Friendship Adventure Fantasy

All Eyes On Them

Cheering,Excited and Joyous

Wine Glass on Everyone's Hand..

Bottle of Champagne In Hers ..

She frooze for a Moment,

Things starts to fade

She goes back to the 1st memory of him,

The day She had beat him up

It was 15 years back,

She was the newly appointed Class Captain

With the power comes the responsibility,

She had the powers similar to a class teacher in her absence.

Ms.Mollusca with a curly hair as the class would call her, called Sahara to her Office

Ms.Mollusca: Sahara! I know you are a very good student.But I Expect you to make sure everyone maintains their discipline in the class and not talk or whisper.You will give me the names of the student who fail to maintain discipline"

She nodded "Yes, Maaam"

She was excited as well as nervous

She would not even talk to her friends as she had to set an example.

When the teacher walked out of the classroom, She started to walk in and around the class and see if everyone had their heads down and were maintaining silence.

She noticed a Tall, husky guy at the back of the bench talking to his friends

"Xerox" She called out

No, I am not talking , He replied

As She moved forward He threw an paper airplane at her..

She got furious at him, wrote his name on a paper

It was Science Period

She gave that paper to Mrs.Sharma

Mrs Sharma warned Xerox " This is your last time and asked him to open his palm up and beat him up with a duster"

The next time Sahara will have the rights to do it..

Ms.Sharma turned at me,

"Yes Maaam" Sahara replied

She looked back at him and giggled

He looked furious

One fine morning..

As Sahara sat on her desk she could feel something sticking on her knee socks

She looked at it and screamed,

Why Is there a chewing gum under my desk?

Everyone was scared that sahara would make a fuss infront of the teacher

They pointed out at Xerox "Xerox did it" It was his idea:

Furiously She walked out of her desk,Reached out to the teacher's desk ,grabbed a duster and threw at him..

Ouccccchh!!!! He screamed

Blood started to stream down his head..

All the student panicked

And soon the guard came in the room and took him to the medical room..

Sahara began to cry loudly

"HE DID IT 1ST" " He started" and began to cry louder

Mrs Sharma came to the room took her by her hand and took her to the principals room

Scared and nervous

She could see Xerox sitting on the chair in front of the principal with a Bandage in his head..

He put a Chewing gum, She fumbled

Xerox looked furious

The principal gave them a last warning and sent them back to he classroom

"This is your last time" She screamed

And you Sahara are no more the captain

She nodded her head with tears in her eyes and a heavy heart

Days passed by,

They would not even look at each other,

He would always tell "You are Bad" whenever he passed by.

Her confidence was shaken from that day as she was unable to fulfill the responsibility she had been given

Days passed my,

Their final exams approached..

And then the Result day came.

Sahara stood 1st in her class.

The school's had morning assembly back those days where all school staff and students would stand in the playground.

Sing the Morning Prayer, The National anthem

It was prize distribution time,

Everyone were standing in line according to their respective class..

Her heart was beating as her name was about to be called out .She had to go infront of the assembly to get it..

And then Mrs.Sharma called out " Sahara" Grade 3..

She got out of her line and as Sje was moving forward, fell Flat on The Ground...

She looked up "Everyone was looking at her and laughing"

It was him she knew..

She turned back at him Furiously,

Xerox She screamed.

One of her friends pulled her up

She then removed the dirt from her skirt,The twigs and The mud.

She moved forward imfront of her line

Some of them were still giggling

She could hear the Pricipal on Microphone say" Hey!Young lad ,Go to my Office Room and wait for me there" and pointed at Xerox

The principal patted her on the shoulder and gave her the award

She thanked me but that Guy had Ruined her Best Moment for her.

10 years later,

It was the last day of her University Exam.Sahara along with her "Gang of 8" ,as everyone in the University called them were roaming on the freak street of Basantapur.

They went to their usual favourite spot .

A temple building which was 10 stairs up .They would climb up sit at top and tease Cute boys..

Her friend Nuna whistled " Hey Handsome!

The guys looked up and winked,

As She and her friends were sitting, laughing out loud and saying amongst them "Why should guys have all the fun" "Why?"

Sahara looked down to see 2 among them were coming up .

