Fantasy Bedtime Adventure

“He came! He came!” yelled Alice.

Steve smiled as he walked into their living room that was awash in Christmas and saw Alice already pulling the first present out of her stocking.

Steve said, “Wait for the rest of us sweet girl.”

Alice rolled her bright blue eyes and said, “Come on guys! You got presents too.”

“We’re coming,” said Annika as she shuffled, sleepily into the living room. “You know we’re not as fast as you.”

After Annika settled next to Steve on the couch their large frames making it look more like a love seat, Alice said, “Where’s Grandma?”

“I’m sure she’s coming,” said Annika. “But you can go ahead and open your stockings.”

Alice didn’t need to be told twice. As wrapping paper and presents flew everywhere, Steve wrapped his arm around Annika and gave her a kiss on her cheek.

Then, Alice said, “Woh!” as she pulled a black unicorn stuffed animal out of her stocking. But, it wasn’t like any normal stuffed animal the black was so deep that light seemed to be sucked into it. Its white horn seemed to be radiating some type of light, and it had two large gossamer wings.

“I thought your mom already got her a unicorn stuffy,” whispered Annika.

“She did,” said Steve.

“I guess my mom had the same idea, but I wonder why she didn’t wrap it? And, why would she go with black? Alice doesn’t like black,” asked Annika.

“I don’t know,” said Steve with a far-off look.

For some reason, Alice loved the unicorn more than any other present. She named it Bella, and everywhere she went Bella went to. And, not only did Bella go with her she also had to take part. When they ate breakfast, Bella had to have some too. When they went to church, Bella came too. When Alice had her Bella, yes, Bella had to take a bath. And when Bella went to bed, Bella had to go to bed too.

After Steve lay Alice’s butterfly blanket over her shoulders, she said softly, “Mousey Mouse story?” as she snuggled up against Bella.

“Of course, my sweet girl,” said Steve, and he lay down next to her and began.

“Once upon a time in a country far, far away, their lived a sweet princess named Mousey Mouse Alice who lived in a giant yellow castle with her mommy and daddy who were the Queen and King of their small kingdom that was encircled by massive snowcapped mountains.

On this day, snow didn’t just cover the tops of the mountains. It covered everything because it was Christmas. Mousey Mouse Alice had of course been a sweet and good princess all year, so she received all of the presents that she asked for from Santa Clause and had a wonderful day playing with all of her toys.

However, after eating the Christmas dinner, her daddy, the King, came up to her and said that he had to go.

‘Why,” she asked. And, her daddy explained that not everyone was lucky enough to have all of the presents that she received and that as part of daddy’s kingly duties he had to go out and make sure all of his people were safe and also had a great Christmas.

Alice asked if she could come to, but daddy just smiled and said, ‘It’s too cold for you to go outside. Plus, you still have more toys to play with, and anyways, I will be back before you know it.’

She said, ‘Ok,’ and her daddy gave her a great big hug and kiss and then went out to help his people. Bella spent the rest of the day playing with her toys. Then, she fell asleep and slept all the way to the greenlight, and when she woke up, her daddy was back. And, they played the rest of the day…The end.’

Then, Steve said, “Good night sweet girl” and gave her a hug.

“Night, Daddy,” said Alice, and after what seemed longer than normal, Steve pulled away, gave her a kiss, and said, “See you soon raccoon.”

Alice smiled and said, “See you later crocodile.”

As Steve was walking out the door, he turned back and said, “Good night princess,” and Alice said, “Good night, queen.”

After everyone had fallen asleep, Steve slipped silently out of bed and tip toed to his door. When he opened it, he came face to face with Alice’s unicorn only now it was alive!

However, Steve was not surprised and without skipping a beat whispered harshly, “What are you going here?”

“I’m sorry, Sire,” said the Unicorn softly. “But your people need you. The dragons have returned, and worst of all…your brother…”

“Is dead.”

The Unicorn nodded secretly upset with himself that he still could not say the words himself.

Steve looked away as memories of his sweet little brother flashed through his mind. Then, he heard Alice call out timidly, “Daddy,” and quickly pushed past the unicorn and ran towards Alice.

He picked her up and said, “It’s ok sweet girl. You’re just having a dream.”

“No, I’m not,” said Alice.

“Yes, you are.”

Then, Annika let out a loud scream from their bedroom. Steve spun around and caught eyes with the Unicorn who said, “I’m so sorry, Sólvíkingr.”

