A Classy Notion Incepted

Submitted into Contest #64 in response to: Write about someone who’s been sent to boarding school.... view prompt


Contemporary Creative Nonfiction

I have gone through her first monthly progress report card that is too elaborate, covering all the possible aspects, indicating a huge overall progress, in her. In the very first month, in the boarding school of her choice, she is rated as one of the 10 best students, by the assessment team. Our only daughter Ava, who has just crossed her 12, is away from home for the last one month and is staying at one of the best boarding schools of India. Every day, we both the parents speak to her to get an idea on how happy she is, wherever she is. But, yesterday night, after reading her progress report, I made a video call to specifically congratulate her for her ability to get good rating, in the monthly assessment, done by the personality assessment team. She is too happy, at her boarding school, as is able to experience the positive vibe all the time, inside the campus and is also getting all the personal care, the school Principal promised for, at the time of completing her admission. She actually deserves all those, she is getting now that she used to miss at her own house. It means, she was already at her stature, but the bud of her personality could not blossom and could have been falling-off without blooming that could be catastrophic.

Our decision to put her in a top Boarding School was actually the need of the hour. While planning to welcome a baby to the family, we the parents, actually need to prepare the overall well-adjusted strategy for the child; but, the bitter truth is that majority of us miserably miss.

When we were children and kids, we grew up in open grounds and air, playing, jumping, rolling, shouting, along with so many friends; used to climb at the mango trees in open areas, used to make informal picnic party daily, with our friends, with the collected fruits and toffees. We used to run in the open fields fearlessly, playing run & catch. There were greenery on all the sides. We used to run after the colorful butterflies and grasshoppers and also used to make fun chasing chirping birds; yet, used to read books with full concentration, at our study time.

Gone are the days of our golden childhood. Our children are now confined in the congested flats, with so many restrictions. House-School Bus-School-House - This is the usual routine. So many home works, after-school tuitions, video streams and games, TV Shows, coding, digital contests; and we, the parents, are busy all the time with the laptops and smart phones. All the balconies of the house are full of items, leaving no space to play. The Society campus has lots of restrictions in playing outdoor games. The conventional & routine engagements are not able to suffice the needs of the children. Children are insides their houses waiting for some open air, for some freedoms, for some hide & seek and for some funs.

The environment of the house and the surrounding had made Ava disobeying and intolerant. We, both the parents, are too busy in our office works, with no spare time for her. Her friends are also not free, as all are busy in their home-works and tuitions, with no spare time to play. We do not know who the next neighbor to us is, at our own tower. At night, she would not be able to sleep, whenever she should, as we both the parents would be working with our laptops, till late-night, every night.

Our daughter is a creative girl, with big dreams. But, was badly in need of an exclusive environment for nurturing her dreams. She has so many skills that other girls may lag behind; but, as parents, we were not able to provide the environment, at the house, she deserved to get, for her growth.

One and half months back, when the number of official complaints on her behaviors, from her local school crossed 10, I got alerted. I had to have a series of exclusive meetings with her, not as a parent, but as a true friend. And, when she felt at ease to open up, I could realize, how careless we both the parents were, to handle her growing needs as per her life’s plan; but, I could discover a level of maturity in terms of her life’s plan and the environments she needed to let her prepare steadily for the desired life, she use to dream about. We thought that she was a small girl; but, she was not. Without our knowledge, she grew up internally, enormously.

It was too difficult to make my wife Priya understand on the topmost need of providing our daughter the environment, she needs, to stop her getting crumbled, out of desperation. It took so much time to make Priya understand that we both failed, as parents, to give our only daughter, whatever she actually needed. It was indispensable for us to let her start living at a place where she would be taken care of, for her balanced growth.

We both the parents decided to put her at one of the best boarding schools of the Country. I applied for leave, in my Organization, mentioning the actual reason. The application got granted, without any delay, as usually I hardly take leave on medical or casual ground.  We both went to the top ranked twenty boarding schools, taking Ava with us. Finally, we got the school about which our daughter developed her best first impression and where we both believed, she would get the best care, she needed - physical, mental and spiritual. What appealed us the most was the philosophy of the Management of the School to provide full freedom to the students with complete care and constant vigil. Even after understanding that the Fee would be too high, we decided to put her in the School, after getting confirmation from the Principal that she would get the timely balanced food throughout the day; would compulsorily do morning fitness exercises, under the guidance of a lady fitness trainer; would attend regular stress free practical oriented classes as per the Curriculum, along with regular communication and etiquette sessions, evening sports and exclusive time with her hobby works and motivational Sessions.

The moment of our departure, from our only daughter, was the most emotional one. We both the parents wept, but she didn’t. In that matter, she proved herself to be more matured than her parents. “I will not let you down, papa. Thank you so much, for putting me in such a beautiful place.” Ava was happy, even at the time of getting departed. She kept on waving both her hands, till the time, our car departed far way, from the school.


While witnessing a flock of parrots flying along the sky, my mind is preparing to welcome the spring of joy, emanating from the grand feeling that we have done some fairness for our blooming daughter.  

October 21, 2020 04:49

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Rayhan Hidayat
15:00 Oct 21, 2020

Hey Khagesh, awesome story! 😙 Here’s the things that I liked: > The well-worded imagery > The poetic essence of the last paragraph > The arc of the parents realizing their daughter’s wants and needs Here’s the things that could be improved: > Grammar/punctuation placement > (As Charles said) Lack of a tangible scene, as most of it is just summary > Absence of dialogue. This isn’t always a bad thing, but dialogue is an efficient way to establish motives and relationships between characters. Verdict: A beautifully-written explor...


Khagesh Mahanta
15:26 Oct 21, 2020

Hi Rayhan, Thank you so much, for such a lovely feedback!


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Julian Race
08:46 Oct 23, 2020

Hi Khagesh, Thanks for liking my story The Great Escape II. Regards Julian


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Raymond Kelly
15:43 Oct 21, 2020

I love this story! The parents' difficult arc of realizing their personal failure at raising a child is explored very well. The child, however, comes off as rather one note. I feel like perhaps there could have been dialogue between the parents and the child to help the reader be more connected to the child and also to the sacrifice the parents are making to send the child off. You could also better explore the reluctance of the wife to give the child up. The concept, however, is clean-cut and explored effectively. The grammar leaves ...


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Charles Stucker
12:24 Oct 21, 2020

If you want to work on making your English more American, tell me. It is understandable, but you may want a wider audience. Since this is told from the POV of an Indian parent, having it accented is desirable. The story needs work. you tell us all bout sending a daughter to boarding school- why you did it and how you chose a school and what her first assessment indicated. But we don't have a scene, so we, the readers, cannot become immersed in the situation. Make a brief list of what you want to be sure and include. Then write a scene w...


Khagesh Mahanta
13:51 Oct 21, 2020

Hi Charles, Nice to have your long feedback on my story. Thanks. However, this one is a real story and I presented the same, plain way. One latest prompt of Reedsy was matching to the subject of the story; so, I submitted. It would be great, if I could get your feedback on my previous stories, too.


Charles Stucker
14:56 Oct 21, 2020

I'm getting bust right now, so it might take a while. Tag me with a comment sometime next week and I'll look then.


Khagesh Mahanta
15:27 Oct 21, 2020

It's OK, Charles. Thanks.


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