Fiction Lesbian Fantasy

Setting the apple pie, I just made on the window seal I breathe in the fresh smell of autumn surrounding me and smile. It is just after six in the morning and I am excited for the day ahead, looking out my window seeing the houses around me, and hearing all the families getting ready for their day makes me happy I moved to this neighborhood. All my friends thought I was crazy telling me vampires don’t live in suburban neighborhoods for you a reason you know this Valerie and all I could think was how I wanted to see how the humans live in such a closed-in cul-de-sac. Chuckling to myself I lean against the counter listening to all the sounds around me and just enjoying my peace while I can. Living like a vampire for the last five hundred years has been an experience, to say the least, and now I am feeling lonely, I have not always been alone living with my kind and other supernatural’s around me but now I wish to find my mate believing I have waited long enough. Sighing I smile grabbing my phone to call my best friend Avery, when she answers on the second ring all I hear is her yelling at someone and I chuckle saying, “Hello I know you can hear me woman, who are you yelling at and when are you coming over?” hearing giggling on the other end of the line I smile as she starts saying, “I am yelling at Riley she is freaking annoying me and you know how much I hate being bugged when working, oh and I was going to stop by around lunchtime. By the way, did you bake something today?” I giggle shaking my head she always has this sixth sense when it comes to me baking or cooking anything, gasping saying, “What I bake no..” hearing her cackling like a madwoman on the other end she says, “Bull I know you made something, just save me some, ok you know I love your cooking.” Chuckling I nod before saying,” Ok short stuff just gets here on time ok.” Agreeing we both say our goodbyes as I put my phone back in my pocket. Walking out of the kitchen after cleaning it I change into a lightweight sundress with daisies on it. deciding I want to explore the neighborhood; I lock up and begin my morning but sometimes late evening stroll for the day.

Seeing all the parents rushing their kids to school and other neighbors fixing their lawns makes me smile seeing all the ordinary and mundane things one does in life. Still listening to all that surrounds me I hear giggling, chatter, and some yelling all a symphony of voices and sounds ringing in my ears. I have been alive for so long that sometimes I am still amazed at the simplicity of living, I smile getting waves and smiles back from my new neighbors, but some seeming wary of my presence and I am glad of that knowing other’s know I am formidable being even if they don’t know what I am, I giggle thinking this. I researched this neighborhood quite thoroughly before moving here making sure I had no fellow supernatural’s around, other than a few local packs and clans I am secure to be my lone and wondering self. I smell something alluring walking past one of the houses on my block and I freeze smelling lilacs and coconut, sniffling the air again I know I smelt something. Smiling I listen closely to the house the smell is coming from and I hear a young woman talking with a child about what they plan to do today. Wanting to see who this woman is I know I will have to wait, you see when most supernaturals smell their favorite two scents together it usually means they have found their mates, but for vampires, we must make physical contact as well as smell our two favorite scents to be sure. Sighing I know I can’t do anything without looking suspicious, so I turn on my heels and make my way back home, walking into my house I sniff the air rolling my eyes before walking into my kitchen. Crossing my arms, I say, “Seriously Avery you couldn’t wait until after lunch let alone a few hours.” She is just about to put another bite of apple pie in her mouth but bursts out giggling before she can, I growl and sit down next to her saying,” And I just made that an hour ago.” Still giggling she holds her stomach before calming down by taking deep breaths then saying,” You know I couldn’t resist the moment I felt that you baked something my taste buds was driving me mad and besides I needed to get away from Riley she was driving me up the wall as usual but this time about some dam random shit I have no clue of what she was talking about so I bolted. We only live ten miles away you know.” Shoving the fork full of apple pie into her mouth I smile rolling my eyes again asking, “Did you even check for the homemade ice-cream to go with that?” her eyes go wide as she accidentally breathes in choking slightly before clearing her throat and yelling, “WHAT SERIOUSLY!” cackling like crazy I bend down holding my stomach and pointing to the freezer part of the icebox, she bolts to it using her vampire speed and has a bowl full by the time I am breathing regularly again. Sighing I smile saying,” Hey Ave, I think I found my mate.” Shoving apple pie and now ice-cream into her mouth she looks at me swallowing asking, “Are you totally sure yet?” shaking my head no I say, “I was taking a stroll to get a feel of my neighbors and one of the houses I was walking by, I smelt lilacs and coconut before hearing a woman talking with a child. I won’t know for sure until I make physical contact with her.” she nods finishing up her treat before saying,” Well good luck Val I know you have been holding off finding your mate and am glad you have decided to find them.” Smiling I lean over pecking her cheek saying, “You know I didn’t plan it but your right I have decided to find her, I hope this person is my mate, I know she is human with a child so I hope when I find out for sure she is mine. That she won’t freak when I tell her I am a vampire.” Getting up I walk over poring me a glass of O-negative before sitting back down, Avery looks at me smiling then says, “True, you know when I found Riley ten years ago, I was in the same boat I am just glad she didn’t run from me and excepted me hell she even turned for me so just take your time and see ok.” Nodding I smile finishing up my drink before asking, “Did you remember to tell Riley where you were going?” she turns whiter than she already is and gulps, chuckling I role my eyes saying, “Well sweetheart you better call her before she comes and finds you.” Covering my mouth trying not to laugh even more as she fights with her phone to call her mate and wife to inform her where she is. I burst out laughing when the moment Riley answers the phone all me and Avery can hear is yelling and profanities at how childish Avery is. Giggling I smile once Riley stops yelling and leave the kitchen to sit on my couch in the living room, smiling I watch those outside flow around doing everyday things. When I see a young woman with long blond hair and a child with the same hair color walking down the block, I breathe in taking in all the scents around me, and smile when I smell lilacs and coconut coming from her. looking back at her I want to follow but cannot, so I am going to wait until tonight to get a better look at her. Yes, stockerish what I will be doing but I need to know so bad, I do not want to be alone any longer.

