My story is entitled why the tortoise has a shell on its back that remains a secret yet to be told.

Submitted into Contest #100 in response to: Write a story that involves a secret or magic ingredient.... view prompt


Adventure Creative Nonfiction Mystery

My story is entitled why the tortoise has a shell on its back that remains a secret yet to be told.

Once upon a time, when animals could still talk more like humans, there was a famine in the land. The famine was so bad that there was absolutely no food to eat in the animal kingdom due to this most animals experienced starvation. Many of the animals also suffered and experience death one after the other. The Tortoise would not go down without a fight, he often than not fought with other animals. Also, the tortoise was noted as the most cunning of all the animals and was determined to find some food for himself and his entire family.

One day in the morning, the Tortoise observed that the birds in the kingdom were not starving like everyone else. The birds by then looked fresh and their feathers were not drying up as the day goes on. Tortoise made it his business to find out what their secret was and what was their magic ingredient.

Also the Tortoise being as cunning and clever as ever as compared to other animals, he went straightforward to the other birds to ask them what their secret was. Of course, the other birds, they were reluctant to tell him! After assuring them that he could help them to get even more food if they told him their secret, the birds conceded. The birds explained to him that the people of the Sky were responsible for the meat on their bones. Then Tortoise promised to help them get even more food, and with his cunning mind, he developed a plan to help them.

Tortoise then told the birds that if they helped him to get to the Sky, he would be their spokesperson at all times. All the birds, and indeed all the animals of the kingdom, knew that Tortoise was an amazing orator; so, they agreed to help him. After the discussion, they hatched a plan. Almost each bird contributed a few feathers to Tortoise until he had enough feathers to make wings that would allow him to fly to the sky. As it was noted by then that the sky is always the limit.

On the day that the birds and Tortoise agreed to go to the Sky, Tortoise put on his plumage and was finally able to fly easily up to the sky. When they all got to the Sky, they were given a grand welcome by the Grand master of the sky.

As their spokesperson, Tortoise introduced himself and spoke on behalf of the birds since they helped him and taught him how to fly. Since he had the most unique and colourful plumage, the Sky people immediately thought that Tortoise was their chief by then. When they served the food to their guests, they also served Tortoise first, as a result. Most of the birds were not pleased with that issue that they became annoyed and got angry most of the times.

However, Tortoise had another trick up his sleeves by then. He told the birds that at grand occasions such as these, each animal would take up an alternative name to himself. After the birds chose their names, Tortoise chose the name “All of you” as his name. When the hosts brought more food for their guests to eat and enjoy life, Tortoise made a point of asking who the food was for by then. “Well, the food is for all of you,” the Hosts said and answered. With a smirk, Tortoise turned to the other birds and stated entirely that since the food was for “All of you” and his chosen name was “All of you,” the food was for him alone because he thought the Host meant the food was for him alone as his name suggests “All of you.’’ The poor birds then watched angrily as Tortoise ate almost everything!

When it was time to go, the birds were so angry that they each took their feathers from Tortoise.So tortoise was left miserable and could not fly down to earth easily , he easily thought and asked for help but he was denied help from most of the other birds.

He was now unable to fly back home. Sensing danger, Tortoise begged the birds to send a message to his wife to bring out all the soft things from his house so that when he jumps from the Sky, he would be okay and will not break his shell. All but one of them refused. The eagle one of the birds and the angriest of all the birds, agreed to give the message to Tortoise’s wife.

The eagle flew back to Tortoise’s house and told his wife that Tortoise requested that she should bring out all the hard things from his house. Of course, she began to do just that as it was requested by his husband. She brought out the mortar, the plates, the wooden tables, all the hard things you can think of or imagine. With his limited vision, Tortoise couldn’t see what was being brought out so he assumed that the eagle had given the right message to his wife.

When Tortoise then jumped from the Sky, he got the surprise of his life. He then landed on the hardest and sharpest objects and his shell broke into many pieces in his own house.Tortoise experienced injury that was the crack of his shell at his back. This is why Tortoise has broken shell at his back and it remains a secret. With the help of his wife, tortoise was able to pick them up and glue them back together to his back.. Unfortunately, his previously smooth shell was never smooth again at all there rather cracked into pieces and they put together by the help of glue on to his body, this indicates why tortoise has a crack shell on its back.

The process of putting the pieces together was less than perfect and his shell became very rough and well again.

This is the reason why the tortoise has a cracked shell and it remains a secret.

July 01, 2021 20:25

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