Steve shoved past the unicorn again as Annika shouted, “Steve! Steve!” and said, “quiet down. You’re going to wake up your mother.”

“Quiet down,” said Annika. “I’m not going to quiet down until you tell my where there is a horse in our house.”

“It’s not a horse,” said Steve as he sat down on their bed with Alice next to Annika. “It’s a Unicorn, and his name is Myrkur.”

“What?” said Annika.

“MEER-kur,” said Steve. “And you can come in already.”

Myrkur squeezed inside as gracefully as he could. Then, he bowed at Annika and said, “My lady.”

“What the—” started Annika, but Steve quickly interrupted her and said, “I’m not really from Dayton. I am a prince of a far-off land and my people need me.”

Seeing the look on Annika’s face, Steve quickly continued. “I know it’s not going to make sense now, but I’ll explain it all when I get back.”

“Get back?”

“Yes, as I said. My people need me.”

“They need you now?”

Steve looked at Myrkur who said, “Yes, the dragons have already breached our outer defenses.”

“They have! Why didn’t you come for me sooner?”

“We, I thought they would hold.”

Steve said, “Ok, I have to go.” Then, he kissed Alice on the head and said, “I love you,” and went to kiss Annika. But, she said, “You’re not leaving without me.”

“It’s not safe,” said Steve.

“You know our deal. We do everything together.”

“Not this.”

“And, you’re going to need me.”

“I need you to look after Alice.”

“My mother can do that, and come on Steve. I know you. You’re a sweet guy. You want even ask for a refund when you are over charged at a restaurant. How are you going to defeat whatever these dragons are.”

“It’s not the same.”

“Yeah right.”

“Sire,” said Myrkur. “Time is short.”

“Fine,” said Steve.

“I don’t want to stay with Grandma,” pouted Alice.

“Fine! You can come too.”

Steve gave Alice to Annika, and they climbed onto Myrkur with Steve sitting on the back.

“How are we getting there?” asked Annika.

“Just hold on tight,” said Steve. Then, a shining light appeared in front of them that grew and grew until a shining circle of light big enough for them to fit threw formed and Myrkur jumped through.

Immediately, they appeared high in a bright blue sky. Alice gaped at the enormous snow covered mountains that surrounded them. Then, she pointed down at the massive yellow castle in the middle of the valley that was being attacked by a swarm of real fire breathing dragons and yelled, “Look!”

Steve yelled, “Myr! Keep them safe!” and jumped off.

Annika yelled, “Steve,” but as soon as the words left her mouth, Steve exploded in a ball of bright white light.

As Steve raced towards the dragons firing bolts of light, Annika gasped, “What is he?”

“Sólvíkingr Endurfæddr, which I think in your language translates to the sun warrior reborn.”

“What does that mean?”

“It means he is our only hope against the dragons.”

Then, an enormous black dragon easily as big as four to five buses stacked end to end pulled away from the castle and with a roar surged towards Steve, but Steve didn’t slow down.

The dragon let forth a mighty blast of fire that consumed Steve and for a moment, Annika thought he was gone. But then, he shot out the back of the dragon, and the dragon started to fall limply out of the sky.

Then, a horn sounded from back near the foot of the mountains, and the remaining dragons started to retreat.

Myrkur said, “Hold tight.”

“Why?” asked Annika.

“I must get you all to the castle.”

“Why can’t you just take us back home?”

“I can’t. Only he has the power to open the portals.”

“Then, how were you able to get to us?”

“He left a portal here that was tide to his location in your world in case we ever needed him, but we have spoken enough. We must get going before they see us.”

As they raced towards the yellow castle, with Annika leaning forward pressing Alice tight against Myrkur’s strong neck another horn sounded and an absolute giant of a man stepped to the top of a small clear hill encased head to foot in shiny black armor carrying a massive shield in front of a massive army of black armored soldies.  

“Who is that?” asked Annika.

“The dragons greatest warrior, Ragnarus. He is been leading all of their advances. None of us have stood a chance against him.”

Steve lands in the hill about twenty yards from Ragnarus who even with that much of a distant between them loomed above him.

Steve said in the dragon’s language, “Take your army and leave before I kill you.”

Ragnarus laughed and said, “I’d like to see you try.”

