Funny Fiction

"Wow! I met him at last," Hint said.

"Who have you met?" Clue asked.

"I know you are the son of Bobel prize winner—Bracket," Hint said.

"Yeah, I am his son and what is a Bobel prize?" Clue asked. He was a fairly well built man with sparkling blue eyes and curly brown hair.

"Then I'm honoured to meet you. You don't know what a Bobel prize is?" Hint asked. He was a fat, dark eyed man with a round face and blond hair.

"That is what I asked you now," Clue said.

"Hey, guys. The Bobel prize winner, Bracket's son doesn't know what a Bobel prize is?" Hint announced.

"What a humble person!" the crowd gathered in the small street shouted. Then a small car stopped before Hint and Clue.

"All aboard," the driver said.

Clue struggled not to get in but the crowd pushed him inside. Hint also got into the car.

"It's an honour to have you in my car," the driver said. The driver was a plump man with an oval face, dressed in white.

"Please let me down," Clue requested.

"Hint and I will show you around the city and make you understand about this small city," the driver said.

"Why should I know about this city? I am not gonna live here," Clue said.

But, Hint and the driver didn't acknowledge him.

"Our town is known by the name Thing. This is a stunning city and has an amazing sunset and sunrise. The sun rises in the west and sets in the north," Hint said.

"What a stupid name kept to a city," Clue thought.

"The sun rises in the east and sets in the west," Clue corrected Hint.

Clue had arrived in this city to meet his mother after many years. He went to pursue his education abroad and had returned as a doctor. 

"Whatever you say is right, my lord," Hint said.

"Why was this town named Thing?" Clue asked.

"Whoever gets the Bobel prize names the city and this was the name kept by your father," Hint explained.

The driver was watching Clue intently. So, he missed the road. He crashed onto a tree and the car's front part became like a jack in the box.

"Hey, you. What are you driving? You could have killed us," Clue said, rubbing away at his bruises.

"Yes, I was driving the car. When I saw you, I was charmed and wanted to watch you as long I could. We may walk from here to see the amazing monuments," the driver said, still watching Clue intently.

"Don't keep watching me. Like the car crash, you may crash onto a tree. Okay, let's walk," Clue said, mockingly.

"Wow! I have got scoldings from a scholar. This is the luckiest day in my life," the driver exclaimed with happiness.

Clue didn't know where to bang his head against. He became distressed as he was travelling with two fools.

The car driver's phone started vibrating. He attended the call and said, "Hey, Physics. I have met the great Bobel prize winner's son."

And Physics replied something and hung the call.

"Why did you name your son, Physics?" Clue asked.

"Then I would become the father of Physics," the car driver said. This annoyed Clue a lot. 

Then, Hint pointed at a building which looked like a cheese block and said, "the name of that amazing monument is Butter."

"Wow! Whoever kept the name should be the greatest fool in the world,“ Clue exclaimed.

"Then that fool is your father," Hint said. At least, Clue was not born in such a foolish city and he felt happy about it.

"Mr. Car driver, you are so fat. What activity do you do everyday?" Clue asked with concern.

"I play tennis, cricket and carrom board daily," the driver said.

"How many hours do you play?" Clue asked.

"Until the battery in my mobile phone runs out," the driver replied.

Clue just rubbed his head in confusion.

"What's a Bobel prize?" Clue asked.

"It's the highest honour given to anyone in this city. It's given for great achievers in this city and your father had done a great achievement," Hint explained.

Then a huge crowd gathered in front of Clue.

"Wow! See the Bobel prize winner's son," everyone shouted in unison.

"Another bunch of fools," Clue thought.

"All of them in this crowd follow your father's path," Hint said.

Clue didn't even know about his father's path. He had not even talked to them for many years.

"You should only open our shopping mall," the crowd yelled.

"Okay," Clue sighed. He certainly had no choice.

He was lifted up by the huge crowd and dropped in front of a huge building. 

Clue slowly walked near the entrance of the shopping complex.

Instead of a scissors or a knife, he was given a huge stick of wood.

"Break the door, break the door," the crowd chanted.

"But, why?" Clue asked. He saw a man with a small key in his hand and with sheer guessing knew that it was the key of the door.

"It is our tradition to break the door before entering the building," Hint whispered.

"Such destructive thoughts," Clue thought. He snatched the key from the man and opened the door.

"Ooooooh," the crowd went.

When he went into the shopping mall, Clue was shocked.

There was nothing on all those floors. No stalls and no goods. It was completely empty except a large statue of his father. He became completely clueless.

All the people in the crowd looked in awe at the empty building.

"What is this, Hint? There is nothing in this shopping mall, but all the people are watching it in awe," Clue asked Hint.

"This is the most wonderful building ever built in this city. It has completely nothing," Hint exclaimed happily.

Now, Clue had serious doubts about his father.

