
“I’m hungry, Marcus.”

“So? Make yourself something.”

“I don’t wanna!”


“I’m too lazy!”

“Me, too.”

“So, Hot-Stuff, what are we gonna do?”


“I gotta eat something.”

“So, get your lazy butt up and get food!”

“Fine! I’ll go get the damn chips!”

“Thank you, baby!”



“A huge roach is in the kitchen!”

“So, kill it!”

“You don’t understand! It’s the size of the kitchen table!”

“Yeah, right, Perry! You’re such a wuss!”


“I don’t know why you can’t kill a stupid, little— AAAAAHHH!”


“It's bigger than a Great dane!”

“No shit! Now kill it!”

“I got a better idea.”

“Hey! Where are you going!”

“The Hell out of this house!”


“Thank God you made it, baby”

“Yeah. Thanks for leaving me back there with a friggin cockroach the size of kingdom come.”

“What was I supposed to do?”

“I dunno. Rescue me?”

“But, there’s a giant roach in the kitchen.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“What do we do, now? We’re outside while Roachzilla is in our house.”

“Ha! Roachzilla!”

“You think this is funny?”

“No, I was laughing at your— I don’t know. Call an exterminator?”

“And say a giant cockroach is in my house?”

“I’m warning you. It’s huge!”

”I’ve seen huge cockroaches before. One time I killed one bigger than your hand!”

“No, I mean huge!”

“Don’t worry. I’ll kill it deader than a doornail.”



“Wait, don’t leave!... Dammit! What now, Perry?”

“Buy a buttload of Raid?”

“Well, Perry, we’re back and ready to kill that giant bastard!”

“It was lucky they had a sale on bug spray!”

“Yeah, and these masks.”

“Hey, the house is still standing, wouldn‘t ya know?”

“Yeah, lucky.”

“Well, baby, let’s go kill that stupid roach!”

 “Hey, Perry..."

“Yeah, Marcus?”

“Back to the bug spray… Why did you tell the cashier about the giant cockroach?”

“I hate lying! So, sue me!”

“Whatever… OK, I’ll spray while you have my back.”

“Sounds good.”

“Keep your mask on. You know Raid can mess you up.”

“I will, babe.”

“I can’t believe we’re going back in to kill a giant cockroach!”

“Fun, huh? You look dumb with that blue doctor’s mask on.”

“Shut up, Perry. You ripped on me for wearing a mask during the pandemic.”

“That’s because that mask looked dumb, too.”

“Whatever, douchebag, can we go in, now?”

“Yes, tacky-ass mask boy!”

“Thank you, jerk!”

“OK, giant mutant bug, prepare to die!”

”Oh, Jesus! My living room looks like a tornado blew by! "

“Your parents are not gonna be happy!”

“Look at this! The couch is tipped over, the TV is busted in, the curtains are chewed the Hell up…”

“But the XBox is—"

“Shush! I heard a hiss.”

“Me, too!”

“There it is! Behind you!”

“Hey, you big ugly bastard, take this!”

“We’re getting it!”

“What the Hell?... It’s turning purple?”

“YAAAAIIII! Its wing fell off, almost crushed me!”

“WATCH OUT! It’s about to spit!”

“That was close!”

“EW! Yuck! Pink loogie!”

“Take this, you son-of-a-bitch!”

“Is it…”


“The bug spray didn’t work! What do we do?”


“I can’t believe a giant cockroach is chasing us!”

“A purple one for all the crazy things!”



“I banged my leg on the cabinet.”

“We’re almost outside!”

“What the…? It’s changing?”


”It has little circles forming all over its face… are those… eyes?”

“I don’t care! Just keep running, Perry!”

“We made it outside. Now, what, baby?”

“Just keep running!”

“Gee, I could’ve figured that out.”



"Way... too... close!"

“Now if we can lose Roachzilla, we’ll be just peachy!”

“Let’s turn at the end of the street.”

“OK and then what?”

“Keep running.”

“Gee, great plan. I couldn’t come up with that one.”

“Do you have a better plan?”


“Then, quit acting snarky and shut up!”

“OK, we turned… and the roach the size of a pony is still chasing after us. What now?”

“Keep running.”

“Where, though?”

“I have no freakin’ idea!”

“Damn roach!”

“We need to lose it fast!”

“Yeah, plus I’m still hungry!”

“How the Hell can you think about food now?”

“I dunno!”

