
*Nainika’s Note* Well, I don't know what this is. I tried a perspective I have never tried before, and I am not sure how well it worked, so let me know what you think! 

The bear yawned and stretched, her mouth gaping wide to show her long canines. A long-honed instinct had woken her up for the first nudge of spring, and she had awoken to the sweet smell of flowers pushing through the frozen earth. All through the winter, the bear had slept on, her metabolism ticking over just enough to keep her alive. Periodically she rose in a sleepy trance to turn and adjust her body position before being tugged back into slumber. The fat reserves of the fall depleted, and her belly swelled up. 

She had given birth to three cubs, all the same honey brown color as her, with threads of silver and gold weaving through their soft fur. Two perfect daughters and one sweet son. They had slept, tucked into her warm belly fur for the remainder of the winter, weaning when necessary. They were now awakening, their small muzzles gaping in big yawns. 

As the days warmed, as their sunny reach grows longer, the ice queen's heart melted and her sister-spring was welcomed by the greenest entourage. Springtime came as music to the soul, as a lullaby to rock winter into her seasonal bed-chamber. Winter laid down her icy bouquet for the long sleep as spring waved in a sea of vivid blooms.

Hibernation had protected the bear through the worst of the winter chill, and it was time she ventured out of her home for the past six months to seek out food. The months had changed the view outside her den tremendously. Upon the forest floor lay the trees of yesteryear, fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons had been harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers yet rendering them all the more beautiful. 

Though the winter was cherished, by the moment adored, from the sun-brightened icy-puddle to the fresh white-page snow, the first day of the spring was upon the platform, ticket punched. And so to the keen eye, to the one who cared to see, there were new buds upon old trees, there were new blooms born to a warming Earth. 

It took a braveness to show the newly sprung green when all around was icy cold, yet upon this first day of spring, that was what the bulbs must do if their brightness was to light up the season. When the whispers of the wintertime had become too faint to hear, when the lullaby of the springtime echoed in sun-warmed ears, we had arrived at the first day of springtime.

The pines reached toward the golden rays of spring. Birdsong came in lulls and bursts, the silence and the singing working together as well as any improvised melody. The bear and her three cubs wandered upon the sunlit clearing, seeking the sweet fragrance of apples, pears, and plums. Upon the forest floor so woven with ancient tree roots came a light filtered by the bouquet of foliage above: softened, verdant, and freshly aromatic. 

The bear sauntered along the pathway, curious in her relaxed way. She brought the consciousness of the forest with her, the intelligence nature has. Her cubs tumbled alongside her, their eyes taking in their new world. In the early light of the day, the bear’s fur was the color of seasoned acorns, and her eyes were both black and bright.

They wandered among the warming forest, scenting all sorts of woodland creatures running about. Amid the long green ears of the grasses were those of a rabbit family, partaking of their morning meal. 

Deer picked their way through the woodland as if ancient spirits whispered the way directly to their souls. Nubs on the buck’s head told of antlers to come and grow as if in poetic salute to the trees. Birds in flight give their colors to the sky and, yet leave it as a fresh canvas, every part of the onwards moment. 

The forest animals had their shy way, yet the tree bark told tales of bears hunting for grubs. In the gay canopy of foliage was the song of so many birds, a medley of diversity, the feathered souls of creation's song. On the earth are the prints of their feet, a story told in the mud of their gentle ambling days. 

The bear knew the way to the blackberry bushes that would grow ripe as the coming months washed over them. She led her cubs to the brook that shimmered through the trees. After days of rain-washed streets, the brooks chatter in the hills, mini-rivers creating mini-gorges without a concept of scale. 

Around them, the greenery drank, leaves became boats, and their sound upon the rocks sang with steady confidence. It was the percussion to the chorus of the birds. The thirsty family plunged their muzzles into the crisp, clean water and drink. 