Six hours later and I am eager to find out if that woman is my mate, dressing up in all black I mask my scent before speeding out my back door to my neighbor’s house four doors down. Get into her back yard I am relieved that there are no cats or dogs near to alert my presence to my neighbors, sighing I check her doors and windows as fast as I could finding a window open on the first floor and quickly sneak in. taking in the house with all my senses I silently make my way up to her room by following her scent, when I get there I listen making sure the house is quiet before opening her door and slipping inside. Seeing the beauty sleep before me and hold my breath in awe at how gorgeous she is like sleeping beauty herself, giggling in my head I get closer. The more I do the smell intensifies even over her freshly washed smell, smiling I lean down getting a closer look at her face and sigh seeing how peaceful she looks. Reaching out I gently touch her arm and the moment I do I feel shock waves going through my body like I have been electrocuted, gasping as silent as I could I step back in shock literally and figuratively at how powerful our mate connection is. She begins moving as her eyes flutter so I bolt out of her room and out the window closing it back, getting back into my house I fall down on the floor in awe and happiness that I have found my mate. Sighing I hope she does not freak out when we meet, and she finds out what I am.

Four doors down twenty-year-old Emily Jacobs has woken up groggily and with blurry vision, she swears in her head that someone was just in her room and it was a tall woman in shape of what she could see. Gasping she lays back on her bed rubbing her eyes, saying out loud, “No, there was no one here.” Sighing she yawns and stretches before looking at the clock seeing it is only ten at night. Rolling out of bed she tiptoes down the hall to check on Madalyn her four-year-old daughter before going back to bed thinking about a mysterious woman that appeared in her room.