Steve launched a bolt of his light, but it just reflected off Ragnarus armor. Ragnarus laughed again. Then, he pulled out his sword and with a mighty yell charged forward.

Steve easily dodged away from Ragnarus rumbling charge. But, Ragnarus started to swing his mighty sword, and Steve dipped and docked and dodge to avoid it. It was like a bear trying to swat at a fly, but just as a bear has a hard time hitting a fly, Steve’s light blast and punches and kicks had no effect on Ragnarus.

“Why doesn’t he just fly away?” asked Annika.

“He won’t until you are safe,” said Myrkur. “But we are almost to the castle.”

Moments later, they landed in the castle’s courtyard and were surrounded by soldiers speaking a language that Annika didn’t understand. Myrkur quickly spoke to them in that language and the soldier’s bowed.

“I have to see what is happening to Steve,” said Annika.

Myrkur quickly barked a few words and a soldier stepped forward. “He will take you to the battlements. I must rest, but don’t worry. I’m sure he will be flying back any moment.”

Annika slid off of Myrkur still carrying Alice and ran towards the soldier he quickly led them through a door, up a dark staircase to the top of the wall. Just as they reached the edge of the battlements, Steve failed to dodge a blow from Ragnarus’s shield.

Alice yelled, “Daddy!” as Steve crumpled to the ground.

Ragnarus slammed one of his mighty feet on top of Steve and laughed.

The pressure was so intense Steve could not breath or think he could feel his bones starting to break, but then by some miracle and it could have just been his imagination, but Steve heard Alice calling his name and something snapped inside him.

A wave of power exploded out of him in a dark blue fireball melting the armor off Ragnarus’s foot as it knocked his foot off of him. Then, Steve shot up into his gut knocking Ragnarus’s sword and shield out of his hands and started to lift him into the air.

Ragnarus tried pounded on him, but Steve did not stop as they flew higher and higher and higher until with one might roar Steve flung him back towards the ground.

Steve hovered in the air consumed in a flickering blue flame and watched Ragnarus slam into the ground, which such force the ground shook.

Then, another horn sounded, and the dragon horde began to retreat.

The blue flame flicked out around Steve leaving him just covered in a thin pale light as he started to fly towards the castle.

Then, Annika watched in wonder as a different white unicorn shot out from somewhere on the castle and raced towards Steve.

Once Steve had climbed onto the back of the Unicorn, Annika raced back towards the stairs and was able to emerge back into the courtyard just as Steve landed.

Annika sprinted forward as Myrkur helped Steve off the Unicorn, and the soldiers gathered in the courtyard cheered. Upon seeing her, Steve smiled and fell forward wrapping his arms around Annika and Alice. Steve was so tired he could barely support himself and Annika nearly buckled under his weight. But, Myrkur quickly wrapped a wing around them to help hold them up. Then, Annika said softly, “I can’t believe what you are.”

“I’m no different than who I always was.”

“Yes, you are. You’re a prince and some sun warrior.”

Steve straightened up and said, “I was always a prince.”

“Yeah, but I didn’t know that.”

“A title doesn’t change who someone is.”

Annika gave him a skeptical look, and Alice asked, “Daddy, if you are a prince, does that make me a princess?”

Steve smiled and said, “It sure does, sweet girl.”

“And because you saved the day, do you think there will be a party?”

“I know there will.”

“With cake?”

Steve laughed and said, “Yes, I think we can get someone to make a cake, but first I need to rest a bit, saving the day is exhausting.”

“Ok, Daddy. You rest. I will handle setting up the party.”

“Thanks,” said Steve as him and Annika exchanged a knowing look.

And, they all lived happily ever after.

The End. 

December 20, 2024 02:28

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Shalom Audu
09:15 Feb 17, 2025

Hello Gregg! I have a great delight reading your write-up. That's an amazing storyline; obviously, you've got fire in your fingers. I love paying attention to great works like this, however, because of my busy schedule in helping authors achieve their dreams, I'm usually faced with lots of responsibilities most of the time. Permit me to ask, are you a published writer on Amazon?


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Graham Kinross
20:59 Dec 23, 2024

Nice work crafting a secret hero story like Harry turning out to be a wizard and the like. The family element of it also reminds me of the Narnia stories.


Gregg Punger
19:02 Dec 24, 2024

Thanks so much!


Graham Kinross
19:31 Dec 24, 2024

You’re welcome Gregg.


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