"What did my father achieve to get a Bobel prize?" Clue asked.

"It was the biggest achievement in the city," Hint said.

"What did he do?" Clue asked, hurriedly. 

The driver slowly pronounced,"he did nothing."

September 04, 2020 16:48

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Tejas Chandna
18:38 Sep 09, 2020

What a story! Humour at its peak! Perfect timing! Great Job! Can you read my story "Freedom to fire the flies"?


Keerththan 😀
00:44 Sep 10, 2020



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Tejas Chandna
18:38 Sep 09, 2020

What a story! Humour at its peak! Perfect timing! Great Job! Can you read my story "Freedom to fire the flies"?


Keerththan 😀
00:45 Sep 10, 2020



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Tejas Chandna
18:38 Sep 09, 2020

What a story! Humour at its peak! Perfect timing! Great Job! Can you read my story "Freedom to fire the flies"?


Keerththan 😀
00:45 Sep 10, 2020



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Mustang Patty
13:14 Sep 09, 2020

Hi there, Your story reads so well - it is difficult to think about you as a 'young writer.' Your width and breadth of vocabulary are astonishing. I've read some of your other stories, so my usual writing advice has already been given, but I do hope you continue to write, take suggestions from others and go on to be a very successful writer, ~MP~


Keerththan 😀
13:17 Sep 09, 2020

Hi Yeah, I am a young writer. I am glad you don't think me as young. I will keep writing and will take suggestions from every author here. KEERTHTHAN


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Jane Andrews
09:55 Sep 06, 2020

Hi Keerththan. You asked me to read your story and comment. Firstly, I think you’ve done really well creating an absurd tale (and I’m pleased you enjoyed my own absurd story, ‘Ellie’s in Wonderland’). I think you have the balance right by not explaining everything but leaving some ridiculous aspects as they are for your readers to draw their own conclusions. (For example, the part with the door just has Clue being told to break the door down, then seeing the key and using that instead and the people gasping in awe - that’s so much more effe...


Keerththan 😀
10:36 Sep 06, 2020

Thank you for coming to read my story. I am glad you liked my story. I will not make the same mistake next time. Thank you for commenting. Will take a look at that story. Thank you for reading.


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11:49 Sep 23, 2020

Great story Keerththan! I'm sorry people are downvoting you; I'll gladly do some upvoting! Very funny story and great plot!


Keerththan 😀
12:32 Sep 23, 2020

Thank you! Why should you be sorry?😂😂 Thank you very much. I will do the same for you. Thank you!


14:51 Sep 23, 2020

Thank you as well!


Keerththan 😀
15:05 Sep 23, 2020

Enjoy the upvotes!


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Keerththan 😀
15:26 Sep 23, 2020

Owly comes to top 100!


16:56 Sep 23, 2020

Thank you!! I'm almost done upvoting you as well!


Keerththan 😀
16:57 Sep 23, 2020

Welcome! I owe you a lot💖


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Keerththan 😀
02:28 Sep 24, 2020

I have posted a new story! Mind reading it?


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Thom With An H
12:54 Sep 09, 2020

You are growing as a writer. Your stories are gaining a flow to them and your dialogue is much improved. You have always had a talent for great ideas and I can see how you are finding new and creative ways to share them. You might want to vary the descriptions a little and use less straight forward words. Rotund rather than fat as an example. Keep in mind these are just suggestions on how to get even better but you are already doing great. Keep up the good work.


Keerththan 😀
13:15 Sep 09, 2020

Yeah, I should work a little more on my descriptions and I am learning. Thank you for reading.


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Jasper Hutchings
21:19 Sep 08, 2020

It's a really funny story! I found the style interesting, as it was mainly dialogue which is different from my own style. But I really enjoyed it.


Keerththan 😀
02:08 Sep 09, 2020

I am glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading.(would you mind liking my story?)


Jasper Hutchings
03:21 Sep 10, 2020

Of course, I'll like it.


Keerththan 😀
03:29 Sep 10, 2020



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Salony Shakya
12:29 Sep 08, 2020

The idea behind it is amazing. Though while having conversations, try using different annotations rather than just saying the sentence out loud. Such as "What's a Bobel prize?" Clue asked. "It's the highest honour given to anyone in this city becomes "Well, it's the highest honour given to anyone in this city." And so on... This makes the sentences more engaging and conversation more believable. Keep on writing!


Keerththan 😀
12:36 Sep 08, 2020

I will follow what you said in my next. You have got a point and this helped me to improve. Thank you for reading.


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07:22 Sep 08, 2020

This was a really amusing story. Good job


Keerththan 😀
07:29 Sep 08, 2020

Thank you for reading.