Two weeks have passed, and I have yet to talk with her, I found out so much about her though. Her name is Emily Jacobs and she has a four-year-old daughter by the name of Madalyn Arron Jacobs, sigh I giggle feeling butterflies in my stomach as I think of ways to introduce myself and I have found the perfect opportunity to do so. Getting up I run to my kitchen baking several of my most delicious seasonal autumn pies, by the time I am finished I am covered in a blanket of autumn scents and I sigh before giggling and clapping my heads saying,” Ok Val it’s time to get your mate.” Looking at the clock it is four in the evening and Emily will be just getting home after picking little Madalyn up from daycare, so I choose two of my pies one apple and the other lemon meringue coving them. Looking out the window I see her car pulling up so I grab the pies and make my way down the block just as she opens her door, smiling I call out, “Excuse me miss.” She pauses and turns looking at me and gulp seeing her bright blue eyes, she smiles and says, “Hi, can I help you?” smiling back I shake my head asking, “I was wondering if you and your daughter wanted some homemade pie, I seem to over baked this morning.” She giggles at this and I see her daughter Madalyn peek out from behind her mommy’s leg so I smile saying, “Hello little one, do you like pie?” she giggles smiling too, looking back up Emily is still smiling at me before saying, “You know what I have not had homemade pie in quite some time I think we both would love some, isn’t that right Maddy baby.” The little girl giggles pulling at her mother's pants nodding, smiling I slowly make my way to them saying, “Well I have an apple and lemon meringue, your choice or both. Seeing as if I keep too many at home my friend Avery will never leave my house.” They both giggle again at this and I can't help but chuckle as well, nodding Emily smiles saying, “My name is Emily and this little monkey is Madalyn it is nice to meet you uhm..” smiling back I say, “My name is Valerie Dolci it is lovely to meet you both as well.” Blushing Emily smiles saying, “OH where are my manners please come it.” nodding I follow her and little Madalyn into their kitchen and I smile seeing all the homey and comforting decorations as well as smells letting me know this is a loving home and a well-lived in one at that. Setting the pies down, I stand near the table as Emily helps Madalyn into a highchair before putting a bib on her. looking over at me she smiles saying, “Have a seat please make yourself at home, and usually, I wouldn’t let this little one have sweets before dinner but I think she deserves a treat after being so good today. Huh, monkey.” Little Madalyn giggles and I sit down asking, “Well little one are you ready for some yummy pie?” she giggles blushing and hiding into her mother, smiling just watch as Emily goes about grabbing everything we need to eat this yummy pie. Thinking to myself I gasp lightly, before hearing, “Is something wrong?” I chuckled shaking my head before waving for her to come closer, whispering into her ear I say, “Well I brought over pies but forgot the home-made ice-cream to go with.” She steps back giggling before saying, “That is alright maybe next, but let us enjoy this shall we. Ok Maddy baby which do you want apple or lemon?” the little girl chews on her lower lip, looking so adorable in thought before she claps saying, “Apple mommy, apple.” I and Emily both giggled at how cute she is before she serves up three plates of apple pie and puts the rest as well as the lemon meringue into the fridge. Setting down we all enjoy our pie and get to know her so much more now which makes my heartbeat for the first time in centuries. Smiling at her I ask, “Emily I have a question for you, and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” She smiles and nods at me saying,” Ok spill.” Chuckling I blush before asking, “This Is quite forward and another reason why I brought you pies over, I uhm. It seems I have a crush on you, from the first day I saw you and little Maddy when I moved here. So I was wondering, would go on a date with me?” she blushing profusely now and little Maddy is giggling in her highchair, I blush looking at her and she smiles asking in slightly broken words, “You ask mommy out like a boy would.” Chuckling I nod saying, “Yes little one I did.” She claps her hands giggling, I look back at Emily who is still blushing, and smile saying, “like I said you don’t have to answer.” She gulps before looking directly into my eyes saying, “I would love to go on a date with you.” Smiling I sigh gripping my dress before saying, “I am so glad you said yes, uhm would you like to come over Friday night to have dinner? Little Maddy here can come as well.” She blushes and nods saying, “I’d love to and thank you for that, I don’t have anyone to watch her.” nodding I smile over at Maddy asking, “Well little one you mommy said yes to the date and you are coming to. Do you have any dinner requests?” hearing giggling I look over at Emily raising my eyebrow asking, “What? She must lead our taste buds that way she doesn’t get upset at my cooking.” Giggling both Emily and Maddy look at me before little Maddy says,” Mac and cheese!” chuckling I nod saying, “As you wish little one and how about you Emily any requests?” she smiles shaking her head saying, “Surprise me.” Nodding I stand up saying, “Well beauties I must get back home to finish up some work and I will see you two Friday.” Giggle Emily stands up thanking me for the pies and I smile getting close to her, I reach out taking her hand and kissing her cheek saying, “My pleasure and it gave me the chance to finally ask you out.” She giggles and blushes once I step back holding her cheek, I wink at Maddy kissing her cheek as well, and giggles saying, “Bye-bye.” Nodding I wave and walk back home with the most amazing feeling in my stomach and the will to live on longer, Smiling I say to myself, “Always a pie to get the chance to ask a beautiful woman out.” I am looking forward to our date and cannot wait to see how she reacts to me being a vampire, this story of mine will continue.

October 25, 2020 02:57

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