“Well., after we lose the freakin roach and board my house up, I’ll make you a five-foot-long BLT!”

“Babe, that sounds AWESOME!”

“I hope it’s soon!”

“Maybe we can cook Roachzilla.”

“Ew! Gross! You’re a sick human being!”

“Why, thank you!” 

“Is the giant cockroach slowing down?... No.”

"Marcus ..."

“Yeah, Perry?”

“My legs are starting to hurt.”

“Mine, too.”

“Any ideas yet?”

“I just remembered the lake is not very far from here.”


“If we get into the lake, we’ll be safe.”

“Can’t some roaches swim?”

“It’s worth a try.”

“We made it, Perry! Hey, where is everybody?”

“Maybe they got the memo about Roachzilla?”

“Just a few more feet…”

“I hope this works!”

“YAAAAIII! It’s cold!”

“Look, Roachzilla isn’t coming in.”

“Good, guess it can’t swim after all!”

"Yeah, what next, baby?"

“We’ll just have to wait til it leaves.”

“Hey, stupid cockroach, you can’t get us! We’re in the lake!”

“Don’t provoke it, ya friggin’ moron!”

“Hey! That hurt!”


“Ugh! It’s been two hours and Roachzilla is still friggin’ here!”

“Actually, it’s been ten minutes, Perry.”


“Uh-huh! See?”


“Did you say groan?”

“Yeah, what’s it to ya?”

“You’re something else... What do we do, now?”

“Watch me. Hey, stupid roach!”

“What are you doing? Don’t throw pebbles at it! You’ll piss it off!”

“Exactly what I’m doing.”

“See? It made angry hisses.”


“Would you stop? This is a bad idea.”

“What’s it gonna do? Oh! I hit it between its stupid eyes!”

“Dude! Stop!”




“Dude, stop.”


“If you throw one more pebble…”

“I threw it.”

“What the Hell? It’s morphing! What did you do, Perry?”


“Perry, it’s turning into a giant purple and yellow … butterfly!?”

“Hello, humans. Thank you for breaking the spell that was cast upon me. I wasn’t trying to chase you. I just wanted to ask you to break the spell on me.”

“Huh? Perry, it talks?”

“No way, Marcus, there must be someone hiding somewhere — a ventriloquist.” 

“Yes, Marcus, I talk.”

“How do you know my name?”

“I heard you two when I was trapped.”


“I tell you, Perry, we are hallucinating. We were in the cold water too long.”

“Even when you joked about cooking me.”


“It's cool, I know you really wouldn’t do that.”

“No, we wouldn’t.”

“I like your humor. I come from a planet where no one jokes. It’s boring. So, I came to Earth, and you humans showed me your species can be funny.”’

“Um, thanks. Your colors remind me of a jester's costume.”

“Perry, why are you thanking a hallucination?”

“You’re most welcome, Perry would you like to come live with me?”


“I live in what you humans call a mansion. It's huge. I didn't pay my bills on time, so the witch turned me into a giant cockroach. I figure you two need a new house since I wrecked yours.”

“Uh, I dunno…”

“You can have that five-foot-long your friend promised to make you.”

“What do you think, Marcus?”

“How fast can you make that five-foot-long BLT? Oh, what the Hell? This day has been weird already. We might as well live with an alien butterfly! But you gotta make that BLT first! Are you sure we aren’t hallucinating?”

Posted Feb 24, 2023

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19 likes 20 comments

Tommy Goround
04:30 Jul 24, 2023

I was actually missing your fixation on underpants and such. Had to Google you because you haven't uploaded here in a time. Hope you are doing well.

X tommy x


Charlie Murphy
00:34 Aug 01, 2023

LOL! thanks. ive been publishing on booksie.


Zack Powell
08:22 Mar 03, 2023

This is really creative, Charlie! I thought this prompt in particular was going to be a death sentence for a lot of Fantasy stories, given how much worldbuilding inherently goes into them, but you managed to get a lot of information across through clever use of visual imagery via shapes and colors. Pretty impressive to have a fantastical monster be described through nothing but dialogue and still have your readers able to picture it. Super curious as to whether this actually happened or if they WERE really hallucinating. Makes for an interesting open ending. Almost reminiscent of a Kafka story. I like it, I like it.

I appreciate the BLT callback, by the way. Especially for stories with a comedic bent, I appreciate when authors remember previous lines and things they mentioned (like the BLT) instead of using those things as fire-and-forget one-liners. Makes the story feel a little more cohesive to have callback jokes.