They were shocked,

Maybe he was coming up to say something Nasty..

One of the Guy looked at her eyes and said " You are Bad"

She paused for a moment.Hadnt heard that statement for a long time..

Not me, Her she said pointing at Nuna and Giggled

"You don't have a duster, Ms.Captain.Do you? "He said

She looked at him all surprised and shocked and Said

"Oh! CRAP"

He is the same guy She had beaten up. The guy who had bullied her for a year long.

He had left the school the next year.

Sje could see his hand approaching towards her,


She paused..

Slowly approached and shook his hand.

She had never been so nervous

"Your friend nearly killed me" Xerox said

" What?" 7 of them screamed to the top of their voice

And then Xerox shared their story

Everyone laughed

He was leaving, Xerox turned back

"Miss captain Can I have your Number?"

She was about to give it to him ,

Her friends Ranted out before shr could,

She took a Bus back home

How could that Idiot have turned out to look so charming she said to herself

All the way back to her hostel room Sahara was thinking about him.

She went to her room, took out a Novel from her Bag ,Took a blanket and Went straight to her Bed.

She loved Reading Books..Fiction,Love,Thriller,Comedy Every kind

She would complete a whole book in a day staying up all night.

She turned the 1st page and Oh! There he was..

His face,Him coming near to her ,shaking her hand,asking for her number.

She couldn't concentrate

A beep..

She searched for her phone and there It was ,his message: How's Ms.Captain " Good to see you after so long,

She replied "Hi Xerox"

Erased it


Erased it again

Hi! Mr.Mischievious

And SenT

"What took you so long.Remebering which direction to throw the duster "😉 Xerox said

Oh! We were kids.And you pranked me.Haven't you been able to forgive me" She said

"I am just kidding, I was suspended because of you.All thanks to you I could come to Kathmandu to study. The only memory I have of that school is you..Xerox replied

It was 3 am in the morning

I think we should sleep now- Xerox said

In a while" Shall we meet for coffee tommorow, A message popped up in my phone but I could barely see it as I was half asleep

I woke up.It was already 11 o clock..

I rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth

Checked her phone, It had 5 missed Call and a message

Xerox - I thought We would meet for Coffee,

Waiting outside your hostel.The text said

She quickly took a jacket, peeped out my window

There he was,

A lily Bouquet in his hand..

He waved at jer and asked me to come down

She rushed downstairs ,

"You look beautiful" He said

I nodded,

What a liar,

My morning puffy face with no make up , My uncombed hair and my Track with the slipper ..I said to myself

"Let's Go" He said

Where?? She asked

Just come with me,He said

Sarah :I should probably change my dress

"No" He said,

There's nothing wrong with your dress.

Will you hold this He said Handing over those Bouquet to me.

"Hold this" I said to myself.Why bring it when all you say is "Hold this"

He took out his Royal Enfield and looked at her" Hop in and Be ready for an adventure"

She smiled.

On his way back She could see him arranging the rare view mirror and taking a glance at her

"You can hold me" He said

" No thanks " She blushed

But as they moved up to the the Offroad.

Those Bumpy roads she would slip and reach so close to him..

After a 2hr Ride,

They reached up to the Shivapuri Forest

" Ready for a surprise " He said as he unpacked his bags.

He took out a mat, A coffee thermos,Some packed lunch ..And played some soft music on his JBL

They talked for hours,

Drank some hot coffee

Shared about Our friends,family and work..

"Shall we dance" He said

But..I can't she replied

"Everybody can dance " He told as he pulled her hand gently

Xerox put his hands around her waist and they slowly began to groove with the music

The green forest around,The chirping of the birds, The slow music and The guy she hated the most..What a combination it was..

It was getting dark.

They then came back..Both silent on their way back home..

He dropped her to the hostel,handed over the flowers and Said : You looked prettier than those,So I hesitated to give it to you

Oh!Mr.Cheesy she said as she took them and went upstairs

She kept thinking about her moment with him.

It felt like a magic

It felt like an another world.With just him and her yet so beautiful,yet so complete.

Days passed by.They began spending time with each other.They began to meet on a regular basis,

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner..

