s called the Tiger’s Stripes. Com’on!” Jasper shreaked, latching onto Glory’s hand and pulling her to one of the bigger ships in the harbor. “Jay, we’re not actually going to go on a boat, it’s make believe. You know we don’t have the money to afford a trip on a boat, much less lessons to learn to be a deck-hand or sailor.” There was no one on this side of the docks, it was eerily quiet and not a seagull squawked. 

Jasper rolled his eyes, and tugged at Glory’s sleeve. “He said we could do it for free!” He flung his hand out to the top of the nearest gang-plank, and at the top was the worst looking pirate, sailor, or even dock-hand, Glory had ever seen. 

He had his bangs covering the tops of his eyes, buckle boots that went up to his knees, a red head band around his forehead, and a shinny sword strapped to his waste. He had a smirk plastered on his face and a hungry glint to his eyes. And he was very young to be a pirate.

“No.” Glory said right away, “We are not taking a cheap ride to whoknowswhere and so called learning how to be a pirate! Especially from this guy!” Jasper started to pout and tears welled up in his deep brown eyes. Glory sucked in a breath and squatted down. “It’s not safe, Jasper. I want us to be safe. Mom and Dad would want us to be safe too. Com’on Jasper.” 

Tears rolled down Jasper’s face, because the mention of their lost parents, or the fact that he could not become a pirate. Glory turned her back to Jasper and the weird pirate. “He says he can find Mom,” Jasper whispered. Glory froze. “Mom?” Glory swallowed hard and turned back to Jasper. 

Jasper looked up expectantly, and nodded, “I told him Mom’s name and he recognized it. He said he knows where she is. And he’d-d take us to her, if we helped him find something of his.” Glory looked up to the pirate and with a shaky hand took Jasper and lead him to the bottom of tho gang-plank. 

“You know Meredith . . . Avery?” Glory called up to the man. “Yes, and like your bright little brother said, I can take you to her, if you help he find something of mine.” His voice sounded sweet, like he understood what Glory felt. But he didn’t. 

“We need to get going if we were to leave before nightfall.” He shouted down and disappeared over the top of the rail to return again with a rope dangling from his thick arms. “Com’on then.” 

Glory gripped Jasper’s hand tight as she climbed aboard and watched as the pirate climbed down the boat, and unwrapped the ropes from the dock, and quickly ran up the plank and pull it in. “JONAS!” He yelled down to a person that appeared on the dock, “PUSH!” the man Jonas nodded and gave the boat a shove, and sure enough the boat started to turn to the open seas. 

Glory held on to the rail with her other hand as the boat creaked and shuddered as it headed out. The pirate sent the rope he was holding down, and made his way over to the two huddled close together. “I forgot to introduce myself. You,” He said turning to Jasper, “can refer to me as Captain Finn. And you,” He turned to Glory leaning forward with his hands behind his back, “can call me Finn.” He said winking. 

Glory held back a shudder and lifted her head, “I will call you what Jasper does. Captain Finn.” Finn shrugged and left the two to go into a small above deck shack. 

Glory exhaled, letting out a breath she had been holding ever since she had set foot on the boat. “Jasper, you told him my name didn’t you?” Even though Finn did not mention her name, she suspected he knew it. Jasper shrugged, “Yah, so?” After a second He let go of Glory’s hand and jumped up and down, “Isn’t it amazing!? I’m going to become a pirate, a real one! And we are going to find Mom!” He thrilled. 

“Mhm.” Glory mumbled, turning to the setting sun. What have I done? Put Jasper into a unsafe environment and went onto a boat with a random pirate just because he says he knows where my Mom is. Glory thought, her stomach flipping. 

She didn’t want to spoil Jasper’s joy so she didn’t say anything. 

Captain Finn bounded out of the shack he entered earlier and went straight to the big metal grate in the floor, ignoring his passengers. He shoved his hands under the grate and heaved the metal bars over his head, “Ok, I think their ready, come out boy.” Glory stepped forward to see who he was talking to. Was their another passenger on board? 

A giant doberman leapt out of the hole. Glory jumped back and stood in front of Jasper protectively. He slowly made his way over to the terrified pair. Jasper darted around Glory and tried to touch the wolf-dog. “NO!” Glory shouted at Jasper, at the sound of the shout the dog reared back and almost trampled Finn. “Gahh! Admiral!” Finn yelled at his dog. Admiral jumped back at Finn’s yell and started to whimper, whipping his head back and forth at Finn and Glory. 

