Open Road, Here We Come

Submitted into Contest #99 in response to: Write a story about characters going on a summer road trip.... view prompt


Adventure Funny Fiction

Dear Diary,

There's one thing I know. Road trips are so boring. All you do is sit in a 95 degrees car with no AC and no screens. I have to have my window down at all times! Well, at least for me. And I can't stand it!

That's what I think is boredom. Hope I survive the one that my family and I are going on in a week.


Leah Fallon

“Time to wake up, honey.” My mom said to me. I was still sleeping and I hated when I had to wake up early.

“Just five more minutes.” I quietly whispered back to her. I knew she would say no and get mad at me. 

“You can't have five more minutes..We have to get on the road soon.” 

I had totally forgotten about the road trip. 

It was only 4:00 in the morning but I had to get up and moving.

I rushed to pack my clothes, have breakfast, and brush my teeth. 

When we got in the car it was already seventy two degrees in it. 

The AC wasn’t working because we had a very old car and it broke down the day we got it.

When the car broke down the AC broke too and we didn’t have enough money to fix it or get a new car. So that's why we have to deal with the hot car.

When we got on the road the eta said it would take twenty six hours to get there. 

We were going to Florida because we wanted to visit our friend that lives in Florida. 

Being in the car also could get very annoying. I have two brothers and one sister. 

My sister is 14 and my two brothers are both seven and a half. They are twins and are always playing mean tricks on me.

One time they stuffed a gummy bear with raw garlic and made me eat it.

It tasted so bad! 

I got them back though by chasing them with a slug on a stick after it had rained.

My sister is always on her phone and when we went on road trips she would complain like a three year old. 

If something funny ever happened it would go straight on social media.

And that leaves me.

 I am ten and a half and I'm right in the middle. Being in the middle sucks, trust me. 

The twins always get what they want and if I even ask for a thing more than once, I don’t get it. When we started on the road I got out a book and read the whole thing. 

I hated reading unless the books were coming and were very funny.

I had just started reading a new series called Ninjas at Night. 

I brought the first twelve books on the road and decided I would read four of them a day.

 It was nearing time for breakfast, so we stopped at a Chick-Fil-A and got 6 breakfast meals for my family.

We ate breakfast in the car then started driving again. We still had 14 more hours to drive for the day so I needed a way to pass the time. 

I was still very tired from waking up early so I decided to close my eyes and try to fall asleep. I had a dream that we actually had a nice car that had AC and stuff.

In my dream I also saw that I had a nice sister and no annoying little brothers.

When I woke up three hours had already passed and we were driving on the highway. 

We had eleven more hours of driving and I was a bit hungry so I ate a Kind bar to tide me over until lunch. 

My twin brothers were in the back and were also sleeping like I was. My sister Kayla was staring at the maps on the car screen. 

I think she was staring at it because it was the only screen she had to look at. 

“Crazy person.” I thought to myself. 

I read about half of my book then we stopped for lunch at a pizza place in a weird town called Mayville.

When we got into the place we ordered a large pizza that was half cheese and half pepperoni. 

I got back in the car and ate my slice of pizza. 

It tasted like veggies. 

I could hear the twins laughing in the back so I knew this was another one of the twins' elaborate pranks on me.

I threw out the piece of pizza and grabbed a real slice of pepperoni pizza. 

This time, it actually tasted like a real slice of pizza. But there was something about it that tasted great.

Better than great. 

I finished my piece of pizza then grabbed another one out of the box and gobbled it down.

When we got on the road again I read my book but the twins were pulling my hair out.

“STOOOPPPPPP!” I yelled to the twins.

They got sad and started to cry but I thought they deserved it. 

I’m not trying to be mean or anything but they are the worst.

I read the rest of my book and then decided I was going to pull a prank on the twins to get them back for pulling my hair. 

I slapped the car seat as hard as I could to make it sound like the twins slapped me really hard in the arm.

“Owwwww!” I faked yelled at mom. This made the twins get super mad at me. This time they started to punch and slap me for real. 

I never knew that the twins were that strong. Dad turned around and started to yell at me for doing the wrong thing.

He was about to crash into a wall but I jumped to the wheel and swerved the car to the side. 

Five hours had passed and we were all getting really hungry so we went through the Mcdonalds drive thru. 

We got a family meal then went to our motel that was called Sleep Tight motel.

After we checked into our room we ate Mcdonalds at a small table in the room. Everybody thought that the room was so gross.

The beds had weird stains on them, and when I washed my hands and dried them,the towel was wetter than my hands.

I slept on the pullout couch with my sister, and my twin brothers slept on the beds,like my mom and dad.

When I woke up in the morning we all got dressed and brushed our teeth.

We decided as a family that we would eat breakfast in the car because nobody wanted to spend another minute in the motel room.

The drive to Florida was only a nine hour drive and we were getting on the road at seven thirty so we would arrive in Florida around five o’clock. For breakfast we had almond butter,banana,and honey sandwiches.

By that time it was about nine o’clock so I read one of my books. 

It took me about two hours to finish my book. 

This book was the third one and I liked it better than the first two Ninjas At Night books in the series.

I wanted to rest my eyes a bit more because I only got seven and a half hours of sleep last night at the motel.

I fell asleep and was awakened three hour later by my mom telling me it was time for lunch.

For lunch we had leftover pizza. I personally liked my pizza cold and so did Kayla and my mom and dad.

The twins were picky though, so for lunch they had cheeto puffs, a couple grapes, and a gatorade.

My lunch filled me up so we stopped at a gas station so we could all use the restroom if we needed to go. 

The car was also very low on gas, so my dad filled up the gas tank all the way to full.

The ETA now said that we had to drive 3 more hours until we got to Florida. I figured I could pass the time so I read the time by reading the fourth Ninjas At Night book.

This book was even better than book three and lasted way longer. It took me two hours two finish and right after I got interrupted.

The twins started to cry because they wanted ice cream.

My dad told them that they couldn’t have it, and that made them burst into a full temper.

They still hadn’t learned that you should not throw a fit.

I slept all the way until we got there and woke up the second we stopped. 

I ran out of the car and gave my friend Julia a big hug.

“So how was the trip?” She asked to me

“It's hard to explain.” I announced.

June 20, 2021 20:49

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Dhwani Jain
07:30 Aug 05, 2021

Hola Breckin (again)! This is another story you wanted a review for, right? Well here it is! Before I get to the point, did all this really happen to you? 'Cause you said you were in Florida and this story isn't THAT old. Just askin'. --> THE TITLE ~ Nice. This one's perfect for this story. --> THE CHARACTER NAMES ~ I can't really comment on it, 'cause I think it is a real story, so no comments. --> THE BEGINNING ~ It was nice, I just think you should have either maintained the 'Diary' format or used the 'normal story' format. --> THE PLOT ...


Ok! I will be sure to do so on my other stories!


Dhwani Jain
12:18 Aug 05, 2021 this a real story?


No. Its made up. But it can be real...


Dhwani Jain
12:23 Aug 05, 2021

huh.....InTeReStInG MyStErY..... I like it...


Yes. Verrrry interesting. Thank you.


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