Thanks for sharing this one - makes me think a little harder about the ways a story can be told.


Charlie Murphy
20:31 Mar 03, 2023

Thank you for reading and giving me feedback I'm glad you liked it.


Penelope Conlon
05:16 Mar 01, 2023

Hahahahaha - I really don't like cockroaches either. And the BLT has made me hungry for a sandwich.


Charlie Murphy
18:18 Mar 01, 2023

LOL. Thank you


Murray Burns
21:07 Feb 28, 2023

Nice story. I can just picture two guys panicking because of a bug, albeit a big one. Funny dialogue and the story moved along well which is hard to do with dialogue only. I like the BLT thrown in for a touch of that would be on someone's mind when battling a giant.


Charlie Murphy
21:56 Feb 28, 2023

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it,


Sarah Martyn
00:30 Feb 28, 2023

From the title, I should've been prepared :P. I hate roaches! The ending was a little disjointed and unexpected, but it's whimsical and at least it turned out decently in the end.


Charlie Murphy
01:47 Feb 28, 2023

Thank you. Can you like it?


C.B. Chribby
03:06 Feb 26, 2023

Very John Dies At The End, I liked it! Definitely keep it up


Charlie Murphy
03:40 Feb 26, 2023

Thank you. I just watched the trailer and you're right. It reminded me of my story. I have to watch that movie now.


Charlie Murphy
01:28 Feb 27, 2023

I just watched John Dies atb the End. You're right. It was like my story!
It was very weird! I liked it.


Brooks Porter
22:53 Feb 25, 2023

Charlie…. I feel like this contest was in line with your style of writing and I think you did a great job. Pony sized cockroaches would probably be feared by most people and the dialogue felt fun and kept me reading. Keep it up Charlie!


Tommy Goround
04:46 Feb 25, 2023

1) please put an email in your biography so I don't have to sit here and give you the feedback you wanted while the story is in contest.
2) you did pretty good on the story even though the prompt really limited storytelling. The ending with the alien is twerky. Other options: A.) they're stoned. Probably shrooms. B.)biological disaster. Where is everyone else? C.) A new way for RTO to confiscate furniture on missed payments.
3) the champion of all dialogue stories has got to be "Hills like White Elephants" but they have two separate genders involved in that story. It is the Golden goose to get two characters that speak and act so completely different that you never have to put in the dialogue tags. Your situation was decent but not great. A) I thought they actually called the exterminator at one point. B.) The beginning had the normal things of 'who is talking' and led me to reread maybe five sentences but mostly it worked. C.) They both come off as irresponsible young people with the house (though they _own_ the house?). They are essentially the same character with two different names. What if one was female? What if one had a stutter.

The story was zany and fun and kept my interest. The comments above are just so that you can amplify the story if you wanted to amplify it. The ending is not good enough.

Dahl to use their motivation against them?

-the city could come and take their house. Because of roaches.
-the alien could bring them to their planet and they all get killed by Raid spray... Because the other aliens don't like humans. (You said it was a spell but for some reason I keep thinking aliens).
-so a witch or a warlock put the guy with a mansion underneath the spell of being a large cockroach that turned purple. The symbolism is not forthcoming.


Roach = burden of owning house?
Purple = royal
The roach is the antichrist. He has gone to make a footlong sandwich for all those that come into his kingdom. (Okay maybe you do have a double entender store here). The roach King wants to give complete love and freedom to all that join him. He will make you footlong BLTs until you explode with happiness.

(I had to dig a little bit to give you the opposite interpretation of Jesus making mansions in the Bible) it's a fun story but I don't think you left enough bread crumbs to force an analysis.

I would read more stories like this because they are simply fun to read.. good job. You beat 89.9% of other stories for me.



Charlie Murphy
17:44 Feb 25, 2023

Thank you. I'll think about your suggestions


Charlie Murphy
22:26 Feb 26, 2023

i revised it a little. i added something to Perry's dialogue plus more explanation towards the end. can you reread?


Cliff McElrea
23:28 Feb 24, 2023

I want a five foot BLT, too! Ha, ha. Roachzilla-good name. Charlie, you always have the most entertaining dialog. Your ability to write humor keeps improving.


Unknown User
02:27 Mar 02, 2023


Charlie Murphy
03:55 Mar 02, 2023

Thank you


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