Finn shot Glory a monstrous glare and turned to Admiral, “Hey, sorry buddy. Things got out of control, but it’s ok now, they won’t hurt you.” He again glared at Glory. 

Glory looked at the dog she had scared. He was a monster, but a very easily scared monster. That is when she had realized that he had only 3 legs, one in the back was missing. This was not the last giant doberman that she had saw in the market, or was it? 

Jasper was approaching the dog. “Jasper be careful.” Glory said quietly trying to not scare Admiral, biting her lip. Jasper nodded and held his hand out for Admiral to sniff. 

Admiral barked and shoved his nose under Jasper’s legs and Jasper sild to the dog’s shoulder blades. Jasper laughed and shouted happily, as Glory panicked and jumped. She glanced at Finn, trying to always keep an eye on Admiral. Finn looked happy and calm. Glory gasped, maybe this is normal? Just stay calm, don’t show him you have a weakness. 

After Admiral and Jasper were done playing Jasper fell asleep right on the deck. “Is there a place to sleep?” Glory asked Finn. He nodded and left Admiral’s side, “Below is the sleeping quarters, pick any room but the one at the end of the hall.”

Glory had dragged the tired Jasper to a room and pick a room next to his. Glory stepped outside her room to find Finn and ask him a question. Luckily Finn was making his way to his room at the time. “Glory.” He said. 

Glory swallowed and lifted her chin, “Captain Finn, I have a question.” Finn stopped short then turned to Glory. “Let’s go above deck, shall we?” Glory didn’t complain, but let Finn lead her up the stairs and to a couple of crates. 

“What is it that you are searching for?” Glory asked looking in Finn’s eyes that glowed in the moonlight. He sucked in a breath, 

“I don’t know if you noticed, but Admiral has only three legs, he would not still be living if I had not saved him from the creature.” Glory interrupted, “and this ‘creature’ is the one that you want to find?” Finn sat down onto a crate and leaned back. “Yes, the creature, known as a dragon is the one that took Admiral’s voice. I must find the dragon and avenge Admiral.” Finn spoke softly but Glory knew no matter what she did, he would find the dragon and kill it.

“Do you know where it is?” Glory asked carefully, sitting beside Finn on the crate, feeling bad for Finn but at the same time the dragon too. “Yes, it is terrorising a crew on the Dragon’s Wing. And it can fly and breath fire and speak our language, so we will have to be careful.” Glory filled with dread, “What do you mean it can ‘speak our language’?” Finn looked at Glory, “It has a medallion that creates what it is thinking and lets them speak.” Glory thought of what Finn said. “we?” She asked rubbing her hands together. 

Finn rolled his eyes, “Yes you said you would help,”

Glory felt bile rise in her throat. “Yes, I guess we did.” 

Finn had taught them how to set sail, open the sails, and how to sword fight. Glory was very cautions around Jasper when he had a sword. 

Once when Glory and Jasper were drilling with the swords, Finn came out of his shack and ran to the small armory that was built into the ship. “AYE! We approach the Dragon’s Wing! Jasper get Admiral! Glory come with me!” Finn ordered. Jasper took off to the aft of the ship, and Glory set her sword down and rushed after Finn. 

In the armory Finn piled up a ton of armor and weapons in Glory’s arms. “Are you sure that we really need all this?” Glory asked, shifting the weight of the metal back and forth from her arms. The walls were bare from where all the weapons were kept. Finn opened a very large chest that sat in the corner. In it sat weird shaped pieces of armor. Finn laid the giant armor pieces on his arms and rushed out back to the deck. Glory followed and dumped the metals onto the deck next to the place Finn had put his. 

Glory ran her hands over her arms. There were imprints of where the metals had pressed heavily on her arms. Finn had disappeared and Jasper had returned with Admiral. Finn materialized from the shack and started to take the deformed pieces of armor and take them over to Admiral.

He set one on top of Admiral’s head, and fastened the clip on the bottom of his neck. Glory started to see how the pieces of armor fit Admiral’s body, she realized that Admiral had his own armor. 

“Get your selves suited up! We will be approaching in 30 minutes!” Finn demanded. Glory sifted through the armor and found a tunic and chestplate that fit Jasper. She fastened the armor onto Jasper and got him pants, boots and a helmet. Then she started looking for her own size. 