From there, they went to the blackberry clearing and plucked the ripe succulent berries off the branch. Muzzles dripping in juice, they lay there, satiated. The bear was a model of patience with her cubs as they played. They tumbled over her as if she were a playground. They enjoyed both the warmth of the sunlight and their mother. Blooms grew in newly fragranced air, the sweet petals that fluttered reflected by the honeyed-sweetness within.

And this is how they passed the day, in blissful serenity, with the sound of water and birds. Far away from the clocks that ticked and the cars that scurried. The foliage of the vines came as if it were nature's pen, ready to unfold into the light of day. The bear knew that the year would be a good one. The scent of the flowers blooming on the vines and the succulent berries ripening on their branches invited the warm feelings of a year that would grow her cubs into the strong bears they gained their genes from. 

And if anyone came between her and her cubs? Well, then they’d get what they deserved. And so, the bear closed her eyes and laid her head down on the soft green grass, content to let the sun warm her pelt, and her cubs to play around her. 

March 23, 2021 13:25

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20:23 Mar 23, 2021

60 submissions?? Already??? Annnnnd ofc you’ve published stories for all five prompts by TUESDAY. I shouldn’t even be shocked at this point XDDDD The descriptions were beautiful and almost poetic. They shined in this story. And you shouldn’t be surprised when I say that I absolutely love this style. It fits you :) The Minor Errors Police didn’t have to stop by your house 👏🏾 I loved this story a lot! Great job!!! :DDD


Nainika Gupta
23:05 Mar 23, 2021

Ahaha lol yep! Teehee that’s Nainika speed #insanenainika Awww thanks so much Annabelle! *fistpump* yooooo hehehe


23:09 Mar 23, 2021

XDDD Np! :))) Blxxii just posted a very important message/petition so would you mind checking it out?


Nainika Gupta
23:12 Mar 23, 2021

Yep I checked it out from ame’s Page


23:13 Mar 23, 2021

Thx. That message needs to be heard.


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16:10 Mar 25, 2021

Hey, Nainika. The Reedsycast is out :)


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Ann Tillinghast
01:39 Mar 26, 2021

I enjoyed your story ☺️ You're very descriptive and talented. If you don't mind, please read mine and like it if you want.


Nainika Gupta
13:26 Mar 26, 2021

Aw thanks! Of course I will!


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Jasey Lovegood
20:46 Mar 23, 2021

Hey Nainika! Congrats on your 60th submission, u talented writer. The perspective coming from a bear was unique, and I think the description was amazing :D


Nainika Gupta
23:06 Mar 23, 2021

Aww thanks Jasey! Really appreciate it :)


Jasey Lovegood
00:47 Mar 24, 2021

No problem, it was very enjoyable to read! :D


Nainika Gupta
00:51 Mar 24, 2021

Awww ya making me blush XD


Jasey Lovegood
02:35 Mar 24, 2021

Ahahah it's the truth tho <3


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Kristin Neubauer
11:43 Mar 28, 2021

AWWWWWW - it totally worked! I can’t remember reading anything by you yet that hasn’t worked. I loved this forest tour with with sweet mama bear and her cubs. I also, as always, live your willingness to take risks with a story format that departs from traditional. I love these slice of life stories. Bravo! (Btw, if I manage to finish the story for next week, I’m pretty sure it will be a horse story - I’ll let you know,)


Nainika Gupta
12:34 Mar 28, 2021

Awww thanks Kristin! Really appreciate it :) ahhh I can’t wait!!


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18:09 Mar 23, 2021

Idk if I guessed your emoji puzzle already, but is it Pocahontas??? Lol the actual feedback is coming soon, dw :)


Nainika Gupta
20:07 Mar 23, 2021

Lol yeah!