He took her to an adventurous ride every weekends

There was never a dull moment with him and She couldn't think of a moment without him..

Her exam results were out.

She had to go to a different city to study..

He would come to visit her once a week.

Or she would go visit him on holidays

It was 5 am in the morning

Xerox calling on her display,

She panicked picked up the phone

What's wrong?Why so early She said

He began to Sob loudly,

Xerox "What's Wrong"?

"Come to Kathmandu" He said

I could hear him crying..

"What's wrong" she asked

My mom is sick.She is in the hospital.I have already lost my dad..I can't loose her..Please come here

.I need you

Ok! She put up a brave voice,

I am coming You just calm down..I will be there.

She booked a ticket,

4 hours after his call She reached to the hospital..

He came running and Hugged her tight..

She had never seen him so vulnerable in all these days of being together

She hugged him back.

She slowly walked to the room where his Mom was kept

" Namaste Auntie" she greeted

His mother called Sahara near her bywaving her hand and asked herto sit by her side..

" It was just a minor heart attack; He panicked, Xerox's Mom said

How are you auntie? She asked

I am good but I need a Promise from you.. She continued, I have Never seen my Son this Happy in all these years.

He loves you.

And the only person he can depend after me Is You..Promise me, You will never leave him..She added

"Never auntie " Sahara said with a slight smile.

Her heart thumped, She could feel her hands trembling

They had never proposed each other, They had never talked about being in a Relationship .

Here She was Making a Promise to his Mother To never leave him.

She went back and sat with him.He calmed down after a bit..

Sahara stayed there for a week..

They took his mom back home on the 3rd day.

Shr booked her ticket back to her city for 5 pm Sunday

It was Sunday Morning at around 6 am

A message beeped on her phone.

Xerox " Can I take You For a Coffee Date"

She Blushed,

"Sure, But I Need half an hour" She said

She rushed to the toilet, Did her morning rituals,

Ran towards her cupboard,

Took a hold of her Royal Blue Dress which she had saved for a special occasion.

Dont know why But she felt like wearing it today.

She wore her Royal Blue Dress, Brushed her Hair,Put on her Eyeliner,Mascara and A dark red lipstick..She looked at her Blusher and said " Oh,dear Not today I am blushing so much already.

She put on her favourite shoe,took a scarf and rushed downwards.

"These are for you" He handed her a Rose Bouquet

I smiled " Are you sure?"

Yes Madam He smiled

He was wearing a Tux,

She was amazed..He would always be in his Riding Jacket..

"Are we attending a Wedding" Sahara joked

"We might be having one" He said

Silly guy she said and hit him slowly with the roses

As they moved forward she realised He was taking her to the same spot they 1st went,

They walked and giggled all the way up..

He parked the bike and took out a red satin cloth from his pocket.

"Do you trust me" He said

"You aren't planning to push me off the cliff, Are you? Sahara said

"I might" He winked

He took the handkerchief and Blind Folded her

They moved uphill.

It was such a difficult way up and the stairs with the Blindfold made it harder.But with him by her side Everything felt OK..

Her heart was Racing

Thousands of question pondering her mind..

"Here We Are" He told as he removed the Blind fold...

"Wowwww" She screamed

Oh.. My goddd..What is all this???

Sahara jumped

Sorry! I could only prepare this much in a day he said..

She could see the balloons all over,Red roses, A table in the middle with a cake on it, A champagne..And As she looked Near she could see a Banner in Between The Treee with " Will You Marry me Sahara" written on it.

She turned around to see him

There she was

On his One Knee with a ring in his Hand,

"Will you"? He said

" Yes,Yes, Yes A thousand times yes "She screamed

He put the ring on her finger

They kissed...Oh! They kissed and It was their 1st kiss...

She could see people coming from a Distance.

She could see his Mom,.Her parents and their Close friends and Family..

Oh my god! OH MY GOD" She jumped with Excitement..

He had even hired a photographer as she loved taking pictures

"How" She exclaimed with Joy and looked at him with tears Happy tears in her Eyes.

He looked at her and smiled

Everyone raised a toast, They popped up a Champagne,looked at each Other and Hugged

"I love you" They said..

And Their Fairy tale began..

December 13, 2020 17:21

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