Finn tossed her a very sharp looking sword. “Gah!” Glory screamed as she caught it. “See I knew you would catch it.” Finn said nonchalantly. Glory glowered at Finn and continued to sort through the pile. 

Once she had found semi clean armor pieces, Glory searched for Finn who had went down below to his bunk.

Glory knocked on his door, “Captain Finn! We are approaching the Dragon’s Wing!” Finn briskly opened his door and rushed past Glory, mumbling something about “this is my time,” Glory had to jog to keep up with his pace. “Finn what are we going to do? Jasper and I don’t know anything about pirate business or how to board or what we are supposed to do.” 

Finn stopped at the top of the stairs. Glory had to stumble back to not run into Finn. Finn turned around to Glory. “Act on instinct. If you fall in the water, whistle and Admiral will come for you. Jasper you hear that?!” He yelled to the other side of the ship where Jasper was feeding Admiral fish scraps from lunch earlier that day. 

“Yes, Captain Finn!” Jasper shouted back. He had a dagger strapped to his left hip and a sword on his right. Glory made her way over to Jasper.

“Are you going to be ok?” Glory said, giving Jasper a hug, Jasper started into the sky, “Yes, I am a pirate. Pirates are always fine!” He hugged Glory back and looked into her sea green eyes, “I love you!” “I love you too, Jay.” She said rubbing his back. 

Finn called Glory over.

Glory jogged over to him. “Huh?” Finn grabbed her hand. “Its going to be scary, but know I will keep Jasper and you safe. If I die, quickly retreat and sail to the port of Xio Eon. That is where your mother is.” Glory pulled Finn into a quick tight hug, “Thanks Finn!” She whispered. Finn hugged her back and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. He then pulled out and rushed away to check on Admiral. 

Glory clenched her fist. Then let out a breath. Oh boy. Glory thought. She ran to the front of the ship, she could hear the crew of the Dragon’s Wing yelling and shouting. She pulled out her sword, raising it above her head. Finn, and Admiral joined her on her left side and Jasper grabbed her right hand.

Both of them had their swords out, “Get on Admiral.” Finn ordered. Glory and Jasper obliged silently without hesitation. Glory nestled herself behind Jasper, wrapping a protective arm around him. 

They stared at the ship they were slowly approaching. There was a big commotion and a giant light blue dragon lept from the ship’s deck and onto the metal reinforced mast. 

It had wings two times the size of its body, curved spikes leading the way down its spine, two dull teeth stuck out from its lower jaw. Its feet had deadly daggers as claws and webs connecting the toes together. The head of the beast was massive, and its tail whipped back and forth, thin and fast. The two beady stared at the doberman and the -now three- people on it’s back.

Glory shivered as the dragon’s eerie black as night eyes fell on her. She froze. How could she hurt this incredible and beautiful creature? Because Finn was counting on her. Glory could feel Finn shaking behind her. This was his moment.

Glory was so caught up in the dragon, she didn’t even notice the person clinging to it’s back, holding tight to the medallion. She had an air of authority and was dressed in the finest pirate clothes Glory had ever seen. “She’s the captain.” Glory whispered to herself. 

Finn had stopped shaking and stood up on Admiral. Glory realized that she could never. Never hurt the dragon, or the people. Finn then yelled, at the top of his lungs, “ATTACK!” 

Admiral lurched forward and jumped from their ship to the other. Finn staid standing the whole time. Once Admiral landed, he swiped at the wave of pirates, throwing them back. Finn jumped off, flipping in the process. He weaved his way around the mass of pirates, unscathed he made his way up the mast, in one run.

Jasper had jumped off and followed him. But was less lucky. Jasper got cut in the leg and shoved to the ground. Glory slid off of Admiral and rushed over to her brother. “Jasper!” She yelled panicked. Several pirates ran to stop her from coming to his rescue. She blocked one and then shoved one down to the ground, before Admiral barked and pawed them away, clearing a way for Glory to get to Jasper. 

He lay surrounded by three pirates. Glory sliced one’s neck, her sword slowing at the harder tendons. It was a shallow cut but deep enough that blood sprayed her. That pirate fell back, and she turned her attention to the others. They had left Jasper and rushed her. She turned her blade in her hand. She didn’t want to hurt them.

Then her vision went black and cold water surrounded her.

November 12, 2020 18:59

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