20:08 Mar 23, 2021



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Palak Shah
11:48 Mar 28, 2021

Congrats on your 60th submission Nainika. I really want to read more stories from you and you are an amazing writing. Well done !!! Could you please check out my latest story. I hope that we could be friends. Have a good day ~Palak Shah


Nainika Gupta
12:34 Mar 28, 2021

Aw thanks Palak! Really appreciate that! Sure I’ll check it out :)


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Sunny 🌼
16:52 Mar 26, 2021

CONGRATS ON SIXTY STORIES NAINIKA! That takes dedication! Onto the story. There was something so calm and surreal about it. The language was playful and colorful, it felt like something out of a storybook. It reminded me a lot of "The Secret Garden" (one of my favorite books of all time) because of how you focused on nature. I enjoyed it a lot!


Nainika Gupta
19:28 Mar 26, 2021

Thanks Sarah! Really appreciate it :)


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Katie May
15:29 Mar 26, 2021

Hey!! This is such a wonderful story! I love the details, and everything! Keep up the amazing work! *HUGGIES*


Nainika Gupta
16:13 Mar 26, 2021

Thanks katelyn!


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R. B. Leyland
09:38 Mar 26, 2021

Perfectly written yet again! Loved the part about comparing the sky to a canvas. Interesting perspective too, couldn't have been easy to write. Well done!


Nainika Gupta
13:26 Mar 26, 2021

Aww thanks Ben! Yep, it was a tad difficult but I think it worked nicely!


R. B. Leyland
13:39 Mar 26, 2021

It definitely did :D


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Keya M.
23:01 Mar 25, 2021

#StopDownvotingNow Share this with 10 friends!


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#StopDownvotingNow Share this to ten friends :D


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Meera Lakshmi
17:32 Mar 24, 2021

Hey. There has been a big issue with downvoting. Have you gotten downvoted? I am just trying to see who has been affected.


Nainika Gupta
18:12 Mar 24, 2021

Yeah I got downvoted almost 300 points :(((


Meera Lakshmi
18:13 Mar 24, 2021

Did you see Aerin?


Nainika Gupta
18:13 Mar 24, 2021

Yeah that’s really annoying


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Zelda C. Thorne
13:23 Mar 24, 2021

Hi Nainika, I thought this was beautifully written. I enjoyed your descriptions and the bear cubs tumbling about was adorable. Well done!


Nainika Gupta
15:07 Mar 24, 2021

Hey Rachel! Thanks so much! I really appreciate that:)


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Philia S
08:29 Apr 05, 2021

I instantly clicked when I saw The Jungle Book reference! Aaaaand, I wasn't disappointed. Great story!(as always!- sorry I usually don't comment on stories, so you probably haven't seen me before) PS- Would you mind checking out my stories? and giving feedback?


Nainika Gupta
12:47 Apr 05, 2021

Aw thanks! Really appreciate it :)


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10:40 Apr 02, 2021

At the airport, a stranger offers your character money to carry a mysterious package onto the plane. The stranger assures your character that it's nothing illegal and points out that it has already been through the security check. Your character has serious doubts, but needs the money, and therefore agrees.


Nainika Gupta
12:56 Apr 02, 2021

?? Cool idea!


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Charlie Murphy
23:24 Mar 29, 2021

Great story! I like the title. Jungle Book, LOL! I'm not sure, but I think you wrote in third person omniscient.


Nainika Gupta
00:37 Mar 30, 2021

Thanks so much! Lol yep :)


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Jay DMer
18:09 Mar 29, 2021

⛵🪶❤️ 👱🏻🦝 Pocahontas


Nainika Gupta
18:33 Mar 29, 2021



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Sia S
16:29 Mar 29, 2021

luke left. saph too


Nainika Gupta
18:34 Mar 29, 2021



Sia S
18:45 Mar 29, 2021



Nainika Gupta
18:48 Mar 29, 2021

&#(%&#% *sigh* well, then


Sia S
01:29 Mar 30, 2021



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Sunny 🌼
16:16 Mar 27, 2021

OH WAIT- Is the emoji puzzle Pocahontas?


Nainika Gupta
17:06 Mar 27, 2021



Sunny 🌼
17:07 Mar 27, 2021



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Meera Lakshmi
23:08 Mar 25, 2021

#StopDownvotingNow Share this with 10 friends!


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