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Zion Hintay
20:19 Sep 07, 2020

Hahaha, oh my god I love your sense of humour. This was such an easy read for me. I love your use of naming Hint, Clue, Physics, Thing were all hilarious. Ah passage I really enjoyed was: "I play tennis, cricket and carrom board daily," the driver said. "How many hours do you play?" Clue asked. "Until the battery in my mobile phone runs out," the driver replied. When they crashed into the tree, they were so nonchalant. I loved this. Ending was very meaningful too.


Keerththan 😀
00:35 Sep 08, 2020

I am glad you love my sense of humour. I am glad you loved my story. Thank you for reading. (Would you mind liking my story?)


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Keerththan 😀
04:36 Sep 08, 2020

Thank you for reading.


Zion Hintay
12:42 Sep 09, 2020

You're welcome.


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19:07 Sep 07, 2020

Hey, Keerththan! This story made me laugh out loud. Though the way Clue thought about the city was just a tad bit rude, it was still hilarious. The fact that everyone in the city of "Thing" thought that doing nothing was the greatest achievement was awesome. I, quite honestly, don't have any ideas of how you could make this story any better! Also, I want a part two! Keep writing and stay healthy, Brooke D.


Keerththan 😀
00:33 Sep 08, 2020

I am glad you laughed out loud and liked the idea of nothing. When the prompt is appropriate, I will make a part 2. Keep writing and Stay healthy, Brooke. KEERTHTHAN.


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Indra Hatpins
17:55 Sep 07, 2020

Namaste, KPM! Imaginative piece you've got here. Allow me to give a suggestion: use less of the character's name when writing prose. The repetition of Clue, Hint works against the enjoyable story. You'll have to experiment with different writing styles to see how you can get around constantly naming the characters. Hope you find this constructive. Cheers! P.S. please do check out my piece. It is sci-fi and based on your bio, I think you'll like it.


Keerththan 😀
00:31 Sep 08, 2020

Namaste, Indira. Definitely. I accept your suggestion. I will do that in my next story. I found it very constructive. :) Sure, I'd love to! Thank you for reading.


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Carille Durbin
16:35 Sep 07, 2020

This story made me smile. It reminds me of the airplane movies or 33 1/3.


Keerththan 😀
16:52 Sep 07, 2020

I am glad I made you smile. Thank you for reading.


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Amogh Kasat
07:53 Sep 07, 2020

It's a wonderful story! Please read my latest story


Keerththan 😀
05:51 Sep 08, 2020

Thank you Amogh! Read and commented :)


Amogh Kasat
05:57 Sep 08, 2020



Keerththan 😀
05:58 Sep 08, 2020



Amogh Kasat
05:59 Sep 08, 2020

my pleasure


Keerththan 😀
05:59 Sep 08, 2020

Keep writing.


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Keerththan 😀
18:23 Sep 28, 2020

Hey Amogh MI lost in the super over.😱😭😭 Ishan Kishan 99 Pollard wonderful innings


Amogh Kasat
15:19 Sep 29, 2020

Yes that’s MI’s bad


Keerththan 😀
15:40 Sep 29, 2020

Yeah. It was a really wonderful and interesting match.


Amogh Kasat
03:53 Oct 02, 2020



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Daryl Gravesande
04:57 Sep 07, 2020

WOAHHHH, this was REALLY good man. Keep on writing!


Keerththan 😀
04:58 Sep 07, 2020

Thank you.


Daryl Gravesande
04:58 Sep 07, 2020



Keerththan 😀
04:59 Sep 07, 2020

Glad to hear that.


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The Cold Ice
17:19 Sep 04, 2020

Hilarious story.Great job👍keep it up.Keep writing.I enjoyed the story. Congratulations for getting to leaderboard.


Keerththan 😀
17:20 Sep 04, 2020

Thank you for reading.


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Ansly Corerven
22:11 Sep 21, 2020

Hi keerththan you know how in your bio you said I am lower I was in 9th to 10th I thing you should change it cause you are in 8th congratulations I know it’s not 1st place but...


Keerththan 😀
03:19 Sep 22, 2020

Hi Ansly Yeah. I forgot to change it. Thanks.


Ansly Corerven
16:31 Sep 22, 2020

No prob


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18:21 Sep 20, 2020

Hey, keerththanwould be kind to watch the first video it's on Harry potter. https://youtu.be/KxfnREWgN14 Sorry for asking your time, I would ready your story


Keerththan 😀
03:52 Sep 21, 2020

Hey Prathamesh Watched it. No problem.


17:06 Sep 21, 2020

Thanks to you


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Cal Carson
23:29 Sep 19, 2020

Great story Keerththan. I loved the pacing and storyline. Keep it up! I'm going on a liking spree to help stop the person downvoting people. Hope I can make Reedsy a better place. Anyone who's able to join me, please do!


Keerththan 😀
04:05 Sep 20, 2020

I am glad you loved the pacing and storyline. Thank you so much! Nice initiative by you!


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