Fantasy Adventure

This story is most unusual; it starts with two birds one is Blue Jay Jane and the other is Robin Ruby. Now these birds are like no other birds they are seed farmers and they have a problem.

"What kind of seeds should we plant this season Ruby?" asked Jane. "Hmm lets do Sunflowers this year." 

"But what about those nasty crow brothers Crip and Crop surely they will try to steal their favorite seeds from us." Jane was right that the crow brother's would come but Ruby was determined to grow sunflower seeds that year.

"Then how about we plant them and if the crow brother's do come we'll ask for help from White owl Jack." Ruby said stubbornly. White owl Jack was the strongest, smartest and most powerful Owl there was but he lived on top of the cold mountain where not many went. If you happen to make it to his tree then he will help you but there are many challenges on the way.

"OK fine, but instead let's get his help first so they don't come at all."

"It's a deal." Ruby decided. They packed their things for the long and hard trip to come. Later that evening they got all the Sunflower seeds planted and got Jane's sister's to watch over and water the seed's every day that they were gone. The next morning they embarked on their journey. They started by flying up about a third of the tall mountain so they could cover as much ground as possible the first day. when they were both exhausted from flapping their wings they started walking. They walked for a few more minutes before they heard a growl they looked around and there hidden in the brush was something with two glowing green eyes.

"Frost snake! Watch out for its tail, it's lightning fast!" Both Jane and Ruby burst into the air, but the snake was fast; it flew into action it's fangs inches away from Ruby when SMASH! A walnut hit the snake so hard it was momentarily stunned.

"Take That you awful beast." An icy Squirrel was the one who threw the walnut and was now wrestling with the snake. He dodged and punched at one point he rode the snake and made it run into a tree after that the snake hissed as if to say "that was my dinnerss" and slithered away.

"Tha Thank you." Jane managed.

"Don't mention it, those snake's never play fair so i won't play fair either." He spat in the direction the snake had gone "By the way my name is Lou I protect the non natives on the mountain, by the way why are two unprepared birds traveling on the mountain any way."

"We are going to Winter owl Jack to ask for help." expressed Ruby.

"Yea we need him to help protect our farm from the crow brother's."

"Say no more I will accompany you on your journey but I can take you to the outskirts of his property no more he does not allow natives on it." The three walked on in silence for what seemed like hours. The two birds were cold and tired and hungry. Suddenly Lou stopped and said "It is time to make camp for the night. I will make a fire and get some food. You two should set up your tent." silently they set up their tents Lou came back with a bundle of wood, nuts and berries. In minutes he had a raging fire and the sweet smell of roasted nuts and cooked berries filled the two birds' beaks. It smelled delicious and they couldn't wait to eat. When dinner was served they ate famished by their long day. After dinner Jane and Ruby went to bed but Lou stayed up and kept watch. It wasn't pleasant sleep but it was just fine to replenish their strength. In the morning they fluttered out of bed so they could help make breakfast. But Lou already had them all ate and then Lou asked what kind of farm they had.

"Oh it's wonderful, it's a seed farm so we sell seed's this year we are doing Sunflower seeds." Grrrrr!

"What's that noise?!" squeaked Jane.

 "Freezing wolf's they eat any kind of meat and have bacteria on their teeth that can kill you in about an hour."

"How do you get away from them?"

"Don't move and let me handle this." He picked up one of the sticks that where aflame and wove it around. The wolf's charged, Lou dodged and hit them, burning them. there were about 15 but he was better. Soon they were retreating except for three Lou had caught them and was haltering them with some vine he had found.

"Do you want to walk all the way or ride?"

"Ride!!!" they both said in unison. Now that they were tiding they went much faster; they were in the forest of Frost Giants in no time.

"Let's go. The wolves can't go in here so we'll have to walk but be careful this forest didn't get it's because it sounded cool." They all walked in. Not more then five minutes had passed before they herd something crash 

"what was that?" Jane whispered

"That was a Frost giant and they are not anywhere near friendly." They all walked in total silence for the rest of the way until they were out of the forest. They made it to the outskirts of Winter owl Jack's property and Lou said 

"This is where I must leave you. It has been a pleasure helping you on your way."  

"Good bye Lou it was nice meeting you." Ruby was in tears.

"Yea maybe we could see you later." Jane said barely holding tear's of her own back." they walked past the wood gate that marked Jack's property and there on the other side of a frozen lake they could see the huge dark oak tree that was his house. They both took a deep breath and started walking about half way across the lake. They heard Lou say something but they couldn't understand it so they kept walking. Suddenly the ice started to crack. Electric Winter Eels sprang out Jane and Ruby shot into the air barely missing the eel's.

"Quick fly to the tree!" screamed Ruby, they both flapped as hard as they could. Exhausted they lay down on the ground beside the huge tree. THEY HAD MADE IT. They walked to the knocker on the door and fell to the ground. On the door was a sign off to meet my new baby niece be back on June 5#. They had climbed the mountain for no reason whatsoever. They flew over the lake very slowly when they made it back to the property line Lou had a fire going.

"What happened I saw you fly the rest of the way, I saw you knock but you did not go in."

"He's gone till summer." Jane burst out in tear's "We can't grow our Sunflowers!"

"Why not I think my friends could help also." Jane stopped crying. Why hadn't she thought of that.

"Of course! That would be wonderful, oh will you?"

"Of course I will but the others might want some seed's when they're done growing."

"Sure we'll give them some, let's get back quickly so we can take care of the Sunflowers." Now filled with energy the two birds were on their feet and ready to go. The three walked through the forest and then split up Jane and Ruby going to the farm, Lou to get his friends. By the time Jane and Ruby were back at the farm the Sunflowers were already sprouts. That evening they saw at least 50 squirrels that looked like Lou walking towards them. When Ruby saw them she said

"I better get cooking." they both laughed. That night they all ate dinner outside. Lou, they found out was the leader of the squirrels, and told them that each squirrel required 15 seed's at the end of the harvest. Ruby and Jane agreed. In one month time the seeds were ready the crow brothers hadn't bothered them at all Jane and Ruby thanked all the squirrels and gave them each a bag of 16 seeds. Lou promised to come and visit and said if they ever planted Sunflowers again to call for him.

October 13, 2020 20:39

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Sapphire 🌼
19:25 Nov 19, 2020

hahaha It's funny how Lo is your first comment. Anyways, great story, keep going! (Also you and Lo are so cute) - Sapphire


Lauren :)
17:12 Jan 12, 2021

SAPH! grrr...


Sapphire 🌼
17:37 Jan 12, 2021



Lauren :)
17:45 Jan 12, 2021

u evil


Sapphire 🌼
17:45 Jan 12, 2021

yesh i am


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Lauren :)
20:45 Oct 13, 2020

I like this story so much! It's very good for a first story! Keep writing! ~Lauren Kline


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